Philosophy of Thomas Kuhn
Recent papers in Philosophy of Thomas Kuhn
Ablaufmodell 26n absolute reality, see reality accuracy 149, 162, 191, 195, 241, 243, 262 adherents, first of a new theory 239-240 aesthetic considerations 241-242, 258 algorithm in theory comparison 151, 250-251 analogy, concrete problem... more
Öz Auguste Comte'dan bu yana, yani başlangıcından beri bilim tarihi çalışmaları 'ilerleme' kavramı üzerine odaklanmıştır. Akademik bir disiplin olarak bilim tarihinin kurucu babası George Sarton bilim tarihini bilimsel bilginin gelişim... more
In his mature works, Kuhn abandons the concept of a paradigm and becomes more interested in the analysis of the conceptual structure of scientific theories. These changes are interpreted as resulting from a ‘linguistic turn’ that Kuhn... more
Thomas Kuhn defined the characteristics of scientific revolutions based to a large extent upon his knowledge of the first and second Scientific Revolutions. He concluded that scientific revolutions are the result of crises faced by... more
Thomas Kuhn's "paradigms" and Michel Foucault's "epistemes" are often seen as similar concepts, in that both would establish necessary conditions of knowledge. However, how close are they to each other? The aim of this article is to... more
Notes on Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1970 edition, 21 single-spaced pages.
"O objetivo descrito nesse artigo, portanto, é evidenciar os pressupostos centrais do pensamento de Thomas Kuhn, em sua obra clássica, e contribuir na compreensão, interpretação e representação de seus argumentos fundamentais sobre a... more
Este artículo fue publicado en el volumen colectivo coordinado por Eduardo Scarano. Ed. Macchi, Buenos Aires, 1999, pp. 221- 245. Hacia 1960, Thomas Kuhn publica un libro, "La estructura de las revoluciones científicas", que obliga a... more
La interpretación que propongo es quizás -históricamente- sólo posible en nuestros días, cuando ya conocemos la evolución posterior de Kuhn, y sabemos cuáles han sido los caminos que transitó la aceptación de su obra en el seno... more
The Rosenheim Poltergeist of 1967, is cited everywhere as probably the most serious and trustworthy detection of a paranormal event, by technicians and instruments from companies and institutions like Deutsch Post, Siemens, Max Planck... more
Article reprinted in: Madill, A., & Gough, B. (2016). Qualitative research and its place in psychological science. In A. E. Kazdin (Ed.), Methodological issues and strategies in clinical research (4th ed., pp. 437–458). American... more
En este artículo se analizan dos de las estrategias de Kuhn para defender la inconmensurabilidad. Estas estrategias son la separación tajante entre interpretación y traducción y el reclamo de Kuhn de tener en cuenta los aspectos... more
A publicação de A Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas (1962) é considerada um ponto de inflexão na história da filosofia da ciência anglófona. Com essa obra, original e sugestiva, Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) tornou-se um dos mais influentes... more
Seguiremo all’inverso KUHN [1970], il cui indice generale sarà invertito. Se Kuhn dalle rivoluzioni giunge alle caratteristiche della conoscenza scientifica, dalle caratteristiche della conoscenza scientifica noi giungeremo ad accennare... more
por múltiples razones. Porque en lo personal me ha permitido seguir mi carrera académica en un clima propicio. Porque como institución ha decidido encarar caminos creativos no tradicionales, lo cual permite que sus docentes,... more
Simandan D (2005) "Pragmatic Scepticism and the Possibilities of Knowledge" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/West University Press, 256 pp. This book distiled my own way of understanding the relation between epistemology,... more
La rápida e intensiva evolución que han experimentado las tecnologías biológicas y digitales a finales del siglo XX, han producido importantes transformaciones en nuestros hábitos cotidianos y laborales. En el campo específico de la... more
Art exists and changes through time, but in what form is such change encoded in time, and vice versa? How are we best to describe and understand the restless and turbulent currents, tides, and storms of artistic movement that unfold... more
Contrairement aux grandes figures du pragmatisme classique (Peirce, James, Dewey, Mead), Richard Rorty a souvent été accusé de prôner une pensée irrationaliste, hostile aux sciences. Dans cet article, je me propose de nuancer un tel... more
The Twin Earth scenario assumes reference to natural kinds is unique and never changes (rigid designation), and that we can give justice to the intuition of reference-permanence and things having a deep structure only by pushing meaning... more
Marc Champagne argues that the supposedly ‘professional’ style of the analytic
tradition does not ensure professionalism, nor indeed, clear-mindedness.
tradition does not ensure professionalism, nor indeed, clear-mindedness.
This is a book on Thomas S. Kuhn's intellectual development until the publication of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. It's based on original research into the MIT archives, where Kuhn's documents are deposited, just as my old 2004... more
The paper deals with Kuhn’s development immediately before Structure and during the last two decades of his life. I discuss Kuhn’s development from his penultimate draft of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions to its final version, and... more
Thomas Kuhn is still being accused of defending an irrational picture of scientific activity or theory choice, and/or of severely criticizing its methodology and findings in Turkish philosophical literature, with just a few outstanding... more
Both Adam Becker and Errol Morris have published excellent books, on the history of quantum theory and on Kuhn respectively. This joint review traces the roots of modern irrationalism back to a surprising source.
Thomas Kuhn'un "Bilimsel Devrimlerin Yapısı" isimli eseri bilim tarihi çalışmalarında yeni bir perspektifin başlangıcı olmuştur. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü'nde yapılan bu sunumda Kuhn'un eseri ve... more
Advanced graduate seminar in Philosophy of Science. Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas, UNAM, 2017
The publication of Thomas S. Kuhn’s "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" in 1962 stands for a turning point in the history and philosophy of science. The repercussions of this work have rearticulated the theoretical framework of history... more
A treatise on time through Science and Art
This is a pre-print version of a forthcoming book review (Metascience, doi: 10.1007/s11016-022-00750-8)
Book Review of K. Brad Wray (Ed.): Interpreting Kuhn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 263 pp, £75.00 HB
Book Review of K. Brad Wray (Ed.): Interpreting Kuhn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 263 pp, £75.00 HB
Thomas Kuhn’un 1962 yılında yayımlamış olduğu “Bilimsel Devrimlerin Yapısı” adlı kitabı bilimsel gelişme, bilimin doğası ve bilimsel bilginin özerkliği gibi çeşitli bilim felsefesi konularında farklı tartışmaların ortaya... more
Bilime ve onun bilgisine akademik, politik, ekonomik ve kamusal alanlar olmak üzere birçok alanda diğer bilgi iddialarına kıyasla daha fazla güven duyulmaktadır. Bilime duyulan bu güvenin temelinde büyük ölçüde bilimsel süreçlerin ve... more
This article does three things. First, it asks a new question about transformative education, namely 'what is the role of power and trust in the decision of whether to transform one's meaning scheme in the face of new information or... more
It has been frequently claimed that Kuhnian picture of science is the following: (i) According to Kuhn, science is not progressive, (ii) is progressive but not cumulative, (iii) is progressive but not-linear (iv) normal science... more
Aquí hago un comentario al capitulo de Cecilia Muñoz Vila sobre el hecho psíquico, la consciencia y la realidad psíquica, lo cual permite todo un acercamiento epistemológico al psicoanálisis.