Technology Qualification Management: DNV-DSS-401
Technology Qualification Management: DNV-DSS-401
Technology Qualification Management: DNV-DSS-401
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DNV is a global provider of knowledge for managing risk. Today, safe and responsible business conduct is both a license to operate and a competitive advantage. Our core competence is to identify, assess, and advise on risk management. From our leading position in certification, classification, verification, and training, we develop and apply standards and best practices. This helps our customers safely and responsibly improve their business performance. DNV is an independent organisation with dedicated risk professionals in more than 100 countries, with the purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment. DNV service documents consist of among others the following types of documents: Service Specifications. Procedural requirements. Standards. Technical requirements. Recommended Practices. Guidance. The Standards and Recommended Practices are offered within the following areas: A) Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology B) Materials Technology C) Structures D) Systems E) Special Facilities F) Pipelines and Risers G) Asset Operation H) Marine Operations J) Cleaner Energy O) Subsea Systems U) Unconventional Oil & Gas
Det Norske Veritas AS December 2012 Any comments may be sent by e-mail to
This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this document, and is believed to reflect the best of contemporary technology. The use of this document by others than DNV is at the user's sole risk. DNV does not accept any liability or responsibility for loss or damages resulting from any use of this document.
This is a new document replacing DNV-OSS-401 Technology Qualification Management. It describes how DNV can help developers and end users of new technology in line with Recommended Practice DNV-RP-A203 'Qualification of New Technology'. 'Statement of Endorsement' and 'Certificate of Fitness for Service' (as described in the withdrawn DNV-OSS401) are superseded by 'Endorsement of Qualification Plan' and 'Technology Certificate' to better reflect the DNV involvement. The role of technology qualification assistance provided by DNV is explained with respect to classification, certification and verification provided by DNV or other companies.
Sec. 1
A. A A A A
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5
General ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 100 About this document ............................................................................................................................................. 5 200 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 300 Scope of application.............................................................................................................................................. 5 400 Structure................................................................................................................................................................ 5
B. Background.................................................................................................................................................................... 5 B 100 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 C. C C C Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 6 200 Verbal forms ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 300 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Sec. 2
A. General ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 A 100 Objective ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 B. B B B B B B B B The basic Technology Qualification Process .............................................................................................................. 8 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 8 200 Definition of qualification basis ........................................................................................................................... 8 300 Technology assessment......................................................................................................................................... 8 400 Threat assessment ................................................................................................................................................. 8 500 Modifications ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 600 Technology qualification plan .............................................................................................................................. 9 700 Execution of the technology qualification plan ................................................................................................... 9 800 Performance assessment ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Sec. 3
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 10
A. General ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 A 100 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 A 200 Ways that DNV can assist with technology qualification .................................................................................. 10
Sec. 4
A. A A A A A A A B. B B B B B
Description ................................................................................................................................................................... 11 100 Definition of qualification basis ......................................................................................................................... 11 200 Technology assessment....................................................................................................................................... 11 300 Threat assessment ............................................................................................................................................... 11 400 Concept improvement......................................................................................................................................... 11 500 Technology qualification planning ..................................................................................................................... 11 600 Execution of the technology qualification plan ................................................................................................. 11 700 Performance assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Deliverables.................................................................................................................................................................. 12 100 Technology qualification management............................................................................................................... 12 200 Main steps in the basic qualification process...................................................................................................... 12 300 Technology qualification phases......................................................................................................................... 12 400 DNV reports........................................................................................................................................................ 12 500 DNV statements .................................................................................................................................................. 12
A. General
A 100 About this document 101 This DNV Service Specification (DSS) describes how DNV can assist developers and end users of new technology with basis in recommended practice DNV-RP-A203 Qualification of New Technology. A 200 Objectives 201 The objectives of this document are to: describe DNVs Qualification Assistance services for components and systems provide guidance for technology owners and other parties for selecting and determining the extent of involvement of DNV provide a summary description of the progression of technology qualification. A 300 Scope of application 301 This DNV Service Specification (DSS) applies to DNVs provision of technology qualification assistance on basis of DNV-RP-A203. 302 This DSS is applicable to technology qualification within general industries as well as offshore projects. 303 This DSS describes the necessary activities for issuance of Statement of Feasibility, Endorsement of Qualification Plan and Technology Certificate. A 400 Structure This document consist of three sections and an appendix: Section 1 - gives the general scope of this document, background information, definitions and references. Section 2 - gives an overview of DNVs general technology qualification process which is further detailed in DNV-RP-A203. Section 3 - describes DNVs services related to DNV-RP-A203 and describes the deliverables. Appendix A - provides examples of DNV statements pertaining to qualification assistance.
B. Background
B 100 Introduction 101 New technology is generally not adequately covered by established rules, standards or practices. New technology must therefore be qualified by following a systematic process where the required performance is assured by identifying and managing uncertainties. Uncertainties are reduced through adequate qualification methods, such as testing and analyses. Recommendations for such a systematic qualification process are given in DNV-RP-A203. 102 DNVs technology qualification services are provided in a different role than DNVs third party services (as classification, certification and verification), which are to confirm that specific objects or systems are documented to comply with specific rules, standards or practices. 103 Whilst DNV-RP-A203 provides the industry with a systematic approach to the qualification of new technology, this document describes how DNV can help with that approach in three different ways: Technology qualification management Perform qualification activities Qualification Process Audit 104 Reports or other deliverables from DNV in a technology qualification program are provided to the client. When systems or objects are subject to either classification, certification or verification by another DNV unit or another company, then the client is responsible for submitting the deliverables from technology qualification as part of his own documentation according to the requirements of the classification, certification or verification processes.
Guidance note: When the technology (or part thereof) is unproven, and hence not fully covered by validated established rules, standards or procedures, then the basis for classification, certification or verification may be complemented by technology qualification of the unproven elements.
C. Definitions
C 100 General 101 The definitions in DNV-RP-A203 also apply to this document. C 200 Verbal forms 201 Shall: Indicates requirements strictly to be followed for another party than DNV and from which no deviation is permitted. 202 Should: Indicates that a certain course of action is preferred for another party than DNV. Other possibilities may be applied subject to agreement. 203 Will: Indicates an action or activity undertaken by DNV. 204 Can: Indicates an action or activity that DNV will perform on request by the client. 205 May: Verbal form used to indicate an alternative course of action. C 300 Definitions 301 Client: DNVs contractual partner. It may be the purchaser, the owner or the contractor. 302 Conceptually feasible: A technology at an early stage of development is considered conceptually feasible if the main challenges have been identified and judged to be resolvable by use of sound engineering practice.
Guidance note: Although a technology has been stated conceptually feasible, there are still activities necessary to be performed in order to qualify the technology. Consequently, there will be a possibility that the technology contrary to conceptual feasibility will not meet expectations.
303 Endorsement of Qualification Plan: A document issued by DNV affirming that, at the time of assessment, it has been found that the new technology can be qualified through the remaining, planned activities. 304 Hazard: A deviation (departure from the design and operating intention) that could cause damage, injury or other form of loss. (Chemical Industries Association HAZOP Guide.) 305 HAZID (HAZard IDentification): A structured review technique with the purpose of identifying all significant hazards associated with the particular activity or operation under consideration. 306 New technology: Technology that is not proven. This includes the application of proven technology in a new environment and the application of unproven technology in a known environment, which are both new technology. The degree of novelty will be categorized for input to risk assessment. 307 Probability of success: The probability of completing a qualification activity or a set of qualification activities within available time and with a successful result. 308 Proven technology: A technology is proven for its intended use if all mechanisms and processes that govern the functions of (systems or objects rendered by) the technology are understood and documented, e.g. when validated standards, industry practices or specifications provide the qualification requirements, and these requirements can be met by established engineering practices 309 Qualification Audit Note: A letter issued by DNV affirming that, at the time of audit, DNV considers that the client has managed and performed the technology qualification process in line with DNV-RP-A203.
Guidance note: The results of the technology qualification process are not evaluated in the audit, and this will be stated in the Qualification Audit Note.
310 Risk: The qualitative or quantitative likelihood of an accident or unplanned event occurring, considered in conjunction with the potential consequences of such a failure. In quantitative terms, risk is the quantified probability of a defined failure mode times its quantified consequence.
311 Risk reduction measures: Those measures taken to reduce the risks to the operation of the technology and to the health and safety of personnel associated with it or in its vicinity by: reduction in the probability of failure mitigation of the consequences of failure. 312 Statement of feasibility: A document issued by DNV affirming that, at the time of assessment, the new technology was considered conceptually feasible and suited for further development and qualification according to the principles outlined in DNV-RP-A203. 313 Technology Qualification: Technology Qualification is the process of providing the evidence that the technology will function within specified limits with an acceptable level of confidence.
D. Reference
D 100 Reference 101 DNV-RP-A203 Qualification of New Technology.
For further guidance refer to DNV-RP-A203. B 200 Definition of qualification basis 201 The purpose of the qualification basis is, in the absence of validated practices or standards, to provide a common set of criteria against which all qualification activities and decisions will be assessed. Through further qualification processes these criteria are proven to be fulfilled. 202 The qualification basis should include the following key elements: description of the technology to be qualified including system boundaries and operational limitations system performance requirements including reliability and safety targets as well as functional performance. B 300 Technology assessment 301 The purpose of Technology Assessment is to determine which elements involve new technology, and identify their key challenges and uncertainties. 302 The technology assessment shall include: analysis of the composition of the technology categorisation of the technology elements according to novelty identification of the main challenges and uncertainties related to the aspects of new technology. 303 Elements classified as new technology are subject to the further assessment. 304 For complex systems it is recommended that the main challenges and uncertainties are identified by carrying out a high level HAZID (HAZard IDentification).
Guidance note: A high level HAZID is a means of obtaining a better understanding of a system at an early stage, and to identify which parts of the system that need to be further developed or documented in more detail, prior to the threat assessment.
B 400 Threat assessment 401 The objective of the Threat Assessment is to identify relevant failure modes with underlying failure mechanisms for systems or objects rendered by the technology, and to assess the associated risks. 402 A qualitative method of determining the risk level can be applied to rank risk, and focus qualification efforts where the benefits are greatest. The risks are categorized according to a risk matrix where each cell is defined by a probability class and a consequence class. The risk categorization is adapted to fit the case being considered. The adapted matrix governs the Technology Qualification Plan with respect to priority, with focus on the highest risk. High-consequence risks are classified as medium or high, regardless of probability class, to ensure that they are addressed by the qualification activities and not dismissed based on low probability. 403 Conservative estimates are established in lack of evidence to support more accurate failure probability estimates. The degree of conservatism reflects the level of uncertainty and hence increases with novelty. The conservatism of assumptions will be substantiated.
404 For complex systems or boundary conditions the threat assessment process can be carried out as workshops, involving a panel of experts covering the necessary fields of competence and experience. B 500 Modifications 501 Feedback loops between the steps imply that the process is iterative in nature. Consideration is given to design modification to improve safety, performance, longevity, cost and ease of manufacture or operation, amongst others. Specifications may also be modified. 502 Such modification will trigger full or partial iterations of the basic Technology Qualification Process in order for the Technology Qualification Basis to be fulfilled. B 600 Technology qualification plan 601 A Technology Qualification Plan is developed to provide the evidence needed to assess the critical failure modes identified in the Threat Assessment. Qualification methods are specified that provide evidence for each identified failure mode, showing that the requirements stated in the Technology Qualification Basis are met. B 700 Execution of the technology qualification plan 701 The Technology Qualification Plan is carried out in order to substantiate the performance margins for the failure modes of concern. B 800 Performance assessment 801 The Performance Assessment addresses success by reviewing the available qualification documentation against the Technology Qualification Basis and the acceptance criteria in the qualification plan.
A. General
A 100 Objectives 101 The objectives of this section are to: give an overview of the various types of tasks that DNV can perform in order to help qualify new technology provide a basis for selection of relevant scope of work for DNV involvement. A 200 Ways that DNV can assist with technology qualification 201 DNVs possible roles in the qualification process may be divided into three categories: Technology Qualification Management Perform qualification activities Qualification Process Audit 202 Qualification management is a service where DNV assists the client in the facilitation of the qualification process. This implies that DNV carries out a substantial part of making plans, preparing and chairing work shops, proposing methods for uncertainty reductions and documentation of the process and evaluation of results. The following section describes the technology qualification management. 203 Performance of qualification activities comprises the types of work needed to develop the qualification documentation, such as: providing technical expertise in failure mode identification and risk ranking formulation of assurance arguments technical analyses and studies laboratory testing or computer analyses development of models for failure mechanisms development of plans and specifications for analyses and testing to be carried out by DNV or others risk and reliability analyses.
204 Qualification Process Audit involves being an observer to the qualification process described in Section 2 to an extent sufficient to issue a Qualification Audit Note in the form of a letter. DNV will not evaluate the results from the technology qualification process or the likelihood of successful completion.
303 The failure mode identification may be conducted as workshops. The failure mode identification will be planned, chaired and reported by DNV. 304 Expert judgement is an essential part of the Threat Assessment. Qualified personnel are used to identify potential failure modes, including root causes and failure mechanisms, and in the assessment of the probability and consequence of failure. The experience and technical field of the qualified personnel will be recorded. This record covers the individual elements of the failure mode evaluation. A 400 Concept improvement 401 When requested by the Client, DNV will call attention to identified areas for possible improvements or risk reduction measures. A 500 Technology qualification planning 501 The qualification plan shall provide the information necessary to serve as a basis for assessment of attainment of specified qualification states and for later development of detailed descriptions of the qualification activities. These activities provide evidence to substantiate compliance with the requirements of the Qualification Basis. The qualification plan should trace the qualification activities back to the failure mode register developed during the Threat Assessment, and identify the pieces of evidence they are intended to produce along with the reasoning relating these pieces of evidence to those failure modes in light of the requirements specified in the Qualification Basis. This entails unambiguous description of the acceptance criteria to determine if the qualification activities were successful in providing the required evidence. The qualification plan can be prepared by the client or the clients subcontractor and reviewed by DNV or subcontracted to DNV. 502 The detailed descriptions of the qualification activities are subsequently described at a procedure level as required to carry out the activities and obtain satisfactory results.These detailed descriptions can be prepared by the client or the clients subcontractor or subcontracted to DNV; and they are reviewed to ensure they are suitable for providing the evidence described in the qualification plan. A 600 Execution of the technology qualification plan 601 The activities in the qualification plan can be performed by the client or the clients subcontractor or subcontracted to DNV. 602 For the purpose of issuing a DNV Technology Certificate it is required that DNV is sufficiently involved in the qualification activities in order to judge whether the activities have been performed according to the technology qualification plan and that results are derived and reported correctly.
A 700 Performance assessment 701 For the purpose of issuing DNV Technology Certificate, DNV will confirm compliance with the functional requirements and specified reliability targets by reviewing that the evidence adequately documents performance according to the qualification basis and acceptance criteria. Furthermore DNV will review the evidence to confirm that it has been established and documented in accordance with the principles of DNVRP-A203.
B. Deliverables
B 100 Technology qualification management 101 The main DNV deliverables are reports and statements associated with the progress of the basic technology qualification process which is outlined in DNV-RP-A203. B 200 Main steps in the basic qualification process 201 The main steps in the basic qualification process are: TA - Finalisation of the technology assessment. QP - The technology qualification plan has been defined. TQ - Completion of technology qualification. B 300 Technology qualification phases 301 When several basic qualification processes are performed successively as phases in a technology qualification program, then the final step of each phase is designated Attainment of Qualification State (QS). Reference is made to Figure 2.
Guidance note: The Qualification State (milestone) that concludes each phase is defined by the associated Qualification Basis of that qualification phase. The phases can be seen in relation to typical phases in offshore field development projects, where information from the technology qualification progress is needed as basis for decisions. In such cases the successive qualification states of the program may be used to define technology readiness levels associated with decision gates. These milestones for the qualification process may depend on whether the new technology is regarded to be an alternative to an available qualified technology; or the feasibility of the development project may be dependent on the new technology to be qualified. The technology readiness level pertaining to a QS milestone can be confirmed in the technology assessment of the next program phase and expressed in the associated statement of feasibility.
302 Depending on the nature of the program, some or all of the qualification states may define that the technology has been qualified on conditions that differ from the conditions when the full program has been completed. This approach can be useful when the final qualification of the technology relies on field experience with systems or objects rendered by the technology. Reference is made to Figure 3. B 400 DNV reports 401 Based on assessments referenced in Figures 1 to 3, the following DNV reports can be issued at defined stages in technology qualification according to DNV-RP-A203: At TA - Technology Assessment Report. At QP - Qualification Plan Report. At QS - Qualification Progress Report. At TQ - Technology Qualification Report. B 500 DNV statements 501 The following DNV technology qualification statements can be issued to affirm the conclusion of the reports: At TA - Statement of Feasibility. At QP - Endorsement of Qualification Plan. At TQ - Technology Certificate. Example statements are shown in Appendix A. 502 Following a Technology Assessment, a Statement of Feasibility can be issued to affirm that DNV considers the new technology to be technically feasible.
Guidance note: There is an established practice by classification societies, in particular within the maritime industry, to issue Approval in Principle. A DNV Technology Assessment Report or Statement of Feasibility may serve as basis for Approval in Principle by the DNV unit (or another company than DNV) responsible for classification.
503 At the QP stage, an Endorsement of Qualification Plan can be issued to affirm that DNV considers that the new technology can be successfully qualified on basis of the plan. The Endorsement identifies the current qualification state before execution of the plan and the target qualification state. In the next phase, the Endorsement can be issued for the next qualification state. 504 At the TQ stage, a Technology Certificate can be issued to certify that technology qualification was successful in the opinion of DNV, and performed as set forth in this document. Systems or objects rendered by the qualified technology can be subjected to a regular certification process by the DNV unit (or another company than DNV) responsible for certification. 505 The Technology Certificate is issued to state that the technology has been qualified according to the principles of DNV-RP-A203, based on the requirements in the Qualification Basis and verified according to the relevant reference standards. 506 The scope of qualification does not cover all the elements required to issue a product certificate such as manufacturing surveys and factory acceptance. To prevent misunderstanding, the technology certificate will therefore state this is not a product certificate. 507 The basis for issuance of the technology certificate will always include: 1) All the documentation including evidence provided as basis for the qualification. 2) Documentation that all the steps of the basic qualification process have been performed in accordance with Sec.3 B. 508 In addition, for a specific technology where the design and application are given, the Technology Certificate is further based on: 1) Documentation that the specific design is in compliance with the applicable standards identified during qualification (design verification report). 2) Documentation that validation tests identified in reference standards are performed (survey reports).
Guidance note: For a generic technology where the design or application are not given, the Technology Certificate is based on the documentation of 507 alone.
1) DNVs involvement in each step has been sufficient to ascertain that the qualification process has been performed in accordance with the requirements in Sec.3 B. 2) The qualification activities have been performed in accordance with specifications. 3) The results have been reviewed and found to be correct and meet the specified criteria. 510 The Technology Certificate is given a validity period of 4 years. 511 Technology Certificates can be renewed. Then the information received about the technology is evaluated against the qualification documentation and other applicable requirements to verify that the technology is still in compliance with the requirements. The validity of reference standards will be evaluated. 512 In those cases where the technology has been changed, the revised technology will have to be requalified. Existing evidence from previous qualification is re-used to the extent possible.
103 If issuance of DNV technology qualification reports or statements are requested then DNV shall be sufficiently involved as outlined in this document.
Qualification Basis
Set the requirements
Statement of Feasibility
Threat Assessment
Failure modes and risks
Performance assessment
Verify compliance with requirements
Requirements met?
Figure 1 Relations between the basic technology qualification process and DNV statements from Technology Qualification Management.
Figure 2 Technology Qualification Phases in a sequential program for major technology development such as offshore field.
Figure 3 Technology Qualification Stages in a sequential program for entering to service of technology that can not be qualified for it intended final use immediately.
<Technology Name>
has been evaluated in accordance with DNV RP-A203 Qualification of New Technology /1/ as reported in DNV Technical Report <Report Number> /3/. Det Norske Veritas AS (DNV) considers the technology feasible as defined in /2/ and thereby suited for further development and qualification according to DNV-RP-A203.
Technology owner: Name of technology: Description: Application: Involvement: Limitations: Reference documents:
DNV has been involved in the qualification process as required for Technology Qualification Management according to /1/. <Main limitations and reference to report /3/>. /1/ /2/ /3/
DNV-RP-A203, Qualification of New Technology, July 2011. DNV-OSS-401, Technology Qualification Management, October 2010. DNV Technical Report No. <Report No.> Rev.<Rev. No.> <Report Title>, <Date>, <Year>.
DNV shall not be responsible for not having identified failure modes or causes that has resulted in loss or damage or for not having prescribed the qualification activities necessary to avoid the loss or damage.
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million. In this provision Det Norske Veritas shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.
--------------------------Project Manager
<Technology Name>
is in accordance with DNV-RP-A203 Qualification of New Technology /1/. This endorsement is provided in accordance with the provisions of DNV-OSS-401 /2/. DNV considers that execution of the qualification plan can substantiate the target qualification state /3/.
Name of technology: Description: Application: Involvement: Current qualification state Target qualification state Limitations: Reference documents:
DNV has been involved in the qualification process as required for Technology Qualification Management according to /2/. <>. <>.
<Main limitations and reference to report /3/>. /1/ DNV-RP-A203, Qualification of New Technology, July 2011. /2/ DNV-OSS-401, Technology Qualification Management, October 2012.
DNV shall not be responsible for not having identified failure modes or causes that has resulted in loss or damage or for not having prescribed the qualification activities necessary to avoid the loss or damage.
<Place and date> for Det Norske Veritas AS ----------------------------<N.N.> Business Development Leader --------------------------<N.N.> Project Manager
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million. In this provision Det Norske Veritas shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.
/3/ DNV Technical Report No. <Report No.> Rev.<Rev. No.> <Report Title>, <Date>, <Year>.
Technology owner:
<Company Name>
<Technology Name>
has been qualified in accordance with DNV-OSS-401, Technology Qualification Management /1/.
DNV considers <Technology Name> qualified for its intended use, as defined in /2/. This is not a product certificate. <Products can be subjected to certification according to <appropriate certification scheme> including <design review and> manufacturing survey, submitting this qualification /3/ as part of the documentation.>
<Company Name>
<Technology Name identify it precisely and avoid making the impression of wider applicability than covered by the qualification> <Kind of technology>
DNV has been involved in the qualification process as required for Technology Qualification Management according to /1/. <Detail intended use including main limitations/conditions and reference to report /3/>. /1/ DNV-OSS-401, Technology Qualification Management, October 2010.
Reference documents:
/2/ DNV-RP-A203, Qualification of New Technology, July 2011. /3/ DNV Technical Report No. <Report No.> Rev.<Rev. No.> <Report Title>, <Date>, <Year>. /4/ <list the appropriate standards>
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million. In this provision Det Norske Veritas shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas. DNV shall not be kept legally liable for not having identified failure modes or causes that has resulted in loss or damage or for not having prescribed the qualification activities necessary to avoid the loss or damage.
This Certificate is valid until <date 4 years ahead> --------------------------<N.N.> Project Manager