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Si le siècle des Lumières est celui d’une codification et d’une comparaison des langues, d’une attention toute particulière portée à leur formation, leur mécanique et leur système, il est également celui de débats sur les écritures «... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsEighteenth-Century literatureLiteratureUtopian Studies
A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title In this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the Mediterranean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were informed by mutual dependence... more
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      Cultural HistoryPrint CultureArt HistoryTravel Writing
Настоящата статия прави опит да потърси различни от досегаш- ните тълкувания на ролята на личността и творчеството на печално известния маркиз Дьо Сад. Темата е актуална, защото творчеството на Дьо Сад е важно и за съвремието ни. Неговото... more
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      French RevolutionIntellectual History of EnlightenmentEighteenth-Century French StudiesFrench Revolution and Napoleon
Les neuf articles de ce numéro spécial de la Revue du nord sont conscacrés aux territoires septentrionaux pendant les Révolutions de France et de Brabant, avec des prolongements jusqu’au triomphe ambiguë de la contre-révolution en... more
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      French RevolutionEighteenth-Century French Studies18th & 19th CenturiesFrench Revolution and Napoleon
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      French LiteratureWomen's HistoryEighteenth-Century literatureFrench Revolution
Whereas the activities of the painter pensionnaires at the French Academy in Rome around 1760— such as Jean Honoré Fragonard (1732–1806) and Hubert Robert (1733–1808)—are well known, those of the architects remain at least partly in the... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureEighteenth Century History
Autour de 1800, une partie de la critique prend pour cible un groupe de jeunes gens issus de l'atelier de David dont Maurice Quay et Hilaire Périé. Définis non pas par leur production artistique mais bien par leur comportement en... more
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      Critical TheoryArt HistoryNineteenth-century ArtEighteenth-Century French Studies
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      Travel WritingEighteenth-Century French StudiesTravel LiteratureLitterature de Voyages
ABSTRACT in English (résumé en français plus bas): "Artillery and the art of the 'petite guerre': a long progression" In 1744, for the first time in France, some pieces of artillery are associated to a unit of light troops from its... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)ArtilleryFrench History
One of the paradoxes of Robespierre’s Republic of Virtue is that the author from whom he so largely borrowed did not really consider himself virtuous. Virtue may mean purity of heart and motive in one’s daily actions, but as Jean-Jacques... more
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      PsychoanalysisFrench LiteratureEighteenth-Century literatureJacques Lacan
Choderlos de Laclos’ novel, Les liaisons dangereuses, entices readers to transgress a boundary by offering confidential letters exchanged between libertines and their victims to a reading public. Even within the universe of the novel,... more
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      Eighteenth-Century French StudiesPrivacy and data protectionConfidentiality
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century French StudiesHistory of Art18th Century French Painting
Section on the play by Marivaux cut from an article on Lyotard's "Discours, figure".
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      Eighteenth-Century French StudiesJean-François LyotardEighteenth-Century TheatreTheatre and Politics
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über more
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      EnlightenmentColonialismIndian Ocean HistoryIntellectual History of Enlightenment
Avec la mise en place progressive d’un véritable marché électoral et d’une professionnalisation de l’activité politique, la Troisième République consacre le succès ou l’échec à l’élection comme le moment déterminant du cursus politique.... more
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      Political SociologyHistorical SociologyPolitical HistoryLiterature and Politics
This essay reappraises the origins of French Quakerism based on new archival research conducted on both sides of the Channel. It identifies 34 Quaker missionaries in 17th- and early 18C France, sheds new light on the French reception of... more
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      TransnationalismFrench RevolutionTransatlantic relationsEighteenth Century History
While earlier studies have focused predominantly on artist François Boucher’s artistic style and identity, this book presents the first full-length interdisciplinary study of Boucher’s prolific collection of around 13,500 objects... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of Natural HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century French Studies
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      French LiteratureEighteenth-Century literatureEighteenth Century HistoryEnlightenment
Il y a quarante ans, peu après son entrée à l'Elysée, le Président Mitterrand demande à son garde des Sceaux, ministre de la Justice, Robert Badinter, de préparer un projet de loi abolissant la peine de mort. Présenté à l'Assemblée... more
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      Criminal JusticeNineteenth Century StudiesFrench RevolutionEighteenth Century History
Entries on the paintings of François Boucher including Le Déjeuner 1739 (Paris, Muséé du Louvre), La Toilette 1742 (Madrid, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza), and Lady on a on Day Bed 1743 (New York, Frick Collection)
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    • Eighteenth-Century French Studies
Ingénieur de la Marine et « architecte par goût », Jean-Nicolas Trouille est une figure étonnante à plus d’un titre. Fils d’un cordonnier versaillais, il obtient un poste de dessinateur au port de Brest en 1776 et se voit confier... more
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      Civil EngineeringArt HistoryArchitectureEighteenth Century History
This essay reveals the affinity between Bernardin de Saint-Pierre's novel Paul et Virginie (1788) and Le Sueur's version of the opera (1794) by reading them in light of the eighteenth-century French interest in natural history.... more
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      Art HistoryEighteenth-Century literatureOperaNatural History
Si le XVIIIe siècle passe pour une oasis colorée, sa littérature reflète peu cette polychromie, contrairement à celle du XIXe siècle. Ce décalage entre imaginaire littéraire et culture matérielle est le point de départ de cet ouvrage qui... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureEnlightenmentEighteenth-Century French Studies
This study examines a little-known case of Enlightenment knowledge transmission centred on the rock-cut monument of Darius I at Bīsotūn in western Iran. It discusses a report on the monument published by the cartographer and historian... more
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      HistoryNear Eastern ArchaeologyOttoman HistoryIranian Archaeology
Masonic rituals drew upon subject matter and narratives similar to those found in neoclassical tragedy, and managed bodies and spaces in discernibly theatrical ways. But it is the fusion of pathetic, tearful sentiment to bonds that... more
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      French LiteratureTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryEnlightenment
A division in scholarship on Rousseau’s Second Discourse turns on the issue of division itself. Some see Rousseau’s natural man collapsing the division between man and beast through suggesting that our origins might be in orangutans,... more
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      History of ScienceEighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century French StudiesRousseau
Needling: Embroidery and Satire in the Hands of Charles-Germain de Saint-Aubin This essay explore themes of social satire and self-parody in Les Talens du jour, one of the many drawings in the Livre de caricatures by the Saint Aubin... more
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      Gender StudiesEmbroideryEighteenth-Century French StudiesWomen and Gender Studies
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      French RevolutionEighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century French StudiesHistory of Political Thought
Comment s’affranchir des contraintes qui pèsent sur la création théâtrale et quelles sont les conséquences d’un tel affranchissement ? Les travaux réunis dans ce volume sont autant de réponses à ces questions. Dans une perspective... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesEighteenth-Century French Studies
Im Supplément au voyage de Bougainville setzt sich Diderot am Beispiel Tahitis mit Fragen der Macht, der Sexualität und der Kolonialherrschaft auseinander. Der Text gilt als Paradebeispiel für die exotistische Verklärung eines fremden... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century French StudiesFranceDiderot, Denis
This paper analyses the remaining fragments of young Alexis de Tocqueville's cahiers de voyage in Sicily (1827). Unlike his travel notes in the U.S. (1831-32), the Sicilian diaries have been largely overlooked by scholars. Nevertheless-as... more
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      Eighteenth-Century French StudiesHistory of Political ThoughtAlexis de Tocquevillethe history of southern Italy & Sicily
[English abstract below] Bien que la «Neuvième livraison» des planches de L’Encyclopédie (1772) consacrée au théâtre et à ses machines suggère d’abord une démarche positiviste, voire mécaniste, l’ensemble des planches constitue surtout... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryScenographySpectacle
In 1696, Madame d’Aulnoy published her first collection of “contes de fees,” which introduced the term “fairy tales” into the salons of Louis XIV. In Fall 2012, I introduced that same theme in a course entitled French Fairy Tales/ Les... more
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      French LiteraturePedagogyEighteenth-Century French StudiesFairy tales
Hervé Leuwers, Camille et Lucile Desmoulins. Un rêve de république, Paris, Fayard, 2018, 456 pages. Sortie le 24 janvier 2018 Présentation et extraits sur le site de l'éditeur :... more
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      HistoryFrench HistoryFrench RevolutionHistoriography of the French Revolution
Le théâtre en langue française, qui fut au centre des occupations quotidiennes de la cour et des élites urbaines russes au XVIIIe siècle, n’a jamais été exploré de manière systématique. L’ouvrage d’Alexeï Evstratov vient combler ce... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryRussian StudiesFrench Literature
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      Eighteenth-Century French StudiesFrench Enlightenment
Un nouveau genre de culture architecturale publique se développe en France à la fin du xvii e et tout au long du xviii e siècle 2 . La condition préalable de ce développement est l'émergence d'un modèle nouveau de la sphère publique et... more
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      Print CultureArchitectureArchitectural HistoryCivil Society and the Public Sphere
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureEighteenth-Century French StudiesRecognition TheoryEighteenth-century theatre and performance
A research on revolutionary women intellectuals, with a special focus on Marie Armande Jeanne Gacon-Dufour.
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      Intellectual HistoryGender StudiesFrench HistoryFrench Studies
Il s'agit d'une présentation de la nouvelle dans le cadre d'une traduction, en cours, pour le public brésilien.
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      French LiteratureEighteenth-Century French Studies
This book, the first of its kind in English, examines an initiatic society known by various names—Illuminés d’Avignon, the Avignon Society, the Union, the New Israel Society—that flourished in several European locations, including Berlin,... more
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      HistoryHistory of ReligionEighteenth Century HistoryAlchemy
The intellectual changes taking place in eighteenth-century France have long been cited as a cause of the Revolution. In this chapter Linton stresses the complexity of the relationship of the Enlightenment to the outbreak of revolution.... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryFrench RevolutionPolitical Culture
En matière de mœurs, malgré les nombreux interdits encore bien présents dans les lois de la société française, le 18e siècle évolue en général vers une plus grande liberté qui se concrétise avec la Révolution de 1789. On s’étonne pourtant... more
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      Eighteenth-Century French StudiesLibertinism
The name François Boucher is synonymous with the visual and material culture of luxury in mid eighteenth-century France. His paintings are filled with desirable objects that informed the tastes of collectors. What is less known is that... more
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      Eighteenth-Century French StudiesCollecting and CollectionsArt history, eighteenth-century studiesEighteenth Century Studies
Le statut polygraphique et la structure hétérogène de l’"Histoire des deux Indes" invitent à réexaminer les méthodes et les stratégies employées par les rédacteurs, et amènent à lire le texte dans une double perspective : celle dictée par... more
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesEighteenth-Century French StudiesLittérature Française
Gabriel Torres Puga hace un recorrido de fa rrayectoria academica de Robert Darnton. De fa bistoire des mentalites a fa antropofogfa y de fa ,fOciofogfa a fa microhirtoria, Darnton se ha dedicado a estudiar fa manera en fa que fa gente... more
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      Cultural HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century French StudiesRobert Darnton
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      Art HistoryGender and SexualityEighteenth-Century French Studies18th Century French Art
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      French RevolutionEighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century French StudiesFrench Revolution and Napoleon
This paper critically engages with the recent literature on capitalism and slavery through the lens of Saint-Domingue. The first section examines some of the socio-economic dynamics in 16th-to 18th-century France. This is followed by an... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEighteenth Century HistorySlavery
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