Sewer Use Charges

At the June, 2016 meeting, the Sewer Commission voted to change to an annual billing that can be paid in quarterly payments. Residential sewer use bills will be mailed each October. The first quarter due date will be 10/31, with a grace period of 11/14. The second quarter due date will be 1/31, with a grace period of 2/14. The third quarter due date will be 4/30, with a grace period of 5/14. The fourth quarter due date will be 7/30, with a grace period of 8/14.

As of July 1, 2024 the residential rate is currently set at $672.00 per dwelling unit per annum which breaks down to $168.00 per unit/billing. This rate will show in your October 2024 billing.

Commercial/Industrial sewer use bills are mailed out quarterly and are based on the water consumption readings obtained from the water districts. These bills are mailed in February, May, August and November. The rate is currently set at $118.18 per 1,000 cubic feet.