Yannis Stavrakakis
Recent papers in Yannis Stavrakakis
In this essay, I take as a starting point Foucault's rejection of two different ways of thinking about the future, prophecy and utopianism, and use this rejection as a basis for the elaboration of a more detailed rejection of them,... more
Il numero e i singoli articoli sono consultabili e scaricabili presso il sito web della rivista www.inconsciorivista.unical.it
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 0 7486 5586 1 (hardback) ISBN 978 0 7486 5587 8 (webready PDF) ISBN 978 0 7486 5589 2 (epub) ISBN 978 0 7486 5588 5 (Amazon ebook)
Nel suo ultimo lavoro, Pensiero vivente: origine e attualità della filosofia italiana (2010), Roberto Esposito scrive che un tratto costitutivo della filosofia italiana, almeno a partire da Machiavelli, risiede nel superamento di quella... more
Disclaimer: The case you are about to read is based on a publicized case captured on the animal planet series (Fatal Attractions). The case is fictionally embellished as I attempted to imagine from the inside out the compulsive nature of... more
For the month of June, EG has become a print journal.
The 110-page magazine features work from 21 writers, four artists, and no analytic philosophers.
The 110-page magazine features work from 21 writers, four artists, and no analytic philosophers.
While the philosophical idea of the return of revolution is becoming increasingly more popular and relevant today, the current body of literature thinking through it has tended to under-theorize and often neglect a crucial dimension of... more
This article attempts to outline some critical aspects of the accelerationist movement. More specifically, it argues that light can be shed on key aspects of the political proposals of Williams and Srnicek by considering them from the... more
Granted that it would be absurd to characterize Obama as a populist president, this paper proceeds from Ernesto Laclau's conception of populism as consisting of 'the formation of an internal antagonistic frontier separating the "people"... more
"In Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytical theory, there is a precise place for Marx in relation to psychology. It is the place of truth in opposition to capitalism. It is also the place of subversion against adaptation. According to Lacan,... more
"Como en un eterno retorno el tema del populismo vuelve a situarse entre las preocupaciones de las ciencias sociales. Este artículo propone una entrada al problema a partir de discutir críticamente la teoría del populismo de Ernesto... more
La relación entre teoría política y literatura quizás no pueda contarse entre las más fecundas si se la compara con el vínculo que han establecido disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia y la psicología. Si bien la política ha... more
El artículo recoge la elaboración de un estado del arte de 72 documentos que muestran el diálogo interdisciplinar entre la ciencia política y el psicoanálisis. En su elaboración se seleccionaron textos de orientaciones freudianas y... more
This article attempts to outline some critical aspects of the accelerationist movement. More specifically, it argues that light can be shed on key aspects of the political proposals of Williams and Srnicek by considering them from the... more
Lacan reading group - poster
This article presents an analysis of McCarthyite and Tea Party political discourse and explores the possibilities of utilizing populism as an analytic construct for making comparisons between the political and economic projects envisaged... more
Se examina la actitud ambivalente de Jacques Lacan hacia el materialismo a la luz de una escena puntual en la novela Bouvard et Pécuchet de Gustave Flaubert. Esta escena, en la que un manzano reviste la forma de un revolucionario, nos... more
Ideological topics referenced from the specific human rights legal cases from the borderland regions of Southeast Asia will be presented to select facilitators that will address the pragmatic considerations of the singular and universal.... more
Pensar lo social desde los "juegos de lenguaje" como posibilidad de la democracia: el momento wittgensteiniano en el pensamiento social y político de Ernesto Laclau y Chantal Mouffe Thinking about "language games" as a possibility of the... more
Recent films about militant figures reveal film rethinking the notion of resistance and the constitution of collectivity. These films share particular narrative and aesthetic effects. The militant in these films offers a figure for... more
© Matthew Sharpe and Geoff Boucher, 2010 Edinburgh University Press Ltd 22 George Square, Edinburgh www.euppublishing.com Typeset in Sabon by Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Stockport, Cheshire, and printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI... more
El 25 de enero de 2015 la Coalición de la Izquierda Radical, SYRIZA en sus siglas en griego, ganó las elecciones en Grecia. Esta formación constituye un auténtico "caso único de éxito de la izquierda populista igualitaria en Europa"... more
Workshop for research students and early career researchers - see attached for further details
There are two aspects of Lacanian psychoanalysis that may be particularly appealing to those on the critical margins of social psychology. First, like discourse analysis and critical psychology, Lacanian psychoanalysis incorporates a... more
Ο Ζακ Λακάν αποτελεί αναμφίβολα μία από τις περισσότερο αμφιλεγόμενες προσωπικότητες της ψυχανάλυσης και γενικότερα των επιστημών του ανθρώπου. Το ιδιαίτερο και σκοτεινό ύφος των γραπτών και της διδασκαλίας του έρχεται σε χτυπητή αντίθεση... more
Research workshop on left populism at Queen Mary, 26 February 2015.
While extremism of the Islamic Jihad movement is on one side of the global power wheel, bashing away at the fabric of democratic societies, constant pounding of Jihadist ideology through the media equally punishes participants of these... more
This paper examines the use of the notion of the Lacanian Real by certain contemporary political theorists i.e. Ernesto Laclau and Slavoj Zizek. By going through their approaches to two core topics, that is to say on the one hand, the... more