Theological Anthropology
Most downloaded papers in Theological Anthropology
It is not easy to understand the nature of the guru and understanding the nature of the guru can be bewildering. There is often bewilderment about the guru. One source of the bewilderment is that people think that the guru is an... more
for discussion purposes
Embodiment or embodied awareness is a way of understanding the body. The body is not simply the external body, the body is the lived body. Both the 10 th century Kashmir philosopher Abhinavagupta and the contemporary French... more
We have two ways of knowing. Our mind knows forms, things, both subtle and gross. Faces, hands, buildings, trees, math formulas, mind knows subject and the mind knows otherness. The mind knows dualities, the mind knows me and you, us and... more
Against the backdrop of the problem of the meaning of life as constructed in contemporary analytic philosophy of religion, this article asks the question of what the supposed meaning(s) of the biblical character of Moses' life were... more
This essay is a Foreword by Paul N. Anderson to Ernst Käsemann's The Testament of Jesus, translated by Gerhard Krodel, The Johannine Monograph Series, Vol. 6 (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2017) xi-xxxviii. It considers the life story of... more
In the summer of 2013 at the Tibetan Center in Poolesville, Maryland the great Lama YangThang Rinpoche gave instruction on the practice of the great compassion, or as he described the practice, as being the practice of Absolute... more
In the latter portion of The Triads, St. Gregory Palamas describes deification as an event that is inclusive of the entirety of man’s being, inasmuch as he becomes “entirely God in his soul and body by grace”. This bold assertion on the... more
Una verdad sobre la creación El problema del sobrenatural Dios en el horizonte de los anhelos humanos. Teológica es una ciencia teológica que tiene por objeto al hombre y el método propio de la teología. Para la realización de esta... more
This is a draft paper of the SEP entry on Religion and Science.
Phenomenology is the study of different kinds of giveness, the giveness of experience.There are various ways of being open to experiencing the world and the phenomena of the world. The phenomena and the objects of the world and the world... more
One Knower: Different Modes of Knowing In all philosophical and psychological traditions knowing has many different meanings. In Tibetan Buddhism there is nondual Dzogchen and in Hinduism there is nondual Kashmir Shaivism. In both these... more
A brief contribution to a volume ably edited by Matthias Konradt and Esther Schläpfer from a conference on ethics and anthropology in Second Temple Judaism and in the New Testament at the University of Heidelberg in 2012.
It is possible to discern a structure underlying the myriad details of Patristic eschatology through the use of two anthropological models, a unitary model, which sees the person as a unity of body and soul, and an instrumentalist model,... more
Resumen La palabra Cosmovisión comenzó a ser utilizada como una traducción o adaptación del término alemán Weltanschauung, (Welt, "mundo", y anschauen, "observar"), traducido generalmente al inglés como Worldview (World, “mundo”, y view,... more
This study examines the function of the vis cogitativa in Thomas Aquinas’s doctrine of antecedent and consequent passions. It builds upon recent scholarship concerning his understanding of the way virtuous passions can contribute to... more
El fruto más notorio del llamado «giro antropológico» del mundo moderno es el conflicto fundamental abierto entre la imagen bíblica del hombre como síntesis de autonomía y relación, y la experiencia del sujeto moderno como autonomía... more
The concept of imago Dei plays a fundamental role in the christian conception of human being. Saint Augustine’s conception of the mind, held in De Trinitate was determinant to the theorization of this subject throughout the Middle Ages.... more
of truth-telling about that which one most fears to speak-affects the landscape of one's emotions and desires. How such acts of confession affect emotions and desires depends on where and to whom such a confession is spoken. The kind of... more
share a common relational approach to theological anthropology. 1 The Roman Catholic pope-philosopher and the Eastern Orthodox theologian place an emphasis on the person's call to communion through and in a complete gift of self. Both... more
Keberadaan dan kehidupan manusia adalah sebuah misteri. Darimana manusia berasal? Bagaimana manusia hidup? Dan masih banyak pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain. Ada begitu banyak penelitian yang coba menggali apa dan bagaimana sebenarnya manusia,... more
This paper is an ethical discussion about how action emerges from and out of timeless awareness through us into time. Our understanding reflects and is based upon what has been described as the two ways of knowing. The most primordial way... more
The purpose of this thesis was to explore how Evagrius' apophatic approach to the knowledge of God informs his ascetical concept of apatheia, a fusion of doctrinal reflection and spirituality. I examined Evagrius' texts using the methods... more
What is a person? This essay will examine the great Hindu Srivaisnava theologian Ramanuja's answer to this enduring question. Ramanuja provides a nuanced answer that asserts God's permeation of the cosmos and all souls residing therein,... more
Christological dimension, especially as developed in his narrations of the human's relation to Christ in the late theological discourses. Current treatments of Kierkegaard's anthropology fall into two broad categories: (1) If a... more
"…for God created us for incorruption, and made us in the image of his own eternity." 1
The first issue of Inservimus, the Ph.D. student journal of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I served as NT Editor as well as the graphic designer of the journal. This issue contains articles encompassing the gamut of Ph.D.... more
MAN IS SUBJECT AND PERSON. KARL RAHNER ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRANSCENDENTALITY AND ANTHROPOLOGY Even today, the transcendental Method that guides Karl Rahner’s theological Project is able to propose God’s Revelation in Jesus Christ as... more
This dissertation explores the use of 'Rest' (Gk. anapausis) terminology in the Pseudo-Macarian Corpus, dating between 370 and 420 CE in the region of Syro-Mesopotamia or Asia Minor. The study examines the ways that Pseudo-Macarius uses... more
RESUMEN. En la concepción de Foucault la verdad se produce. Cada sociedad tiene su régimen de verdad, su “política general” de la verdad, es decir, los tipos de discurso que acoge y hace funcionar como verdaderos o falsos, el modo cómo... more
Hildegard composed this commentary on the Pseudo-Athanasian Creed as part of a series of shorter works written in the early 1170's in response to a letter from her secretary, confidant, and provost, Volmar, expressing on behalf of her... more
Doctoral thesis which can be found at Boston College University´s repository:
The doctrine of divine infinity has been recognized as a primary theological and philosophical category in Hilary of Poitiers’ De Trinitate, but its true significance for Hilary’s own thought has yet to be thoroughly explored. This study... more
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul sounds a number of themes and employs a variety of techniques that would have been familiar to Stoics and others within his Greco-Roman audience. Simply understanding the socio-religious background... more
Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2015. Note: The full pdf of this book cannot be uploaded, due to copyright issues.
Una lettura attenta dei documenti della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede e della Commissione Teologica Internazionale, nel rispetto della diversità dei loro statuti, offre un riflesso abbastanza preciso dei dibattiti che... more