the History and Theory of Liberal Arts Education
Recent papers in the History and Theory of Liberal Arts Education
This is a description of a set of over 70 videos on art theory and art history.
The following article analyses MISH college, a liberal education program at the University of Warsaw (UW). The article is based on a critique of existing research on the issue, and proposes an inductive approach to defining liberal... more
Cardinal John Henry Newman’s Idea of a University remains a truly profound and inspirational text that resonates down from its first publication in the Nineteenth Century to the present day. It should be acknowledged as one... more
A central theme in the scholarly literature on Enlightenment Europe concerns the increased focus on the role of reason in the development of European thought, especially in the context of the new science and natural philosophers’ radical... more
Outline of C.S. Lewis, "The Abolition of Man" (1943); used in my History of Liberal Arts Education graduate course
Prepared for the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, April 14th 2021.
« Go to College! » clame le magazine Life en 1940. Alors que l’Europe sombre dans le chaos, les États- Unis s’évertuent à assurer la production internationale des savoirs et à promouvoir un idéal alternatif de démocratie éclairée. Au même... more
Showcase of Philippine history, arts and traditions
Outline of Josef Pieper, "Leisure the Basis of Culture" ("Leisure and Worship") (1947) and "The Philosophical Act" (1947); used in my History of Liberal Arts Education graduate course
Education is very important in every human person’s lives especially now a days in order to know the roles in the society. Mostly, education defines as for school system only but in fact it can also apply to every system of the society... more
Все права защищены Права на произведения и предметы из частных собраний принадлежат их владельцам. «Галеев-Галерею» и лично Ильдара Галеева, Музей-мастерскую Николая Абакумцева, Музей ФГАОУ «Высшая школа печати и медиаиндустрии... more
The Jesuit Ratio studiorum of 1599, deeply rooted in Ignatius's life and spirituality, is not only an indispensable source for the concept of Jesuit education but an essential part of the Society's foundation. It highlights the importance... more
This article describes liberal education as it comes to light not historically but philosophically, taking the word liber (free) as its chief distinguishing feature. It considers what liberal education presupposes of those who pursue... more
Outline of Eva Brann, "Paradoxes of Education in a Republic" (1979); used in my History of Liberal Arts Education graduate course
Description "History of Liberal Arts Education" is a survey seminar course in which students take up and discuss short selections of texts about liberal arts education from antiquity to the present. Co-lead by Professors Peterson & Sosa,... more
Outline of Jacob Klein's "The Idea of Liberal Education" (1960) and "On Liberal Education" (1965); used in my History of Liberal Arts Education graduate course
Outline of Richard Rorty, "Trotsky and the Wild Orchids" (1992); used in my History of Liberal Arts Education graduate course
A kötet a gyermekről alkotott társadalmi, mentális kép történeti változásairól és a nevelési eszményekről szól. A feldolgozás alapvetően eszmetörténeti és mentalitástörténeti jellegű. A könyv első fejezetében a gyermekkortörténet eddigi... more
Úgy halljuk, […] hogy egy pár kisasszony is folyamodott, kik mûkedvelésbôl szintén festegetnek, az igaz, hogy roszúl [sic!], de a kultuszminiszteriumnál éppen azért akarják ôket ösztöndijjal ellátni, hogy majd jobban festegessenek. De az... more
Globalization is a deeply ambivalent phenomenon, involving both widened horizons of understanding and the commodification of natural and human resources. The Catholic university's engagement with our new global situation needs to keep... more
This article engages two established modes of analyzing Tocqueville’s theory in Democracy in America—the institutionalism of Volume 1 and the “art of association” of Volume 2—to argue for the importance of a Platonic theme in Tocqueville,... more
This is a condensed excerpt from the book "Why Art Cannot be Taught" (on Amazon). I argue that no one knows how to teach art, yet everyone behaves as if art schools and departments are doing something other than teaching techniques,... more
In an early dialogue, On Order, Augustine sets out a program for thinking about thinking. Through such reflections, students attain self-knowledge and prepare for philosophical inquiry. The liberal arts are useful for this project,... more
A presentation to BC Colleagues in Mission, December 6, 2016, exploring the roots of Ignatian humanism and the ways in which it defined/defines Jesuit higher education.
This article addresses the ubiquitous matrix of cultural capital in the Latin Middle Ages, the liberal arts, through the lively panoply of Martianus's disciplinae cyclicae. This is carried out in the company of the other divisions of... more
REFERÊNCIA: DALVI, Maria Amélia. Politização da educação pela direita e extrema direita: elementos para uma reflexão coletiva sobre ensino de literatura na educação básica. In: Rosemar Eurico Coenga; Fabiano Tadeu Grazioli; Anna Maria... more
A sketch for the curriculum of a Catholic liberal arts college.
'Research: Practitioner | Curator | Educator' is a co-authored book that identifies where we’re at and where we might be going vis-à-vis the idea of research in the art school, higher education, museums and galleries, and the creative and... more
Here you can find a Blog with nine fields of knowledge and you will get to know better my personality!
Overview of visual art education in Taiwanese schools
The 18th century was the era of the Enlightenment. The Western world went through new episodes, and the emphasis shifted to human reason. The growing influence of modern science encouraged many theologians and philosophers to new... more
Academic jobs remain difficult to attain. Over the last few years, several colleagues have sought advice from me on how to approach an interview of a job search. My experience, both as a job applicant and as a member of over six academic... more
Chapter 4 on Pieter de Hooch, Samuel van Hoogstraten and the Chamber Scape of my cum laude dissertation 2003
This chapter makes the argument for both the practicality and impracticality of philosophy as it relates to liberal education. An exploration of the history of science in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries reveals that a study of... more
My contribution to Catholic World Report's annual feature with scholars and writers giving the best books they read during the year--whether the books were published in that year or not. Included in my copy of my selection here is the... more
What does one do with Stanley Fish's argument that the humanities have no persuasive extrinsic justification because they are simply " for their own sake "? This brief essay offers several answers and invites readers to quite a different... more
This paper critically examines the materialism that Gilles Deleuze espouses in his oeuvre to the benefit of educational theory. In Difference and Repetition, he presented transcendental empiricism by underwriting Kant with realism... more
The Frick Collection and the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University jointly sponsor the annual Symposium on the History of Art for graduate students in the northeastern United States. Speakers are nominated by their doctoral... more
Outline of Leo Strauss, "What Is Liberal Education?" (1959) and "Liberal Education and Responsibility" (1962); used in my History of Liberal Arts Education graduate course
In order to demonstrate that philosophy of education has a distinctive role to play in teacher education, the concept of liberal teacher education is developed. Liberal teacher education aims to cultivate the practical wisdom of teachers,... more
* People identified with being “spiritual but not religious (SBNR)” now comprise around a quarter of American adults and their number keeps growing. Despite the ambiguity of their spiritual states which defy easy characterization, SBNRs... more
O tema desta pesquisa é uma análise mais profunda das conexões entre as estruturas econômicas da organização produtiva e suas contrapartidas no jogo político dos Estados modernos tal como se processaram no Longo Século XIX, com o objetivo... more