Oral Literature and Folklore Studies
Recent papers in Oral Literature and Folklore Studies
Türk halk anlatılarından efsaneler bugüne kadar birçok açıdan incelenmiştir. Temelde sözlü bir anlatı türü olan efsaneler yazıya geçirildiğinde edebîlik vasfı olan metinler olarak var olmaya devam eder. A.J.Greimas tarafından geliştirilen... more
Some of the earliest Hungarian animal tales were published in 1829 in a periodical of literary criticism (Muzárion, Élet és Literatúra) under the name of Mrs. Krisztina Szemere, a young noble woman, who died a year before. As a... more
Падшие ангелы vs черти народной демонологии 11 не дух ли, не огнь ли. Слыши же и Давида вопиюща, и рекоуща, творяи аггелы своя, духы и слоугы своа огнь палящь. Да елико огньное естьство творя, разоумныя и бестелесныя духы» [Баранкова,... more
Vysokoškolské učebné texty Ľudová slovesnosť v literatúre pre deti a mládež je publikácia, v ktorej si kladieme za cieľ sprostredkovať študentom učiteľstva v bakalárskom štúdiu Predškolskej a elementárnej pedagogiky základné informácie o... more
Једна од основних делатности и задатака обновљеног Удружења фолклориста Србије јесте организовање међународних научних конференција и симпозијума фолклориста у циљу неговања и поспешивања међудисциплинарне сарадње. То су скупови под... more
Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2012, Préface de Michel Tardieu, dessins de Laurent Chiotti.
Özet: Erzurumlu Emrah, Türkiye'de halk edebiyatı incelemeleri arasında yoğunluk bakımından ilk sıraya oturan âşık tarzı şiir geleneği ve temsilcileriyle ilgili olarak geçen asrın ilk çeyreğinde başlayan çalışmalarda adından ilk söz edilen... more
The peer-reviewed International Journal on Folklore contains articles related to Indian folklore, cultural studies ,literature, oral tradition, myth ritual theory, language and pedagogy
ESTA SEGUNDA ENTREGA de tesoros del Atlas telliano consta de dos grandes secciones: una de cuentos maravillosos, protagonizados en su mayoría por princesas, sultanes, monstruos, ogros y ogresas; y otra de cuentos realistas y de ingenio,... more
Sa pagbubuo ng kasaysayan ng isang bayan, isang maselang gawain ang pangangalap ng mga datos na may 400 taon na ang nakalilipas. Kaya hindi maiiwasang hagilapin at itala ang mga alamat at kuwentong bayan tungkol sa lugar na tinutukoy.... more
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia defines ethnopoetics as the “recording of text versions of oral poetry or narrative performances that use poetic lines, verses and stanzas to capture the formal, poetic performance elements which would... more
An introduction to the pre-print working papers of the seminar-workshop held in Helsinki in May 2017. Of wider interest may be its short discussion of formulaic language in the section "The Construct of the ‘Poetry’ versus ‘Not Poetry’... more
Compared to western European tendencies, tales in Hungary were put down rather belatedly, only at the very end of the 18th century, and until the second half of the 1850s the publication of tales was also rare and sporadic, therefore the... more
У статті розглядається специфіка відображення місцевої народної традиційної культури в ранній фольклорно-романтичній прозі П.Куліша, місцем дії в якій виступає рідне для письменника містечко Вороніж.
The aim of this thesis is to create an ethnolinguistic analysis of two corpuses of Mongolian riddles (Lovor and Ölziikhutag 1990 and Ölziikhutag 2013). The work contains over one hundred riddles appended with translations and... more
Folklore, as a historical and cultural process producing and transmitting beliefs, stories, customs, and practices, has always thrived and evolved in the broader context of history and culture. Consequently, tradition and modernity have... more
This research traces the journey of a single fairy tale from its origins in Parisian salons three hundred years ago to an oral version told from memory by a French Missourian miner in 1934. Mme d’Aulnoy’s “Finette Cendron” has a peculiar... more
Benito Mastacchini lives in Suvereto, Livorno, in the southern Tuscany and he is one of the older person still able to improvise in Ottava Rima. I interviewed him within my research about the social aspects of the oral poetry in Ottava... more
En los sonetos de El rayo que no cesa Miguel Hernández lograba consolidar un cauce expresivo que ya había venido fraguando desde sus etapas anteriores. Y, para conseguirlo, el poeta elaboró una cosmovisión muy personal que poco a poco... more
Предмет данного исследования — поэтическое творчество самобытного автора Дамняна Крстича (д. Врбица, Заечарски округ, Сербия). В работе представлены основные сведения о поэте и его жизни, при этом особое внимание уделяется рукописным... more
Spivak’s rhetorical question ‘Can the subaltern speak?’ finds true expression in the story of Jane Furse and similarly Manche Masemola dying at the same age as Jane. Two marginal girls are the subject of my discussion, namely Jane Furse... more
In this article we offer four Algerian versions of The Shepherd Youth in the Robbers’ Power that will force us to reconsider the current theories about the origin and distribution of this tale. These variants, which were collected in a... more
Hacia mediados del siglo XIX, un texto estremeció los cimientos del pensamiento más puritano y conservador de Occidente. Se trataba de unas tablillas cuneiformes mesopotámicas en las que se relataba cómo el dios Enki había ordenado a su... more
A paper presented at a conference organized by Al Habib University, Karachi. It analyse the colonial construction of indigenous knowledge as folklore, which led to the disparaging of forms of local knowledge production and the presumption... more
... At this point only, she refers to herself by Perrault's heroine's name: Altesses, Cendrillon vous méprise autant que vous le méritez (Highnesses, Cendrillon despises you as much as ... [End Page 49]. Copyright © 2007... more
Abstract: The ideals of manhood have been celebrated in all cultures through interesting stories of adventure, warfare, and love. The concept of Sahibqiran as an ideal king and world conqueror remained ingrained in the consciousness of... more
Session abstract: In order to obtain a holistic view of man's perceptions and reactions to salt, special consideration should also be given to those aspects considered minor and therefore usually neglected. These are divided into two... more
Antropologi, musicologi, demologi e ricercatori di varia provenienza ed esperienza si confrontano sul terreno della musica popolare in Puglia, nel più ampio quadro della storia e della cultura locale, nazionale e internazionale. Un... more