Tax reform
Most downloaded papers in Tax reform
Taxation: Philosophical Perspectives is the first edited collection devoted to addressing philosophical issues relating to tax. The tax system is central to the operation of states and to the ways in which states interact with individual... more
No Aurélio, encontramos que “clássico” é algo “da melhor qualidade; exemplar”, mas que também é “sem excessos de ornatos; sóbrio, simples”. Assim, em um primeiro momento, ler um clássico aprimora nossa própria condição de escritor, de... more
This study examines the determinants of the variability in corporate effective tax rates in Australia spanning the Ralph Review of Business Taxation reform. Our results indicate that corporate effective tax rates are associated with... more
Pongo a disposición de los lectores, esta obra, ya descatalogada desde hace años, que aún puede ser útil para los estudiosos de la jurisrprudencia constitucional y la doctrina española y alemana sobre el principio de capacidad económica.
It is well understood by most governments today, whatever their nominal ideology, that encouraging the private ownership of residential property is one of the most effective ways of ensuring social stability. A simple Australian example... more
As a response to the economic crisis brought by COVID-19, the Philippine government has started to implement its Social Amelioration Program (SAP) which aims to provide a monthly cash aid worth 5,000 to 8,000 Philippine pesos (US$ 99.08... more
Análisis comparado de la tributación de las rentas de origen ilícito delictivo al amparo de los ordenamientos jurídicos vigentes en España y los Estados Unidos de Norte América.
Tax payer’s voluntary compliance with the tax system influenced by economical, institutional, social, individual and demographic variables. Hence, the objective of this study is to examine factors that influence tax payer’s voluntary... more
Resumen: El presente artículo evalúa y plantea una crítica al Proyecto BEPS de la OCDE. En las primeras tres secciones del artículo se expone la lógica conductual de las empresas multinacionales, el contexto económico en el que se plantea... more
With the public finances of many developing and emerging market countries still heavily dependent on trade tax revenues, further trade liberalization may be stymied unless they are able to develop alternative sources of revenue. While... more
Tax reform can reduce tax evasion and avoidance, and allow for more efficient and fair tax collection that can finance public goods and services. It can make revenue levels more sustainable, and can promote future independence from... more
Developing countries continue to face the challenge of creating state-society trust and, in turn, compliant taxpayers. This endeavour is hampered by, amongst other things, state inefficiencies, inequalities and corruption, and a lack of... more
The ECJ doctrine links the justification of tax avoidance to the balanced allocation of tax powers and the arm's length standard. This link poses a number of new issues, among other, these three questions: what notion of "arm's length... more
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (‘OECD’) is currently considering best practice approaches to designing rules to prevent base erosion and profit shifting (‘BEPS’) by multinational enterprises (‘MNEs’). However,... more
This article describes the current health system in Honduras including its composition, financing structure, coverage, employment and the impact of the health personnel migration. Likewise, a contrast is made with the profound reforms... more
Problem Studied: This seminar paper deals with the concept of free trade zones in Nigeria and contentious issues that have arisen out of their operations. The main point of this paper is to analyse the history, concept, benefits,... more
The circular economy (CE) concept was introduced in China to address environmental degradation and resource scarcity associated with rapid economic development. Chosen as a demonstration city, Dalian has implemented the CE strategy as a... more
In 2006, the Chinese central government abolished the agricultural tax. This came after several years of intense focus on the growing rural crisis, sparking a new debate on the shape of rural society. Putting these contemporary debates in... more
Tulisan ini disampaikan dalam Kegiatan Kajian Ilmu Hukum, Keluarga Mahasiswa Magister Ilmu Hukum (KMMIH) UGM pada tanggal 7 Oktober 2016 di Fakultas Hukum UGM
Se analiza el problema de la pérdida del escudo fiscal por un reparo generado por la autoridad tributaria, sobre los intereses de un financiamiento, en particular, en el caso de las sociedades que toman deuda para apalancar el pago de... more
This study examines the implementation and effects of the inclusion of financial services in existing EU free trade and association agreements (FTAs) and, in particular, their impact on money laundering, tax evasion and avoidance. The... more
This study builds on the work of Tsakumis et al. [Tsakumis, G. T., Curatola, A. P,. & Porcano, T. M. (2007). The relation between national cultural dimensions and tax evasion. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation,... more
The tax system is central to the operation of states and to the ways in which states interact with individual citizens. Taxes are used by states to fund the provision of public goods and public services, to engage in direct or indirect... more
This paper examines Internal Revenue Service data and applies philosophical and ethical concepts in an attempt to determine whether the rich pay their fair share of income taxes. Also included is a bibliography containing links to more... more
Tax evasion and tax avoidance reduce government revenues. This has a significant detrimental effect on the provision of infrastructures, public services and public utilities. Multinational companies (MNCs) in the oil, gas, and... more
The present work aims to analyze the evolution of the Moroccan tax system from the independence to the implementation of the tax reform of the 1980s in order to draw the lessons and to be able to decide on its future evolutions. Indeed,... more
The recent political and fiscal crises in Kyrgyzstan offer a good opportunity to rethink the objectives and the direction of tax reform. The tax system of the Kyrgyz Republic has changed substantially since 1991 including a shift of the... more
A progressive new data transmission tax based on transacted digital transmissions, is a societal requirement which might be deployed to finance the policies and programmes required to address climate change it's mitigation and resilience.... more
This paper examines some of the factors a country must consider when deciding which method, or combination of methods, to use to implement double tax relief, including foreign tax credit, exemption or the deduction method. It examines... more
Designing and implementing a value added tax (VAT) in developing countries has been seen as one of the most vital tax policy reforms in the recent decades. The authors look at the issues surrounding the progressivity of VAT being higher... more
4.2 Central government tax revenue, 1988-95 18 5.1 Central government current revenue and expenditure 1985-95 23 5.2 Tax revenue in percent of GDP in selected countries 25 1993). Because Tanzania has much in common in these respects with... more
the relevance of the recent protests in Iran relates both to social Frustration and fractures within Iran's Islamist Regime, what is at stake is nothing less but the future of Ruhani's reforms
Taxation: Philosophical Perspectives is the first edited collection devoted to addressing philosophical issues relating to tax. The tax system is central to the operation of states and to the ways in which states interact with individual... more
Many contemporary social, economical and political studies in the area of taxation do not give any definition of the term tax. Apparently it is assumed that everybody understands what the word tax means. This article discusses the... more
In Tax Reform in Rural China, Hiroki Takeuchi puts rural governance reforms into the larger context of center-local relations under China’s authoritarian governance structure of the 1990s and early 2000s, arguing that tax reform needs to... more
The property tax is considered to be a good tax for local governments, mainly because of the connection between the types of services funded at the local level and the benefit to property values. Yet, property tax revenues rarely account... more
The last decade has been witness to one of the largest tax experiments in economic history, the transformation from centrally-planned to market-based tax systems. The cultural and institutional legacy of central planning has had a lasting... more
Entre mediados del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX, las características y la evolución de la Hacienda pública en México y en España presentan similitudes evidentes, pero también diferencias notables. La comparación de las Haciendas... more