Recent papers in Proactiveness
Today's business customers expect sellers not only to respond effectively to their expressed needs but also to understand their business sufficiently well to proactively address their latent and future needs. Yet, research shows that many... more
Strategic intrapreneurship stands out as an emerging concept especially in recent years since it plays a crucial role for both large and small and medium-sized enterprises. In this scope, the strategic intrapreneurship concept refers a... more
The concept of strategic intrapreneurship emerges through the combination of two potentials, namely intrapreneurship and strategic management. Strategic intrapreneurship help organizations seek to achieve strategic goals in order to... more
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The research paper provides an understanding of influence of entrepreneurial orientation on export performance of Small Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Background of the study presents an overview of SMEs in... more
This study is aimed to assess the effect of both employability and personal resources, in terms of pro-activity and self-efficacy, on the relationship between job insecurity and psycho-social distress. Using survey data from 211... more
Today’s business customers expect sellers not only to respond effectively to their expressed needs but also to understand their business sufficiently well to proactively address their latent and future needs. Yet, research shows that many... more
Analytical report based on field level experiences and lessons learnt from other countries: The roles and responsibilities of the civil society organizations in post war situation.
It is commonly believed that entrepreneurs are one of the main pillars of nation economic growth or development due to their ability to create jobs. Entrepreneur as a career choice has known since ancient time along with career as... more
There is an urgent need to foster the development and establishment of robust and effective preparedness and emergency response systems capacity, and strenghtening community-based programs and activities in improving Aedes-related Zika... more
Kuruluşlarını takiben kısa süreler içerisinde uluslararası pazarlarda faaliyet göstermeye başlayan, geleneksel uluslararasılaşma sürecine ilişkin yaklaşımların öngördüğü aşamalardan geçmeyen küçük ve orta büyüklükteki işletmeler alan... more
Cultural heritage is an area that has recently drawn research attention, especially for exploring ways to harness novel mobile technologies for supporting visitors. The main benefit of these novel technologies is their ability to provide... more
Among the features of concurrent engineering is the notion of distributed design, and the ability to communicate design changes to multidisciplinary teams. Engineering design is a complex activity. Differences in system architectures and... more
Abstract Today's business customers expect sellers not only to respond effectively to their expressed needs but also to understand their business sufficiently well to proactively... more
We extend prior work on proactiveness in family firms by examining the relationship between firm age and proactiveness. Specifically, we propose an S-shaped effect of aging of family firms on proactiveness. Additionally, we provide a... more
Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) are contributing to the economy in many ways such as; generation of new employment opportunities, the introduction of new business methods, products and services, and the elimination of the... more
The purpose of this paper is to measure the effects of each dimension of entrepreneurship on the risks of Tunisian family businesses. The data for this study were collected through a survey, conducted face to face, with 110 Tunisian... more