Hellenistic Literature
Recent papers in Hellenistic Literature
The reference in a pentameter by Ticida to Valerius Cato's poem Lydia as maxima cura is a bilingual wordplay and complex allusion to Callimachus' description of a poem by Antimachus, possibly the Lyde as "the large woman" (fr. 1.12 Pf.)
Convegno internazionale di studi in onore di Antonio Martina per i suoi 75 anni Roma, 22-23 ottobre 2009 a cura di G. Cerri, A.-T. Cozzoli e M. Giuseppetti Roma 2012 SCIENZE E LETTERE Il volume è pubblicato con il contributo del... more
"Aetia Romana. SH 957 (P.Hamb. inv. 666 verso) and the legend of the founding of Rome in the Greek world."
In questo PDF propongo un abstract della mia tesi magistrale sul nuovo filone degli epigrammi "mitologici" di Dioscoride, seguito dall'indice completo del mio lavoro e da un'abbondante bibliografia in merito.
Classicists are, perhaps, most familiar with Theocritus’ use of food as a temptation to romance in Idyll XI, where the Cyclops Polyphemus attempts to woo the “whiter-than-cream-cheese” Galatea by enticing her with the finest milk and an... more
Con las versiones de anacreónticas que realizaron en edad adolescente, los escritores e intelectuales cubanos José Julián Martí Pérez 1 (La Habana, 1853-Dos Ríos, 1895 y Enrique José Varona y Pera 2 (Puerto Príncipe, 1849-La Habana, 1933... more
Shvatanje da je antička helenistička kultura spoj ili mešavina grčke i "istočne" ili "orijentalne" kulture potiče od nemačkog istoričara Johana Gustava Drojzena (1808-1884). Inspirisan Hegelovom filozofijom, protestantskom teologijom i... more
Luke-Acts demonstrates a theological concern with Jesus as Redeemer of the outcasts (whether they be within Israel or Gentiles), and a literary concern with Greco-Roman modes of presentation. In both these respects, Luke-Acts is unique... more
Ce document constitue une avant-publication, dans le cadre de l'édition des principaux fragments poétiques du IIIe s. av. n. é. que je prépare.
Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.
In Proceedings of the ICLA XXI Congress, Vol. 4: Rhetoric of Topics and Forms, ed. Gianna Zocco. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021. 341-352.
Este livro reúne artigos voltados ao estudo de aspectos da literatura helenística e de sua influência na produção literária posterior, abrangendo variados assuntos, tais como épica, historiografia, mimo, teatro, biografia e filosofia. A... more
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more
This was a paper given at the 2015 Duke/UNC Chapel Hill Graduate Colloquium. It discusses the use of the word 'ogygios' within the Alexandrian corpus as a means of collapsing the geography of Boeotian Thebes with Egyptian Thebes.
Ce document constitue une avant-publication, dans le cadre de l'édition à venir des fragments poétiques du IIIe s. de n. è.
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
The paper analyses the use and functions of the myth of Adonis in two Hellenistic poets: Bion and Theocritus.
Le sort de l’homme après la mort… Voilà donc un sujet sur lequel on s’interroge au moins une fois dans sa vie. Qu’est-ce qui attend l’homme après sa mort ? A-t-on vraiment tout imaginé ? L’homme tente-t-il de se donner bonne conscience ?... more
Courtney J. P. Friesen explores shifting boundaries of ancient religions by way of the reception of a popular tragedy, Euripides’ Bacchae . As a play staging political crises provoked by the arrival of the “foreign” god Dionysus and his... more
Ο τόμος αυτός επιχειρεί να προσφέρει ένα έγκυρο βοήθημα για τη μελέτη της αρχαίας ελληνικής γραμματείας κατά τους ελληνιστικούς και αυτοκρατορικούς χρόνους, δηλαδή την περίοδο από τον θάνατο του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου, το 323 π.Χ., έως το... more
S carse e incerte le notizie pervenuteci sulla vita di Apollonio (Ἀπολλώνιος) Rodio: il quale, nonostante l'epiteto di Rodio, nacque in Egitto, ad Alessandria o a Naucrati, verso il 295 a.C. Una tradizione diffusa, attestata dalla Suda e... more
Chapter III (55) How Roman Arms Came to Conquer the Successors of Alexander (55) How Much More Successful Was the Roman Legion than the Macedonian Phalanx? (57) The Best Soldiers versus the Best Formation (59) Why the Greeks... more
Il volume propone un quadro sintetico ma aggiornato delle forme del potere nel mondo greco tra iv e i secolo a.C., fra la tirannide e la nuova concezione di regalità introdotta da Alessandro Magno. La chiave di lettura è la reazione... more
The article analyses one of the hexametric poems copied on a second century AD papyrus, possibly from Hermupolis, P.Lit.Goodspeed 2: a Hellenistic hymn to Aphrodite celebrated as a patroness of the sea and of wedded love. This portrayal... more
Possiamo davvero dire che Doroteo di Sidone sia il primo "orarista della storia"? La ricerca di esempi di carta oraria propriamente detta, o almeno di riferimenti alla pratica oraria nel ricco materiale che ci è pervenuto dall'epoca... more
(from the Introduction) Intending only to research medieval conceptions of hell, author Alan Bernstein wanted to investigate postmortem retribution in the ancient world for historical context. This investigation turned into an entire book... more
Neste trabalho são abordadas questões relacionadas com a mentalidade espartana, tal como as suas origens e questões políticas, económicas, culturais e sociais tendo por base a análise de obras da época que, apesar de escassas, nos dão um... more
Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.