Tax reform
Recent papers in Tax reform
Pongo a disposición de los lectores, esta obra, ya descatalogada desde hace años, que aún puede ser útil para los estudiosos de la jurisrprudencia constitucional y la doctrina española y alemana sobre el principio de capacidad económica.
Estudios sobre el uso de los “gastos nancieros” como instru- mento de erosión de bases imponibles, han encontrado evi- dencia de su uso generalizado por parte de empresas multi- nacionales (EMN). En este trabajo se hace un recuento de... more
Este trabalho analisa as razões do recorrente fracasso das reformas tributárias no Brasil. Foram estudadas três tentativas de reforma-uma no governo FHC e duas no governo Lula. Apesar de o sistema tributário brasileiro ser muito mal... more
Jako niezgodne z zasadą prawdy materialnej należy uznać działania organu podatkowego, który a priori, a więc bez przeprowadzenia postępowania dowodowego, przyjmuje np. kwalifikację danego obiektu jako budynku mieszkalno-letniskowego,... more
Most developing countries continue to face severe issues in developing adequate and quick to respond tax systems. While each of these paths to reform is necessary, in the end what 50 years of experience tells us is that improving the... more
Dodatkowe zobowiązanie podatkowe w podatku od towarów i usług nie może być kwalifikowane jako kara w rozumieniu przepisów prawa karnego. Jest ono publicznoprawnym zobowiązaniem podatkowym. Dodatkowemu zobowiązaniu podatkowemu przyświecają... more
The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) was originated in conjunction with the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA 86) to provide incentives for private sector production of low-income housing. In this note we examine whether these units have... more
Taxes and Capital Structure: Evidence from Firms' Response to the Tax Reform Act of 1986 Dan Givoly Tel Aviv University and Northwestern University Carla Hayn Northwestern University Aharon R. Ofer Tel Aviv University and... more
Many scholars analyze the Kyoto-Copenhagen process, and offer corrective suggestions for identified flaws in the present design. Based on various proposals in the literature, this article adopts a global master-plan perspective, leaving... more
The article analyses the Swedish banking crisis in the early 1990s. Newly deregulated credit markets after 1985 stimulated a competitive process between financial institutions where expansion was given priority. Combined with an expansive... more
What happens to informal institutions and practices when political actors decide to implement democratic institutional reforms aimed at relieving formal institutions of informal constraints? Does informality disappear, or do the elites... more
In this paper, we compare ad valorem and specific taxation under het- erogeneous demand when a monopolist oers a menu of two-part taris. An increase in either tax rate leads to a higher usage fee for all consumers, whereas the fixed fee... more
The tax system is central to the operation of states and to the ways in which states interact with individual citizens. Taxes are used by states to fund the provision of public goods and public services, to engage in direct or indirect... more
This article describes the current health system in Honduras including its composition, financing structure, coverage, employment and the impact of the health personnel migration. Likewise, a contrast is made with the profound reforms... more
Ghana’s tax reforms constitute the major policy instrument needed to accelerate growth and poverty reduction. Over the past two decades, the government has consistently spent more revenue than it is able to generate and the gap is often... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of petroleum fuel excise tax costs on productivity of generator-reliant firms in Uganda. Most studies investigated the association between corporate tax and firm productivity, value... more
Año 1, número 3, 30 de diciembre, 2019 por el Partido Liberación Nacional (PLN) y el Partido Unidad Social Cristiana (PUSC).
Postępowanie podatkowe uznać należy za wadliwe, jeśli pominięto w nim, objęty żądaniem strony, dowód ze świadka wskazanego przez stronę, na tej jedynie podstawie, iż według opinii administracji podatkowej zeznanie świadka byłoby z... more
Апстракт Даночен рај нуди на странски инвеститори, правни и физички лица, ниски или никакви даночни обврски со дополнителна погодност да финансиските информации не се споделуваат со странски даночни служби. Даночен систем на една држава е... more
Recently, new digital instruments were introduced to Polish tax law based on digital technologies (such as Standard Audit File for Tax, STIR system). Those intruments, what is natural, interfere with the Constitutional right of privacy.... more
Initially taxation was not a compulsory levy but a contribution for a common goal to be achieved but now it is a compulsory levy imposed on citizenry for the collective development of the country. Optimal taxation deals with variety of... more
Podstawa faktyczna decyzji podatkowej zawiera okoliczności, które w poszukiwaniu i rekonstrukcji podatkowego stanu faktycznego organ podatkowy uznał za udowodnione i w oparciu o nie dokonał rozstrzygnięcia, wydając stosowne orzeczenie.... more
Centralnym zagadnieniem domniemania faktycznego jest związek pomiędzy pośrednim faktem dowodowym a faktem domniemanym, który stanowi o jego istocie. Dla skutecznego przeprowadzenia domniemania faktycznego związek między pośrednimi faktami... more
A tributação sobre o consumo no Brasil encontra-se tripartida entre a União, com o Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI), os estados, com o Imposto sobre a Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) e, ainda, os municípios, com... more
Se analiza el problema de la pérdida del escudo fiscal por un reparo generado por la autoridad tributaria, sobre los intereses de un financiamiento, en particular, en el caso de las sociedades que toman deuda para apalancar el pago de... more
Reform of the oil sector is long overdue. The problems in the sector emanate from the structure of central taxes and the system of subsidisation through prices. Solutions to the problems necessarily have to address both tax and subsidy... more
Análisis comparado de la tributación de las rentas de origen ilícito delictivo al amparo de los ordenamientos jurídicos vigentes en España y los Estados Unidos de Norte América.
Many contemporary social, economical and political studies in the area of taxation do not give any definition of the term tax. Apparently it is assumed that everybody understands what the word tax means. This article discusses the... more
Much has been written about the niceties of OECD’s Pillar One and its overall impact on Indian revenues, which is indeed at the heart of the digital tax debate. However, there have been few deliberations around other political, economic... more
En el ámbito tributario existen múltiples y variadas medidas disuasorias establecidas para reducir la litigiosidad (pérdida de reducciones, revisión administrativa preceptiva, coste de los recursos, tasas judiciales, limitaciones de... more
Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad, Baker&Mckenzie Coordinación, Varios Autores
This paper compares the relevant portions of the CREATE Bill against the current NIRC tax law as amended by TRAIN
Though the income-tax statute extends legality to the Taxpayers' Charter, the enforceability mechanism needs more teeth
This study builds on the work of Tsakumis et al. [Tsakumis, G. T., Curatola, A. P,. & Porcano, T. M. (2007). The relation between national cultural dimensions and tax evasion. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation,... more
This paper intends to discuss the validity of the provision of Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 50-18 which subjects health premiums paid by the employer for the benefit of its employees to either withholding tax on compensation or... more
Ghana's tax reforms constitute the major policy instrument needed to accelerate growth and poverty reduction. Over the past two decades, the government has consistently spent more revenue than it is able to generate and the gap is often... more
Problem Studied: This seminar paper deals with the concept of free trade zones in Nigeria and contentious issues that have arisen out of their operations. The main point of this paper is to analyse the history, concept, benefits,... more