Note: This is order is in addition to the existing order issued April 24th (listed below this section)
On December 6, USDA issued a Federal Order requiring any person responsible for a dairy farm, bulk milk transporter, bulk milk transfer station, or dairy processing facility that sends or holds raw (unpasteurized) milk intended for pasteurization to allow APHIS or its cooperators to obtain raw milk in a quantity sufficient to test for HPAI virus. Additional information and resources related to this Federal Order and the related National Milk Testing Strategy are available at our website at website for more information: HPAI in Livestock | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Click the link below to vew the full federal order PDF.
Below is an excerpt from this document from the USDA regarding these new requirements:
"The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is issuing this Federal Order to prevent the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). HPAI is a contagious viral disease of domestic poultry and wild birds. HPAI is deadly to domestic poultry and can wipe out entire flocks within a matter of days. HPAI is a threat to the poultry industry, animal health, human health, trade, and the economy worldwide. In the US, HPAI has now been detected in dairy cattle.
Mandatory Testing for Interstate Movement of Dairy Cattle
Prior to interstate movement, dairy cattle are required to receive a negative test for Influenza A virus at an approved National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) laboratory.
owners of herds in which dairy cattle test positive for interstate movement will be required to provide epidemiological information, including animal movement tracing.
Dairy cattle moving interstate must adhere to conditions specified by APHIS.
As will be described in forthcoming guidance, these steps will be immediately required for lactating dairy cattle, while these requirements for other classes of dairy cattle will be based on scientific factors concerning the virus and its evolving risk profile.
Mandatory Reporting
Laboratories and state veterinarians must report positive Influenza A nucleic acid detection diagnostic results (e.g. PCR or genetic sequencing) in livestock to USDA APHIS.
Laboratories and state veterinarians must report positive Influenza A serology diagnostic results in livestock to USDA APHIS.
For more information regarding this Federal Order go to HPAI Detections in Livestock Page."
See the following links for more detail:
Frequently Asked Questions
APHIS Requirements and Recommendations for State Animal Health Officials, Accredited Veterinarians and Producers