Vine and Wines History
Recent papers in Vine and Wines History
From the Contents: François Salviat, Le vin de Thasos. Amphores, vin et sources écrites; François Salviat, Vignes et vins anciens de Maronée à Mende; François Salviat, Le vin de Rhodes et les plantations du Dème d' Amos; François Salviat,... more
On the study of the scientific basis for the use of products of processing of oak wood in the wine industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan Tariyel Panahov The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan; the Centre of Agrarian... more
I. The Evolution of Vineyards and Wine among Romanians; I.1. Ancient Period; I.2. Medieval Period; I.3. Modern Period; I.4. Contemporary Period; II. Wine Regions and Vineyards; II.1. The Main Wine Regions and Vineyards in Romania; II.2.... more
Même si Platon a beaucoup de réserves sur la consommation du vin, il le préfère à la musique jouée par des "artistes" ce qui prive les présents de discuter et de dialoguer. Ainsi
Le vin peut agrémenter des discussions relevées.
Le vin peut agrémenter des discussions relevées.
Il presente elaborato vuole essere, per quanto possibile, una raccolta esplicativa delle conseguenze che le attuali anomalie climatiche stanno causando al settore vitivinicolo. Gli obiettivi principali di questo lavoro sono tre: Il... more
Apresentação - na confraria do vinho Fornace - sobre indicações geográficas, abordando especialmente as indicações de procedência e as denominações de origem relacionadas aos vinhos. A base normativa é o TRIPs e a Lei 9279.
Il saggio "L'immagine dell'impresa" è stato pubblicato nel 2011 nel catalogo a corredo della mostra documentaria "Qui...dove la terra finisce e il mare comincia. Memoria e immagine dell'impresa", tenutasi a Brindisi nel 2011 a Palazzo... more
Ηράκλειο 1998 ΤΟ ΑΜΠΕΛΙ KAI ΤΟ ΚΡΑΣΙ ΣΤΟ ΠΡΟΪΣΤΟΡΙΚΟ ΑΙΓΑΙΟ* ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΑ ΚΟΠΑΚΑ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΟΣ-ΕΠΙΚ. ΚΑΘΗΓΗΤΡΙΑ ΠΑΝ/ΜΙΟΥ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ Στη μεγάλη οικογένεια των περί τον οίνον ειδικών -βοτανολόγων, χημι¬ κών, γιατρών, γεωγράφων, φιλολόγων, φιλοσόφων,... more
Responsabilidad Social Empresarial hoy en día se refiere más bien a una forma de hacer negocios que toma en cuenta los efectos sociales, ambientales y económicos de la acción empresarial, integrando en ella el respeto por los valores... more
Maître de conférences en histoire moderne, Université de Bordeaux 3
Se examina el legado mestizo gótico-mapuche en el desarrollo y persistencia de los viñedos patrimoniales de Chile y la elaboración de los vinos naturales, principalmente la persistencia de las 15.000 hectáreas de viñedos patrimoniales que... more
Après le Montrachet, le grand cru Chevalier-Montrachet est sans doute celui qui fait le plus rêver les amateurs parmi les grands crus blancs de la Côte de Beaune. Même si les principaux auteurs du XIXe siècle : Julien (1) en 1816, le... more
Registrazione Tribunale di Catanzaro N° 3 del 22/12/2020 © Globus-Tutti i diritti riservati. Manoscritti e foto originali, anche se non pubblicati, non si restituiscono ed è vietata la riproduzione, seppure parziale, di testi e... more
Archaeological remains of viticulture in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (AD 1099–1291) are quite rare, and those that are present are incomplete. In contrast, textual sources show extensive evidence of grape cultivation, wine production... more
Choisir le vin et le champagne qui sublimeront un repas de noces peut se transformer en véritable casse-tête pour les jeunes mariés. Quel cru s’accorde avec quel mets ? Quelle quantité prévoir en fonction de son nombre d’invités ? Ou... more
The Cahors Apellation of Origin stunned the wine world in 2007 when he decided to take the Malbec as an emblem of their corporate image. The significance of this decision was to break the tradition of European viticulture,... more
A brief history of grape vine, evolution, selection, disease-resistant hybrids
[EN] Viticulture, together with olive cultivation, represents the main productive use of Italian terracing. By means of photo-cartographic analyses, this article reconstructs a localized and size-related picture of the country’s principal... more
There are 38 specialized winemaking complexes in the Syuyren Fortress area. Two wineries are located under the eastern cliffs of the Tapchan-Kaia mountain range, 23 — under the northern, north-eastern and eastern cliffs of cape... more
A bornak kiemelt szerepe volt a kora újkori fogyasztási struktúrában. Az ennek köszönhetően kialakult piaci viszonyok nagyban hozzájárultak ahhoz, hogy a közép-európai polgárság számára jelentős tőkeakkumuláló szereppel bírt a szőlőből... more
The book can be ordered:
Problem konsumpcji towarów luksusowych w średniowieczu budził zainteresowanie wśród badaczy owego okresu w dziejach ludzkości. Ilość i rodzaje dystrybuowanych dóbr do konsumenta bądź miejsca przeznaczenia świadczyło o statusie danej... more
A nivel mundial, es reducido el número de personas que se han dado a conocer por sus amplios conocimientos y títulos en la industria vitivinícola. Desde enólogos, sumiller, viticultores, dueños de bodegas productoras de vinos, hasta... more
Antik Çağda Anadolu ve Hititlerde Şarap ve Şarapçılık.
Wine at Anatolia and Hettites on Old Ages.
Wine at Anatolia and Hettites on Old Ages.
This booklet provides an overview of the history and evolution of wine and ceramic production in Cyprus and its context not only within the Mediterranean, but also across Europe, and the Near and Middle East. Maria Rosaria Belgiorno... more
A középkori borkereskedelem 1933, azaz Henri Pirenne (1862-1935 nagyhatású tanulmányának megjelenése óta folyamatosan a középkorral foglalkozó gazdaságtörténészek érdeklődésének előterében áll. 2 Bár már korábban is számos, a szőlőkultúra... more
This paper addresses the archaeological evidence of the development of viticulture in the mediaeval Crimea as a specialized branch of agriculture. Although the scholarship mentions the areas where vines were planted (Dimitraki hollow, the... more
Conferencia Magistral sobre el origen y desarrollo de la vitivinicultura en la Región de Tarapacá.
Σκοπός του συνεδρίου είναι η ενίσχυση της ευρύτερης περιοχής ως Κέντρου Τουρισμού – Πολιτισμού για τον Οίνο και τη Γεύση, καθότι ο τόπος μας διακρίνεται για το απόθεμα γεύσεων αλλά και πολιτισμικών εκφράσεων, όπως εθιμικές πρακτικές και... more