Exhibition Catalogue
Recent papers in Exhibition Catalogue
Editors: Joana Baião (IHA/NOVA/FCSH; LAB-GM/CIMO/IPB), Leonor de Oliveira (IHA/NOVA/FCSH; Courtauld Institute of Art), Susana S. Martins (IHA/NOVA/FCSH) The latest issue of Revista de História da Arte critically addresses the... more
Catalogue essay produced for Portals: past, present, future 14 November to 13 December, Western Australian Maritime Museum Victoria Quay Fremantle. The exhibition featured 23 emerging and established artists with work based around the... more
Catalogue essay for 2020 solo exhibition of paintings by Lisa Noonis at Whitney Modern gallery, Las Gatos, CA.
El catálogo expositivo actúa como resultado y testigo de la exhibición afín, estableciéndose como un elemento clave para su investigación cuando esta ya ha sido clausurada. En la actualidad son auténticos libros de arte, que no solo dejan... more
Yokai is a catchall Japanese word for ghosts, demons, monsters, shape-shifters, tricksters, and other kinds of supernatural beings and mysterious phenomena. Although sometimes scary, these frightening beings are often portrayed as... more
In 1994 I organized an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It included seven artists, among them Rachel Whiteread. It was inspired by frequent visits to New York galleries, where there seemed to be more women artists... more
Все права защищены Права на произведения и предметы из частных собраний принадлежат их владельцам. «Галеев-Галерею» и лично Ильдара Галеева, Музей-мастерскую Николая Абакумцева, Музей ФГАОУ «Высшая школа печати и медиаиндустрии... more
A short history of the different types of drinking vessels mostly in silver and glass which appeared in Central Europe during the 16th to 18th centuries. Drinks and beverages concerned are beer, wine, coffee, tea and chocolate/cacao.... more
Kratki uvod predstavi kulturo spominjanja in njeno nasprotje, kulturo pozabe. Pri tem posebno pozornost posveti prvi svetovni vojni, ki je v zadnjih štirih letih bila deležna veliko pozornosti. Kratek prispevek o soški fronti predstavi... more
The first and only publication on Armenian film poster art, this catalogue presents all of the surviving and known examples and includes an extensive essay about the subject by curator and art historian Vigen Galstyan. The publication... more
Οδηγός περιοδικής έκθεσης του Λαογραφικού & Εθνολογικού Μουσείου Μακεδονίας - Θράκης. Επιμέλεια Ζήσης Σκαμπάλης και Ελένη Μπίντση. "The soundscape of the fire: echoes from Thessaloniki of 1917". Exhibition guide published by Folklife and... more
Exhibition catalogue on some thirty Bolognese Baroque and Rococo paintings from the Opera Pia dei Poveri Vergognosi, Bologna.
„Forms of War 1600-1815“ is the title of the Bavarian Army Museum’s latest permanent exhibition, opened in 2019 and housed in the New Castle of Ingolstadt. With exhibits from the museum‘s own collection and some important loans, it... more
O artigo trata do catálogo como espaço expositivo, como obra autônoma e não mera documentação. Em 2008, os artistas Ana Luiza Dias Batista, Laura Huzak e João Loureiro elaboraram uma publicação que atua como catálogo, mas não é um... more
Catalog of the exhibition. 27 August - 4 September, 2004, Rynek Sztuki Gallery, Łódź
Using Vanessa Bell as a case study, my paper explores the issues of representing and framing a woman artist, and as such participates in the recent efforts to acknowledge Bell's historical contributions to Modernist art. Bell (1879-1961)... more
In mid-2020, Joshua Collinson from The Ceramic School, Melbourne based social-engagement artist, Vipoo Srivilasa, and Dr. Wendy Gers, leading international curator, launched a registered charity: Ceramics for Charity. The first... more
Catálogo de exposição. Curadoria de Agnaldo Farias.
Exhibition catalog. Curatorship Agnaldo Farias.
Exhibition catalog. Curatorship Agnaldo Farias.
Who exactly was Emil Szittya, this figure of the Hungarian and international avant-garde? Writer, poet, sociologist, art critic, art historian, painter? Anarchist, social democrat, liberal, fascist, antifascist, communist? Fraudster,... more
Review of an exhibition catalogue documenting the work of the so-called PICTURES GENERATION, 1974-1984 of American artists
János Kőbányai, writer, sociologist, photographer in the 70's and 80's documented by camera the hungarian beat-, rock- and punkbands and their audience. The exhibition, selected from about 10,000 photos, was only open for 3 days due to... more
[pdf de últimas pruebas de imprenta, sin correcciones finales] Esta publicación corresponde con el catálogo de la exposición "Vecinos de la ciudad. Retratos en San Cristóbal de La Laguna (siglos XV-XIX)", organizada por el Ayuntamiento... more
„Formen des Krieges 1600-1815“ ist der Titel der 2019 neu eröffneten Räume des Bayerischen Armeemuseums im Neuen Schloss Ingolstadt. Mit Stücken der Sammlung und einigen bedeutenden Leihgaben zeigen sie die Formen kriegerischer Gewalt in... more
Ink Art Week academic supervisors: Lia Wei, Zhang Qiang Ink Art Week Venice curators: Elena Macri, Huang Liang Ink Art Week Venice institutional advisors: Sabrina Rastrelli, Giuseppe La Bruna Catalogue funding: Taishan Academy Catalogue... more
Thomas More’s Utopia marked its five-hundredth year in 2016, and it remains as fascinating and influential as ever. More wrote the book out of frustration at the conditions of his time, in an England where corruption and misrule were... more