In 2022, a hoard containing 20 Roman Republican and Imperial denarii was discovered in Mihăeşti Commune, Vâlcea County, using a metal detector. The coins date from the period situated between 90 BC and 80 AD, with nearly half – nine coins... more
RESUMEN: En las excavaciones realizadas en el foro de Los Bañales de Uncastillo fue localizado un importante programa escultórico localizado en la zona sur del conjunto en una unidad de amortización. El presente trabajo estudia unos... more
This study attempts to assess the goals of Julius Caesar and the different forms of his destruction in Gaul by critically analysing, synthesizing, and comparing the relevant archaeological and written sources. For the assessment, I... more
The article is concerned with urbanisation processes in roman africa, initiated by the Flavian dynasty (69-96). emperor vespasian and his successors focused their attention primarily on africa proconsularis. The new cities they created... more
This paper focuses on the story of Marcus Atilius Regulus as an exemplum fidei. Taking Matthew Roller's division of exemplary discourse into the following categories as a model (2004), it discusses Regulus according to action, audience,... more
Since Flavian times a connection between the cult of Mater Deum with the imperial cult is detectable. The rule of Antoninus Pius then implied a further development with the implementation of the ritual of the taurobolium all over the... more
The study of religion in the Roman Empire has traditionally been strongly based on literary and epigraphic sources with consequent disproportionate attention to the capital city of Rome and its state religion. This has to do with a bias... more
Plant disease detection with deep learning models has shown promising results, but these models often struggle with generalizing across diverse agricultural environments due to domain shifts in imaging conditions. This paper presents a... more
Steve Mason: Josephus és az Újszövetség. Budapest–Komárom: Kálvin Kiadó‒Selye János Egyetem RTK, 2023.
This text has a complex scholarly history. Although it has never been published, it has in fact been subject to proper scholarly peer review. It started out as Chapter 1 in my manuscript for what ultimately became my book The Domus Aurea... more
This text has a complex scholarly history. Although it has never been published, it has in fact been subject to proper scholarly peer review. It started out as Chapter 1 in my manuscript for what ultimately became my book The Domus Aurea... more
Philo of Alexandria: On the Rivers of Paradise (Legum Allegoriae 1, 63–87) (Translation, introduction and notes by Gábor Buzási and Judit Horváth) This contribution offers a Hungarian translation of a passage from Philo’s Legum Allegoriae... more
– Nem tudlak megérteni – mondta Davin. – Hol azt hallom, hogy az angol irodalom ellen beszélsz, most meg az ír besúgók ellen van kifogásod... Ha meggondolom, hogy hogy hívnak és miféle gondolataid vannak... Ír vagy te egyáltalán? – (James... more
Religious crimes in the acts of the collegium of the fratres Arvales. Our work consists of the study of two fundamental paths that go hand in hand and are present, even, in other priesthoods and rituals. In the first place, we will... more
Sephardic Romanis also exist, and are now mostly found in Latin America, Spain, Portugal, and France, most fleeing persecution for their religion and culture (See: Great Gypsy Round-up. They can also refer to mixed families of... more
The Imperial Cult, I argue, was a recognizable phenomenon that brought the genius domus Iulii out of the private lalarium, itself a templum, into the the templa publici of the Roman world. This paper is focused on exploring the reaction... more
one of the protagonists of Lucan's Pharsalia, disappears from the scene for a long time after the Battle of Pharsalus. He reappears at the end of Book 9, when he pays a visit to the ruined city of Troy. The function and the source of this... more
The temple tax has been the subject of controversy since antiquity, as the rabbinic literature attests, so it is not surprising that scholarly research into archaeological and written sources has not yet led to a consensus on most issues... more
While Domitian's damnatio memoriae led to the destruction of the emperor's image, the massive architectural footprint he left on the city of Rome was indelible. Most scholarly assessments of Domitian's building program emphasize the... more
Lost Pleasures of an Epicurean Intertext &&UVOCTOV yap JJLT) cppovi[jLou<; elvai <J>aiaxa<;, oT ^aXa cpiXoi etal Geoicriv, &>c; f) Nauaixaa cprjatv. Eratosthenes 1 "It is impossible for Phaeacians not to be prudent, since they are very... more
This chapter considers the issue of continuity and rupture between Neronian and Flavian policies in light of Vespasian's efforts to revive official cult honours for the deified Claudius. Re-examination of the evidence for the status of... more
This volume presents the proceedings of the third workshop of the international thematic network 'Impact of Empire', which concentrates on the history of the Roman Empire, c. 200 B.C.-A.D. 476, and, under the chairmanship of Lukas de... more
At the Crossroads of Cultures and Spiritualities In the Gospel of John chapter 4 we read of a peculiar encounter. A Samaritan woman meets with a Jewish rabbi at a rather unusual time of the day at a well. It is a difficult task to have a... more
Numismatics plays an important role in the study of the New Testament, not only because of the epigraphic and heraldic charateristics of coins, but also because of their material properties. The Gospels are known for their references to... more
Leadership in Rome after the Flavian victory in the civil war of AD 68-9 is based on an agreement made by Vespasian, Titus, and C. Licinius Mucianus. Tacitus presents the latter in hisHistoriaeas the person in charge in the western part... more
In this paper I try to demonstrate that in his Argonautica Velarius Flaccus treats some episodes in a way that could be interpreted as a commentary on relevant passages of Virgil’s Aeneid. More particularly, I focus on cases the are... more
This prayer falls within the tradition of prayers of petition or wish o fered publicly and in o cial circumstances. As is customary before Roman military expeditions, the general in command prays successful outcome of the army's... more
Medical plants play a vital role in curing many diseases. These plants, along with their leaves, have medicinal values. If these leaves are identified appropriately, they can be chosen directly to have more significant relief from the... more
In ancient Roman culture and ritual, funeral processions and triumphs have been found to share many features as public ceremonies not just of purification, but also of demonstration both of individual glory and Rome’s imperialist... more
The Poetic Structure of Silius Italicus' Punica (Books I-V) As concerns their poetic structure, the first five books of Silius’ Punica are very differentiated and complicated. However, all the events of the represented world... more
Abstract of the talk delivered at the international conference "The damned despot: rethinking Domitian and the Flavian world" - Rome, 18-21 January 2023
The Corona Borealis or Northern Crown is a bright constellation that shines conspicuously in the early summer sky. Among the oldest recognized constellations visible in the northern hemisphere, its distinctive configuration is easily... more
Los recientes hallazgos realizados en Segobriga (Cuenca) han sacado a la luz un amplio conjunto de esculturas, entre las que destaca el lote aparecido en las excavaciones de la basílica, constituido por ocho piezas datadas en su mayoría... more
W. Eck-F. Santangelo-K. Vössing (eds.), Emperor, Army, and Society. Studies in Ro-man Imperial History for Anthony R. Birley (Antiquitas 1.77), Bonn: Habelt Verlag, 2022.