HTN and Women

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Hypertension Research (2012) 35, 251–260

& 2012 The Japanese Society of Hypertension All rights reserved 0916-9636/12


Management of hypertension in women

Niels Engberding and Nanette K Wenger

A gender-specific approach to cardiovascular (CV) diseases has been practiced for decades, although not always to the advantage
of women. Based on population data showing that women are at lower risk for CV events than men female gender has generally
been regarded as a protective factor for CV disease. Unfortunately, CV risk assessment has therefore received less attention in
women. Despite the lower absolute risk of CV events in women compared with age-matched men, the majority of women die
from CV diseases. In absolute numbers, since 1984, more women than men died of CV disease each year. Most CV events occur
in women with known traditional CV risk factors. Improving risk factor management in women of all ages therefore yields an
enormous potential to reduce CV morbidity and mortality in the population. Aside from smoking cessation, hypertension (HTN)
control is the single most important intervention to reduce the risk of future CV events in women. This review highlights
peculiarities of HTN as they pertain to women, and points out where diagnosis and management of HTN may require a gender-
specific focus.
Hypertension Research (2012) 35, 251–260; doi:10.1038/hr.2011.210; published online 8 December 2011

Keywords: gender differences; women; antihypertensives

HTN AS A CV RISK FACTOR 85% have at least 1 of the 4 traditional risk factors.7 Interestingly, in
Hypertension (HTN) is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular this study the prevalence for all risk factors except cigarette smoking
(CV) disease in both women and men. There is a continuous was significantly higher in women than in men. Therefore, reduction
association between higher levels of systolic and diastolic blood in the prevalence of HTN has the potential to dramatically reduce the
pressure (BP), and CV morbidity and mortality.1 For every burden of CHD in women. In the Chicago Heart Association cohort,
20-mm Hg systolic or 10-mm Hg diastolic increase in BP, there is a high BP was the most common major risk factor in women and
doubling of mortality from both coronary heart disease (CHD) and independently increased the risk of CHD mortality (RR 3.17, 95%
stroke in people between the ages of 40 and 89 years.2 The increase in confidence interval (CI) 1.8–5.6).8 The Reykjavik Study compared the
relative risk (RR) of CV mortality for any given increase in BP is much impact of CV risk factors in 9681 women and 8888 men who
more pronounced in younger individuals, whereas the absolute risk at underwent CV risk assessment from 1967 to 1991.9 Compared with
any given BP is higher in the older population. Consequently, HTN is men, systolic BP was a stronger risk factor for women, as was left
associated with shorter overall life expectancy and shorter life expec- ventricular hypertrophy by ECG (women: hazard ratio 2.89, 95% CI
tancy free of CV disease.3 Total life expectancy is an estimated 4.9 years 1.67–5.01; men: hazard ratio 1.11 (CI 0.86–1.43)).9 Twenty-year
longer for normotensive women compared with hypertensive women follow-up data of the Healthy Women Study showed that premeno-
at 50 years of age.4 Even though for vascular mortality as a whole, pausal systolic BP was an independent predictor of vascular calcifica-
gender is of little relevance to the age-specific hazard ratios associated tion 14.6 years later in the sample of 363 women.10 Elevated systolic
with a given difference in usual BP, some trends in gender difference BP measured 5 years into menopause remained a significant predictor
have been observed. While the age-specific associations of stroke of aortic calcification.10 Data from the Framingham Heart Study
mortality with BP appear to be slightly less extreme for women showed that even women and men with high-normal BP (130–139/
than for men, the age-specific associations of CHD mortality with 85–89 mm Hg) at baseline had a higher incidence of CV disease at
BP are more profound in women than in men, albeit not significantly.2 10-year follow-up than those with optimal BP (o130/85 mm Hg).11
The Chicago Heart Association study, which was conducted in the These relationships persisted after adjustment for multiple CV risk
1960s and 1970s, suggested that elevated BP has a stronger impact on factors. The rate of CV events was very low in women with optimal BP.
CHD mortality in women than in men.5 Additionally, long-term As compared with optimal BP, high-normal BP was associated with a
follow-up data from the Chicago Heart Association study indicated risk factor-adjusted hazard ratio for CV disease of 2.5 (95% CI 1.6–4.1)
that a low CV risk profile was associated with lower long-term CV and among women and 1.6 (95% CI 1.1–2.2) among men. The Women’s
all-cause mortality in young women.6 Importantly, CV events rarely Health Study also confirmed that women’s risk of a major CV event
occur in women without CV risk factors. Among women with CHD, was lower at lower BP, without evidence of a threshold level.12

Emory University School of Medicine, Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, GA, USA
Correspondence: Dr NK Wenger, Division of Cardiology, Emory University School of Medicine, 49 Jesse Hill Jr Dr SE, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA.
Received 29 June 2011; revised 25 August 2011; accepted 19 October 2011; published online 8 December 2011
Management of hypertension in women
N Engberding and NK Wenger

Based on these observations the Seventh Report of the Joint HTN was controlled increased in men but only marginally in women
National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treat- (P¼0.05), and was greater in men vs. women (P¼0.02). In summary,
ment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) has introduced the category the prevalence of HTN is nearly equal between women and men,
‘pre-hypertension’ for those with BPs ranging from 120 to 139 mm Hg averaging 30–40% in Blacks and 20–30% in Whites.22 Even though BP
systolic and/or 80 to 89 mm Hg diastolic.13 This new designation was control improved with time in women and men, overall fewer women
intended to identify individuals in whom early intervention by than men had controlled BP levels despite treatment, which is
adoption of a healthy lifestyle could reduce BP, decrease the rate of particularly striking in the elderly (Figure 1a). Additionally, HTN
progression of BP to hypertensive levels with age or prevent HTN becomes more prevalent in women among elderly individuals.3
entirely. The main goal of antihypertensive treatment is prevention of Approximately 80% of women over the age of 70 years have HTN.3
CV morbidity and mortality, including end-organ damage and During early adulthood women have lower systolic BP than men, but
microvascular complications in various organ systems. HTN in the after the age of 60 years the opposite is the case (Figure 1b).15
elderly is particularly complex and affects women more than men.13–15 Decreased survival in older hypertensive men could explain this higher
Not only does it appear to be under-diagnosed in general and prevalence in older women. As women outnumber men in the
particularly among women, it also remains undertreated.14 Epidemio- population, there are more hypertensive women than men. Diastolic
logic population studies have suggested that lowering BP, while
reducing risks of stroke and vascular complications, might increase
mortality or adverse events among the elderly (X80 years of age).16 100
These observations were particularly striking in older men.17 After Female Male
adjustment for baseline BP, a decrease in diastolic pressure of
X5 mm Hg was associated with higher all-cause mortality.17
In women, a decrease in either diastolic or systolic BP was not associated
with poorer survival. Among women aged 65–84 years, the hazard of
death significantly increased with increase in systolic BP, whereas this
relationship was not seen in women aged 85 years and older.17 % 50
The Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET) evaluated
3845 patients aged 80 years or older (60% women) with sustained
systolic BPs of 160 mm Hg. Compared with placebo, active treatment 25
reduced the mean systolic and diastolic BPs by 15.0 and 6.1 mm Hg,
respectively, and significantly reduced the risk of death from stroke
and death from any cause.18 The trial was stopped prematurely 0
because of these compelling findings, and forms the basis of the 20-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 >75
ACCF/AHA 2011 Expert Consensus Document on Hypertension in years
the Elderly.14 Unlike previous guidelines for all adults, there is limited
evidence in the elderly to support a systolic BP value of 140 mm Hg as 100 Female Male
a diagnostic and therapeutic threshold. Among octogenarians,
HYVET data suggest a systolic BP of 150 mm Hg as the diagnostic
cut-off value and the treatment target.18 75


Most of our knowledge regarding the prevalence and control of HTN % 50
in the United States during the past decades is based on data from The
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES),
which was designed to monitor the health and nutritional status of
the US population.19,20 Whereas NHANES-III reported that the
prevalence of HTN had declined in the time period from 1976–1980
to 1988–1991, the NHANES survey from 1999–2000 reported an
increase in HTN prevalence. In 1999–2000, 28.7% of NHANES 0
20-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 >75
participants had HTN, an increase of 3.7% from 1988 to 1991. years
HTN prevalence was highest in non-Hispanic Blacks (33.5%),
increased with age (65.4% among those aged X60 years) and tended Figure 1 HTN control and prevalence among persons 20 years of age
and over: United States, selected years 1988–1994 through 2005–2008.
to be higher in women (30.1%). More recent data from NHANES
(a) Uncontrolled HTN among persons with diagnosed HTN. Uncontrolled
2005 to 2006 illustrate that the overall age-adjusted prevalence varied HTN is defined as measured systolic BP of at least 140 mm Hg or diastolic
only slightly between 28 and 30% during the period 1999–2006. BP of at least 90 mm Hg, among those with measured high BP or reporting
Analysis of NHANES data regarding US trends in prevalence, aware- taking antihypertensive medication. (b) Prevalence of HTN. HTN is defined
ness, treatment and control of HTN from 1988 to 2008 was reported as having measured high BP (X140/90 mm Hg) and/or taking
very recently.21 Prevalence of HTN increased over time in men but not antihypertensive medication. Those taking antihypertensive medication may
women and overall was not significantly different between men and not have measured high BP but are still classified as having HTN. The data
are based on interviews and physical examinations of a sample of the
women. HTN awareness increased with time in men but not women; civilian non-institutionalized population. Pregnant women excluded. Source:
however, it was greater in women than men. HTN treatment increased CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Available
with time in both women and men, and was significantly higher in from: (accessed 24June 2011). BP, blood
women than in men. The proportion of patients treated and whose pressure; HTN, hypertension.

Hypertension Research
Management of hypertension in women
N Engberding and NK Wenger

high ratios of total/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level ratios, left

ventricular hypertrophy and diabetes tend to eliminate the female
advantage.28 Despite these observations it remains controversial if
hormonal factors are the causal factor for the increasing prevalence of
HTN in menopausal women. Menopausal women not only seem to
have higher BP values, but also a worse risk profile than premeno-
pausal women, and some data suggest that this is due to their older
age rather than altered hormonal state.29 As well, data on female
participants in the Framingham Heart Study show that a more adverse
coronary risk profile before menopause is associated with an earlier
age at menopause.30 In the group of women with increasing levels of
systolic BP during the premenopausal period, each 10-mm Hg
increase was associated with a 3.45-year earlier menopause (95% CI
5.42 to 1.49) when adjusted for smoking. Among hypertensive
women in the NHANES 1999–2004 cohort, the prevalence of uncon-
trolled BP, central obesity, low high-density lipoprotein and elevated
Figure 2 Age-adjusted prevalence trends for high BP in women X20 years
of age by race/ethnicity and survey (National Health and Nutrition
HbA1c level did not differ significantly by menopause status after
Examination Survey: 1988–1994, 1999–2004 and 2005–2008). Source: adjusting for age and race.31 However, postmenopausal women had a
National Center for Health Statistics and National Heart, Lung, and Blood significantly higher prevalence of elevated total cholesterol even after
Institute. Adapted from Roger et al. (2011). BP, blood pressure. adjusting for age and race, but a lower proportion of current smoking.
A sub-study of the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation
BP tends to be marginally lower in women than men regardless of age. examined the influence of aging and menopause on CV risk factors
Even though 470% of women with HTN are aware of their diagnosis, in 1054 women prospectively.32 Only certain lipid parameters such as
less than one-third achieve adequate BP control.15 Overall, 28% of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, apolipoprotein-B
adults have pre-hypertension. The prevalence of pre-hypertension is and high-density lipoprotein demonstrated changes that appeared to
significantly higher in men compared with women (34 and 22%, be influenced by menopause, whereas other risk factors, including BP,
respectively).22 Older NHANES data have previously shown that there changed in a linear pattern consistent with chronologic aging. Impor-
were only minimal differences in the incidence of HTN between tantly, the investigators did not find any heterogeneity by ethnic
women and men for all age groups, but the incidence rates of HTN for group. Thus, CV risk factors do indeed change around the time of
Blacks were about twice the rates for Whites for almost every age–sex menopause; some related to chronologic aging and some related to the
group.23 Strikingly higher prevalence rates in Black women were noted menopausal transition itself.33 Among women with coronary risk
overall and for each older age group; this remains present in recent factors undergoing coronary angiography for suspected myocardial
data (Figure 2).3,23 ischemia, 20% of premenopausal women had angiographic CAD
For the subgroup of adults younger than 60 years, women (87%) vs. 31% of postmenopausal women.34 Interestingly, high systolic BP
are more likely than men (63%) to be aware of their HTN and seek imparts a higher risk in premenopausal vs. postmenopausal women,
treatment for it.22 Whereas awareness of HTN increased with age in suggesting that identification of HTN in premenopausal women
men, it did not change in women, so that there was no difference in should warrant additional risk factor evaluation and treatment. In
awareness among hypertensive men (84%) and women (81%) aged 60 the Royal College of General Practitioners’ oral contraception study
years and older. Among hypertensives aged 18–59 years, men (47%) smoking (RR 4.3, CI 2.6–6.9) was the most important independent
were less likely to be treated compared with women (74%), but there risk factor for a subsequent myocardial infarction in young and
was no difference in treatment between hypertensive men (78%) and middle-aged women, followed by diabetes (RR 6.9, CI 1.1–43.8),
women (75%) aged 60 years and older. Among treated hypertensives preeclampsia (RR 2.8, CI 1.7–4.8) and HTN (RR 2.4, CI 1.4–4.1).35
younger than 60 years, about 70% of patients have controlled BP and
there was no significant gender difference. Success in HTN control CV RISK PROFILE AND HTN
among treated hypertensives was significantly higher in men aged 60 CV risk factors
years and older than in women in the same age group (64% for men The lifetime risk of developing HTN for middle-aged and elderly
and 53% for women). women and men is 90%, indicating a vast public health burden.36 The
Pathophysiologic reasons for BP discrepancies between the sexes importance of risk factors for the development of essential HTN in
remain largely speculative at this time. Some data imply that meno- women was evaluated in a prospective cohort study of 83 882 adult
pause contributes to the development of HTN in women. Evidence (age 27–44 years) women in the second Nurses’ Health Study.26 These
from animal studies suggests a significant impact of sex hormones on women did not have a history of HTN, CV disease or diabetes at
renal salt handling because gonadectomy resulted in an accelerated baseline. Six modifiable lifestyle and dietary factors were identified
development of salt-sensitive HTN in female animals.24 While the BP that reduced the risk of developing HTN. These were a body mass
response of premenopausal normotensive women is insensitive to index of less than 25 kg m2; a daily mean of 30 min of vigorous
dietary salt intake, BP in postmenopausal women becomes salt- exercise; a high score on the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
sensitive.25 This may be an explanation for the good response to (DASH) diet based on responses to a food frequency questionnaire;
dietary interventions such as sodium restriction in this patient modest alcohol intake up to 10 g day1; use of non-narcotic analgesics
group.26 Menopause escalates CHD risk three-fold and thereby erodes less than once per week; and intake of 400 mg day1 or more of
the female protection from CV morbidity and mortality as noted in supplemental folic acid. All six risk factors were independently
Framingham data.27 While women and men share the same major risk associated with lowering the risk of developing HTN during follow-
factors for CHD, women experience a lower absolute risk. However, up after adjusting for age, race, family history of HTN, smoking status

Hypertension Research
Management of hypertension in women
N Engberding and NK Wenger

and use of oral contraceptives. Therefore, adopting low-risk dietary

and lifestyle factors has the potential to prevent a large proportion of
new-onset HTN occurring among young women. Comparing the
gender-specific characteristics of people with diagnosed HTN in the
NHANES 1999–2004 data, women were older, more likely to have a
higher body mass index and be non-Hispanic Black, and less likely to
be non-Hispanic White.31 Furthermore, there was an increased pre-
valence of other CV risk factors, including central obesity, elevated
total cholesterol and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, in
elderly women. Although the absolute risk of CV events is lower in
women than in men, the risk attributable to HTN may be greater in
women than in men. The proportion of CV events preventable by BP
control is 30–100% higher in women than in men.37 Interestingly,
nighttime compared with daytime BP was a stronger predictor of
outcome, and RR increased more with nighttime BP elevation in
women than in men. A 15-mm Hg increase in systolic BP increased Figure 3 Sex hormone use in the past month, among women aged 45–64
the risk of CV disease by 56% in women compared with 32% in men. years: United States, selected years 1988–1994 through 2005–2008.
These data suggest that improving BP control in middle-aged women Primary indications for use were as contraceptives or for menopause and hot
harbors enormous potential to improve CV outcomes. In a large flashes. The data are based on a sample of the civilian non-institutionalized
population. Source: CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination
cohort of women, cigarette smoking was modestly associated with an
Survey. Available from: (accessed 24 June
increased risk of developing HTN, with an effect that was strongest 2011).
among women smoking at least 15 cigarettes per day.38

Pregnancy and pregnancy complications

Pregnancy-associated HTN affects about 10% of all pregnancies and Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions Trial evaluated the
greatly increases the risks of maternal and fetal mortality. According to effects of estrogen or estrogen/progestin regimens on CV risk factors in
the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the National healthy postmenopausal women and found no detectable effect on
High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High BP.44 A study of hypertensive women treated with HRT showed no
Blood Pressure in Pregnancy, HTN during pregnancy can be divided impact on BP after 12 months of follow-up.45 In the Women’s Health
into the following groups: chronic HTN, gestational HTN, preeclamp- Initiative (WHI) women on HRT had a higher prevalence of HTN
sia–eclampsia and preeclampsia–eclampsia superimposed on chronic than did women on placebo after adjustment for CV risk factors.46
HTN. These pregnancy-associated hypertensive disorders have been There was a slight but significant increase from baseline in systolic BP
extensively reviewed elsewhere.39 It is important to remember the among women randomized to conjugated equine estrogen and
physiologic changes accompanying pregnancy. Significant plasma medroxyprogesterone acetate compared with a placebo group.47
volume expansion is common and frequently associated with a A similar small increase in systolic BP was reported for unopposed
decrease in systemic vascular resistance, which leads to an increased estrogen treatment compared with placebo among women enrolled in
cardiac output as well as a fall in mean arterial pressure.40 In women the estrogen-only trial of WHI.48 In 161 hypertensive menopausal
with mild pre-existing HTN these changes can obscure an early women, HRT use did not have an adverse gross effect on BP, but there
diagnosis of HTN. Women with pre-existing HTN are more likely may have been an increased need for antihypertensive therapy during
to have complications during pregnancy than those with normal BP.41 the 36-month follow-up period.49 Overall, changes in BP owing to
Another important aspect about preeclampsia is that it is an emerging HRT are likely to be modest and should not preclude hormone use in
risk factor for future CV events. Preeclampsia is defined by the normotensive or hypertensive postmenopausal women if menopausal
development of HTN and proteinuria after 20-weeks gestation in a symptoms are severe.50 It is generally recommended that HRT should
previously normotensive woman. Recent data from a systematic be used at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible duration.
review and meta-analysis strongly support the concept that a history A few women may experience a rise in BP possibly attributable to
of preeclampsia should be considered as a risk factor when evaluating estrogen therapy.51 Increased angiotensinogen generation has been
risk of CV disease in women.42 During a 14-year follow-up period the proposed as a potential mechanism that links estrogen therapy to
RRs for experiencing HTN, ischemic heart disease and stroke were 3.7, HTN. The use of sex hormones among women aged 45–64 years has
2.2 and 1.8, respectively. The relationship between hypertensive fluctuated significantly over the past years, and recent data indicate
pregnancy disorders and subsequent HTN was evaluated in a regis- that about 11% of these women take sex hormones (Figure 3). It is
try-based cohort study in Denmark.43 The risk of subsequent HTN recommended that all women treated with HRT have their BP
was increased 5.3-fold after gestational HTN, 3.6-fold after mild monitored regularly and it may be prudent to consider using
preeclampsia and 6.1-fold after severe preeclampsia, confirming the preparations with minimal effects on hepatic production of angio-
strong association of hypertensive pregnancy disorders and the devel- tensinogen (transdermal estrogen) if BP control becomes difficult.52
opment of subsequent HTN. Therefore, it is important to stress the
need for annual BP surveillance of these women and introduce Oral contraceptives
aggressive preventive interventions regarding other CV risk factors. Oral contraceptive use can be a cause of HTN in younger women, with
high BP 2–3 times more common in women taking oral contra-
Hormone replacement therapy ceptives.13 The Nurses’ Health Study of more than 60 000 women
There are conflicting data regarding the impact of hormone replace- showed that the adjusted RR of development of HTN was 1.8 (CI 1.5–
ment therapy (HRT) on the BP of menopausal women. The 2.3) for current users of oral contraceptives compared with women

Hypertension Research
Management of hypertension in women
N Engberding and NK Wenger

Beta blocker Diuretic

35 30
30 25
25 20

5 5
0 0














Male Female Male Female
45-64 years >= 65 years 45-64 years >= 65 years

ACE-Inhibitor Calcium channel blocker

30 25
25 20

10 10
5 5
0 0










Male Female Male Female
45-64 years >= 65 years 45-64 years >= 65 years

Combination antihypertensive










Male Female
45-64 years >= 65 years

Figure 4 (a–e) Selected prescription drug classes used in the past month, by sex and age: United States, selected years 1988–1994 through 2005–2008.
Primary indications for use were high BP or heart disease. The data are based on a sample of the civilian non-institutionalized population. Source: CDC/
NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Available from: (accessed 24 June 2011). BP, blood pressure.

who never used them. The absolute risk however is extremely low, in the Elderly Program (SHEP) reduced CV events in both genders. In
with only 41.5 cases per 10 000 person-years attributed to oral SHEP, 57% of the study cohort were women.56 Given the limited
contraceptive use.53 BP response to combined oral contraceptives number of women enrolled in many other antihypertensive treatment
appears highly variable and only a small minority of women may trials, there is limited information regarding gender-specific outcome,
experience the onset of frank HTN, which usually resolves with particularly whether women respond differently to specific antihyper-
withdrawal of the contraceptive and changing to other forms of tensive therapies than do men.57 To date the need for and the effects of
contraception. In the Royal College of General Practitioners’ oral BP control in women have not been studied as extensively as in men.58
contraception study, current use of oral contraceptives increased the Early clinical trials of treating mild-to-moderate HTN were primarily
risk of a subsequent myocardial infarction only in women who also conducted on a middle-aged male population, and most decisions
smoked.35 regarding hypertensive treatment for women prior to the 1990s were
based on data obtained from these trials.59 Within the last two
BENEFITS OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE THERAPIES decades, women have been included in major outcome trials of
Population research has proven that BP control effectively reduces CV antihypertensive treatment, which have generally shown comparable
morbidity and mortality. Data from the Framingham Heart Study benefit in both women and men.60 Therefore, treatment recommen-
suggest that the increasing use of antihypertensive medications in dations remain the same for women and men. The Heart Outcomes
patients with HTN has lowered the incidence of left ventricular Prevention Evaluation study evaluated 9297 patients aged 55 years or
hypertrophy, a major risk factor for CV disease.54 From 1950 to older at high CV risk, of whom 27% were women.61 Treatment with
1989, the rate of use of antihypertensive medications increased from ramipril reduced the rates of death, myocardial infarction, stroke and
2.3 to 24.6% among men and from 5.7 to 27.7% among women.54 In heart failure in the total study population, and this beneficial effect on
the same time period the age-adjusted prevalence of systolic BP of at the composite outcome was also consistently observed among the
least 160 mm Hg or diastolic BP of at least 100 mm Hg declined from women in the study. The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering
18.5 to 9.2% among men and from 28.0 to 7.7% among women.55 Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial included 33 357 participants
NHANES data show the trends in the use of selected antihypertensives aged 55 years or older with HTN and at least one other CHD risk
(Figures 4a–e). Control of isolated HTN in the Systolic Hypertension factor.62 The study findings were consistent in the subgroup of

Hypertension Research
Management of hypertension in women
N Engberding and NK Wenger

women, who comprised 47% of the study population, suggesting that Δ SBP Δ DBP
women derive substantial CV protection from antihypertensive ther- CCB ACE-I ACE-I ACE-I CCB ACE-I ACE-I ACE-I
apy. A meta-analysis suggested comparable treatment effects for vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs
women and men in RR reduction by antihypertensive therapy.63 P P D/BB CCB P P D/BB CCB
The Hypertension Optimal Treatment trial evaluated intensive BP
lowering in 18 790 patients with diagnosed HTN, 47% of whom were
female.64 This study indicated that intensive BP lowering was asso-
ciated with a low rate of CV events. Improved CV outcomes in patients

with lower BPs and the absence of a threshold effect had led to the
assumption that the lower the BP the better. However, data from the
ACCORD trial with 48% of the study population being women
showed that tight control of systolic BP among high-risk patients
with diabetes was not associated with improved CV outcomes com-
pared with usual BP control.65 Observational data from 6400 diabetics
(54% women) even showed a trend toward harm with aggressive BP
control, suggesting a J-shaped curve for the relationship between
systolic BP and mortality.66
Female Male
It has been hypothesized that inter-individual BP variability may
have a greater impact on outcome than a mean systolic BP and that Figure 5 Follow-up BP differences between randomized groups in subgroups
treatments that reduce BP variability confer the greatest CV risk of women and men. The Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists’
Collaboration performed a series of prospective overviews of randomized
reduction.67 While this needs to be evaluated in future research, the
trials investigating the effects of a range of different BP-lowering regimens
BP goal specified in current guidelines is effective for primary and on CV events. Separate overviews were conducted within the broad group of
secondary prevention of CV disease.68 Despite the fact that this trials comparing an active agent and a control, and within the broad group of
recommendation uniformly applies to women and men alike, some trials comparing different active agents. ACE-I, ACE inhibitor; BP, blood
evidence exists for gender differences in both beneficial and adverse pressure; CCB, calcium channel blocker; CV, cardiovascular; D/BB, diuretic
effects of treatment.69 The Individual Data Analysis of Antihyperten- or b-blocker; P, placebo. Adapted from Turnbull et al. (2008).
sive intervention trials group assessed the benefit of antihypertensive
treatment in women by pooling data from several randomized,
controlled trials.55 HTN treatment lowered the risk of CV morbidity EFFICACY AND PRACTICE PATTERNS OF ELEVATED BP
and mortality in women aged 55 years and older and in African- TREATMENT
American women of all ages. Although RR reductions for CV events Multiple factors contribute to insufficient BP control, including
were similar for younger and older women, the number needed to resistance to therapy. While NHANES-III data up to 1994 pointed
treat for younger women is at least four times higher. The Blood out that the most commonly uncontrolled patients were elderly, male,
Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration examined if Black and those not seen by a physician in the last year, more recent
there are differences in the proportional benefits of antihypertensive data show poorer BP control in women.72 Between 1988–1994 and
treatment between women and men.70 Thirty-one randomized trials 1999–2004, HTN control increased for men from 39 to 51% but
with 103 268 men and 87 349 women were analyzed. All of the remained unchanged for women (35–37%).73 In addition, women
antihypertensive regimens studied provided similar protection against aged 70 and older were significantly less aware and less treated. Having
major CV events in women and men. For all treatment comparisons BP measured within 6 months was significantly associated with greater
the differences in follow-up BP levels between randomized groups awareness, greater treatment in men and women, and greater control
were highly comparable between women and men (Figure 5). in women. A history of diabetes mellitus or chronic kidney disease was
The authors concluded that differences in CV risks between sexes significantly associated with less HTN control. In an analysis of HTN
are unlikely to reflect differences in response to BP-lowering treat- prevalence, treatment and control in NHANES (2003–2004) data, the
ments, and that other factors related to awareness, detection and overall prevalence of HTN was 32.2% in men and 30.5% in women.74
management of HTN are more likely to account for these findings.71 Women had similar treatment rates (69.9%) as men (67.2%), but
These results lend strong support to current BP guidelines, which control rates tended to be lower in women (49.4%) than in men
make no specific recommendations for different BP targets, or for (56.5%). Data from 12 064 adult visits with primary care providers
management with particular classes of drugs based on a patient’s sex. were analyzed in the publicly available 2005 National Ambulatory
In regard to pharmacotherapy, the ACCF/AHA 2011 Expert Con- Medical Care Survey and the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical
sensus Document on Hypertension in the Elderly points out that there Care Survey.75 Women were less likely than men to have controlled
is no evidence that elderly women respond differently than elderly HTN (54.0 vs. 58.7%, Po0.02). There was no statistically significant
men to antihypertensive drugs.14 However, BP control is more difficult difference by gender in the number of medications used. Women less
to achieve in elderly women. Framingham data showed an age-related commonly received an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
decrease in BP control rates that was more pronounced in women (ACE-I) (20.9 vs. 28.7%, Po0.001) and more commonly received
than men.15 Gender differences in the pattern of antihypertensive diuretics (20.9 vs. 16.9%, P¼0.05) in the treatment of HTN. These
medications prescribed were noted in this cohort: 38% of women but observations were made despite the fact that women in this sample
only 23% of men were taking thiazide diuretics. Whether the age- had more clinician visits per year than men. No significant differences
related decline in BP control among women is related to inadequate were found in the use of any BP medication or initiation of new
intensity of treatment, inappropriate drug choices, lack of compliance, therapy for patients with uncontrolled HTN as a function of gender.
true treatment resistance because of biological factors or to other Thus, clinical inertia is a recognized barrier to effective care in both
factors is unclear. women and men.

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Management of hypertension in women
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HTN awareness and treatment are higher in women than in men, continues to have an important role in individual risk assessment, but
and the proportion of patients treated and controlled was higher in it need not otherwise influence decisions about the need for anti-
men than in women.21 BP control rates in men 60, 60–79 and 80 years hypertensive therapy, the intensity of BP reduction or the choice of
of age were 38%, 36% and 38%, respectively; for women in the same drug class.71 Yet, special considerations may dictate treatment choices
age groups, they were 38%, 28% and 23%, respectively.3,15 Therefore, for women. First-line treatment for a woman who develops HTN
the most recent NHANES data suggest that raising HTN awareness while taking oral contraceptives is stopping the oral contraceptive and
and treatment is important for men, whereas controlling HTN in switching to a different form of birth control. Stopping birth control
patients who are treated is a higher priority for women. In summary, pills in hypertensive women can reduce systolic BP by 15 mm Hg
HTN in women is not being treated aggressively enough because a within 6 months.83 ACE-I and angiotensin-receptor blockers are
large proportion, especially older women, does not have sufficient BP contraindicated for women who are or plan to become pregnant
control. The WHI data showed that hypertensive women who had because of the risk of fetal developmental abnormalities. Thresholds to
seen a healthcare provider in the past year were approximately four initiate BP-lowering treatment during pregnancy are 160 mm Hg
times more likely to be on drug treatment as those who had not seen a systolic or 110 mm Hg diastolic. Below these thresholds, treatment
provider, although this was not associated with a better rate of BP must be individualized because current evidence does not support
control.46 Among treated hypertensive women in the WHI, older age, more aggressive medical interventions.84 a-Methyldopa and dihydro-
non-White race and diabetes were associated with poor BP control. pyridine calcium channel blockers are among the recommended
Surprisingly, in WHI HRT, educational level, activity level, alcohol antihypertensives in this situation. A study of older hypertensive
intake, having seen a healthcare provider in the past year and the women showed no difference in the rates of adverse events or
number of antihypertensive drug classes taken were not related to deleterious effects on quality of life between atenolol, diltiazem and
HTN control.50 enalapril, whereas the effect on BP reduction was comparable between
these agents.85 Thiazide diuretics are particularly useful in elderly
ANTIHYPERTENSIVE TREATMENT FOR WOMEN women, because their use was associated with decreased risk of hip
Guidelines recommend that lifestyle modification is an integral part of fracture probably by reduction of urinary calcium loss.86 In addition,
BP management and may even be sufficient in select mild cases. The thiazides appear effective in reducing the risk of stroke in elderly
INTERSALT Study investigated systematically the relationship women.56 In the Treatment Of Mild Hypertension Study, the treat-
between urinary sodium excretion and BP in over 10 000 people, ment-associated differences in blood chemistry values, lipoprotein
half of whom were women.76 The results suggested that lower average levels, side effects, incidence of ECG abnormalities and risk of clinical
sodium intake reduces BP. More than moderate alcohol use and events did not differ between the sexes.87 The only significant sex-by-
obesity were also identified as contributors to HTN. A re-analysis of treatment interaction for quality of life was general health; men who
the INTERSALT data concluded that reducing sodium intake by about were assigned to treatment with active medication had a greater
6 g day1 could lower systolic BP by 3–6 mm Hg.77 Population studies improvement in this measure during follow-up than men who were
indicate that such improvements in average systolic pressure levels assigned to placebo therapy, whereas the reverse was true for women.
could substantially reduce the rates of major CV events and mortality. For other quality-of-life measures, active drug treatment was asso-
A Cochrane Review however could not show that simply advising ciated with improved quality of life compared with that observed with
patients to reduce sodium intake was associated with fewer CV events placebo therapy in both sexes. Interestingly, there was a trend toward
even though a beneficial effect on BP was observed.78 In addition to fewer side effects in women on active drug treatment compared with
weight reduction, physical activity, dietary sodium reduction and women on placebo. Women were less likely than men to have their BP
moderation of alcohol consumption, JNC-7 endorses the DASH diet controlled with lifestyle intervention alone, possibly owing to smaller
for patients with elevated BP.13 The DASH study showed that certain changes in lifestyle intervention parameters; however, women were
dietary patterns may reduce BP independent of sodium intake, alcohol also more likely than men to be receiving no antihypertensive
intake and body weight.79 A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and low-fat medication at 48 months of follow-up. Women in the Losartan
dairy products, and with reduced saturated and total fat, lowered Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension Study, who
systolic BP by 5.5 mm Hg and diastolic BP by 3.0 mm Hg more than a represented 54% of the total study population, had more total adverse
control diet. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables without the dairy fat events but fewer serious drug-related adverse events than men.88 The
restriction also reduced BP, but to a lesser extent (3.1 mm Hg for treatment effect of losartan was consistent in women and men for all
systolic BP and 2.0 mm Hg for diastolic BP). Low potassium intake of the end points tested, with the exception of hospitalization for
may have an important role in the genesis of high BP.80 Increased angina. In 6105 patients (30% women) BP lowering with an ACE-I
potassium intake was therefore proposed as a recommendation for reduced secondary stroke risk, with large absolute benefits across
prevention and treatment of HTN, especially in those who are unable groups defined by age and gender.89 Biochemical responses to drugs
to reduce their intake of sodium. A recent study, however, provided no may be gender-dependent, with women more likely to develop
evidence to support dietary advice to increase potassium intake above hyponatremia or hypokalemia, and men more likely to develop gout
usual in women and men with early stages of HTN.81 The ENCORE in response to diuretic therapy.90 ACE-I-induced cough is 2–3 times as
Study, which included 144 people (67% women), extended the results common in women as in men. Furthermore, women are more likely
of the initial DASH feeding trials. It was shown that the DASH diet to suffer from calcium channel blocker-related peripheral edema and
produced significant reductions in BP compared with a typical minoxidil-induced hirsutism. Centrally acting agents, b-blockers and
American diet among unmedicated, overweight or obese women thiazide diuretics may sometimes be associated with sexual dysfunc-
and men with high BP, and that weight loss and exercise combined tion in women, as well as in men. Combination therapy with multiple
with the DASH diet produced additional BP lowering.82 antihypertensives at sub-maximal dose may be more effective in BP
Concerning pharmacotherapy, the Blood Pressure Lowering Treat- control while reducing the incidence of side effects linked to higher
ment Trialists’ Collaboration provides convincing evidence that doses of single drugs. In the WHI, 60% of women were receiving
women respond to antihypertensive drugs similarly to men.70 Gender monotherapy, 30% were receiving two drugs and o10% were

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Management of hypertension in women
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Table 1 Top 10 key points

1. Hypertension is under-diagnosed and undertreated in women—fewer women than men have controlled BP levels despite more frequent treatment—isolated systolic
HTN predominates in elderly women.
2. Elevated BP has a stronger impact on CHD mortality in women than in men.
3. The rate of CV events in women is very low when BP is optimal.
4. Reduction of HTN prevalence in women has the potential to dramatically reduce CHD burden in women.
5. Although 470% of women are aware of their HTN, less than one-third achieve adequate BP control.
6. Proportion of CV events preventable by BP control is 30–100% higher in women than men.
7. Issues specific to women: hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, oral contraceptives.
8. Women and men have comparable benefit of HTN treatment.
9. Women respond to antihypertensive drugs similarly to men.
10. Healthcare providers have to educate their women patients about the benefits of BP control.

receiving three or more drugs.50 Further research is needed to develop 6 Daviglus ML, Stamler J, Pirzada A, Yan LL, Garside DB, Liu K, Wang R, Dyer AR,
more effective strategies for controlling HTN, particularly in elderly Lloyd-Jones DM, Greenland P. Favorable cardiovascular risk profile in young women
and long-term risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. JAMA 2004; 292:
women. 1588–1592.
In a survey of more than 12 000 US adults, difficulties in taking 7 Khot UN, Khot MB, Bajzer CT, Sapp SK, Ohman EM, Brener SJ, Ellis SG, Lincoff AM,
Topol EJ. Prevalence of conventional risk factors in patients with coronary heart disease.
antihypertensive medication were reported by 28.4% of respondents.91 JAMA 2003; 290: 898–904.
While gender did not have an impact in this study, patient–provider 8 Lowe LP, Greenland P, Ruth KJ, Dyer AR, Stamler R, Stamler J. Impact of major
factors appeared more important. The authors concluded that patient cardiovascular disease risk factors, particularly in combination, on 22-year mortality in
women and men. Arch Intern Med 1998; 158: 2007–2014.
education about the benefits of treatment, about side effects and 9 Jonsdottir LS, Sigfusson N, Gudnason V, Sigvaldason H, Thorgeirsson G. Do lipids,
discerning ways to help patients remember to take their medications blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking confer equal risk of myocardial infarction in
needed improvement. Algorithm-driven therapy may be more effec- women as in men? The Reykjavik Study. J Cardiovasc Risk 2002; 9: 67–76.
10 Matthews KA, Kuller LH, Chang Y, Edmundowicz D. Premenopausal risk factors for
tive in achieving BP goals. The VALUE Trial, which included about coronary and aortic calcification: a 20-year follow-up in the healthy women study. Prev
42% women, showed that, with adherence to a structured treatment Med 2007; 45: 302–308.
11 Vasan RS, Larson MG, Leip EP, Evans JC, O’Donnell CJ, Kannel WB, Levy D. Impact of
algorithm, including dose titration of drugs and recommendations for high-normal blood pressure on the risk of cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med 2001;
add-on therapy, BP targets of 140 mm Hg could be achieved in the 345: 1291–1297.
majority of patients.92 Team-based care involving medical doctors, 12 Conen D, Ridker PM, Buring JE, Glynn RJ. Risk of cardiovascular events among women
with high normal blood pressure or blood pressure progression: prospective cohort
pharmacists and nurses combined with extensive patient education study. BMJ 2007; 335: 432.
has been shown to be associated with improved BP control and may 13 Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo Jr JL, Jones DW,
therefore be a promising approach.93 The ACCF/AHA/AMA-PCPI Materson BJ, Oparil S, Wright Jr JT, Roccella EJ. The Seventh Report of the Joint
National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood
2011 Performance Measures for Adults with Coronary Artery Disease Pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA 2003; 289: 2560–2572.
and Hypertension was recently updated.94,95 These new measures 14 Aronow WS, Fleg JL, Pepine CJ, Artinian NT, Bakris G, Brown AS, Ferdinand KC, Ann
Forciea M, Frishman WH, Jaigobin C, Kostis JB, Mancia G, Oparil S, Ortiz E, Reisin E,
address not only whether HTN is treated but also whether it is Rich MW, Schocken DD, Weber MA, Wesley DJ. ACCF/AHA 2011 expert consensus
controlled. Improving patient adherence and self-management of document on hypertension in the elderly: a report of the American College of Cardiology
treatment regimens may require a team approach. Healthcare profes- Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus documents enveloped in colla-
boration with the American Academy of Neurology, American Geriatrics Society,
sionals need to be aware of certain key issues of HTN in women American Society for Preventive Cardiology, American Society of Hypertension, Amer-
(Table 1), and they need to educate their patients about their BP and ican Society of Nephrology, Association of Black Cardiologists, and European Society of
engage them in shared decision making in order to improve medica- Hypertension. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011; 57: 2037–2114.
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Hypertension Research

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