History of Commodities in a Global Perspective
Recent papers in History of Commodities in a Global Perspective
This study seeks to ascertain the identification and origins of the commodities in trade between the Levant and Aegean during the Persian period, ca. 540-330 B.C. Using Semitic and Greek textual sources, as well as numismatic, epigraphic... more
The quest for saltpeter, the 'inestimable treasure' of Tudor and Stuart monarchs, crucial for the production of gunpowder, is the subject of David Cressy's work, which spans the reign of the first Tudor, Henry VII, to the industrialised... more
Coffee: A Global History will be published in October 2018. Download this flyer to get a 20% discount from the publishers or go and pre-order now from Amazon!
Most studies of global commodities trace the flow of exotics into Europe. Mediterranean red coral, Corallium rubrum, was one of the few European commodities to find markets in eighteenth-century Asia. This paper reconstructs the nodes... more
Durante el siglo XX el café se convirtió en una importante mercancía y, por lo tanto, en un producto capaz de interconectar diferentes mundos. Desde mediados del siglo XIX se habían establecido estrechas redes entre Hamburgo y Bremen, los... more
L'articolo si propone di ricostruire i principali meccanismi di rilevazione dei prezzi di beni dei settori produttivi primario e secondario in uso presso il sistema nazionale delle camere di commercio, a partire da un loro inquadramento... more
Around 1500, Nuremberg merchants began to market all over Europe brass thimbles produced in this city by specialized artisans. Nuremberg thimbles quickly became THE export commodity. Germans merchants based in Lisbon, used Lisbon, its... more
The author is broadly interested in: law and history; slavery and freedom; colonialism and decolonization; cultural history; besides discussions on race, sexuality, gender, and discrimination. João Sodré has published articles, among them... more
This is the syllabus for my entry level survey course, "Global History to 1500." This is the online version of the course (which runs for 7.5 weeks), which has been much modified from the original face-to-face, 15-week version. -- The... more
Following the Ottoman conquest of Egypt and the Levant in 1516-17, administrators of the empire began to experiment with several innovative strategies to increase the total volume of the spice trade between the Indian Ocean and the... more
The essay aims to «spatialize» microhistory, that is, it proposes a microhistory sensitive to spatiality. I therefore seek to outline a historiographical approach capable of deconstructing the alleged universality of the macro-analytical... more
From the death of his father in 1532, to his own demise in 1563, Teodósio I led the wealthiest, most prominent and powerful family of the Portuguese nobility as the 5th Duke of Bragança ( .1). 1 He married twice, fi rst to Isabel, who... more
Esta investigación busca analizar las transformaciones y permanencias en los procesos de extracción, circulación y consumo del palo de Brasil procedente de la Nueva Granada en los siglos XVIII y XIX. Se hace énfasis en el palo de Brasil... more
An essay about the material culture of the tea plant in eighteenth-century Britain
Klemens KAPS / Miroslav LACKO: Sixth European Congress on World and Global History – Double Panel: Mining and its Commodities as Wheels of the Early-Modern Global Economy, online 18. Juni 2021 [Tagungsbericht], in: Der Anschnitt -... more
LACKO, Miroslav. Protoglobalisierung im oberungarischen Metallhandel: Göllnitzer Bergbaurevier im ‚langen‘ 16. Jahrhundert [Proto-Globalization in the Upper Hungarian Metal Trade: Mining District of Gelnica in the 'long' 16th Century].... more
A era moderna foi marcada por fluxos de pessoas, ideias e bens em proporções inéditas -fluxos que conectaram os destinos das Américas, da África e da Europa e formaram o que historiadores descrevem como um "mundo Atlântico". A história... more
The landscapes of the Greater Caribbean have been undergoing a process of ecological globalization since the arrival of European explorers and settlers in the late fifteenth century. The character of this ecological globalization has... more
Nearly all discussion in historical archaeology exploring issues of consumption and commodities is focused on the Euro-American world. This paper contributes data from archaeological investigations in the Middle East for exploring modern... more
LACKO, Miroslav. Svetová slovenská meď: Dejiny banskobystrického mediarskeho podniku. In Historická revue 30 (2019), No. 9, pp. 38-43. ISSN 1335-6550.
The study of the movement of ‘things’ — the exchange of objects as gifts or through trade, the itineraries that they followed when on the move, and their changing importance from location to location — can offer unique insights into our... more
During the premodern era, folding fans were among the few handicrafts that China imported from Japan. The availability of Japanese folding fans in China changed along with Sino-Japanese relations. They were rare during the Northern Song... more
This paper aims at presenting the forthcoming school textbook 'A Global History of Humanity' that spans from 70.000 BCE till the 21 st century and narrates a global history of our world assuming a non-Eurocentric and non-nationalist... more
This material was presented at two conferences in October 2017: the "Indian Ocean World Centre Graduate Conference" at McGill University and "South-South II: Materiality and Embodiment in Greater Asia and Africa" at Columbia University.... more
En el presente ensayo se estudian las percepciones y diálogos entre China y Europa mediante el análisis de áreas geopolíticas estratégicas que fomentaron el comercio, las relaciones internacionales y redes socio-económicas entre China y... more
Using data from little known eighteenth-century Dutch, Swedish and Danish documents, this article reveals the important, but previously obscured, commercial connections between eighteenth-century Canton and Nanyang Chinese and Southeast... more
This year's annual Commodities of Empire international workshop will take place from 14 to 15 July 2022 at the Freie Universität Berlin, in collaboration with the DFG funded project Commodifying Cattle. It investigates livestock... more
For several centuries, salt cod have been a staple food in Spain and Portugal. We tend today to forget that the inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula also ate stockfish during the same period. This paper will review issues and historical... more
The word livestock itself suggests the reduction of animals as living things to animals as economic goods. Disaggregating the term into its component parts-live and stock-also suggest the difficulty of rendering things that are alive into... more
Title: Picturing Commerce in and from the East Asian Maritime Circuits, 1550-1800 Volume Editor: Tamara H. Bentley Publisher: Amsterdam University Press Series: Visual & Material Culture, 1300-1700 Combining strikingly new scholarship... more
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Rubber Industry: An Historical Anthropology: by Stephen L. Nugent, London and New York: Routledge, 2018, 208 pp., ISBN: 978-13-1517-997-1