Recent papers in Trademarks
This article comparatively studies non-traditional trade marks that have recently gained popularity in the European Union (EU) and Japan. Businesses invest in sensory marketing strategies to build a long-lasting and unforgettable... more
598 DEPAUL LAW REVIEW [Vol. 50:597 oped in analog environments, we have found this thesis perhaps even more pertinent in digital contexts. In The Cultural Life of Intellectual Properties,2 Rosemary Coombe explored mass commercial culture... more
The effects of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) is one of the economic mysteries of the current literature. However, at sectoral-level, it has still failed to provide any obvious empirical evidence regarding any direct link between... more
Intellectual Property, Nollywood, Creative Industry, Nigerian Copyright Laws, Digital Copyright, International Trade & Development, Transactional Negotiation, Animation Rights, Naijacomedy, Folklore, Traditional Cultural Expressions,... more
Blog post on LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION concerning the history of this iconic trademark and brand.
(NB: I joined this website in order to gain access to a paper I used a source for this article.)
(NB: I joined this website in order to gain access to a paper I used a source for this article.)
Trademarks, or brands, are symbols whose initial purpose is providing information about the source of a product. Yet, with the course of time, high-end brands have developed into symbols providing information about their owner's... more
O artigo objetiva identificar aspectos da concepção de moralidade que orienta o procedimento administrativo de exame dos pedidos de registro de marcas pelos analistas do INPI. Em especial, nos interessam os sinais que foram indeferidos... more
Nel mercato globale del vino i marchi d’impresa diventano sempre più importanti. Permettono facilmente di riconoscere aziende e prodotti e rappresentano un forte segno di identità che supporta i consumatori nel momento delle loro scelte.... more
Re-enactment is a material response to the pervasive invisibility of Lilly Reich’s work. It arises with a clear motivation: to reveal the architecture designed by Lilly Reich for the German sections of the 1929 International Exposition... more
Αίτηση προδικαστικής αποφάσεως [Court of Appeal (Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο)] της 5ης Μαρτίου 2018 - AMS Neve Ltd, Barnett Waddingham Trustees, Mark Crabtree / Heritage Audio SL, Pedro Rodríguez Arribas (Υπόθεση C-172/18)
Virtual worlds may be the future of e-commerce. The game designers who created these thriving virtual worlds have discovered a much more attractive way to use the Internet: through an avatar. This avatar is your identity. It will be your... more
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Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
This engaging and accessible study looks at the origins, evolution, purpose, and limitations of intellectual property. Detailing how intellectual property affects industry, politics, cultural expression, and medical research, Aram... more
This article shows the results of an empirical study on the relationship between the economic and trademark activity. A collection of more than half a million trademarks with the Nice classification and the CNAE classification of the... more
Protection of Trademark is of utmost importance for growth of the business in general, the Trademark is what distinguishes your business from others. The client might not even know the name of the Manufacture of his favorite product, but... more
A When approaching the topic of parody, questions usually arise as to the boundaries between parody and the original work, namely in the context of copyright. e legislative technique for settling those boundaries within the copyright... more
La creatividad en la industria de la moda merece protección y uno de los vehículos más importantes son las marcas comerciales, pues es un activo intangible que permite distinguir productos y servicios. Es por ello que la tecnología es... more
Il danno da contraffazione del marchio rimanda a un quantum debeatur spesso di non agevole determinazione e si ispira a diversi criteri economici, di volta in volta applicabili alla specifica fattispecie. L’applicazione di best practices... more
This paper deals with the registrability of non-conventional marks after the EU reform of trade marks and some technological developments, including the Internet of Things (IoT). Even if olfactory marks (scents or smells) are the chosen... more
A dare manforte alla pubblicità contribuiva in maniera assai cospicua l’utilizzo, da parte delle ditte produttrici, di accattivanti marchi e segni distintivi di fabbrica, talmente incisivi da rimanere indissolubilmente legati,... more
instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and... more
Elementos básicos sobre la propeidad intelectual y derechos de autor
Ulusal ve uluslararası mevzuatlarda yerini alan marka kavramı süregelen zaman içerisinde birçok farklı türüyle hukuk aleminde özel ve önemli bir yer edinmiştir. Ülkemizde marka konusu ilk olarak 1995 yılında 556 sayılı Markaların... more
Trademarks and geographical indications in the international relation system
Can I consent to an infringement of my Trademark? Yes. In a case, a party sued the defendants for infringement of trademark, the defendants defended themselves by saying the party had acquiesced to the use... more
Similar and identical marks are liable to be refused for registration of trademark? Discuss in the Light of relevant provision of Trademark Ordinance 2001 and the case laws
El fallo bajo comentario se inserta en el amplio problema de la responsabilidad de proveedores de servicios de Internet (ISP o “Internet Service Providers”) por conductas de terceros que implican infracciones a la propiedad intelectual y... more
Análisis histórico y jurídico-comparado de los orígenes y evolución de la teoría de la dilución marcaria.
Trademark dilution theory, a historical and comparative legal analysis.
Trademark dilution theory, a historical and comparative legal analysis.
This paper presents a brief study on position and color trademarks, through the analysis of the famous trademark infringement lawsuit proposed by Christian Louboutin against Yves Saint Laurent in order to protect his famous red soles. O... more
The thesis Forensic analysis of graphic trademarks aims at using insights from Multimodal Social Semiotics (MSS) in the pursuit of trademark counterfeiters. It proposes a method of comparative analysis of graphic trademarks, which is an... more
The Intellectual Property Right is an effective means of safeguarding the creativity conducted in a business process. The intellectual property right is a branch of law that prioritizes the innovation and skill of an artist. It states... more
""This paper presents an important move towards the development of information, communication and technology with the protection of software in Tanzania. Three laws the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act of 1999 [Cap 218 R.E. 2002],... more
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Matal v. Tam that the disparagement clause in the Lanham Act was unconstitutional. This case was just another in a line of commercial speech cases to expand the rights of corporations. This ruling also... more
Welcome back to Court Uncourt - your definitive source for all things legal. As we grow and diversify our presence, we continue to be guided by our core principles and deliver you bespoke legal information that is relevant, important and... more
This report presents a critical discussion of the hot topics in the intersection of intellectual property law with innovation and competition law and policy. The report examines first the interaction between horizontal IP rules and sector... more
""Abstract. You are about to start an important journey. Recently, nations depend more in cyber networks to bring national prosperities, and provide government with various services. But these networks intrude, destruct and attack our... more