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THE MIGRANT AS CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR: Joseph Nechvatal interviewed by Thyrza Nichols Goodeve for the Brooklyn Rail
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      ArtArt TheoryContemporary ArtPainting
How did the philosophy of Henri Bergson look before Gilles Deleuze’s Bergsonism? This article provides a situated answer to that question by performing a close reading of Susanne K. Langer’s early engagement with Bergson in her monograph... more
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      Philosophy of ArtHenri BergsonAlfred North WhiteheadErnst Cassirer
A partire dai primi anni del XX secolo, anzitutto in area germanofona e poi in Italia e in altri contesti, all’interno delle concezioni che hanno insistito sull’autonomia come carattere distintivo dell’arte, si è fatto ricorso a più... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryPhilosophy of ArtGeorg Simmel
L’appréciation esthétique oscille le plus souvent, tel un pendule, entre deux sortes d’illusions : celle de l’objectivité du beau (comme si la beauté pouvait être un attribut de la chose même), et celle de sa subjectivité (selon la... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtBeautyEsthétique
El presente texto es el prólogo para mi traducción de Q. Meillassoux, "Metafísica y ficción extracientífica" (Santiago: Roneo, 2020), que co-escribimos M. Ramírez y yo. Contiene una explicación general del 'realismo especulativo' y el rol... more
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      Visual StudiesArt TheoryHistory of Perspective in PaintingPhilosophy of Art
Tiger C. Roholt explains why grooves, which are forged in music's rhythmic nuances, remain hidden to some listeners. He argues that grooves are not graspable through the intellect nor through mere listening; rather, grooves are disclosed... more
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      AestheticsAnalytic PhilosophyGenealogyRhythm
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      Dance StudiesPhotographyPhilosophy of ArtDance
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      AestheticsPragmatismAmerican PhilosophyPragmatist Aesthetics
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesFuture Studies
In Radical Philosophy 2.01
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      Performance StudiesPhilosophy of ArtChoreography
Meirav Almog, "Merleau-Ponty's Ontology of Style—Thought, Expression, and Art," Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, 29(1): ‘Thinking with Style’: Philosophy, Style and Literary Form, 1-24, 2018
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In the article «From zombie art to dead art» philosopher Raamy Majeed from Cambridge University touches on a number of traditional issues for the philosophy of art and aesthetics. Considering the phenomenon of zombie art, – these artworks... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryPhilosophy of Art
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    • Philosophy of Art
Es un estudio sobre la concepción de lo bello y el libre arbitrio en la filosofía de Plotino
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArt HistoryArt Theory
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      Critical TheoryArt TheoryPhilosophy of Art20th century Avant-Garde
On theory in post-war Germany and the project of "critical theory" in general and in particular in art history, also on Peter Bürger's work.
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      Critical TheoryGerman StudiesGerman LiteraturePhilosophy
Our intuitions related to art are generally associated to ideas such as creativity, freedom of expression, experimentation. The fact that so many artists (especially writers, but also musicians, painters, performance artists) are or have... more
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      AestheticsContemporary ArtPhilosophy of ArtNormativity
Richard Linklater’s celebrated Before trilogy chronicles the love of Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Céline (Julie Delpy) who first meet up in Before Sunrise, later reconnect in Before Sunset and finally experience a fall-out in Before Midnight.... more
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      AestheticsFilm StudiesPhilosophy of FilmPhilosophy of Art
Part I sets out the most essential features of Husserl’s understanding of aesthetic consciousness, namely, its status as mode of valuing grounded in the realm of sensory and/or phantasy appearance, which involves the disinterested... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhenomenologyPhilosophy of Art
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      Martin HeideggerSanat TarihiFelsefeSanat
Qu'est-ce qu'une image ? La multiplication proliférante des images semble bien – et c'est là son paradoxe – inversement proportionnelle à notre faculté de dire ce qu'est réellement une image. Si notre interaction quotidienne avec les... more
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesArt HistoryVisual Anthropology
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      PhotographyPhilosophy of ArtPhotography TheoryHistory of photography
This is a description of a set of over 70 videos on art theory and art history.
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArt TheoryContemporary Art
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    • Philosophy of Art
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtMichel Foucault
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      NeuroscienceCreativityEvolution of MusicPhilosophy of Art
The Generative Code If we consider our viewpoints , perceptions, and conceptions the results of political, economical, or cultural exposures which are themselves the results of hugely disparate human and non-human constructs; and if we... more
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      Art TheoryPhilosophy of ArtArt Theory and PoliticsCreative thinking
David Ferguson's large-scale paintings give a first impression of thick, built-up impasto and painterly textures. Overall, this new body of work addresses themes of sanctuary and flight through mediations of vision, visionary experience.... more
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      Art HistoryPerforming ArtsContemporary ArtPhilosophy of Art
Humans have developed various practices to confront the indeterminacy of their existence. Roughly speaking, there are two types of such practices. On the one hand are those through which humans control the uncertainty that permeates their... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy of Art
Der Begriff des Interface kategorisiert die Ausprägungsstufen einer kommunikationsstabilisierenden Schnittstelle als Interaktionsmechanismus, wobei die Interaktion von maschinellen Komponenten (Hardware, Software) sowie die vielfältigen... more
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      SemioticsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy
Like the unlearnt, the unmade 'allows' us to reclaim our right to our contingency. Only as contingent beings could we claim the yet-unclaimed and the already-unlearnt. This is where knowledge begins to unravel, and where it is constantly... more
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      EducationResearch MethodologyContemporary ArtPhilosophy of Art
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      AestheticsContemporary ArtPhilosophy of ArtSculpture
El presente ensayo desea mostrar en qué sentido podemos hablar de Baudelaire como de un ontólogo del presente, apoyados en las observaciones de Foucault de que encontramos manifiesta en la vida y en la obra del artista la divisa moderna... more
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      AestheticsSelf and IdentityArt TheoryPhilosophy of Art
The concept of Original Artistic Intent is difficult to apply to Tibetan thangkas. Thangkas are composite objects produced by painters and tailors with differing intents, skills and training. Iconographic specifications, regional and... more
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      BuddhismArt HistoryBuddhist PhilosophyArt Theory
When discussing modern entertainment, people frequently use the terms "interactive" and "noninteractive" despite the fact that there is no clear consensus on what these concepts mean. To this point, in the book Rules of Play, Salen and... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsVideo GamesPhilosophy of Art
Nawoord bij de Nederlandse vertaling van Gilles Deleuzes Francis Bacon. Logique de la sensation (Amsterdam: Octavo, 2014) door Sjoerd van Tuinen, januari 2012,
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      AestheticsArt HistoryIntermedialityAbstract Art
Onze huidige cultuur, met name de alomtegenwoordige beeldcultuur, lijkt meer dan ooit aan verstilling toe. We leven meer dan ooit in een constante toevloed, een total flow van beelden en geluiden, waarin nauwelijks nog plaats is voor... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophyAestheticsPlato
When Władysław Tatarkiewicz wrote that there are only two things that can be said about art: that it is a human activity, not a product of nature, and that it is a conscious activity (or its product), adding that every statement about art... more
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      MathematicsAestheticsPhilosophy of ArtEvolutionary Aesthetics
La rencontre de la philosophie avec la danse, en redefinissant un terrain theorico-pratique, permet de saisir les corporeites en jeu a un niveau sensible et a un niveau representationnel, a travers la relation gravitaire. Les collectifs... more
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      PhilosophyDance StudiesPhilosophy of ArtGilles Deleuze
Numer monograficzny pisma "Sztuka i Filozofia" wydany po ogólnopolskiej konferencji "Wokół Zofii Rydet. Między sztuką a dokumentem", która odbyła się na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim 18-19.06.2018.
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      AestheticsPhotographyPhilosophy of Art
news/beauty-and-the-end-of-art-wittgenstein-plurality-and-perception/ As the title and subtitle suggest, there are many themes addressed in this book, perhaps too many. Certainly, too many for me to do justice to the multifarious strands... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtWittgensteinArthur Danto
История и теория искусства по-прежнему рассматривают социополитический контекст как набор внешних факторов, относя взаимоотношения между искусством и политикой к отдельной области социологии искусства. На примере раннесоветского... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtPhilosophy of Art
Резюме. Проследявайки тенденциите във визуалните изкуства в Германия, Франция и Италия в периода 1918 – 1936 г. и поставяйки ги на философски анализ, можем да разберем по какъв начин тялото на спортиста се естетизира и се превръща в... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsEthicsPhilosophy of Art
Völlig neue Bild- und Erfahrungswelten versprechen die jüngsten Produkte der Medienindustrie ihren Usern. Euphorisch investieren Google, Microsoft und Co. Unsummen in digitale Medientechnologien wie Virtual-Reality-Displays. Jeder... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophyAestheticsVisual Studies
Christopher Buck, “New Negro Movement.” Encyclopedia of African American History. Edited by Leslie Alexander & Walter Rucker. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2010. Pp. 925–927 (Vol. 3).
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      HistoryArt HistoryPhilosophy of ArtAfrican American Culture
Die Beiträge dieses Bandes werfen die Frage nach dem Erkenntniswert der Literatur auf. Der erste Teil des Bandes enthält Beiträge, welche die Frage nach dem Verhältnis zwischen literarischen und anderen Weisen menschlicher... more
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      AestheticsEpistemologyLiteratureLiterary Criticism
The aim of the paper is to analyze the Hegelian interpretation of the notion of “irony” in the light of its evolution thorough the Berlin courses and in a comparison with the edition of the Ästhetik published by Hotho. The analysis of the... more
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      AestheticsRomanticismPhilosophy of ArtGerman Idealism
It is uncontroversial that our engagement with artworks is constrained by obligations; most commonly, these consist in obligations to other persons, such as artists, audiences, and owners of artworks. A more controversial claim is that we... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtObligationsAesthetic Normativity
My most read paper -- fully illustrated. Our modern sense of time was radically changed with the invention of photography. The past could now be visualized and frozen in fine detail. Moreover the photograph was an objective accurate... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyVisual StudiesArt HistoryArt Theory
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