Technology Scientific Advisory Group
The Technology Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) aims to empower AZA institutions with technology best practices and knowledge sharing to help advance our collective mission. We will seek to provide expertise on strategic technology use, data management, and innovative solutions to enhance conservation, education, research, animal care, and visitor experiences in AZA-accredited institutions.
The Technology SAG aligns with the strategic plans of the AZA and Research and Technology Committee (RTC) by:
• Supporting AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums in leveraging technology to effectively and efficiently achieve their mission.
• Promoting powerful, data-driven stories about the work of AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums.
• Empowering technology-based zoo and aquarium professionals to be leaders in their field through the advancement of a supportive network and collaborative research opportunities.
Interested in becoming a Technology SAG member?
If you are interested in becoming involved with or obtaining more information about Technology SAG, please contact Adam Hart, the Chair.