Futures and Options
Recent papers in Futures and Options
In the last decade, the notion of uncertainty has gained prominence in anthropological debates. So has the debate on future. Yet, the conceptualisation of uncertainty has barely been linked to the future(s) and its temporal relations.... more
The master thesis studies the applicability of Black-Scholes-Model extensions to pricing options on stock indices. Polish options on the WIG20 stock index traded on the GPW the provide for the object of the study. The thesis analyses the... more
The study is an attempt to find a relation between the change in the prices of futures contracts of specific stocks and the change in Open Interest. Participants in the stock markets believe that the amount of open interest in a... more
Keynote on the Future of Space Exploration, broadcast live to 108 cities around the world. Amsterdam, May 30, 2011.
Relatório da Unesco poderia resumir-se numa ideia estrutural: Sem cultura, as cidades como espaços de vida vibrantes não existem, são meras construções de cimento e aço, propensas à degradação e à fratura social. Por Rui Matoso Em 2015 a... more
We are near to being able to attempt to colonize other planets in the solar system, especially Mars. Is it a good idea? Weighing the costs and benefits is more of a philosopher's task than one might at first think, for two reasons. There... more
This is my own invention of exercising Options. I call it, "The Dragon Spread". I uploaded several pictures and I'm still experimenting with this Options strategy. It is to be exercised when the stock price is determined to be bullish.... more
This paper compares the option pricing models of Louis Bachelier and the Black-Scholes Merton. In doing so it undertakes a review of the model constructs, particularly an extended review of the background to the Bachelier model, in the... more
Características básicas de los futuros de referencias específicas TRE en Colombia, mencionando algunas de las estrategias de valoración.
Reaching towards the future is a typical feature of modernity that has glorified, idealised, and exaggerated the value of its aspirations without, however, managing to take full advantage of them. As modernity breaks down there is a risk... more
The study is an attempt to find a relation between the change in the prices of futures contracts of specific stocks and the change in Open Interest. Participants in the stock markets believe that the amount of open interest in a... more
Zohuri, Bahman (2019). Hydrogen Energy: Challenges and Solutions for a Cleaner Future. Ed. Springer International Publishing.
This primer serves as an introduction to the work of Longpath Labs, a futures think tank and innovations lab that seeks to leverage the transformative opportunities of the Intertidal—the complex adaptive space between paradigms—to help... more
В статье рассматривается генезис и сущностное содержание понятий «патриотизм» и «национализм». Отмечается, что большинство теоретиков украинского национализма базируется в своих выкладках на устаревшей концепции примордиализма. Автор... more
The world is moving forward at a fast pace, and the credit goes to ever growing technology. One such concept is IOT (Internet of things) with which automation is no longer a virtual reality. IOT connects various non-living objects through... more
To understand the value of the option, we should know about the term why Option pricing.
Opuszczenie Unii Europejskiej przez Wielką Brytanię można wykorzystać, aby zweryfikować kierunek, w jakim aktualnie zmierza krajowa gospodarka w obszarze towarowym.
En los mercados financieros se efectúan transacciones de títulos valores con objetivos de rentabilidad, cobertura, movilización y optimización de activos financieros. Tales títulos tienen una primera manifestación en el ámbito económico y... more
The purpose of this study is to examine unusual option activity by creating a scoring system for each trade and testing that score for an exploitable edge in respect to forward returns in the underlying equity
Hearing impairment (HI) affects 1/6 of the total population in the UK, this figure is rising due to ageing of the population from the baby-boom era (Matthews, 2014). It has been noted that HI can have a substantial impact on one’s life,... more
In my design workshops, especially in workshops related to strategic design, design-driven innovation, or participatory design, I propose a scenario-based design process. In these processes, scenarios are not only a result of design... more
Based on mathematics and engineering point of view, we aim to explore the establishment of model structure, and thus calculate the benefits and risks of a financial product. Specifically, we exploit a large amount of market data of... more
What happened to the Venus Project since the death of Jacque Fresco? Futurist Esmaeil Rahimi The project is now holding workshops, courses, hosting international visitors, conferences, publishing journals, and running monthly and annual... more
Kirja käsittelee tulevaisuustutkimuksen ennakkoluuloja futurolokiselta kannalta, sana viittaa pohjoismaisen mytologian hahmoon Loki. Tuloksena pohdiskeluista syntyi näkökulma seitsemästätoista tulevaisuustutkimuksen meemikategoriasta,... more
Changing the intellectual property system while implementing the Creafree Standard. Implementation of human rights for all creative works and accessible for all, regardless of income.
The changing market dynamics in addition to globalisation and increasing internationalisation and trade needs effective and improved cross-border payment system, but the currently existing systems were found to be ineffective simply... more
Cozzolino Francesca, 2018, « Donner forme à l’avenir. Pratiques et discours de l’anticipation dans le champ du design », in Andrieu Chloé et Houdart Sophie, éd., La Composition du temps. Prédictions, événements, narrations historiques,... more
Den genetischen Code neu schreiben, mit Gedanken Geräte steuern, das Handeln fremder Menschen vorhersagen – einige Menschheitsträume sehen in unseren Tagen ihrer Verwirklichung entgegen, so scheint es. Diese Entwicklung wird einerseits... more
This paper reflects on the impact of the digital revolution on painting. It considers some of the implications of the recent and continuing advances in digital technologies. The debate on the future of painting in this era of digital... more
American options allow early exercise, which yields an additional challenge when optimizing a portfolio of American options, besides the weights of each option. In this work, we construct strategies for an American option portfolio by... more
Global teacher shortage is a serious concern with grave implications for the future of education. This calls for novel ways of addressing teacher roles. The economic benefits of tireless labour inspires the need for teachers who are... more
Совсем Другие: Сборник феминистской и квир-фантастики / Сост. и ред. О. Шаталова, Г. Мамедов, Бишкек: Штаб-Press, 2018. 336 с. (Радикальное воображение). В сборник вошли рассказы и визуальные проекты 15 активисток и активистов из... more
L'architettura è un campo in cui l’intervento umano sul mondo provoca conseguenze rilevanti e durature, spesso materialmente persistenti per centinaia e centinaia di anni. Sarebbe quindi naturale aspettarsi che gli architetti riflettano... more
Изучены теоретические основы прогнозирования цены опциона. Исследованы методические подходы динамического программирования цены опциона на основе модели Кокса-Росса-Рубинштейна.
Si les historiens considèrent que l’on ne peut pas faire rejaillir un passé bien enterré, ils sont aussi d’accord pour dire qu’on ne peut anticiper rationnellement l’avenir. L’Histoire n’est pas cyclique et ne se répète pas, elle est... more