Ethics and economics
Recent papers in Ethics and economics
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
Yayına Hazırlayan: Eren OKUR Bilge Strateji Dergisi ulusal hakemli bir dergidir. Bilge Strateji Dergisi yılda iki sayı olmak üzere Bahar ve Güz dönemlerinde yayınlanır. Bilge Strateji Dergisi'nin tüm hakları saklıdır. İzinsiz... more
The period when corporate social responsibility (CSR) only referred to corporate philanthropic donations has passed. Present day CSR is intimately intertwined with sustainable development, and its growth in the last several decades has... more
Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more
The 21st century consumers are mindful of problems that impact social and environmental sustainability, fast fashion’s main emphasis is faster turnaround from factories to stay competitive thus some retail companies aren’t paying keen... more
The uploaded document gives an abstract of the article and details of how to purchase it as a stand-alone piece.
The article attempts a comprehensive review of the human security concept in order to question its utility for both research and policy-making. It notes the term’s interdisciplinary and extensively normative content that have facilitated... more
Should media communication be left to the market, or rather (partly) removed from the market? This question is discussed by reconstructing an often-found ‘standard argument’ in the literature on the subject. This standard argument states... more
Bob Thomson is the retired ex-founder and Managing Director (1994-2000) of Transfair Canada. He is currently working on a book on zero growth. Ian Hussey, a PhD student (Sociology, York University), was the founding co-director of the... more
The essential difficulty about Computer Ethics’ (CE) philosophical status is a methodological problem: standard ethical theories cannot easily be adapted to deal with CE-problems, which appear to strain their conceptual resources, and CE... more
This paper studies institutional investor allocations in socially responsible private equity.
Are modern societies becoming more unequal? Is Australia becoming more unequal? Simplifying a little, in Australia there is no rising inequality trend in the general distribution of wealth, and the rising inequality trend in the general... more
This paper reviews the current Corona virus situation, then examines the legal definitions of negligence and fiduciary duty in an attempt to determine whether closing a university because of health concerns over the Corona virus might... more
The following is a draft excerpt from my forthcoming book, Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. It concerns the the commodification of nonhuman animals, particularly endangered species. Climate... more
The vast majority of the books and articles that have been written over the past few centuries about trade policy in general and protectionism in particular have been written from a utilitarian perspective. Indeed, it would only be a... more
À travers la promotion de ce qu’ils appellent les « nudges », Richard Thaler et Cass Sunstein prétendent jeter les bases d’une nouvelle philosophie des politiques publiques : le « paternalisme libertarien ». Les mesures associées à un tel... more
This is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to join The Alan Turing Institute. The Alan Turing Institute (ATI) is the UK’s new national institute for data science, established to bring together world-leading expertise to... more
Chapitre 3, pp. 63-91, de Ethique médicale et politique de santé, Philippe Batifoulier et Maryse Gadreau (eds). (chez Economica, 2005) Alors que la question des rapports entre droit et économie est devenue un sujet de préoccupation... more
This paper examines the question of whether it is ethical for company officials to use the force of government to reduce or eliminate foreign competition, using the antidumping laws as a case study. This paper begins with a brief... more
It is common to muse over the perils of thinking like an economist. There is, we are told, something missing when we only weigh the costs and benefits of some options before us, and then choose the one that will lead to the greatest... more
On peut comprendre la soft law en distinguant le caractère obligatoire des règles de leur force contraignante. Des exemples pris du droit économique international montrent qu’on ne peut pas simplement qualifier les règles de... more
This paper investigates the effect of eco-labeling on rental rates, sale prices and occupancy rates. The consensus emerging from previous studies appears to be that investors in and occupiers of eco-labeled buildings obtain a bundle of... more
This paper explores the relationship between tourism and the challenges of governance in the Arctic region. Recently, both political and academic interest in the Arctic has been on the rise as a result of the increasing geopolitical... more
Swilling and Annecke (2012, p. xiv) state that "the balance between synthesis and analysis" is necessary to critically understand the problems of sustainability, and to formulate creative problem solving. The shift from understanding... more
The paper presents the main tensions and problems caused by the global financial crisis to the employment and employment policies in Romania and EU countries. The current crisis has once again confirmed that economies are interconnected... more
Human right to water has arguably become a flashpoint issue for debates over the social dimensions of globalization. The social dimension of a globalization is a current and main challenge to ensure that globalization and global... more
This paper identifies and analyzes some of the basic structural flaws of utilitarian economic analysis and provides an alternative way of analyzing economic and moral problems.
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
The last three decades of the Twentieth Century in Australia saw great focus on reform to improve government performance and accountability, starting with the Whitlam Government. Almost all of this reform has focussed on two sectors:... more
Bounded rationality, opportunism, the primacy of markets and the action of economizing are building blocks of Oliver Williamson's Transaction Cost Economics (TCE). As in all intellectual exchanges, Williamson has used a range of... more
Reviews of Divine Currency and Kathryn Tanner's Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism by Nichole Flores, John Thiel, David Cloutier, and Philip Goodchild, and responses by Kathryn Tanner and Devin Singh.
[PRE-PRINT VERSION] Il presente saggio è il frutto della revisione di un paper presentato in occasione del corso "Etica ed Economia" della Scuola di Alta Formazione Etica e Società, svoltosi ad Albenga tra il 16 e il 18 ottobre 2014.
Abstract This paper introduces a new dataset from 100 Dutch institutional investors in respect of their domestic and international investments. We focus on institutional investor private equity allocations and provide comparisons to... more