Extended Mind
Recent papers in Extended Mind
This book argues that thinking is bounded by neither the brain nor the skin of an organism. Cognitive systems function through integration of neural and bodily functions with the functions of representational vehicles. The integrationist... more
Thinking posthumanly – from a post-Enlightenment, critical, new materialist perspective – things, including concepts, become more permeable and topological – they leak and stretch. Freed from limiting notions of agency, things behave.... more
The focus of the original argument for the Extended Mind thesis was the case of beliefs. It may be asked what other types of mental features can be extended. Andy Clark has always held that consciousness cannot be extended. This paper... more
Current events in science imply that a new scientific revolution in physics is unfolding. This new revolution will be as much about mind and consciousness as it is about matter and physics. It will bring a new theory of physical reality... more
Where does the self stop and the rest of the world begin? Clark and Chalmers already paved the way for an application of the extended mind theory to the problem of selfhood and identity, when in their seminal paper they asked ‘What,... more
To avoid molecular damage of biomolecules due to oxidation, all cells have evolved constitutive and responsive systems to mitigate and repair chemical modifications. Archaea have adapted to some of the most extreme environments known to... more
Building on arguments from G.A. Cohen and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, I argue here that our rights in our bodies are not well explained by self-ownership – and thus that we cannot infer self-ownership from intuitions about body rights, via... more
This thesis presents work on analytical reasoning with external representations (ERs) using problems similar to those used in the US GRE college-entrance examination. The work investigates the factors associated with effective ER use in... more
Extended Mind is usually understood to be a claim about cognitive extension, that is, it is usually understood to be the claim that the boundaries of the mind can occasionally extend to include objects in the environment. This chapter... more
Jak jsme širocí? -k pojmu kultury v současné kognitivní antropologii Vít Pokorný, FHS UK, FF UJEP Resumé: Tento text je zamyšlením nad možnostmi interakce mezi kulturní antropologií a kognitivními vědami a nad důsledky této spolupráce pro... more
In a fascinating recent paper, Matthias Braun considers how digital twins might represent a patient. He claims, among other things, that we can view a digital twin as an extension of a patient's body. I discuss this idea, and suggest that... more
This edited volume of 13 new essays aims to turn past discussions of natural kinds on their head. Instead of presenting a metaphysical view of kinds based largely on an unempirical vantage point, it pursues questions of kindedness which... more
Dualist and Reductionist theories of mind disagree about whether or not consciousness can be reduced to a state of or function of the brain. They assume, however, that the contents of consciousness are separate from the external physical... more
During the last few decades, phenomenology became the main philosophical op- tion to account for the complexity and, at the same time, the extreme simplicity of consciousness. This paper, in the first place, aims at exposing the... more
Chapter List of volume under contract for Peter Lang Publishing Series: Medieval Interventions: New Light on Traditional Thinking. Manuscript due Fall 2018; Publication, Spring 2019.
L'animale non umano, per Marx, «è immediatamente una cosa sola con la sua attività vitale. Non si distingue da essa. È quella stessa [attività vitale]» 2 . Prendiamo un esempio determinato, un castoro. Per esplicare la sua 'attività... more
La question de l'attention est devenue au cours des dernières années l'objet d'une écologie spécifique (Y. Citton) interrogeant les transformations induites par le développement d'un milieu numérique, d'une économie de plus en plus fondée... more
Podstawowy problem książki to pytanie, jaką koncepcję podmiotu poznania przyjąć, aby właściwie rozumieć tezy formułowane w obrębie teorii komunikacji społecznej z Toronto. Celem prowadzonych tu analiz jest wskazanie takiego narzędzia... more
Our whole-body structure is in rhythmical breath motion. Each breath stimulates an electromagnetic field across the upper body, which modulates the transfer of signals that continually communicate up and down the intricate spinal column.... more
In the field of Science of Religion and associated fields of the Human Sciences revisions about the limits of reality have begun, in response both to intercultural encounters as well as to a rising awareness of research on the complexity... more
In this paper, I propose to sketch the main lines of some recent theoretical accounts of numerical cognition and evaluate their ability to explain the development of mathematically viable concepts of number (Dehaene 2011; Carey 2009;... more
A mirror acts as a “mind tool” that enables human subjects to stretch beyond our brain and body boundaries.
Join me today in a brief glance at who we are as seen through the magic eyes of scientific measurement and calculation. Notice as we take a long slow inhalation, hold, and then a long slow exhalation; observe that our whole body structure... more
Personal AI assistants are now nearly ubiquitous. Every leading smartphone operating system comes with a personal AI assistant that promises to help you with basic cognitive tasks: searching, planning, messaging, scheduling and so on.... more
This collection of articles was written over the last 10 years and edited them to bring them up to date (2017). The copyright page has the date of the edition and new editions will be noted there as I edit old articles or add new ones.... more
In Reading in the Brain, Stanislas Dehaene presents a compelling account of how the brain learns to read. Central to this account is his neuronal recycling hypothesis: neural circuitry is capable of being ‘recycled’ or converted to a... more
Where does the mind stop and the rest of the world begin? In their famous 1998 paper “The Extended Mind,” philosophers Andy Clark and David Chalmers posed this question and answered it provocatively: cognitive processes are not all in the... more
Defenderé que la tesis de la mente extendida no es un argumento a favor de la posibilidad del transhumanismo. Si la tesis es cierta, el que nuestra mente se extienda en el mundo no es algo que se da exclusivamente por las nuevas... more
The Hand, an Organ of the Mind, edited by Zdravko Radman, consists of seventeen essays by an impressive array of philosophers, psychologists, and cognitive scientists, as well as a foreword by Jesse Prinz and a postscript by haptic artist... more
In Europe and United States the spread of fake news and of the discredit thrown over scientific authority is reaching a worrying level, with serious consequences on the political and social realms. The magnitude of the phenomenon, which... more