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      EcommerceeCommerce researchElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
Este livro é destinado a estudantes, pesquisadores, profissionais e demais interessados em comércio eletrônico (e-commerce), e faz um resgate histórico do surgimento das compras on-line, sua evolução no decorrer dos anos, além de explanar... more
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      MarketingInformation SecurityInternet StudiesPrivacy
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      EcommerceEVOLUŢIA COMERŢULUI ELECTRONIC ÎN ROMÂNIAElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
Customer value management should be understood as a managerial approach, in which customers are perceived as the company’s asset, the value of which may be measured and increased through organisation of the processes around customer... more
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      Customer Relationship Management (CRM)E-CRMBusiness Administration and E-CommerceE-Commerce
Mobile Commerce, Mobile Computing, Mobile Devices and Mobile Internet Access are growing much faster than before. Several characteristics of mobile networks make them more attractive than fixed networks. Mobile Commerce has been of a... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsNetwork SecurityMobile Commerce3G and 4G technologies
Electronic commerce has offered much less transaction costs and a suitable mode of business to consumers all over the world. As E-commerce is growing day by day, the risk of it being hit by a disaster is also increasing. The security in... more
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      CryptographyCyber SecurityBusiness ContinuityDisaster Recovery
The world's financial markets faced a new cyberspace phenomenon. Cryptocurrencies are non-tracking by any bank or financial institution or even the state. In a digital transactions system, transactions are registered and encrypted in a... more
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      Iranian StudiesIranian politics and historySanctionE-Commerce Strategy
It is inevitable to accept that today's business trends focus on selling products online using the latest web application system and website marketing tools. This phenomenon creates a high competition on search engine ranking among... more
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      Google Analytics, usability, e-commerce websitesElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
Elektronik Ticaret ve İnternette Pazarlama - e-Ticaret Şirket Örneği; eBay / -Electronic Trade and Internet Marketing - e-Commerce Company; eBay
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      Strategic AlliancesInternational Strategic AllianceEbayElektronik Ticaret
In this paper, we focus on cross-modal (visual and textual) e-commerce search within the fashion domain. Particularly, we investigate two tasks: 1) given a query image, we retrieve textual descriptions that correspond to the visual... more
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      Information RetrievalImage ProcessingNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
Biyan and Yılmaz discuss the issues of how arti€cial intelligence can be taxed in accordance with the discussions going on about the same. e main point derived implies that it does not seem plausible that arti€cial intelligence could... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceTax LawTaxationElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
Most of the companies in Turkey are implementing their marketing based services for their products and services while using automation tools and new communication methods. They are trying to deliver some of their marketing facilities to... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingHospitality StudiesCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)
View the publication online: Keyword research is the missing piece for many web content creators. While I... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionInformation Technology
Extant article utilizes the UTAUT Model with Islamic religiosity as a moderator to understand the adoption of SADAD payment system by Saudi banking customers. Islamic religiosity effects the behavior and choices of people. Path analysis... more
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      E MarketingConsumer BehaviorConsumer ResearchB2C E-commerce
The research reported in this thesis was on " Customer perception towards online shopping with reference to Road Development Authority in Colombo ". The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors influencing customer... more
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      Information SystemsElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
Era globalisasi ditandai dengan berbagai kecanggihan teknologi yang berfungsi untuk mempermudah pekerjaan manusia, salah satunya adalah teknologi komputer yang berkembang sangat maju dan pesat dimana komunikasi dan informasi mudah di... more
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      E-Commerce LawE-CommercePerbankan SyariahElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
The internet has been flourishing since its invention. The retailers as well as the whole sellers are now shifting their premise from brick to mortar. This paper showcases how the e-commerce websites are flourishing and how they are... more
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      Privacy and data protectionData PrivacyE-Commerce StrategyB2C E-commerce
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness EthicsBusiness English
This paper focuses on a literature review of e-commerce, its evolution and future prospects, the comparative study of e-commerce types, the e-commerce security and its threats for users, e-commerce strategy and regulation ways of... more
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      Literature ReviewE-Commerce StrategyE-commerce SecurityE-Commerce
Thegrowthofinformationtechnologyinthebusinessworldisspreadingataphenomenalrate.The successofabusinessorganizationstandsattheusageofITintheirbusiness.Growthofe-commerce... more
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    • Electronic Commerce and E ­‐business
As successful tourism firms invest heavily in marketing to defend or improve their competitive position, they increasingly need to measure their marketing performance. Previous studies related to tourism have largely focused on financial... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementMarketing
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT) is devoted to fields of Computer Science and Information Systems. The IJCSIT is a open access peer-reviewed scientific journal published in electronic form as... more
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      AdoptionInformation Communication TechnologyICT in EducationSocial Study of Information & Communication Technology
E-commerce is a big platform and customers from every age like shopping from different online shopping sites. Spending habits and the way of shopping preferences of the customer profiles are important to be... more
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      Gender StudiesGender EqualityCustomer SatisfactionCustomer Loyalty
Based on the empirical research, this chapter investigated the impact of big data-based techniques typically used in big-data driven E-commerce such as information search, recommendation system, dynamic pricing, and personalisation on the... more
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      Online Consumer BehaviorBig DataPurchase IntentionBig Data Analytics
This paper develops and empirically validates customer shopping motives taking account of customer channel selection in multichannel systems. As each channel is associated with certain advantages and disadvantages from a customer's... more
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      MarketingDigital MediaE-BusinessOnline Marketing
The purpose of the research is to find the factors which persuade the consumers' trust on e-commerce adoption in Sri Lanka. The creation of the Internet has reduced physical borders and made the world a smaller place where people can able... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingComputer ScienceInformation Technology
Интернетот, на глобално ниво, доведе до многу промени што се гледаат во брзиот проток на информации, надминување на временските и јазични бариери, отстранување на локалните и регионалните граници, а притоа покрај традиционалните форми... more
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      E-CommerceElectronic Commerce and E ­‐businessElectronic Commerce
ABSTRAK Masih rendahnya kesadaran konsumen akan adanya e-commerce website yang dikelola oleh PT. Campina Ice Cream Industry berdampak pada keputusan pembelian konsumen dan pertumbuhan penjualan via e-commerece website. Penelitian ini... more
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      B2C E-commerceE-CommerceElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
Graphic design is a well-established, popular education pathway in Malaysia since 1980s; yet, research on graphic design teaching and learning had been scarce. To provide enlightenment in new teaching and learning methods, perhaps, an... more
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      Graphic DesignInstructional TechnologyArt and Design EducationCritical Thinking and Creativity
Based on the empirical research, this chapter investigated the impact of big data-based techniques typically used in big-data driven E-commerce such as information search, recommendation system, dynamic pricing, and personalisation on the... more
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      Online Consumer BehaviorBig DataInternet of Things (IoT)Big Data Analytics
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is widely considered the buying and selling of products over the internet, but any transaction that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered as e-commerce. E-commerce may have... more
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      MarketingEngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
This study aims to empirically cover the impact of the use of artificial intelligence through chatbots on online retail in terms of content implemented in the communication process. The presented research brings a contribution to the... more
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      MarketingBusiness AdministrationArtificial IntelligenceEcommerce
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      E-CommerceElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
Inflation, and its deleterious effects on economies, has for long been the worry of governments especially among developing countries including Ghana. Several studies on the Ghanaian economy, have concluded that inflation in Ghana is... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsLabor EconomicsMicroeconomics
This chapter proposes a modified conceptual framework for investigating the influence of cognitive, management characteristics and organizational size factors on information and communication technology (ICT) adoption by agribusinesses.... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesAgribusinessMalaysiaICT4D
Cloud integrated mobile application provides the functions for building and consuming the next generation of business applications. The effect of mobile cloud computing on the traditional E-business gives the necessary solutions on the... more
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      Mobile LearningMobile Ad Hoc NetworksMobile TechnologyMobile and Telecommunicaions
In today's scenario people are highly occupied with their routine work. People are not having much of the leisure time. Online shopping has somehow helped people to manage their time in an effective manner. A lot of people have started... more
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      Online Shopping BehaviourElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
Electronic business has been widely adopted in different parts of the world. In Nigeria, the initial adoption of electronic business in Nigerian banks was in 1990. The aim of this research was to identify if there was a significant impact... more
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      BankingE-BusinessInternet BankingEBusiness
The main objective of this study was to assess if leadership style had anything to do with employees performance in the image providing cable network (SWECOM). From support materials and results of the study, it was observed that there... more
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      Internet banking adoptionElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
Since Ghana gained independence, commercial activities and other related business and trading activities have greatly increased. As a result, it has become necessary to define the scope and boundary of the body of substantive... more
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      International LawInternational ArbitrationLaw and EconomicsInternational Commercial Law
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the key convenience dimensions of online shopping, as convenience has been one of the principal motivations underlying customer inclinations to adopt online shopping.... more
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      Consumer BehaviorThe InternetScale DevelopmentE-Commerce
The rapid development of technology has greatly affected the fate of human life including the financial sector. In the banking context the technological advancement has changed how banking products and services are delivered, the point... more
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      Financial RegulationElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
İletişim ve bilgi teknolojilerindeki gelişmelere ve en önemlisi küreselleşme dalgasına paralel olarak artan ticari işlemler ve hem üretim hem de tedarik aşamalarında sıfır hata prensibinin benimsenmesi neticesinde e-ticaret tüm dünyada... more
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      Electronic Commerce and E ­‐businessElectronic Commerce
This study contributes to the emerging B2B digital marketing literature by providing a realistic overview of the usage, measurement practices, and barriers surrounding digital marketing in the era of social media. Investigating 145 B2B... more
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      Social MediaB2B E-CommerceB2B MarketingElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
This study discusses the issue of personal data protection in e-commerce which departs from the case of personal data leakage in the Tokopedia marketplace. This research then aims to find out about the responsibility in implementing... more
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      Security and PrivacyData PrivacyE-CommerceElectronic Commerce and E ­‐business
The main objective of the study is to assess impact of e-commerce on socio-economic conditions in Ghana, specifically in the Greater Accra Region. The research work specifically intends to: evaluate the extent to which Ghanaians are... more
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      B2B E-CommerceB2C E-commerceBusiness Administration and E-CommerceE-Commerce
The study examines the impact of financial risk, convenience risk, non-delivery risk; return policy risk and product risk on online consumer behavior of Malaysian consumers. The research employed a self-administered survey to collect... more
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      E-Commerce StrategyInternet shoppingBusiness Administration and E-CommerceE-Commerce
Desde hace unos años, el ritmo de crecimiento del número de usuarios de Internet en América Latina ha ido incrementándose. Esto permite entrever la posibilidad de desarrollar, entre otras cosas, las aplicaciones más generales del Comercio... more
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      MarketingSociologyOrganizational ChangeOrganizational Culture
This chapter investigated factors that affect e-shopping acceptance among Nigerians. The extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) model was adopted with some adjustments. Since the study focused on... more
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      Nigerian LiteratureAfrican StudiesAfricaService Quality
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