As the year comes to a close, we want to extend our warmest wishes to you and your families. Thank you for your dedication to the livestock industry and the vital role you play in our community. Here's to a joyful holiday season and a prosperous new year!
Please notice our "What's New" link near the top of the menu on the left. This is where we post updates to emergent or changing animal health situations and other general updates. Notice also on that page a button to sign up for e-mail updates if you wish to receive occasional e-mail blasts as developments warrant.
See our Frequently Asked Questions page that may help answer some common questions you may have.
Here are some tips to help you find what you are looking for on our site:
- Try the search button in the upper right. For cattle import requirements, for example, try typing "cattle import". As with internet searches in general, follow the "less is more" rule. That is, type less in the search box to get more results.
- The menu choices to the left are broad categories. Choose the one that is likely to contain what you are looking for. For example, for cattle import requirements you would choose "Import / Export / Exhibition and go from there.
- Almost every page has a Page Menu which lists all of the section headings on that page. You can use that to jump to the section you need. See the Page Menu button centered in the green section straight above.
- If you are on a mobile device, an icon appears in the upper left to allow you to pull that menu down.
- To schedule a brand inspection, click "Personnel Directory" and click on the map where you need the inspection.
- Statutes and Rules are found under the main menu choice "Links and Documents."
To acquire a livestock entry permit 24 hours / 7 days a week, please use the "NM Entry Permits" menu choice on the left to create permits yourself online. Please note that all horses, mules, asses, cattle and bison entering NM from another state must have an entry permit.
If you prefer to use the telephone, call (800) 432-6889 and you will be directed to a live representative who will provide you with an entry permit number. Please have your NAN (National Accreditation Number) ready to give to the representative. Please have an accurate origination and destination address including zip code to obtain a permit.
The number listed above is only for entry permits. Any other inquiries or matters should be directed to (505) 841-6161.
Mailing Address:
2105 Osuna Rd NE Building South
Albuquerque, NM 87113-3203
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (Mountain Time)
Phone: (505) 841-6161
Fax: (505) 841-6160
Entry Permit Line: (800) 432-6889