Famine Studies
Recent papers in Famine Studies
The paper analyses the functioning of food markets during the Great Finnish Famine of 1868
The efforts by the American Mennonite Relief organization to provide famine relief to Russia in the early 1920s are relatively well known. Far less known are the actions of Dutch Mennonite relief efforts at the same time, which were... more
Famine’s sensational headline potential can get in the way of thinking about the more general issues of malnutrition and food insecurity. Recent research on famine sees it as the extension of structural, long-term vulnerabilities in... more
A brief paper on the history about the Holodomor Famine (1932-1933).
Marching Through Suffering is a deeply personal portrait of the ravages of famine and totalitarian politics in modern North Korea since the 1990s. Featuring interviews with more than thirty North Koreans who defected to Seoul and Tokyo,... more
This paper examines the history and future of food security through the implementation of 'bio-technology'. The historical lens focuses on the increased use of the potato, and the devastating consequences of monoculture during the Irish... more
Coffee plays in important role in the minds of Contemporary Swedes. It is ineed what nutritional anthropologists call a cultural superfood. For the past Three centuries, Swedish authorities have considered in their right and duty to... more
This article centers on the German perception of the Great Soviet Famines of 1931–1933, with a focus on Soviet Ukraine in particular. The first part explores the channels through which information from the Soviet Union detailing the... more
This article provides a general chronology of Italian famines, incorporating earlier chronologies as well as recent research on preindustrial mortality crises and covering the whole period from circa 1250 to 1810. Hypotheses about the... more
The deep structural and cultural changes taking place in North Korea provide an opportunity to conduct influence operations to shape that country’s culture and society, either to destabilize the government or to prepare the population for... more
This paper sets out to understand the Monga vulnerability in Rangpur region of northwest Bangladesh from the perspective of affected households. The local term ‘Monga’ means a famine-like situation and it has caught public interest... more
This is a much longer version of the review I wrote for Central Eurasian Reader. I post it online for two reasons: first, because I think this is an important book that deserves to be known beyond the small circle of those who read... more
«Tened presente el hambre: recordad su pasado», vaticinaba el poeta Miguel Hernández poco antes de terminar la guerra civil. Era una premonición que se adelantaba a lo que sucedería tras el fin de la guerra. Entre 1939 y 1951, España se... more
Peter Singer argues that we’re obligated to donate our entire expendable income to aid organizations. One premiss of his argument is "If it is in your power to prevent something bad from happening, without sacrificing anything nearly as... more
How does North Korea become visible and legible to us? What seems like propaganda and what seems like the real North Korea, and why? After more than 70 years of hostility it is an understatement to say that disrespect is deeply entrenched... more
The fact that the front line crossed Moldova and the bloody battles that happened in the region devastated the social balance, economic relations, as well as the ethnic and professional composition of the population and destroyed the... more
Cuban Studies/ Estudios Cubanos 38. January 2008.
Le Cap-Vert est un ensemble de dix petites îles volcaniques, montagneuses pour la plupart, situées dans l’Atlantique ; sans ressources naturelles, au climat sahélien caractérisé par la faiblesse et l’irrégularité des précipitations, les... more
Flavius Josephus, Hieronymus und die Eroberung Roms 410 n. Chr. Summary: When Jerome was made to leave Rome in 385 CE he apostrophised the city as a new Babylon. This paper argues that he did not make use of such apocalyptic language... more
This short paper explains how biopsychological theory provides an explanation of human motivation, and how current events in the news further demonstrate this.
Last year Frank Dikötter won the prestigious BBC Samuel Johnson prize for his book ‘Mao’s Great Famine’. The jury was impressed yet stunned that they didn’t know the full scale of the atrocities committed during the Great Leap Forward.... more
PAUVRETE ET FAMINES ET AU MOYEN ÂGE. Nous avons deux images contradictoires du Moyen Âge : la première est celle d'une période tenaillée par l'angoisse de la faim, la peur de la disette et ravagée effectivement par des famines générales... more
Geçen haftaki yazımda bu hafta Ukrayna'da 1932-33 yıllarında yaşanan açlık ve kıtlık konusunu ele alacağımı yazmıştım. Doğrusu öyle demiş olmasaydım bile bu hafta bu konuyu işlemek farz olacaktı, çünkü bizim Birgün'ün anti-Sovyetik... more
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the colonies controlled by the British, the Dutch, and other European countries witnessed a number of devastating famines. These famines did not solely arise for the ‘natural’ reasons of the... more
Освещена деятельность организаций помощи голодающим в России, созданных дальневосточной русской эмиграцией в начале 1920-х годов. Проведен сравнительный анализ этих организаций с аналогичными структурами в Европе. The object of article... more
The Great Leap Forward created one of the most deadly famines in human history, with estimates of the death toll ranging from 35 to 45 million. Environmentally, the leap caused the deforestation of at least a third of China’s open... more
In 1997, during the commemorations of the 150th anniversary of the Great Irish Famine, the British Prime Minister of the time, Tony Blair, issued an apology on behalf of the British state. According to the statement, That one million... more
This article adopts a socio-political lens in order to better understand the Somalia famine. As a result it draws out important continuities with the famine of the early 1990s as well as specific food security and vulnerability... more
This chapter is one of the few publications, which compare two food crises: the Irish famine of 1845-1851 and the Finnish famine of 1866- 1868. It examines their similarities and differences. Both we attributed to natural shocks, which... more
Book chapter on the role of film and television in Ethiopia's revolution, from Cine Ethiopia: The History and Politics of Film in the Horn of Africa, ed. Alessandro Jedlowski, Mike Thomas and Aboneh Ashagrie, (East Lansing: Michigan State... more
The projected rise of extreme climate events has sparked fresh interest in how past societies handled similar challenges. However, while historical experiences of famine, migration, and ‘collapse’ act as silent referents to the current... more