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The Prado - Ahdieh, Robert
Russia's Constitutional Revolution - Ameringer, Charles
The Caribbean Legion - Anreus, Alejandro, Diana L. Linden, and Jonathan Weinberg, eds.
The Social and the Real - Arceneaux, Craig L.
Bounded Missions - Arnson, Cynthia J.
Crossroads - Balaban, Avraham
Between God and Beast - Balogh, Brian, ed.
Integrating the Sixties - Bar-Joseph, Uri
Intelligence Intervention in the Politics of Democratic States - Barba, Lloyd D., Andrea Shan Johnson, and Daniel Ramírez, eds., Foreword by Grant Wacker
Oneness Pentecostalism - Baskind, Samantha
The Warsaw Ghetto in American Art and Culture - Bauman, John F., Roger Biles, and Kristin Szylvian, eds.
From Tenements to the Taylor Homes - Beilein Jr., Joseph M.
Vision and Resilience - Bell, Michael Mayerfeld
Farming for Us All: Twentieth Anniversary Edition - Benson, Thomas W.
Posters for Peace - Bever, Edward and Randall Styers, eds.
Magic in the Modern World - Biesecker, Barbara A.
Reinventing World War II - Bliss, Katherine Elaine
Compromised Positions - Boesten, Jelke
Intersecting Inequalities - Boobbyer, Philip
The Spiritual Vision of Frank Buchman - Bowman, Kirk S.
Militarization, Democracy, and Development - Bowman, Scott
The Modern Corporation and American Political Thought - Bradstreet, Christina
Scented Visions - Brandow-Faller, Megan
The Female Secession - Brennan, James P. and Marcelo Rougier
The Politics of National Capitalism - Brenner, Rachel Feldhay
Writing as Resistance - Britt, Brian
Religion Around Walter Benjamin - Bronner, Simon J.
Popularizing Pennsylvania - Bussel, Robert
From Harvard to the Ranks of Labor - Bussiere, Elizabeth
(Dis)Entitling the Poor - Byrnes, Joseph F.
God on the Western Front - Cahn, Anne Hessing
Killing Detente - Callahan, North
Carl Sandburg - Calo, Mary Ann, with an epilogue by Jacqueline Francis
African American Artists and the New Deal Art Programs - Chassen-López, Francie R.
From Liberal to Revolutionary Oaxaca - Chernyaev, Anatoly S.
My Six Years with Gorbachev - Cimbala, Stephen J.
The Politics of Warfare - Collins, Cath
Post-transitional Justice - Colquhoun, Ithell, Edited, with an introduction and notes, by Richard Shillitoe and Mark S. Morrisson
I Saw Water - Connelly, John and Michael Grüttner, eds.
Universities Under Dictatorship - Contosta, David R.
Philadelphia's Progressive Orphanage - Cook, Maria Lorena
Organizing Dissent - Corrales, Javier
Presidents Without Parties - Cowan, Michael
Cult of the Will - Cronin, J. Keri
Art for Animals - Daniel, G. Reginald
Race and Multiraciality in Brazil and the United States - Darden, Robert
Nothing but Love in God's Water - Darling, Arthur B., with Introduction and Annotation by Bruce D. Berkowitz and Allan E. Goodman
The Central Intelligence Agency - Daun, Åke
Swedish Mentality - Di John, Jonathan
From Windfall to Curse? - Donaldson, Scott
The Impossible Craft - Donner, William W.
Serious Nonsense - Dorn, Glenn J.
The Truman Administration and Bolivia - Dosal, Paul J.
Comandante Che - Dosh, Paul, Photographs by James Lerager
Demanding the Land - Downey, Dennis B. and James W. Conroy, eds., with a Foreword by Dick and Ginny Thornburgh
Pennhurst and the Struggle for Disability Rights - Duiker, William J.
Ts'ai Yuan-p'ei - du Quenoy, Paul
Stage Fright - Eaton, Kent
Politicians and Economic Reform in New Democracies - Eby, Cecil D.
Hungary at War - Eby, Cecil D.
Comrades and Commissars - Eglitis, Daina Stukuls
Imagining the Nation - Eisner, Marc Allen
From Warfare State to Welfare State - Ekedahl, Carolyn, and Melvin A. Goodman
The Wars of Eduard Shevardnadze - Erdmans, Mary Patrice
Opposite Poles - Esposito, Jackie R., and Steven L. Herb.
The Nittany Lion - Fair, John D.
Muscletown USA - Faraday, George
Revolt of the Filmmakers - Farnsley, Arthur Emery, II.
Southern Baptist Politics - Flim, Bert Jan
Saving the Children - Friedman, Elisabeth J.
Unfinished Transitions - Frye, Bob
Deer Wars - Fuchs Abrams, Sabrina
New York Women of Wit in the Twentieth Century - Gannon, Robert
Hellions of the Deep - Gauss, Susan M.
Made in Mexico - Gerschultz, Jessica
Decorative Arts of the Tunisian École - Goldman, Emily O.
Sunken Treaties - Gordon Nembhard, Jessica
Collective Courage: Tenth Anniversary Edition - Gordy, Eric D.
The Culture of Power in Serbia - Graham, Hugh Davis, ed.
Civil Rights in the United States - Greene, Robert W.
Just Words - Greenwald, G. Jonathan
Berlin Witness - Griffith, Ivelaw Lloyd
Drugs and Security in the Caribbean - Griffith, Sally F.
Liberalizing the Mind - Haas, Liesl
Feminist Policymaking in Chile - Hamington, Maurice, ed.
Feminist Interpretations of Jane Addams - Handley, Derek G.
Struggle for the City - Harp, Gillis J.
Positivist Republic - Hart, Richard L.
Glenhill Farm - Hayman, Jr., Robert L., and Leland Ware
Choosing Equality - Healey, Robynne Rogers and Carole Dale Spencer, eds.
Quaker Women, 1800–1920 - Heineman, Kenneth J.
A Catholic New Deal - Helmreich, Anne
Nature's Truth - Higginbotham, Carmenita
The Urban Scene - Higgins, James E.
The War Against Tuberculosis - Higham, John, ed.
Civil Rights and Social Wrongs - Hill, Ian E. J.
Advocating Weapons, War, and Terrorism - Himelfarb, Richard
Catastrophic Politics - Hinds, Lynn Boyd
Broadcasting the Local News - Hopf, Ted, ed.
Understandings of Russian Foreign Policy - Horowitz, Joel
Argentina's Radical Party and Popular Mobilization, 1916–1930 - Houts, Peter S., Paul D. Cleary, and Teh-wei Hu
The Three Mile Island Crisis - Hutchisson, James M.
The Rise of Sinclair Lewis, 1920–1930 - Israelyan, Victor
Inside the Kremlin During the Yom Kippur War - Israelyan, Victor
On the Battlefields of the Cold War - Izaguirre III, José G.
Becoming La Raza - Johnson, David R.
Conrad Richter - Johnson, Emily D.
How St. Petersburg Learned to Study Itself - Johnson, Timothy
Rhetoric, Inc. - Kahn, Arthur D.
Experiment in Occupation - Kalba, Laura Anne
Color in the Age of Impressionism - Kapurch, Katie and Jon Marc Smith, with foreword by Cyrus Cassells
Blackbird - Karapin, Roger
Protest Politics in Germany - Kashatus, William C.
September Swoon - Kashatus, William C.
Money Pitcher - Kashatus, William C.
Dapper Dan Flood - Keane, Damien
Ireland and the Problem of Information - Keeley, Robert V., with a Prologue by John O. Iatrides
The Colonels’ Coup and the American Embassy - Kelly, Timothy, Margaret Power, and Michael Cary
Hope in Hard Times - Keynes, Edward
Undeclared War - Khrushchev, Sergei, ed.
Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev - Khrushchev, Sergei N.
Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower - Kiddy, Elizabeth W.
Blacks of the Rosary - Kinsley, Elisabeth H.
Here in This Island We Arrived - Kitch, Carolyn
Pennsylvania in Public Memory - Klein, Philip S. and Ari Arthur Hoogenboom
A History of Pennsylvania - Knight, Michael Muhammad
Metaphysical Africa - Kofas, Jon V.
Intervention and Underdevelopment - Kreuter, Nate, and Mark Garrett Longaker
The Battles of Texas - Larson, Carolyne R.
Our Indigenous Ancestors - Larson, Olaf F., and Julie N. Zimmerman, assisted by Edward O. Moe
Sociology in Government - LaRue, L. H.
Constitutional Law as Fiction - Lasansky, D. Medina
The Renaissance Perfected - Leab, Daniel J.
“I Was a Communist for the FBI” - Lees, Lorraine M.
Keeping Tito Afloat - Lian Xi
The Conversion of Missionaries - Loescher, Gil, ed.
Refugees and the Asylum Dilemma in the West - MacEachin, Douglas J.
U.S. Intelligence and the Confrontation in Poland, 1980–1981 - Maček, Vladko
In the Struggle for Freedom - Magilow, Daniel H.
The Photography of Crisis - Mahlendorf, Ursula
The Shame of Survival - Marcus, Alan I., and Hamilton Cravens, eds.
Health Care Policy in Contemporary America - Mathy, Jean-Philippe
Melancholy Politics - Matthias, Willard C.
America's Strategic Blunders - Mattson, Kevin
Intellectuals in Action - Maxwell, Cameron A., and Philip Mauceri
The Peruvian Labyrinth - McCaffery, Peter
When Bosses Ruled Philadelphia - McCormack, Ryan
The Sculpted Ear - McDermott, John F. M.
Restoring Democracy to America - McWilliam, Neil
Monumental Intolerance - Meade, Teresa A.
“Civilizing” Rio - Melosi, Martin A., ed.
Urban Public Policy - Merkl, Peter H.
German Unification in the European Context - Miller, Kenneth E.
From Progressive to New Dealer - Miller, Randall M. and William Pencak, eds.
Pennsylvania - Misgeld, Klaus, Karl Molin, and Klas Åmark, eds.
Creating Social Democracy - Mitrović, Branko
Rage and Denials - Mohr, James
New Perspectives on Public Health Policy - Mokoko Gampiot, Aurélien, translated by Cécile Coquet-Mokoko
Kimbanguism - Montague, Ludwell Lee
General Walter Bedell Smith as Director of Central Intelligence, October 1950–February 1953 - Morehead, Allison
Nature’s Experiments and the Search for Symbolist Form - Morey, Ann-Janine
Picturing Dogs, Seeing Ourselves - Morrison, Ernest
J. Horace McFarland - Morrison, Peter A., ed.
A Taste of the Country - Morton, Margaret
Glass House - Moser, Gabrielle
Projecting Citizenship - Mrozek, Bodo, ed.
Sensory Warfare in the Global Cold War - Munck, Gerardo L.
Authoritarianism and Democratization - Murray, Robert K., and Tim H. Blessing
Greatness in the White House: Second, Updated Edition - Navarro, Aaron W.
Political Intelligence and the Creation of Modern Mexico, 1938–1954 - Nelson, Amy
Music for the Revolution - Newbury, Darren
Cold War Photographic Diplomacy - Nichols, David K.
The Myth of the Modern Presidency - O'Leary, Philip
Gaelic Prose in the Irish Free State - Olson, Karen
Wives of Steel - Oostdijk, Diederik
Bells for America - Oresick, Jake
The Schenley Experiment - Orr, John W.
Set Up Running - Osif, Bonnie A., Anthony J. Baratta and Thomas W. Conkling
TMI 25 Years Later - Oxhorn, Philip D.
Organizing Civil Society - Paczkowski, Andrzej
The Spring Will Be Ours - Palazchenko, Pavel
My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze - Parker, D. S.
The Idea of the Middle Class - Paulsell, Stephanie
Religion Around Virginia Woolf - Pavilack, Jody
Mining for the Nation - Paz, María Emilia
Strategy, Security, and Spies - Peattie, Roger W., ed.
Selected Letters of William Michael Rossetti - Peceny, Mark
Democracy at the Point of Bayonets - Penn State Public Broadcasting
Raise the Song - Petersen, Neal H., ed.
From Hitler's Doorstep - Pfaff, Daniel W.
Joseph Pulitzer II and the “Post-Dispatch” - Phillips, Paul T.
A Kingdom on Earth - Pickering, Kathleen, Mark H. Harvey, Gene F. Summers, and David Mushinski
Welfare Reform in Persistent Rural Poverty - Pinchot, Gifford, Char Miller, ed.
Gifford Pinchot - Pollock, Mary Sanders
Storytelling Apes - Power, Margaret
Right-Wing Women in Chile - Prentiss, Craig
Debating God's Economy - Quigel, James P. Jr. and Louis Hunsinger Jr.
Gateway to the Majors - Raffel, Marshall W., ed.
Health Care and Reform in Industrialized Countries - Ramet, Sabrina P., ed.
The Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe Since 1989 - Rampley, Matthew
Visions of the Future - Rein, Raanan, and Martha Grenzelack, trans.
Argentina, Israel, and the Jews - Richards, Raymond
Closing the Door to Destitution - Richmond, Yale
Cultural Exchange and the Cold War - Rimby, Susan
Mira Lloyd Dock and the Progressive Era Conservation Movement - Robertson, David Brian, ed.
Loss of Confidence - Robinson, John and Geoffrey Godbey
Time for Life: Second Edition - Robinson, Joyce Henri
An Artistic Friendship - Rodden, John
Textbook Reds - Rodden, John
Dialectics, Dogmas, and Dissent - Romero, Luis Alberto, and James P. Brennan, trans.
A History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century: Updated and Revised Edition - Rzeznik, Thomas F.
Church and Estate - Sapega, Ellen W.
Consensus and Debate in Salazar's Portugal - Schatzki, Theodore R.
The Site of the Social - Schönwälder, Gerd
Linking Civil Society and the State - Schuyler, David
A City Transformed - Selee, Andrew
Decentralization, Democratization, and Informal Power in Mexico - Selinger, Suzanne
Charlotte von Kirschbaum and Karl Barth - Sheehan, Tanya
Study in Black and White - Shields, James J., Jr., ed.
Japanese Schooling - Shlapentokh, Vladimir and Joshua Woods
Feudal America - Siavelis, Peter M.
The President and Congress in Postauthoritarian Chile - Siekmeier, James F.
The Bolivian Revolution and the United States, 1952 to the Present - Silcox, Harry C.
A Place to Live and Work - Singh, Amritjit
The Novels of the Harlem Renaissance - Smith, Jeffrey Chipps
Albrecht Dürer and the Embodiment of Genius - Smith, Thomas G.
A Conservative Environmentalist - Snyder, Charles McCool, John W. Downie, and Lois Kalp
Union County, Pennsylvania - Solomons, Delia
Cold War in the White Cube - Solterer, Helen
Medieval Roles for Modern Times - Sonn, Richard D.
Sex, Violence, and the Avant-Garde - Sosin, Gene
Sparks of Liberty - Speel, Robert W.
Changing Patterns of Voting in the Northern United States - Squeri, Lawrence
Better in the Poconos - Stavans, Ilan and Marcelo BrodskyWith an afterword by Ilan Stavans
Once@9:53am - Stavans, Ilan y Marcelo BrodskyCon un epílogo de Ilan Stavans
Once@9:53am - Stormer, Nathan
Sign of Pathology - Stuckey, Mary E.
Voting Deliberatively - Szemere, Anna
Up From the Underground - Todorov, Tzvetan
Voices from the Gulag - Treadway, Jack
Elections in Pennsylvania - Trevizo, Dolores
Rural Protest and the Making of Democracy in Mexico, 1968–2000 - Vázquez, Oscar E.
The End Again - Veigel, Klaus Friedrich
Dictatorship, Democracy, and Globalization - Walker, Herbert J., ed., with a Foreword by Henry W. Shoemaker
Rafting Days in Pennsylvania - Walker III, William O., ed.
Drug Control Policy - Wallach, Kerry
Traces of a Jewish Artist - Walsh, Edward J., Rex Warland, and D. Clayton Smith
Don’t Burn it Here - Walter, Richard J.
Peru and the United States, 1960–1975 - Walworth, Catherine
Soviet Salvage - Wang, ShiPu
The Other American Moderns - Wanner, Catherine
Burden of Dreams - Weaver, Karol K.
Medical Caregiving and Identity in Pennsylvania's Anthracite Region, 1880–2000 - Wegs, J. Robert
Growing Up Working Class - Weintraub, Stanley
Shaw's People - Weisburd, David
Jewish Settler Violence - Welch, Cliff.
The Seed Was Planted - Westrate, Bruce C.
The Arab Bureau - Wilhelm, J. J.
Ezra Pound in London and Paris, 1908–1925 - Wise, Carol, ed.
The Post-NAFTA Political Economy - Wohlforth, William C., ed.
Cold War Endgame - Wolensky, Kenneth C., Nicole H. Wolensky, Robert P. Wolensky
Fighting for the Union Label - Wolensky, Robert P., ed.
Sewn in Coal Country - Young, Glennys
Power and the Sacred in Revolutionary Russia - Young, Philip
Ernest Hemingway : Second Edition - Young, Philip, edited by David Morell and Sandra Spanier
American Fiction, American Myth - Zaretsky, Robert
Nîmes at War - Zimmerman, Julie N., and Olaf F. Larson
Opening Windows onto Hidden Lives
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