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ABSTRACT We study whether option-implied conditional expectation of market loss due to tail events, or tail loss measure, contains information about future returns, especially the negative ones. Our tail loss measure predicts future... more
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      PredictabilityPortfolio OptimizationExtreme Value Theory
In 1950 Markowitz first formalized the portfolio optimization problem in terms of mean return and variance. Since then, the mean-variance model has played a crucial role in single-period portfolio optimization theory and practice. In this... more
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      Computational EconomicsEconometricsModeling and SimulationRisk Management
The 2018 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on limiting global warming to 1.5 °C highlights the importance of access to capital for reaching this target. As directly or indirectly government-owned and -controlled... more
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      FinanceClimate ChangeRenewable EnergyGovernance
This paper compares two groups of stocks to analyse the efficiency of having an ethical portfolio in comparison with a conventional portfolio. Therefore, efficiency test by second-order stochastic dominance (SSD) approach is applied on... more
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      Stochastic dominancePortfolio OptimizationEthical investments
In this paper we develop a framework for the study of financial equilibrium in the case of sectors in the economy, each of which is faced with two objectives/criteria in his portfolio selection decision making. In particular, we first... more
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      Computational EconomicsEconometricsDecision MakingOptimization Problem
Mutual fund is one of the most popular techniques for many people to invest their funds where a professional fund manager invests people's funds based on some special predefined objectives; therefore, performance evaluation of mutual... more
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      FuzzyOptimizationPortfolio OptimizationModel
This paper deals with the issue of buy-in thresholds in portfolio optimization using the Markowitz approach. Optimal values of invested fractions calculated using, for instance, the classical minimum-risk problem can be unsatisfactory in... more
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      Applied MathematicsPortfolio OptimizationBusiness and ManagementGlobal Optimization
Over the last few years, a number of rule-based approaches to passive investing have gained popularity by claiming to offer risk-adjusted performance superior to that of traditional market-capitali...
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      EconomicsQuantitative FinancePortfolio OptimizationPortfolio
This paper used complementary panel data models that are fixed effect regression model and panel vector auto regression model. The study was motivated by the hypothesis that both macroeconomic and microeconomic variables have an effect on... more
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      EconomicsCapital MarketsPortfolio ManagementInvestment Portfolio Management
The problem of selecting a portfolio has been largely faced in terms of minimizing the risk, given the return. While the complexity of the quadratic programming model due to Markowitz has been overcome by the recent progress in... more
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      MultidisciplinaryLinear ModelPortfolio OptimizationSTOCK EXCHANGE
We address a portfolio optimization problem in a semi-Markov modulated market. We study both the terminal expected utility optimization on finite time horizon and the risk-sensitive portfolio optimization on finite and infinite time... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsFixed Income SecuritiesPortfolio Optimization
In the classical discrete-time mean-variance context, a method for portfolio optimisation using conditioning information was introduced in 2001 by Ferson and Siegel ([1]). The fact that there are many possible signals that could be used... more
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      MathematicsOptimal ControlTime SeriesPortfolio Optimization
Index tracking aims at replicating a given benchmark with a smaller number of its constituents. Different quantitative models can be set up to determine the optimal index replicating portfolio. In this paper, we propose an alternative... more
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      FinanceEconomicsStatisticsOptimization Problem
... Since the pri-mary focus of this research pertains to the project screening process, in which go/no-go decisions are being made early in the acquisition lifecycle, this linear assumption seems appropriate. ... REFERENCES [1] KM... more
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      EngineeringDecision MakingAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessPortfolio Optimization
We consider several multiperiod portfolio optimization models where the market consists of a riskless asset and several risky assets. The returns in any period are random with a mean vector and a covariance matrix that depend on the... more
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      MultidisciplinaryPortfolio OptimizationCoefficient of VariationEfficient Frontier
Stochastic differential equations have been shown useful in describing random continuous time processes. Biomedical experiments often imply repeated measurements on a series of experimental units and differences between units can be... more
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      Computational StatisticsParameter estimationPortfolio OptimizationTikhonov Regularization
... 27-51, 1970. 23. Jagannathan, R. and Ma, T., "Risk reduction in large portfolios: Why imposing the wrong constraints helps," J. Finance, v58, pp. 1651-1684, 2003. ... Lorenzo... more
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      Management SciencePortfolio OptimizationShrinkage estimationMinimum variance
The paper approaches the potential of risk-adjusted performance indicators in life insurance, with special reference to a structured policy. The final issue is the computation of risk adjusted indicators as a tool to evaluate the... more
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      EconomicsDecision MakingMonte Carlo SimulationPortfolio Optimization
This paper examines the portfolio optimization of energy futures by using the STARR ratio that can evaluate the risk and return relationship for skewed distributed returns. We model the price returns for energy futures by using the... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisPortfolio OptimizationSeasonalityNatural Gas
The popularity of downside risk among investors is growing and mean return±downside risk portfolio selection models seem to oppress the familiar mean±variance approach. The reason for the success of the former models is that they separate... more
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      Asset AllocationMultidisciplinaryPortfolio OptimizationPortfolio Selection
The selection of optimal portfolios is the central problem of financial investment decisions. Mathematically speaking, portfolio selection refers to the formulation of an objective function that determines the weights of the portfolio... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmPortfolio OptimizationObjective function
The main objective of a hedge strategy is to generate positive returns irrespective of market conditions. This paper presents a classic hedge fund strategy: an investment vehicle whose key objective is to minimize investment risk in an... more
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      Asset AllocationHedge FundsPortfolio OptimizationRandom Walk
This work presents a new prediction-based portfolio optimization model that can capture short-term investment opportunities. We used neural network predictors to predict stocks' returns and derived a risk measure, based on the prediction... more
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      EngineeringTime SeriesNeural NetworksNeural Network
This paper will investigate the optimum portfolio for an investor, taking into account 5 criteria. The mean variance model of portfolio optimization that was introduced by Markowitz includes two objective functions; these two criteria,... more
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      MathematicsIndustrial EngineeringPortfolio OptimizationGoal programming
We provide a computational study of the problem of optimally allocating wealth among multiple stocks and a bank account, to maximize the infinite horizon discounted utility of consumption. We consider the situation where the transfer of... more
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      Applied MathematicsTransaction CostsFinite element methodMathematical Finance
This paper introduces an interactive approach to support multi-criteria decision analysis of project portfolios. In high-scale strategic decision domains, scientific studies suggest that the Decision Maker (DM) can find help by using... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)Combinatorial OptimizationOperations ResearchEvolutionary Computation
In this paper, user log data of mobile notifications are collected from a real mobile news application, and notification opening rate and reaction time are identified as key parameters that characterize user behavior. The results indicate... more
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      Data MiningData AnalysisConvex OptimizationPortfolio Optimization
This study aims to analyzethe contributions of the factors that influence the movement of the yield curve of government securities (SUN) in Indonesia as integratedpaper of Sihombing et al. (2014).Fundingof Indonesian governmentcontinues... more
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      Financial EconomicsPortfolio OptimizationYieldBonds
The 2018 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on limiting global warming to 1.5 °C highlights the importance of access to capital for reaching this target. As directly or indirectly government-owned and -controlled... more
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      BusinessFinanceClimate ChangeRenewable Energy
Herewith a small Excel and VBA demonstration of the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) Portfolio Optimization Model using LP Simplex methods. It is based on the recent paper by Mike Fox on (a) Further Reduction of the Konno-Yamazaki... more
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      Linear ProgrammingPortfolio ManagementLinear programming (Optimization Techniques)Investment Portfolio Management
Developing a successful asset allocation strategy requires the construction of diversified portfolios, able to perform well out-of-sample. During the 2007/08 financial crisis, many investment portfolios lost substantial amounts of capital... more
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      Ridge RegressionPortfolio OptimizationLASSO
The present work overviews the application of recom-mender systems in various financial domains. The relevant literature is investigated based on two directions. First, a domain-based cate-gorization is discussed focusing on those... more
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      Real EstateFinanceRecommender SystemsMutual Funds
Portfolio optimization with private equity is based on one of three different indices: listed private equity indices, transaction-based private equity indices, and appraisal value based private equity indices. We show that none of these... more
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      Applied MathematicsPortfolio ManagementVenture CapitalPrivate Equity
We propose a framework for studying optimal market making policies in a limit order book (LOB). The bid-ask spread of the LOB is modelled by a Markov chain with finite values, multiple of the tick size, and subordinated by the Poisson... more
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      EconomicsComputational FinanceMarket MicrostructureMathematical Finance
Benati and Rizzi [S. Benati, R. Rizzi, A mixed integer linear programming formulation of the optimal mean/Value-at-Risk portfolio problem, European Journal of Operational Research 176 (2007) 423-434], in a recent proposal of two linear... more
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      Complexity TheoryMultidisciplinaryPortfolio OptimizationValue at Risk
The selection of optimal portfolios is the central problem of financial investment decisions. Mathematically speaking, portfolio selection refers to the formulation of an objective function that determines the weights of the portfolio... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmPortfolio OptimizationObjective function
In this paper we use a stochastic programming approach to develop currency option hedging models which can address problems with multiple random factors in an imperfect market. The portfolios considered in our model are rebalanced at the... more
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      Information TheoryStochastic ProgrammingFinancial DerivativesPortfolio Optimization
There has been significant evidence on the forecasting ability of Regime switching regression models. Smart beta or alternative beta indices are gaining wide popularity among investment community. Smart beta indices constructed based on... more
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      Financial EconomicsCorporate FinancePortfolio ManagementInternational Finance
The Markowitz mean-variance portfolio theory posits that the optimal portfolio weights can be chosen based off an efficient tradeoff between profit modeled as the mean and risk measured as the variance-covariance matrix. These values must... more
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      Financial EconomicsMachine LearningComputational FinanceRegularization (Analysis)
Yüksek volatilite dönemlerinde hisse senedi yatırımı yapmak, volatilitenin nispeten düşük olduğu dönemlere göre yatırımcılar açısından daha zor olmaktadır. Bu dönemlerde, piyasaların etkinlik seviyeleri azalış göstermekte ve... more
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      Portfolio ManagementVolatilityPortfolio OptimizationGrey System Theory
The problem of optimizing a number of simultaneous bets is considered, using primarily log-utility. Stochastic gradient-based algorithms for solving this problem are developed and compared with the simplex method. The solutions may be... more
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      Financial Risk ManagementFinancial mathematicsEconomics of GamblingInvestment Portfolio Management
Portfolio optimization is to build your portfolio in such a way that you maximize potential returns from investments while still not exceeding the amount of risk you’re willing to carry. Creating a balanced portfolio with many different... more
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      Statistical machine learningPortfolio OptimizationRobust optimizationComputer Application
This paper analyzes the performance and risk-return characteristics of three major emerging art markets: Russia, China, and India. According to three national art market indices, built by hedonic regressions based on auction sales prices,... more
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      Applied EconomicsEmerging MarketsPortfolio OptimizationEmerging Market
American options allow early exercise, which yields an additional challenge when optimizing a portfolio of American options, besides the weights of each option. In this work, we construct strategies for an American option portfolio by... more
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      Reinforcement LearningMonte Carlo SimulationFutures and OptionsPortfolio Optimization
We consider the problem of the statistical uncertainty of the correlation matrix in the optimization of a financial portfolio. We show that the use of clustering algorithms can improve the reliability of the portfolio in terms of the... more
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      Economic TheoryApplied EconomicsPortfolio OptimizationVolatility Forecasting
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      Applied MathematicsTabu SearchSimulated AnnealingParticle Swarm Optimization
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      Trading StrategiesPortfolio OptimizationMomentumTrading Strategy
Keywords: Volatility spillover Oil market Stock markets Oil-importing and oil-exporting countries Portfolio and hedging implications Symmetric and asymmetric DCC-GARCH modelsJEL classification: F65 G11 A B S T R A C T This study analyses... more
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      Stock MarketsPortfolio OptimizationEnergy FinanceOil Imports and Exports
Security Analysis, Portfolio Management, and Financial Derivatives integrates the many topics of modern investment analysis. It provides a balanced presentation of theories, institutions, markets, academic research, and practical... more
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      FinanceIndonesiaPerformanceAsset Allocation
This paper is an attempt to conduct a comprehensive survey of relevant literatures in respect of the relationship between board dynamics and firm performance. The investigation reveals that equivocal findings still dominates most of the... more
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      Energy EconomicsCorporate GovernancePortfolio OptimizationMarket Analysis on Power & Energy Sector Bussiness Reform
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