Education in Emergencies
Recent papers in Education in Emergencies
Education Above All (EAA) Session on 5 Nov. 2014 - WISE 2014 Conference in Doha, Qatar
Teachers in contexts of mass displacement respond to unique needs of learners, and observe and experience situations that require responses beyond teaching and learning activities. In addition to the lack of resources and poor... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerabilities and inequalities of national education systems and hindered the education of millions of children globally. In response, the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Centre, which is a... more
A partir de entrevistas semi-estructuradas a rectores y docentes ganadores del Premio Compartir al Maestro en Colombia, estos lineamientos ofrecen herramientas que tanto rectores como profesores experimentados y en formación puedan... more
The teacher professional development program in this case study helps teachers recognize and talk about their context. It gives them skills to be conflict-sensitive and gain a better understanding of the challenges related to... more
The signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005 marked the end of Africa’s longest civil war between the government of Sudan and Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement. A few years prior to the signing of the CPA, the SPLA... more
Im vorliegenden Essay geben wir Einblicke, wie mit dem Thema Bildung und Erziehung im Ausnahmezustand in unterschiedlichen Kontexten des globalen Südens, etwa in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, in Kenya oder in Myanmar umgegangen wird... more
Through qualitative research in the Democratic Republic of Congo, this article explores the deployment of internally displaced teachers. Rather than understanding deployment as a technical matter, the article uses a " real governance "... more
Power point shared at the Expert Meeting on recognizing NFE learning outcomes in emergencies (UNESCO Office in Beirut, 27-29 Jan. 2016)
Assessing the educational needs of a community in an emergency situation is fraught with many difficulties. A review of literature was conducted to identify key aspects which allow them to be conducted effectively. Due to the rapid nature... more
Prioritising children’s education in a fragile context, like South Sudan which has been devastated by many years of conflict, is extremely important. Indicatively, from a Rights-based perspective, children’s right to education is... more
Course Description: This seminar introduces students to the interdisciplinary field of peace education from both theoretical and applied/practical perspectives. The course content and processes will explore a range of conceptual,... more
Societies place great responsibility upon their education systems to promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and social and cultural norms. Yet, the form and substance are highly contested: which types of knowledge and skills, whose... more
EiE: How can Comparative and International Research contribute more effectively to the development and implementation of policy and practice in the field of Education in Emergencies in conflict-affected communities?
In this article, we conduct an integrative and rigorous review of theory and research on education in emergencies programs and interventions as international agencies implement them in areas of armed conflict. We ask several questions.... more
Türkiye’de bulunan 3 milyon 570 bin Suriyeli mültecinin yaklaşık üçte biri okul çağındadır. Fakat Suriyeli çocukların sadece %58’si hâlihazırda herhangi bir okula gidebilmektedir. Eğitimlerine devam eden Suriyeli çocukların %16’sı geçici... more
The involvement of the private sector in providing education for Syrian refugees has much to commend it but greater consideration needs to be paid to the ethical and practical concerns that may arise. Full issue of FMR focused on "Syrians... more
In August 2016, the world’s attention was arrested by the image of Omran Daqneesh — a five-year-old boy pulled out of the rubble of his home in Aleppo. Covered in dust and blood, the dazed little boy looks straight at the camera before... more
POUR LA LISTE DES CO-AUTEURS VEUILLEZ VOIR LE RAPPORT SVP Ce rapport présente les statistiques descriptives et l’analyse préliminaire réalisées suite à la première phase de collecte de données quantitatives et qualitatives dans le cadre... more
This is a short article that evaluates WaterAid's Menstrual Hygiene Matters - designed to document practical experience of promoting menstrual
hygiene and its impacts.
hygiene and its impacts.
Le Centre d’Enseignement des Soins d’Urgence est historiquement “l’école des SAMU“ (Services d’Aide Médicale Urgente). Le CESU contribue à la formation initiale et continue des professionnels de santé face à l'urgence. Grâce aux nouvelles... more
COVID19- exposes the weak infrastructure of the education
systems in the three countries: A severe setback of access and
quality of teaching and learning for most vulnerable children
systems in the three countries: A severe setback of access and
quality of teaching and learning for most vulnerable children
After more than seven years of conflict, Syrian higher education continues to function. This observation defies expectations that higher education suffers more than other educational levels during conflict and contradicts media depictions... more
This publication looks at practitioner experiences of providing education in situations of risk. Editorial: Inclusive education for a changing world Global context Every year, communities across the world face situations of risk,... more
In February 2011, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) finalized a new strategy for its work in education around the world. Of its three key goals, the third goal focuses on "access to education in crisis and... more
Education in emergencies is an emerging field in the provision of humanitarian assistance. Education was incorporated into the United Nations cluster system in 2010. Emergency education’s origins are based in international law including:... more
Recognizing the lack of knowledge about how to improve data systems for education in emergencies (EiE), we examine in this article how EiE professionals use data and what makes data “useful” to them. Drawing from 48 semistructured... more
This book examines the circumstances under which aid can contribute to the management and transformation of intra-state conflicts. How and when do insurgents govern? How does the presence of aid and social services influence how... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has destabilised higher education systems globally, nationally and locally. At present, while long-term ramifications of this emergency are unclear, early and ongoing responses have sought to avert COVID-induced... more
Final Draft of the Desk Study: "Education in Protracted Conflict: Mali". Report commissioned by Plan International Ireland (15 May 2019)
This article explains how Nepali Hindu women " s oppressive position was created in the past and how they are still struggling for their full liberation – mukti. It also reflects that Hindu women " s long journey towards freedom and... more
The Joint Education in Emergencies and Child Protection in Emergencies Rapid Need assessment was conducted in Cox's Bazar, between 4th to 6th December 2017. The purpose of the JRNA is to identify the education and child protection... more
Suriye'de iç çatışmalarla başlayan ve sonrasında savaşa dönüşen kriz, kitlesel bir göçe yol açmıştır. Sığınmacılara kucak açan bölge ülkeleri arasında Türkiye ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Resmi verilere göre, Türkiye'deki Suriyeli sığınmacı... more
Over half of the 75 million children who are out of school worldwide are in conflict-affected states, and millions more are living in situations affected by natural disasters. Education is a fundamental human right and a catalyst for... more
This article analyzes how central features of focused ethnography produce knowledge on teaching and learning history in conflict zones. In particular, it argues how five specific challenges of research in conflict zones are addressed... more
This article contributes a conceptual analysis of the power and influence of for- profit philanthropy on educational development during pandemic times. Through highlighting for-profit philanthropy, describing its relevance to educational... more