Recent papers in Muslims
When the Muslim statement "A Common Word between us and you" appeared on the internet in October 2007, I found it to be dissonant to what I had read in early Muslim commentary on Q 3.64. I decided to investigate the interpretation of this... more
Çalışmanın amacı 30 Ocak 1923 tarihinde imzalanan Türk ve Yunan Halklarının Mübadelesine İlişkin Sözleşme ve Protokol'ün ardından İstanbul ilçelerine yerleştirilmiş olan mübadillerin burada yaşamış oldukları zorlukları ortaya koymaktır.... more
The accuracy of t he Cont ent should not be relied upon and should be independent ly verified wit h prim ary sources of inform at ion. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, act ions, claim s, proceedings, dem ands, cost... more
This conceptual study is to propose the conceptual framework on the factors that influence the effectiveness of claiming deceased assets by Muslim inheritors. It is an exploratory study, and a semi-structured interview method will be used... more On a Thursday night, terrorists blew themselves up in the streets of Beirut. The next day, co-ordinated terrorist attacks... more
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Yüce Türk Devletleri kuruluş felsefeleri itibari ile nice devletlere gebe kalmış, bağımsız devletleri vücuda getirmiş can olmuş kan olmuş, mukaddes ve kadim topraklara hükmetmiş Cihandaki itibarımız onur ve... more
""An unexpected gem. An innovative book which explores the everyday lived reality of Muslim minorities in Hong Kong. The contemporary focus is framed by a fascinating history of South Asian Muslims which reaches back into the early 19th... more
Este artículo presenta pruebas documentales y evidencias encontradas en el patrimonio arquitectónico que certifican la existencia de una comunidad de musulmanes peninsulares (andalusíes) y magrebíes en la etapa de formación temprana de... more
Islamophobic sentiments in the Western world have gained scientific attention, particularly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. However, the effects of religious stigma on Muslim minorities’ identity formation have rarely... more
La justice du Jugement dernier - Laurence B. Brown
Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Tamil Language
This study is made based on an interview between Professor Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Dr. Md. Abu Sayem about environmental issues. Professor Nasr connected religious / spiritual views of the environment with the present ecological... more
This insightful text examines the impact of Islamic schooling on Muslim youth in French-speaking Canada to consider how these institutions influence the formation of students’ cultural, national, ethnic, and religious identities, and... more
In this study Al-Faruqi presents the meaning and message of Islam to the wider world community. Key elements of the faith are summarized and explained in an overall theme of seven parts consisting of 21 chapters. Yet the chapters... more
Invited by Auburn University to give a public lecture soon after 911, the talk traced the history of the word “equality” from the time of slave-owner Jefferson drafting the Declaration of Independence to Lincoln’s Gettysburg address,... more
Muslim youth in Canada face daily challenges which impact their sense of identity and belonging, their mental health and well-being, and their faith. After 72 qualitative interviews in five cities, the results show that the primary... more
Background. It is recommended that Muslims consume dates. Many studies have proven the benefits of date consumption. However, many Muslims have not implemented these recommendations with many more consuming dates in a manner not in... more
The law (Waqf Legislation) in India conceptualizes waqf as ‘the permanent dedication by any person, of any movable or immovable property for any purpose recognised by the Muslim law as pious, religious or charitable.’ The theoretical... more
Man employs a variety of methods to communicate his ideas and intentions. When he trusts that his audiences are competent enough to comprehend his oral or written message, and when he feels assured that no prejudice or misunderstanding... more
Die Theologie des Paulus - Laurence B. Brown
О разгадке тайн летосчисления от основания города (AUC), лунной хиджры, а также легенды начала строительства Карлова моста в Праге согласно новейшим результатам российской естественнонаучной школы
How do ‘new’ and ’old’ Islamic actors in contemporary Albania define religious legitimacy, the nation and religious otherness? This chapter uses Olivier Roy’s analytical distinction between accommodationism and neo-fundamentalism as a... more
A cross-sectional study of 1068 Bengali Muslim boys (n=522) and girls (n=546) aged 10-17 years of Deganga, Barasat, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India, was undertaken to study their age and sex differences in nutritional status. The... more
This article deals with the growing phenomenon of Islamic feminism and its multiple manifestations through many new media avenues in the Arab world today. It begins by defining the term 'Islamic feminism' and the many ambivalences and... more
The article argues that several American Muslim organizations that had roots in political Islam are now moving away from their roots and embracing American Exceptionalism.
In this article, we have described to what extent migration and secularization undermined the traditional views of Islamic complementary gender roles and determined various forms of gender-related attitudes among migrants coming in Italy... more
The cases of Israel and Palestine offer a particularly interesting vantage point for analyzing ‘uses of the past’. Both states’ legal trajectories follow from developments in the late Ottoman and British Mandate (1922–1948) periods, and... more
Translation of the Holy Quran meanings in Bulgarian
Kırım, tarih öncesi dönemden beri Güney Ukrayna’nın bozkırlarla kaplı hinterlandını Karadeniz’e ve ötesine bağlayan bir geçiş bölgesi olmuştur. Yüzyıllar boyunca Osmanlı ve Rus imparatorluklarının, sonrasında da Sovyetler Birliği ve... more
Sexual problems in a relationship can be challenging for any couple. As mental health professionals increasingly find themselves serving culturally diverse clients from a variety of religious and spiritual backgrounds, they will likely... more
In this modern era, the representation of Islam and terrorism in Western media has been a contentious topic of multiple implications. This project entails a comprehensive analysis of the impact that the news media has had on the portrayal... more