Week 7 T3
Week 7 T3
Week 7 T3
Dear Parents and Caregivers of Year 3 Students, * Over the next few weeks your child will be working on writing their speeches. These are to be written at school with no input from home. This ensures an even playing field. Please help your child this weekend to gather some material on their speech topic. Print readable material from the internet, visit the library or bring books from home. * Speeches will be sent home to practise when the final copy is complete. You can help at this stage by being an audience for your child so they can learn their speech off by heart. * Our last swimming session is this Tuesday. Encourage your child to organise their equipment themselves. Please ensure that they have a good breakfast and have extra packed in their lunchboxes. Swimming is hard work! *I would like to start putting the childrens weekly homework on the computer, but just want to check the availability of computers at home for the children to access and complete their homework each week. Please indicate below whether you would be happy for your child to complete their homework on the computer or not: Yes, we have a computer (with internet access) at home which my child could complete their homework: No, my child does not have access to a computer with which to do their homework:
Spelling Words This week my spelling words are: 1. club 2. flex 3. flying 4. sight 5. side 6. die 7. bright 8. sunshine 9. thirteen 10. fourteen
Basic Facts
The times tables that I am learning are the ___ times tables. I will be tested on these on Friday.
I have joined these groups on Edmodo (make sure you send me a message
to say that this assignment is completed):
0x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x 10 x 11 x 12 x
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
3x 5x 10 x 2x 4x 8x 12 x 0x 6x 9x 2x 7x 11 x
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Reading Please fill in the reading log below to show that you have read a book every night. Monday
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Parents Signature: