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      Political PartiesDemocratic TheoryReligion and PoliticsLegal History
Editör: Koray Karasu - Karşılaştırmalı Araştırma (Prof. Dr. Nuray Keskin) - Karşılaştırmalı Kamu Yönetimi Nedir ? (Prof. Dr. Nuray Keskin) - Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde Kamu Yönetimi (Doç. Dr. Ahmet Barbak) - İngiltere’de Kamu... more
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      Comparative PoliticsComparative Public AdministrationKamu YönetimiYönetim Bilimleri
Tüm hakları saklıdır. Yayıncı izni olmadan, kısmen de olsa fotokopi, film vb. elektronik ve mekanik
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      Comparative PoliticsComparative Public AdministrationKamu YönetimiSiyaset Bilimi
Η εργασία αυτή αποτελεί μια εργασία Πολιτικής Ανάλυσης και Συγκριτικής Πολιτικής. Το βασικό της αντικείμενο είναι το πολιτικό Σύστημα της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας και ειδικότερα πώς το πολιτικό Σύστημα αποκεντρώνεται στην Σκωτία και στην Ουαλία.... more
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      Political SciencePolitical Systems*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and PoliticsComperative politics
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      Small States*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and PoliticsLiechtensteinMicrostates
The manual is an attempt to apply the tools of comparative political science to analyze the post-Soviet political institutions and processes. Drawing on the work of political scientists and the results of empirical research, the authors... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical PartiesPolitical CulturePolitical Regimes
It is easy to dismiss the value of any written rules laid down by the Party because the latter seems to suffer little from cognitive dissonance when ignoring or violating them just for the sake of expediency. So, if the Party itself does... more
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      Comparative PoliticsChinaChinese PoliticsChina studies
H ΣΩΤΗΡΗΣ ΒΑΝΔΩΡΟΣ Η σταθεροποίηση του κράτους της Ινδίας και η εδραίωση του δημοκρατικού πολιτεύματος μετά την ανεξαρτητοποίηση από τη Βρετανική Αυτοκρατορία το 1947 συνιστούν πραγματικά επιτεύγματα. Τα τεράστια πληθυσμιακά και... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PartiesPolitical ScienceFederalism
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawBelgiumBosnia and Herzegovina
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      Comparative PoliticsComparative Constitutional LawElectoral systems, political parties, and executive-legislative structuresPolitical Systems
Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi İİBF Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü öğrencileri için hazırlanan dersin Yarı-başkanlık sistemi ve Fransa Beşinci Cumhuriyeti örneğini kapsayan bölümünde ülkenin tarihinden dönüm noktaları... more
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      Comparative PoliticsFrench HistoryFrench RevolutionPolitical Institutions
Corrected and authorized English translation Revue française de science politique (R.F.S.P.) published my article “Systèmes partisans compétitifs: quelle divergence entre Duverger et Sartori?“ in no 3/2015 (Revue française de science... more
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsPolitical PartiesPolitical Theory
Nel 1945 la Gran Bretagna uscì da una guerra che l'aveva messa in ginocchio, ma ne uscì quale potenza vincitrice. Tale aspetto non solo le permise di rivendicare a sé il ruolo di grande potenza, ma le ha anche permesso di conservare un... more
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      CommonwealthHistory of Political PartiesDecolonization*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
Electoral governance is a crucial variable in securing the credibility of elections in emerging democracies, but remains largely ignored in the comparative study of democratization. This article develops some basic analytical tools to... more
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      *Comparative Government (Political Systems) and PoliticsElectoral InstitutionsElections and Election ManagementElectoral Governance
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Political Science*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
In July 1990, about 5,000 Albanian citizens broke into foreign embassies in Tirana, mainly those of the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy and France, in a desperate attempt to leave Albania. This was the largest exodus since 1945 and the... more
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      South East European StudiesDemocracy and Good GovernanceTransition Economies*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceIsrael/PalestineLebanon
NCH (New College of the Humanities) Essay Competition Runner Up (2017)

Sixth form (senior year) level essay paper.
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      Comparative PoliticsPlatoAristotleGovernment
Проведено теоретико-методологічний та емпіричний розгляд політичних режимів сучасності, а також історії становлення та сучасного стану розвитку кількісних та якісних методів типологізації та порівняльного вимірювання політичних режимів... more
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      Comparative PoliticsGovernmentDemocratic TheoryDemocratization
Бразил нь дэлхийн томоохон орнуудын нэг бөгөөд Латин Америктаа газар нутаг, хүн амын хэмжээгээр тэргүүлдэг улс билээ. Хүн ам нь 205.7 сая бөгөөд нийт 8547.4 мянган км 2 газар нутагтай. Хүн амын жилийн дундаж өсөлт 1.4%. Хүн амын бүтэц... more
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      GovernmentElectionsElection Studies*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
Political history + culture + institutions of Britain
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical SciencePoliticsHistory of the British Empire
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      Comparative PoliticsHuman RightsRace and EthnicityEthnicity
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      Comparative PoliticsComparative Political EconomyCritical international political economyGermany
The Republic of India is said to be the biggest democracy in the world. Its width and large population have the consequence of making it a country full of diversity. It is the home of thousands of languages, dozens of religions and... more
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      History of IndiaPolitical ScienceGovernanceFederalism
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      Political PartiesComparison*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and PoliticsParty Systems
This paper analyzes changes in regional electoral behavior and attitudes towards separatism and foreign policy orientation in Ukraine after the “Orange Revolution” and the “Euromaidan,” which turned into a violent internal conflict and... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsEthnic StudiesArea Studies
Democracy is a preferred and famous political mode of governing the society in all over the world. It has several types according to the nature and environment of the demography. In theocratic societies, democracy is really a debatable... more
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      Democratic TheoryDemocratizationIranian StudiesIranian History
, 1911 оны нэгдүгээр сарын 12 нд Рокайлэндэд лагшин мэндэлсэн)-нь Америкийн улс төр судлаач, бихевиорист хувьсгалыг санаачлагчдын нэг бөгөөд улс төрийн соёл, системийн талаарх судалгаа нь өнөөдрийг хүртэл харьцуулсан улс төр судлалын... more
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      Political TheoryPolitical SciencePolitical Systems*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPopular CulturePolitical Science
Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi İİBF Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü öğrencileri için hazırlanan dersin Federal Parlamentarizm ve Almanya Federal Cumhuriyeti örneğini kapsayan bölümünde, yasama-yürütme-yargı güçlerinin... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical PartiesPolitical ScienceGerman Politics
This is the most comprehensive study on the use of electoral development funds by parliamentarians in Papua New Guinea.
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      Political Corruption*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and PoliticsElectoral politics
Bu kısa çalışmada Michael G. Roskin, Countries and Concepts, Politics, Geography, Culture isimli özgün çalışmasının Türkçe basımı incelenecektir. İlk olarak kitapla ilgili birkaç temel bilgiye değinmek gerekirse Roskin’in çalışması... more
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      Comparative Politics*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
Why Democracy Failed in Pakistan-A Historic Analysis Most Pakistani historians are not intellectually honest while dealing with this issue. On the surface it was a simple issue, ie how were the different provinces to be represented in... more
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      Political SciencePakistanDemocracyDictatorships
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      Comparative PoliticsSouth Asian StudiesFederalismIndian Politics
This book offers a much-needed new political theory of an old phenomenon. The last decade alone has marked the highest number of migrations in recorded history. Constrained by environmental, economic, and political instability, scores of... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistoryPolitical Sociology
Dalam periode di mana politik yang ditujukan untuk kepentingan pribadi menuai kerusuhan yang begitu luas. Kondisi dimana para masyarakat yang secara kondisional bergerak secara nyata yang memiliki jiwa nasionalisme guna melakukan... more
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      Political Science*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
Sisteem Pemerintahan merupakan sebuah mekanisme dalam menjalankan proses kenegaraan. Terdapat berbagai macam sistem yang digunakan untuk menjalankan proses kenegaraan tersebut, namun apakah dengan sistem yang digunakan maka negara akan... more
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      Political Science*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
In the paper I discussed about the short history of Afghanistan during the Pre-soviet and Post-soviet eras and most importantly the modern establishment of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its political system.
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      HistoryPublic AdministrationSocial Sciences*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
This Chapter One in our new book of Max Weber translations. The translations include "Class, Status, Party;" "Charisma and Discipline;" "Bureaucracy;" and "Politics as Vocation." This chapter is about the relationship of Weber's writing... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial TheoryGerman Studies
Untuk dapat melengkapi pemahaman kita atas perubahan-perubahan sistem politk di Indonesia, diperlukan penggabungan antara beberapa pendekatan : pendekatan sistem, pendekatan struktural-fungsional dan sejarah Indonesia sendiri. Dengan... more
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      Political TheoryPolitical Science*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
Political Systems of Visegrad Group Countries. Editor Wojciech Gizicki. Trnava - Lublin : University of Ss Cyril and Methodius in Trnava in international cooperation with The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin 2012. Juraj... more
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      Eastern European StudiesConstitutional LawComparative PoliticsEastern Europe
The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected every state and territory on earth, including those where there are as yet no cases of infection. Some states have recorded mass infection and crippling death rates, while... more
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      EconomicsPublic Health*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
La perspectiva que sustentan los autores de este libro rebasa, en un doble sentido, los minimalismos y maximalismos excluyentes. No concibe la democracia como simple rotación de élites, elegibles en el mercado de la política; puesto que... more
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      Latin American StudiesPolitical ScienceLatin American Politics (Political Science)*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
The present research paper is undertaken to apprise the reader of the conditions which prevailed in India for ages. It is, however, hoped that an overall picture of the society will be delineated in a general way bringing out the... more
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      Ancient HistorySanskrit language and literature*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and PoliticsAncient India
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsSocial Research Methods and MethodologySocial Sciences
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      GovernmentIndonesian StudiesIndonesian Politics*Comparative Government (Political Systems) and Politics
The book is written by anthropologists, historians, and archaeologists specializing in nomadic studies. All the chapters presented here discuss various aspects of one significant problem: how could small nomadic peoples at the outskirts... more
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      Social TheoryArchaeologyAnthropologySocial Anthropology
Closely associated with China’s growing prominence in international politics are discussions about how to understand Chinese history, and how such perspectives inform the way a stronger China may relate to the rest of the world. This... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
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