Economic analysis
Recent papers in Economic analysis
Combustion of coal for production of electricity in the United States often requires the removal of SO 2 produced in the flue gas in order to meet clean air regulations. Some scrubbing technologies lead to the production of large amounts... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
Part I of this paper contained a technological description and economic evaluation of a large-scale highend CDW recycling plant in the Lisbon Metropolitan area. It concludes that economic viability is likely under the operating conditions... more
To investigate if repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) was as effective as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in treating major depressive episodes and to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis. A single-blind pragmatic... more
Took!the standard guided plant tour which _s offered routinely to the i;ubllc
The burden of NCDs in Kenya is rising rapidly, and now accounts for more than 50 percent of all hospital admissions, and nearly 30 percent of total deaths. Cancer is the second leading cause of NCD mortality in Kenya, with the incidence... more
Among the specialized analysis tools, spreadsheet applications are the most accessible. In addition, techniques and tools for organizing, processing and presentation of basic data, such as strengthening multiple lists, filtering, running... more
Crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae) is the most important disease of oats in Brazil. In susceptible oat cultivars, fungicides are needed to control the disease efficiently. However, spray at low volumes may reduce fungicide... more
In the European FP6 research project CACHET palladium-based hydrogen membrane reactors for pre-combustion CO2 capture from natural gas combined cycles are being developed. In the project both the electroless plating method used by DICP... more
Integration/co-firing with existing fossil fuel plants could give near term highly efficient and low cost power production from biomass. This paper presents a techno-economical analysis on options for integrating biomass thermal... more
Public services are provided by government and have been traditionally supply-oriented. Changing citizen expectations put pressure on government agencies and public sector organizations to be accountable for efficiency and effectiveness.... more
Background: Sepsis has a high prevalence within intensive care units, with Abstract elevated rates of morbidity and mortality, and high costs. Data on sepsis costs are scarce in the literature, and in developing countries such as Brazil... more
Abstract: This contribution seeks to identify the short and long-term economic and cultural effects of file sharing on music, films and games, while taking into account the legal context and policy developments. The short-term... more
Religious life is studied by way suggested by the rational choice theory and the religious capital theory. The basic contentions of the theory on the nature of religious life having to do with an exchange upon a religious market, by firms... more
SWOT -это аббревиатурное обозначение сильных сторон (Strengths), слабых сторон (Weaknesses), благоприятных возможностей (Opportunities), факторов угрозы (Threats). Сила и слабость предприятия должны оцениваться в контексте его... more
... Correspondence: Prof. Dr M. Kaleem Abbasi, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Department of Agronomy and Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir-Pakistan. Tel: + 92 (0) 58710 42688. Fax: + 92 (0) 58710... more
The objective of this study was to conduct an experimental analysis to investigate the performance and energy saving of the wellknown desiccant airconditioning system in Thailand. The system was composed of a silica gel bed, a split type... more
Sistemas de información geográfica: Algunas aplicaciones en planificación y gestión urbana ROBERTO A. FIGUEROA Instituto de Geografía Pontifi cia Universidad Católi ca de Chile RESUMEN En un contexto de cont inuo crec imiento urbano en el... more
This paper provides an economic analysis of underground gun markets drawing on interviews with gang members, gun dealers, professional thieves, prostitutes, police, public school security guards and teens in the city of Chicago,... more
A two-year experiment was conducted at the Kentland Agricultural Research Farm (KARF), VA, to evaluate potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production of 32-to 57-mm-size-range tubers (referred to hereafter as creamers) in a... more
Geographic Information (GI) is becoming more important everyday at all levels of society. GI has a central role in supporting economies, improving business effectiveness in the private sector, enabling more efficient governments, and... more
neal dialysis Peritoneal dialysis (PD) as a modality is underutilized in most parts of the world today despite several advantages including the possibility of it being offered in the remotest of locations and being significantly more... more
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In this study, performance experiments and economic analysis of a horizontal ground source heat pump (GSHP) system have been performed. The horizontal GSHP system connected to a test room, Elazıg (38.41°N, 39.14°E), Turkey, was designed... more
This article presents the cost-effectiveness results of a randomised controlled trial conducted in two Australian cities. The trial was designed to assess the safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness of buprenorphine versus methadone in... more
Since the maturing of the wind farm industry, attention has been focused on the use of wind turbines for electricity production in remote areas. Generally, remote villages are driven by diesel generators. However,... more
The Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission Crush District 11 was created by referendum during the summer of 1991. The commission conducts extensive on-farm research trials and demonstration projects in cooperation with the University of... more
This startlingly original (and sure to be controversial) account of the evolution of Christianity shows that the economics of religion has little to do with counting the money in the collection basket and much to do with understanding the... more
Cost-effectiveness analysis provides important information about the economic ef®ciency of health-related programs that can help health care decision makers choose between competing alternatives. Ethical concerns (such as equity and other... more
The overjustification effect demonstrates that payment for an activity can have negative after-effects on performance. The implications of this effect for work motivation theory are discussed and it is argued that the overjustifLzation... more
When shock therapy is politically infeasible, will gradualism work? This paper takes up this question by: (i) building a political economy model in which it makes sense; (ii) stating the relevant political economy constraint rigorously;... more
Health care economic analyses are becoming increasingly important in the evaluation of health care interventions, including many within ophthalmology. Encompassed with the realm of health care economic studies are cost-benefit analysis,... more
This paper explores the relationship between social capital and crop diversity. The study is conducted in an area of Ethiopia where inter-specific diversity is significant and that diversity includes crops that are of important in terms... more
Much careful work and thought are needed from the time an ore is discovered until a marketable product is produced Most often, incomplete or imprecise information on the deposit must be used to decide to continue or not with the... more
Resumo -O aumento populacional, acompanhado da intensificação das atividades sócioeconômicas, tem tornado a distribuição de água, em quantidade e qualidade adequada, um dos grandes desafios para as companhias de saneamento. Constantemente... more
A comprehensive assessment of the impacts of climate change on agro-ecosystems over this century is developed, up to 2080 and at a global level, albeit with significant regional detail. To this end an integrated ecological-economic... more
Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o uso de um inversor de freqüência de 25 cv na irrigação, considerando-se diferentes demandas de água como manejo. A avaliação consistiu de uma análise de custos e benefícios, ambos anuais. O custo... more