DNV Comparison of Offshore Structural Standards
DNV Comparison of Offshore Structural Standards
DNV Comparison of Offshore Structural Standards
This report has been reviewed by the BOEMRE and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Service, nor does mention of the trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 1 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 2 Background Objective Codes and Standards Design Philosophy Report Organization 2 2 2 4 6
ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA AND LOADING CONDITIONS ......................... 7 Environmental Criteria Loading Conditions - API API RP 2A and 2INT-MET, 2INT-DG, and 2INT-EX API RP 2T API RP 2FPS Loading Conditions - ISO ISO 19900 General Requirements ISO 19902 Fixed Steel Offshore Structures ISO 19904-1 Floating Offshore Structures Part 1: Monohulls, Semi-submersibles and Spars Loading Conditions - NORSOK N-003 - Action and Action Effects N-001 - Integrity of offshore Structures Summary of Environmental Criteria and Loading Comparison 7 8 8 11 14 15 15 15 20 23 23 24 25
STRUCTURAL STEEL AND CONNECTIONS DESIGN ....................................... 34 Tubular Members Tubular Joints Code Comparison Summary 34 37 37
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4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.5 4.6 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.2 5.3 5.4 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8 8.1
Loading Stress Concentration Factor S-N Curve Design Fatigue Factors (DFFs) Fatigue Damage Accumulation Fatigue Analysis Methods Simplified Fatigue Detailed Fatigue Fracture Mechanics Welding Improvement Techniques Summary of Fatigue Comparison
47 47 47 48 49 49 49 50 50 50 50
FOUNDATION DESIGN .............................................................................................. 58 Comparison of Safety Format and Safety Level API-RP 2A WSD: ISO 19902:2007: NORSOK: Axial Pile Capacity Methods of Calculation Pile Structure Interaction and Definition of Pile Failure Summary 58 59 59 59 62 62 63
IN-SERVICE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE............................................... 65 API 2A, 2T, and 2FPS ISO 19902 and 19904-1 NORSOK N-005 Summary 65 66 67 68
ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING PLATFORMS AND FLOATERS ......................... 72 General API RP 2A and Bulletin 2INT-EX ISO 19902 (2007) NORSOK N-006 Summary of Assessment of Existing Platforms Comparison 72 74 78 80 82
8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9 9.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 10 10.1
Assessment Process API RP 2A ISO 19902 NORSOK Ship Collisions Dropped Objects Fire and Blast Summary of Accidental Loadings Comparison
91 91 93 93 94 95 96 99
INSTALLATION AND TEMPORARY CONDITIONS ......................................... 104 General Lifting Dynamic Effects Effect of Fabrication Tolerance Allowable Stresses and Action Factors Slings, Shackles and Fittings Loadout Transportation Launching and Uprighting Forces On-bottom Stability Summary of Installation and Temporay Conditions Comparision 104 104 104 105 105 106 107 107 107 108 108
SEISMIC DESIGN GUIDELINES ............................................................................ 112 General 112 112 112 112 112 113 114 114 115 115 115 115 116
10.2 Design Guidelines Comparison 10.2.1 Terminology 10.2.2 Seismic Risk Maps 10.2.3 Seismic Zones 10.2.4 Foundation Soil Types 10.2.5 Earthquake Response Spectrum 10.2.6 Earthquake Directional Loads 10.2.7 Earthquake Directional Combination 10.2.8 Time History Analysis 10.2.9 Structural Components - Tubular D/t Ratio 10.2.10 Pile Axial Capacity Requirements 10.3 Seismic Design Comparison
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Two Level check Action Combinations Seismic Design Procedures Seismic Analysis Methods Summary of Seismic Design Guideline Comparison
CASE STUDIES........................................................................................................... 128 128 128 128 130 131 133 140 140 141 147 151
11.1 Fixed Platform 11.1.1 Introduction 11.1.2 Analysis Methodology 11.1.3 Boundary conditions 11.1.4 Loads and Load Combinations 11.1.5 Results 11.2 Floater - SPAR 11.2.1 Introduction 11.2.2 Analysis Methodology 11.2.3 Results 11.3 12 13 Summary
APPENDIX A: MATHCAD UNITY CHECK SHEETS .................................................. 158 A.1 MATHCAD - API RP 2A A.2 MATHCAD ISO 19902 A.3 MATHCAD NORSOK N004 159 173 189
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List of Figures
Figure 1-1 ISO API Standards Harmonization ................................................................................................. 4 Figure 1-2 Schematic of LRFD vs. WSD Methods ............................................................................................ 5 Figure 2-1 Gulf of Mexico Zones in API Bulletin 2INT-MET ........................................................................... 9 st Figure 2-2 Original Extreme Wave Definition in API RP 2A 21 Edition........................................................ 11 Figure 2-3 Loop Current (NOAA) /23/ ........................................................................................................... 16 Figure 2-4 Wave and Current load combination procedure ......................................................................... 17 Figure 2-5 Regional Wave Design Criteria .................................................................................................... 24 Figure 5-1 Comparison of safety levels for axial pile capacity design extreme condition.......................... 61 Figure 5-2 Comparison of safety levels for axial pile capacity design operating condition ....................... 61 Figure 6-1 Phases of a structural integrity management cycle (ISO 19902) ................................................. 66 Figure 7-1 Platform Assessment Process ...................................................................................................... 76 Figure 7-2 Platform Assessment Process (Continued) .................................................................................. 77 Figure 7-3 Flow chart of the assessment process ......................................................................................... 79 Figure 7-4 Flow Sheet of the Assessment Process ........................................................................................ 81 Figure 8-1 Assessment Process (API RP 2A) .................................................................................................. 92 Figure 8-2 Structural Fire and Blast Assessment .......................................................................................... 98 Figure 10-1 Seismic design procedures in ISO 19901-2 (Figure 1of ISO 19901-2) ...................................... 118 Figure 11-1 Capacity Model in GeniE .......................................................................................................... 130 Figure 11-2 Analyzed Wave Headings ........................................................................................................ 132 Figure 11-3 Comparison of the Designers (left) and DNVs (right) Global Stress Results, ......................... 141 Figure 11-4 Static and Dynamic Pressure Distribution on the Structure..................................................... 143 Figure 11-5 Analyzed Wave Headings ........................................................................................................ 143 Figure 11-6 Structural Model Overview ...................................................................................................... 146
List of Tables
Table 1-1: Main Design Codes ........................................................................................................................ 3 Table 2-1 Central Zone Hurricane and Environmental Conditions ................................................................ 10 Table 2-2 API RP 2T Load Definition - Description ........................................................................................ 12 Table 2-3 API RP 2T Load Conditions ............................................................................................................ 13 Table 2-4 API RP 2T Environnemental Parameters ....................................................................................... 14 Table 2-5 Partial Factors ............................................................................................................................... 19 Table 2-6 Extreme and Abnormal Conditions ............................................................................................... 20 Table 2-7 Action Combinations - LSD ............................................................................................................ 21 Table 2-8 Action Combinations - WSD .......................................................................................................... 22 Table 2-9 Action Combinations Annual Probabilities.................................................................................... 24 Table 2-10 Action Combinations Limit States ............................................................................................ 25 Table 2-11 Comparison Table Environmental Criteria and Loading Conditions ........................................ 27 Table 2-12 Annual Pf in API Sec. 17 and NORSOK for unmanned and manned platforms............................ 31 Table 2-13 ISO 19906 Reliability Targets for ULS and ALS ............................................................................ 31
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Ca, Cv CSF d D De Do Ee Eo Fd site coefficients safety factor brace outside diameter chord outside diameter equivalent quasi-static action representing dynamic response defined in 9.8.1 equivalent quasi-static action representing dynamic corresponding to Eo extreme environmental quasi-static action environmental action or loading action effect
Fd design action G Ratio of effective horizontal ground acceleration to gravitational acceleration G1, G2 permanent actions or gravity loads GT kDAF the action imposed either by the weight of the structure in air, or by the submerged weight of the structure in water dynamic amplification factor; 1.10 for heavy lift by semi-submersible crane vessel for in air offshore lifts or in air onshore or in sheltered waters ; 1.30 in other cases for offshore in air.
Q1, Q2 variable actions or live loads QT the action imposed by the weight of the temporary equipment or other objects, including any rigging installed or carried by the structure Rd S design strength internal force
Sa,map(0.2) = 1000 year rock outcrop spectral acceleration obtained from maps in Annex 2 of ISO 19901-2 associated with a single degree of freedom oscillator period 0.2 s Sa,map(1.0) = 1000 year rock outcrop spectral acceleration obtained from maps in Annex 2 of ISO 19901-2 associated with a single degree of freedom oscillator period 1.0 s Sa,site (T) site spectral acceleration corresponding to a return period of 1000 years and a single degree of freedom oscillator period T t brace wall thickness at intersection T chord wall thickness at intersection T natural period of a simple, single degree of freedom oscillator Z Zone or relative seismicity factor = d/D
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= D/2T f,E, f,D are the partial action factors for the environmental actions discussed in 9.9 and for which appropriate values shall be determined by the owner f,Eo, f,Ee partial action factors applied to the total quasi-static environmental action plus equivalent quasi-static action representing dynamic response for operating and extreme environmental conditions f,G1, f,G2, f,Q1, f,Q2 partial action factors for the various permanent and variable actions f,dl f,lf the rigging factor, 1.10 for a dual lift; 1.00 for single crane local factor, for lifting attachments, spreader beams, and internal members attached to lifting point: 1.25 (for a lift in open waters), 1.15 (for a lift on shore or in shelter waters); 1.00 for other structures; partial factor, 1.30
f,sun = t/T
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The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE) contracted DNV to perform a state-of-the-art comparison of API, ISO, and NORSOK existing offshore structural standards. The comparison identifies the differences and attempts to explore the reasons and if possible recommends areas of improvement with application to the US Gulf of Mexico and the West Coast offshore areas. The study showed that even though there may be significant differences in the adopted design approach being Working Stress Design (WSD) or Load and Resistance Factor Design/Limit State Design (LRFD/LSD) and the regional design criteria, the formulations for calculating member and joint or plate/shell stresses are similar in all three standards. It is recommended that further efforts be directed towards the harmonization of the standards. A significant step has been the recent collaboration between API and ISO and to a certain degree NORSOK to adopt a common approach to the development of future offshore structural standards, It appears that the LRFD/LSD methodology will eventually prevail and be applied to future GOM and West Coast offshore fixed and floating structures as it had for Atlantic and Arctic regions. The limited case studies performed using a GOM fixed platform and a spar deepwater floating structure indicate that design environmental criteria are based on similar reliability analyses and definition of probability of failure. Jacket member utilization comparison indicates that both ISO and NORSOK give significantly more conservative formulation for members with cone transitions compared to API. Member and joint utilizations were noted to vary by up to 53% for members and 29% for joints. No one standard was found to be always more conservative than the other two. A single GOM spar case study showed that the ISO/NORSOK LRFD approach gives yield and buckling utilizations that are within about 10%. Further investigations are recommended for more in-depth evaluation to reach more general conclusions.
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1.2 Objective
The objective of the work is to perform a state-of-the-art review of existing API, NORSOK, and ISO offshore structural standards with respect to structural integrity aspects and produce a comparison report identifying differences and recommendations for their possible resolution for application in US Gulf of Mexico and the West Coast.
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21 Edition October 2007 3rd Edition July 2010 1st Edition March 2001 1st Edition May 2003 May 2007 May 2007 May 2007 1st Edition November 2004 1st Edition December 2009 1st Edition December 2007 1st Edition November 2006 7th Edition June 2010 2nd Edition September 2007 2nd Edition October 2004 1st Edition March 2009
Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms Working Stress Design Planning, Designing, and Construction Tension Leg Platforms Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Constructing Floating Production Systems Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms Load and Resistance Factor Design Interim Guidance on Hurricane Conditions in the Gulf of Mexico Interim Guidance for Design of Offshore Structures for Hurricane Conditions Interim Guidance for Assessment of Existing Offshore Structures for Hurricane conditions Specific requirements for offshore structures Part 2: Seismic Design Procedures and Criteria Specific requirements for offshore structures Part 6: Marine Operations Fixed Steel Offshore Structures Floating offshore structures Part 1: Monohulls, Semi-submersibles and Spars Integrity of Offshore Structures Action and Action Effects Design of Steel Structures Assessment of Structure Integrity for Existing Offshore Load-bearing Structures
API Bulletin 2INT-MET API Bulletin 2INT-DG API Bulletin 2INT-EX ISO 19901-2 ISO 19901-6 ISO 19902 ISO 19904-1 NORSOK Standard N-001 NORSOK Standard N-003 NORSOK Standard N-004 NORSOK Standard N-006
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It should be noted that as part of the collaboration efforts between ISO TC67/SC7 and API SC2 offshore Structures committees, a standard harmonization scheme has been adopted whereby the ISO standards have utilized existing API documents as starting point in developing the ISO standards. API will subsequently adopt relevant ISO documents with modification to adapt to Gulf of Mexico and other US offshore areas.
The chart presented in Figure 1-1 was presented in the last API SC2 meeting and shows the status of the harmonization efforts as of February 2011. The figure helps identify the one to one correspondence between ISO and API documents.
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of loading. By contrast, the Working/Allowable Stress Design (WSD/ASD) methodology combines all load types with a single safety factor applied on the calculated combined stress. Therefore, the WSD method can produce less conservative designs than the LRFD methodology for storm conditions when the stress due to environmental loading is significantly higher than that associated with well-defined dead loads or weights and vise versa. Figure 1-2 shows a comparison between LRFD and WSD when applied to design of structures also utilizing AISC steel design code for beam type members (see /30/ for more detailed discussion). Load conditions a) and b) are: a) functional loads and b) combination of maximum environmental loads and associated functional loads. The AISC 13th Ed. did not allow 1/3 increase in allowable stress to be applied only to the environmental portion of the stress and not to the static load as was allowed in the 9th Ed. version.
Figure 1-2 Schematic of LRFD vs. WSD Methods It should also be noted that the LRFD or Limit State design method allows yielding to be reached or exceeded in such a way that the structure is still capable of resisting further loads but may encounter high levels of deformation without reaching an unstable mechanism. Unfortunately all standards do not adequately address this acceptability criterion.
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3. For earthquake; ISO 19902 and ISO 19901-2 give clearer and more comprehensive design guidelines when compared with API or NORSOK standards. Further details of environmental criteria are also given in Sections 2.2 to 2.4 while discussing the loading conditions from the API, ISO, and NORSOK codes. Load and material resistance factors were compared for the various elements of the structure (e.g. jacket, hull, deck, foundations, etc.). The manner in which the codes require the combination of appropriate loads is also directly compared. This includes the following main load categories: operational environmental, design environmental, dead, live, and temporary. Fire, blast and accidental loadings are considered separately.
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Table 2-1 shows the API Bulletin 2INT-MET hurricane winds, waves, currents and surge for the central zone of the GOM which has the most severe conditions that have changed significantly from previous criteria. The environmental conditions in the other zones were affected only slightly. Figure 2-2 shows the original design maximum wave height specified in the API RP 2A for GOM structures. It is noted; e.g., that in the Central region, the significant wave height was increased from 12m (40 ft) to 15,8m (52 ft) for 100 year return period for high consequence L-1 structures. Two additional interime documents were issued by API in May of 2007 ahead of the hurricane season to address requirements for design of new structures Bulletin 2INT-DG /32/, and assessment of existing structures Bulletin 2INT-EX /33/. These bulletins gave guidance, at high level, on design using the new metocean criteria of 2INT-MET and significantly increased the requirement for deck height elevation by adding 15% to the maximum wave crest for local effects. The 1000-year wave crest was also recommended for robustness consideration. The API Bulletin 2INT-EX is discussed in Sec. 7 of this report.
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2.2.2 API RP 2T API RP 2T is more comprehensive than RP 2A in defining the loads and load combinations due to the sensitivity of the Tendon Leg Platform to its payload. Table 2-2, Table 2-3, and Table 2-4 depict API RP 2T definition of load types, safety categories and annual probability of occurrence, and important parameters that critically impact the TLP global response. API 2FPS refers to both API RP 2A and 2T for guidance related to environmental conditions and load definition.
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The safety categories A and B of Table 2-3 are equivalent to the API 2As operating and extreme conditions. However the survival intact condition is new in 2T 3rd Edition with 1000 year return period environment. The specified 17 design load cases are stated to be given only as example and that other criteria may be used if properly justified. The 2T 3rd Ed. added 5 more load cases compared to the 2nd Ed. These are one new damaged condition, three survival conditions, and one ductility level earthquake (DLE) condition.
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Both API RP 2A and 2T utilize WSD approach for the design of the structure. Notably, the RP 2T 3rd Edition (latest) specified the limit states design approach for the tendon design which was not the case in the previous editions of the document. The API RP 2T adopts the WSD design methodology for the deck and hull design, and refers to API RPs 2A, 2U, 2V, and AISC (ASD) standards for the structural elements and states that applicable class society codes may be used for buckling design check. For structural elements designed for Safety Criteria A, safety factors recommended in API 2A-WSD and AISC should be used for normal design conditions associated. For extreme design conditions associated with Safety Criteria B, the allowable stresses may be increased by one-third. 2.2.3 API RP 2FPS The current first edition of API RP 2FPS 1st Edition issued in March 2001 refers to API RPs 2A and 2T for the definition of the environmental criteria for GOM floating production systems. The second edition is due for publication in 2011 and will be based on the ISO 19904-1. The document refers to both API RP 2A and 2T valid editions in 2001 for the definition of the applicable environmental conditions. For Category 1 FPSs intended for field development the 100 year return period is specified. Lower criteria is stated to be acceptable for Categories 2 and 3 employed in earlier exploration and drilling phases of the development with durations of less than 5 years for Category 2 and 120 days for
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Category 3. Also lower criteria may be accepted if the platform is evacuated with adequate notice prior to the design storm. API RP 2FPS also refers to API RP 2N for specification of ice loading conditions. The API RP 2FPS adopts the WSD design methodology for the hull design and refers to API RPs 2A, 2T, 2U, 2V, the AISC (ASD) standards for the structural elements.
The document gives general description of the environmental conditions that must be considered depending on the type of structure under consideration. These include wind, wave, current, water depth and sea level variations, marine growth, ice and snow, temperature, and other meteorological and oceanographic information such as fog, wind chill, and variability of seawater density. 2.3.2 ISO 19902 Fixed Steel Offshore Structures Actions for in-place condition ISO 19902 Clause 9.4.1 states that one of three methods is normally used for defining an environmental action combination that generates the extreme direct action Ee and generally also the extreme action effect, caused by the combined extreme wind, wave and current: 100 year return period wave height (significant or individual) with associated wave period, wind and current velocities; b) 100 year return period wave height and period combined with the 100 year return period wind speed and the 100 year return period current velocity, all determined by extrapolation of the individual parameters considered independently; c) any reasonable combination of wave height and period, wind speed and current velocity that results in the global extreme environmental action on the structure with a return period of 100 years, or a relevant action effect (global response) of the structure (e.g. base shear or overturning moment) with a return period of 100 years. Further discussion of these methods is given in ISO 19901-1 and is summarized herein. Method a) using the100 year return period wave with associated parameters estimated from correlations has been
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used in Gulf of Mexico structures, while b) with 100 year return period wave, 100 year return period wind, and 100 year return period current has been used in the North Sea and other areas. Method c) employing the joint 100 year return period action or action effect is a more recent development, suitable when a database of joint occurrence of wind, wave and current is available. As stated in ISO 19902, additional considerations should be given to obtaining the extreme direct action, Ee, for locations where there are strong currents that are not driven by local storms. Such currents can be driven by tides or by deep water currents, such as the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico, Figure 2-3 /21/. In this case, method a) would be acceptable if the storm generated conditions are the predominant contributors to the extreme global environmental action (action effect) and if the appropriate associated value of tidal and circulation current can be determined. However, method c) is conceptually more straightforward and preferable. Method b) is the simplest method that ensures an adequate design environmental action (action effect) since it is usually very conservative compared to the true 100 year return period global environmental action (action effect).
Figure 2-3 Loop Current (NOAA) /23/ For some areas, substantial databases are becoming available with which it is possible to establish statistics of joint probability of occurrence of wind, wave and current magnitudes and directions. When such a database is available, it can be used to develop environmental conditions based on method c), which provides the true 100 year return period extreme global environmental action on the structure. Figure 2-4 reproduced from ISO 19902 shows the parameters that should be accounted for when calculating the combined wave and current actions on a jacket structure. The figure was adopted from API RP 2A 21st Edition.
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Figure 2-4 Wave and Current load combination procedure The corresponding partial action factors to be used in conjunction with the 100 year return period global environmental action (action effect) are required to be determined using structural reliability analysis principles, in order to ensure that an appropriate safety level is achieved. This approach provides more consistent reliability (safety) for different geographical areas than has been achieved by the practice of using separate (marginal) statistics of winds, currents, and waves. It should be noted that both API and NORSOK adopt similar definition of the extreme design environmental load conditions. However, ISO provides more guidance in this regard. Partial Factor Design Format The general equation for determining the design action (Fd) for in-place situations is given in ISO 19902, Equation 9.10-1, and the appropriate partial action factors for each design situation are given in ISO 19902, Table 9.10-1 shown here as Table 2-5:
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Fd = f,G1 G1 + f,G2 G2 + f,Q1 Q1 + f,Q2 Q2 + f, Eo (Eo + f,D Do) + f,Ee (Ee + f,DDe) where:
G1, G2 are the permanent actions defined in 9.2; Q1, Q2 are the variable actions defined in 9.2; is the environmental action due to the owner-defined operating wind, wave and current Eo parameters; Do is the equivalent quasi-static action representing dynamic response in accordance with 9.8, but caused by the wave condition that corresponds with that for Eo; Ee is the extreme quasi-static action due to wind, waves and current as defined in 9.4 and taking account of the requirements of 9.5 to 9.7; De is the equivalent quasi-static action representing dynamic response defined in 9.8.1 f,G1, f,G2, f,Q1, f,Q2 are the partial action factors for the various permanent and variable actions discussed in 9.9 and for which values for different design situations are given in Table 9.10-1 (see A. f,Eo, f,Ee are partial action factors applied to the total quasi-static environmental action plus equivalent quasi-static action representing dynamic response for operating and extreme environmental conditions, respectively, and for which values for different design situations are given in Table 9.10-1 shown here as Table 2-5; f,E, f,D are the partial action factors for the environmental actions discussed in 9.9 and for which appropriate values shall be determined by the owner. All section referenced in above definitions refer to Clauses in ISO 19902.
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The partial factors specified in Table 2-5 are almost identical to those given in API RP 2A LRFD for the gravity and variable actions; see Table 2-16 giving a summary of the comparison of the partial factors. However there are subtle differences in definition of actions related to operating environmental conditions and the inclusion of dynamic actions. The ISO 19902 treatise appears to be more comprehensive and logical to apply in design. Values of the extreme environmental action factor f,E are given in Annex A (Sec. A. of the ISO 19902 for the north-west shelf of Australia (AUS), the UK sector of the North Sea (NS), and the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) for structures manned or unmanned during the design event. For manned installations of exposure level L1 f,E values of 1.59 for AUS and 1.40 for NS are specified corresponding to a target annual failure probability of 3x10-5. These factors go down to 1.17 for AUS (and GOM) and 1.09 for NS unmanned or evacuated structures with annual failure probability of 5x10-4. The latter is associated with L2 exposure category by definition. It should be stated that ISO 19902 in the same Annex section referenced above specifies also RSRs (Reserve Strength Factors defined as the ratio of the collapse capacity to the 100 year return period action) for each of the three regions and unmanned/manned conditions. However no guidance is given as to how the RSR is to be calculated. The calculation of RSR has high degree of variability regarding the assumptions to be applied in the pushover ultimate strength analysis.
Page 19 Acceptable safety factors and allowable utilization factors Table 10.5-1 in ISO 19902, Table 2-6 here, compares the requirements for extreme and abnormal environmental actions. The extreme environmental actions correspond to a minimum return period of 100 years while the abnormal actions have a 10,000 year return period. Table 2-6 Extreme and Abnormal Conditions
2.3.3 ISO 19904-1 Floating Offshore Structures Part 1: Monohulls, Semi-submersibles and Spars ISO 19904-1 states that design checks can be undertaken using either the partial factor design format (Limit State Design or LSD) or the WSD format. Partial factors (LSD) format - safety, and allowable utilization factors Design checking shall be achieved by demonstrating that design values of action effects resulting from factoring the actions do not exceed the design value of the resistance variable being addressed for the limit state under consideration. The partial action factors required for design checks are presented in Table 2-7:
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For the ULS, two action combinations are considered: one to reflect gravitational action-dominated conditions; the other to account for environmental action-dominated conditions. In Table 4 of ISO 19904-1, Table 2-7 above, these two combinations are denoted ULS-a and ULS-b, respectively. It should be noted that there are differences between these partial action factors and those proposed in ISO 19902 for fixed structures, Table 2-5. Note the 0.7 factor on the extreme environmental load E in ULS-a and the 0.9f,E in operating situation of Table 2-5. There are differences also in the definition of the design limit states. ISO 19902 utilizes two extreme loading conditions (similar to API RP 2A LRFD) one with unfavourable and another with favourable gravity and variable actions on the response effect under consideration. For ALS, two conditions are to be assessed. These are denoted in Table 2-7 as pre-ALS and post-ALS. The two accidental limit state conditions represent the structure at the time of the ALS event, and in the damaged condition, respectively. The partial action factors stated in Table 2-7 for the pre-ALS condition apply to values of accidental event magnitudes that equate to a return period of the accidental event of 10,000 years (i.e. annual probability of exceedance = 10-4). If the return period exceeds 10,000 years, in some circumstances (such as to ensure a degree of robustness exists in the event of the accidental event occurring), it can be appropriate to combine the accidental event with a feasible environmental event such that the return period of the combined event on a joint probability basis is 10,000 years. For ULS conditions in relation to steel structures, neither the partial resistance factor r, nor the partial material factor, m, is to be less than 1.15. Where the resistance concerns bolted connections and fillet and partial penetration welds, this minimum factor is to be increased to 1.30. Standards adopted for establishing structural strength could require increased partial resistance factors. In such cases, these increased factors shall be used instead of the minimum factors of 1.15 and 1.30, as appropriate.
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Page 21 WSD format - safety factors and allowable utilization factors In the following table, the action combination factors applicable to the WSD format are listed for each limit state and for each combination of action categories.
For ULS, two action combinations are to be considered: one to reflect the structure located in a calm sea with responses associated with static actions only; the other for the structure subjected to extreme environmental actions combined with relevant static actions. In Table 5 of ISO 19904-1, Table 2-8 above, these combinations are denoted ULS-a and ULS-b, respectively. For ALS, two conditions are to be assessed. These are denoted in Table 2-8 as pre-ALS and post-ALS, which represent the structure at the time of the accidental event, and in the damaged condition following the accidental event, respectively. Similar to the LSD format, the WSD action factors stated in Table 2-8 for the pre-ALS condition apply to values of accidental event magnitudes that equate to a return period of the accidental event of 10,000 years. If the return period exceeds 10,000 years, it can be appropriate to combine the accidental event with a feasible environmental event such that the return period of the combined event on a joint probability basis is 10,000 years. In the design check, the acceptability of a comparison between design values of the action effects and of the strength is conditional upon the action effect (Fd) being less than the design strength (Rd) reduced by a safety factor greater than unity (CSF), or the design strength (Rd) multiplied by a fraction less than unity (). Thus, the design check may be expressed as
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or, alternatively:
The principles of the limit state design (LSD) and the definitions of the four limit state categories are the same as given in the ISO 19900 discussed above; Sec. 2.3.1. All identified failure modes must be checked within the respective groups of limit states, i.e. ULS, SLS, FLS and ALS. It is required that the structure possesses sufficient ductility to develop the relevant failure mechanism. 2.4.1 N-003 - Action and Action Effects The requirements and definitions regarding environmental and loading conditions are given in Section 6.7 of NORSOK N-003. Similar to ISO, NORSOK characteristic values of individual environmental
-2 -4
actions are defined by annual exceedance probabilities of 10 (for ULS) and 10 (for ALS). The longterm variability of multiple actions is described by a scatter diagram or joint probability density function (PDF) including information about environmental direction. Contour curves or surfaces for more than two environmental parameters can then be derived which give combination of environmental parameters that approximately describe the various actions corresponding to the given exceedance probability. Alternatively, the exceedance probabilities can be referred to the action effects. This is particularly relevant when the direction of the action is an important parameter. For fixed installations collinear environmental actions are normally most critical, and the action intensities for various types of actions can be selected to correspond to the exceedance probabilities given in Table 2-9 (N-003 Table 4). For other installations action combinations which involve a large difference in action direction need to be addressed. Table 2-9 presents an alternative option for combining wave, wind, current, ice, snow, earthquake, and sea level elevations in design without resorting to joint probability evaluation or leaving its proper allocation to the operator as stated in ISO 19902, 19904-1 and API RP 2A. As indicated in the table, the ULS associates the 10 year conditions with the 100 year main action and the ALS condition associates both 100 year and 10 year conditions with the 10,000 year main action. This differs from API where only one year conditions are required to be associated with 100 year extreme conditions. This is believed to be a result of considering the Gulf of Mexico to be more benign that the North Sea when it comes to extreme environmental conditions. This assumption was disputed after the severe hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005, See Figure 2-5 taken from /31/.
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100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Peak Period (s) GoM W. Africa Atlantic Norway N. N. Sea Hibernia
Figure 2-5 Regional Wave Design Criteria 2.4.2 N-001 - Integrity of offshore Structures In Section 6.2 of NORSOK N-001defines and specifies the partial action factors. When checking the ULS, SLS, ALS and FLS limit states, the ULS action factors to be used are given in Table 2-10 (N-001
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Table 1). Two ULS conditions are defined in Table 2-10; namely, a and b that correspond to a case with maximum gravity and variable loads with a reduced environmental load and a condition with realistically reduced gravity and variable loads combined with the maximum (extreme) environmental load, respectively. The specified action factors are identical to those given in ISO 19904-1, see Table 2-7. Table 2-10 Action Combinations Limit States
For ship-shaped facilities, the action factor for environmental actions (E) may be reduced to 1.15 for action combination b when calculating longitudinal bending moment, if the still water bending moment represents between 20% and 50% of the total bending moment. For steel structures the material factor specified is 1.15. In the case of geotechnical analyses, the material factor should not normally be lower than 1.25. For piles and anchors the material factor for soil is 1.3 which applies to pile groups. A material factor lower than 1.3 is permitted for individual piles if it can be documented it will not result in adverse behaviour.
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requiring 3s gust rather 5s gust for areas with length less than 50m. Also, NORSOK requires the use of the 1-min speed for global wind loads combined with waves. By contrast, both API and ISO allow 1-h wind for static conditions where dynamic aspects are not significant and 1-min wind when dynamic response is important. The calculation of the wind force is equivalent in the three standards with difference only in presentation in NORSOK giving the force normal to the member instead of in direction of the wind The current blockage factors are identical in the three standards. With regards to ice loading the API RP 2A and NORSOK N-003 refer to API RP 2N while the ISO 19902 points to the ISO 19906 standard. With regards to deck clearance requirements, it is noted that all three codes require 1.5m (5 ft) air gap above the 100-year wave crest elevation. As stated in Section 2.2.1, Bulletin 2INT-DG gaves guidance on design using the new metocean criteria of 2INT-MET and significantly increased the requirement for deck height elevation by adding 15% for local random wave crest to the maximum wave crest . The 1000-year wave crest was also recommended for robustness consideration.The ISO 19902 gives more details on how to calculate the deck elevation and has an additional criterion of 30% of wave crest elevation as governing clearance if greater than the 1.5m. The NORSOK N-003 and N-004 require a positive air gap for the 10,000 year wave crest in addition to the 1.5m above the 100 year wave crest requirement. It should be noted that there is a large difference between the three codes on this issue. This is important for the probability of failure. The requirement in ISO of 30 % increase and in NORSOK of 10 000 year crest will add meters to the air gap. It is therefore not understandable that the old 1.5 m requirement is still present in these two codes. For a fixed platform this may be the single requirement that is different in API and ISO (NORSOK) with the largest impact on the probability of failure. API RP 2T is more comprehensive than RP 2A in defining the loads and load combinations due to the sensitivity of the Tendon Leg Platform to its payload. API 2FPS refers to both API RP 2A and 2T for guidance related to environmental conditions and load definition. Both API RP 2A and 2T utilize WSD approach for the design of the structure. Notably, the RP 2T 3rd Edition (latest) specified the limit states design approach for the tendon design which was not the case in the previous editions of the document. The current first edition of API RP 2FPS 1st Edition issued in March 2001 refers to API RPs 2A and 2T for the definition of the environmental criteria for GOM floating production systems.
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The differences between WSD and LRFD design philosophies were briefly discussed in Section 1.4. It was explained there that WSD methodology suffers from the inability to allocated different safety factors to different loads depending on their uncertainty level. However the WSD is simpler in that it requires only one number as the safety factor. By contrast, the LRFD, or the LSD, methods have to define load/action factors plus one resistance factor for each design condition/limit state. The operating WSD acceptable stress is normally set as 0.6 Fy (where Fy= yield strength) which would be equivalent to 1.45 load factor and 1.15 resistance factor. Therefore if the unfactored loads are the same, the WSD design should be more conservative. For the extreme condition the API 1/3rd increase in allowable stress leads to 0.8 Fy as the acceptable stress and equivalent uniform load factor of 1.09 with 1.15 resistance factor indicating that the LRFD approach would be considerably more conservative for any significant environmental loading condition. In order to calculate the load factors an acceptable failure probability is specified in the standards in the form of annual probability or reliability index as noted in Table 2-12, for API Section 17 and NORSOK, Table 2-13 from ISO 19906 which is also applicable to ISO19902, Table 2-14 from DNV CN 30.6 (2002), and Table 2-15 from DNV/Riso guidelines for wind turbine design. The reliability index is defined as = 1 (Pf ), where -1 is the inverse normal distribution function. Table 2-12 does not represent any target reliability, but is a comparison of the probability of failure between API section 17 and NORSOK for two cases of uncertainty in the resistance formulation. This should not therefore be viewed as target reliability for NORSOK but only as an indication to that effect. The shown annual Pf was calculated using probabilistic analysis software (PROBAN) with a limit state function that defines failure as action exceeding resistance. These are shown to be very similar across the standards. The load/action factors are calculated using a calibration procedure described in; e.g., ISO 2394 (1998). The calibration procedure involves many assumptions and approximations that are not spelled out in the codes. However, the acceptability of the proposed factors is demonstrated by application to actual structures that exhibit adequate performance under actual design environmental conditions. Table 2-16 compares the load/action factors specified in API, ISO, and NORSOK standards. Again this table presents a side-by-side comparison of the three codes. Because API RP 2A 21st Edition is a WSD code, the 1993 API RP 2A LRFD was used for the comparison with the ISO and NORSOK codes which use the LSD which is same as LRFD. (2.3)
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As noted earlier in Sections 2.2, 2.3 and 2.5, the load/action factors are similar in 2A LRFD and ISO 19902. It is our understanding that the API document was utilized as a starting point for the ISO standards development that started in the 1990s. Therefore the ISO document have improved considerably on the 2A LRFD document not only in providing more guidance to the designer but also in correcting and clarifying several issues that existed in 2A LRFD such as the separation of the inertia component of the load with different load factor and the definition of an operating environmental condition. Table 2-12 Annual Pf in API Sec. 17 and NORSOK for unmanned and manned platforms
Table 2-13 ISO 19906 Reliability Targets for ULS and ALS Exposure Level Maximum Acceptable Annual Failure Probability L1* L2* L3* 1.0 x 10-5 1.0 x 10-4 1.0 x 10-3
*L1=high consequence/manned non-evacuated, L2=Medium consequence/manned evacuated or unmanned or Manned Evacuated with low consequence, and L3= low consequence unmanned structures.
Table 2-14 DNV Classification Notes 30.6 (1992) Annual Pf and Target Reliability Indices
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It should be noted that the probability of failure though defined in design codes as the probability the load/action exceeds the strength/resistance to avoid failure; the code rarely defines the failure itself. As noted in this report, even in Limit State Design philosophy, the load/action factors and resistance factors ensure the safety of the structure under extreme environmental conditions. The uncertainty in the loading would lead to ultimate strength response of the structure.
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whereas the LSD and LRFD approaches allow full plasticity in the section and therefore allow the section to go beyond first yield. 2. The same level of bending capacity is provided in the API LRFD as well as in the ISO. The range of material factors in NORSOK is 1.15 1.45, which is dependent on elastic local buckling strength and elastic hoop buckling strength. This is considerably higher than the resistance factor of 1.05 (1/0.95 in API LRFD) and therefore NORSOK is more conservative in capacity evaluation. f. Hydrostatic Pressure 1. Critical hoop buckling stress Fhc in API WSD is different from the other three codes. In API WSD, design formulae for critical hoop buckling strength are provided for four elastic stress ranges. The equations in API LRFD, ISO and NORSOK are identical. ISO and NORSOK provide three ranges of elastic hoop buckling strength for whereas API LRFD has two such ranges. 2. The formula for elastic hoop buckling strength is same in all four codes. However, in API WSD the elastic buckling coefficient Ch is provided for five ranges, whereas API LRFD, ISO and NORSOK include four ranges for this parameter. g. Shear Shear stress factors in API LRFD and ISO 19902 are same, whereas NORSOK specifies reduced value due to the conservatism associated with the material factor as discussed earlier in this section. The API WSD allowable shear stress is much lower because it is to be compared with unfactored operating or extreme (with the 1/3 allowable stress increase) load conditions. h. Combined Loads without Hydrostatic Pressure i) Axial Tension and Bending 1. The formulae in all four codes are different. API LRFD adopts a cosine form equation. API WSD and ISO use linear formulae. ii) Axial Compression and Bending 1. The formulae from all four codes are different. As in i) above, API LRFD utilizes a cosine form equation while API WSD and ISO use a linear form. 2. When axial compressive stress is small (fa/Fa <= 0.15), API WSD provides an alternative equation. 3. All four codes provide the same formulae for moment reduction factor Cm.
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4. Effective Length Factor for Jacket brace buckling check exhibit differences as shown in 5. Table 3-2. NORSOK and ISO are same while API WSD and LRFD give slightly higher factor for X-brace longer segment length (0.9 vs. 0.8) and main diagonals (0.8 vs. 0.7). Also API WSD and LRFD give effective length factors for deck truss web members. i. Combined Loads with Hydrostatic Pressure i) Axial Tension and Bending 1. API WSD and LRFD provide the same formulae. However, the safety factor on resistance provided in API WSD is by definition higher than that in the API LRFD (1.67-2.00 vs. 1/0.95=1.05 and 1/0.80 = 1.25). 2. Both ISO and NORSOK provide similar format. The only difference between these two codes is that the partial resistance factor in ISO is 1.05 for combined tension and bending and the material factor in NORSOK is in the range of 1.15 to 1.45. 3. There are two methods provided in NORSOK for design axial stress in tension and compression respectively. In Method A, design axial stress excludes the effect of capped-end axial compression arising from external hydrostatic pressure. In Method B, the calculated member axial stress includes the effect of the hydrostatic capped-end axial stress. ii) Axial Compression and Bending 1. API LRFD has a cosine format equation. NORSOK provides two methods for the combined stress formulae as noted in i) Axial Tension and Bending, item 3 above. 2. The basic formulae in ISO and NORSOK are identical. 3. As in i) Axial Tension and Bending, item 3 above, two methods A and B are provided in NORSOK for design axial stress in tension and compression respectively excluding or including the effect of capped-end axial compression arising from external hydrostatic pressure. When the compressive stress combination is greater than half of hoop compressive stress, the formulae in the four codes are identical. Interaction formulae for shear plus bending moment and shear plus bending moment and torsional moment are provided in NORSOK.
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The interaction formulae in API WSD, ISO and NORSOK are linear combinations, whereas the API LRFD used a cosine term in the interaction equation. The API 2A LRFD code is currently suspended and will be replaced by the API RP 2A 23rd Edition which will use the ISO 19902 as basis similar to other API RPs currently being produced. The original intention of publishing only an API wrapper and attaching the ISO document to it has now been changed to reproducing the ISO standard edited to incorporate GOM and US west Coast specific requirements.
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2. Hot spot stress S-N curve for plated structures and tubular joints: Hot spot stress is the geometric stress created by the considered detail. 3. Notch stress S-N curve: It can be used together with finite element analysis where local notch is modeled by an equivalent radius. This approach can be used only in special cases where it is found difficult to reliably assess the fatigue life using other methods. S-N curves in all three codes are valid for high cycle fatigue. API RP 2A only gives two S-N curves for two joint classes (WJ for tubular joints and CJ for cast joints) and there is nothing for plated structures. Except S-N curve for tubular joints and cast joints which are identical to API, ISO provides additional eight S-N curves for the other connection details. In DNV-RP-C203, all tubular joints are assumed to be class T. Other types of joint, including tube to plate, fall in one of 14 classes depending on: The geometrical arrangement of the detail The directional of the fluctuating stress relative to the detail The method of fabrication and inspection of the detail DNV-RP-C203 also gives some guidance on assessment of a design S-N curve based on a limited number of test data. Finite element analysis and hot spot stress methodology is important for plated structures. Only DNV-RP-C203 provides the guidance for the calculation of hot spot stress by finite element analysis. When the thickness effects are considered, the reference material thickness is the same (16 mm) in API and ISO. In API-RP-2A, the reference thickness is 25 mm for welded connections other than tubular joints; 25 mm for tubular joints and bolts. 4.3.4 Design Fatigue Factors (DFFs) As shown in Table 4-1 and Table 4-3, NORSOK recommends DFFs varying from 1, 2, 3, and 10 whereas API DFF are 2, 5, and 10 only. NORSOK has DFF ranges for below and above splash zone while API does not make this distinction. NORSOK considers all structural joints deeper 150m to be inaccessible for inspection.
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4.3.5 Fatigue Damage Accumulation All three design codes suggest that the fatigue life may be calculated based on S-N fatigue approach under the assumption of linear cumulative damage (Palmgren-Miner rule). Even though the cumulative fatigue damage passing criteria looks different, but the basic principle is all the same. Only difference is that where the design safety factor (DFF) is introduced.
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4.4.2 Detailed Fatigue The comparison made in Table 4-3 covers the assumptions, loading definitions, hot spot stress range calculation, stress concentration factor formulas, S-N curves for tubular joints and plated structures, and DFF required values. Detailed comparison has been given in Section 4.3.
4.4.3 Fracture Mechanics Fracture mechanics may be used for fatigue analyses as supplement to S-N data. Fracture mechanics can be used to assess the acceptable defects, evaluate the acceptance criteria for fabrication and for planning in-service inspection. API RP 2A refers to ISO 19902. ISO 19902 and DNV-RP-C203 give the similar guidance. They all refer to BS 7910 Guide on Methods for Assessing the Acceptability of Flaws in Fusion Welded Structures. API RP 2A refers to 1999 edition, ISO 19902 refers to 1991edition and DNV-RP-C203 refers to 2005 edition.
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A comparison is made between requirements given to pile foundation design by the following codes: API-RP 2A WSD, Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore PlatformsWorking Stress Design, October 2007 ISO 19902:2007(E), Petroleum and natural gas industries Fixed steel offshore structures NORSOK standard N-001, Structural design, Rev. 4, February 2004, in combination with NORSOK standard N-004, Design of steel structures, Rev. 2, October 2004, and in particular the Annex K therein, Special design provisions for jackets.
The comparison focused mainly on safety format related to axial pile capacity and to requirements and recommendations for calculation of axial pile capacity.
The limit state design condition can be formulated as follows for design in accordance with the three codes considered. Note that notations used below generally differ from those used in the codes since the three codes use different notations. It is rather chosen to use the same notations for all three codes.
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P is permanent load, V is variable load and E is environmental load. Qc,ax is characteristic axial pile capacity. SF shall be taken equal to 1.5 for extreme condition and 2.0 for operating condition. 5.1.2 ISO 19902:2007:
Fd ,ax = f , P P + f,V V + f,Es (E s + f,Ed E d ) Qd ,ax = Qc ,ax / m
Here Es and Ed are static respectively dynamic part of environmental load. Note that ISO defines two types of permanent as well as of variable loads, but this relates to which part should be included in different phases. The load factors do not differ between the two types of P or V loads. 5.1.3 NORSOK:
Fd ,ax = f , P P + f,V V + f,E E Qd ,ax = Qc ,ax / m
Table 5-2 gives load factors defined by ISO and NORSOK for different loading conditions.
Table 5-2 Load factors in ISO and NORSOK m f,P f,V f,E or f,Es NORSOK comb.a NORSOK comb.b ISO, extreme-c ISO, extreme-t ISO, operation 1,30 1,30 1,25 1,25 1,50 1,30 1,00 1,10 0,90 1,30 1,30 1,00 1,10 0,80 1,50 0,70 1,30 1,35 1,35 1,22
Generally according to ISO f,Es and f,Ed are to be defined by National Authorities, but in the Appendix to the standard f,Es = 1.35 and f,Es = 1.25 are recommended for Gulf of Mexico and Extreme condition. For operating condition f,Es = 0.91.35=1.22 is recommended. By comparing required characteristic axial capacity Qc,ax from above limit state formulations one can calculate equivalent total safety factor SFeqv corresponding to the partial safety factors defined by ISO or NORSOK for defined loading conditions. For simplicity all weights are defined as permanent load, i.e. neglecting the difference between load factors for permanent and variable loads defined by ISO. The equivalent safety factors can then be expressed as follow.
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SFeqv = m
f ,E E + f ,P+V ( P + V )
E + (P + V )
SFeqv = m
Es + Ed E = Es Es
SFeqv has been calculated as function of E/(P+V) for extreme as well as operating condition. For the ISO calculations for DAF = 1.0 and 1.3 are presented. The results of the calculations are shown on Figure 5-1 for extreme condition and Figure 5-2 for operating condition. As E approaches (P+V), the calculated SFeqv approaches - or +. The various curves for the NORSOK and the ISO combinations always change sign at E/(P+V)= -1, since that corresponds to the characteristic load E+P+V=0. Negative value means that the factored design load has different sign than the characteristic load. The range -1 E/(P+V) 0 is of no interest for piles since here the pile is in compression with a force lower than for static weight. Apart from for structures in very benign areas the extreme condition is governing for design of piles. Typically for governing piles in compression E/(P+V) is between 0.5 for platforms with heavy topside to 2 or maybe 3 for platforms with very light topside. From Figure 5-1 it is seen that there are generally small differences between the three standards for these conditions. Whereas platforms with heavy topside may not have piles in tension (E/(P+V) always bigger than -1) piles of light weight platforms may be governed by tensile capacity. This is particularly so when the capacity in compression has a large contribution from end bearing. It is seen from Figure 5-2 that in that case there is a significant difference in safety requirements between API on one hand and NORSOK and ISO on the other hand. This reflects the weakness of the allowable stress standards for design of elements where the load effect results from a difference between large load contributions.
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Comparison of safety levels for axial pile capacity design - extreme condition
3,0 NORSOK comb.a 2,5 NORSOK comb.b NORSOK resulting API Extreme 1,5 ISO, extreme-c - DAF=1
1,0 ISO, extreme-t - DAF=1 0,5 ISO, extreme-c - DAF=1,3 ISO, extreme-t - DAF=1,3 0,0 -0,5 1,0 2,0 3,0
-1,0 E/(P+V)
Figure 5-1 Comparison of safety levels for axial pile capacity design extreme condition
Comparison of safety levels for axial pile capacity design - operating l condition
3,0 NORSOK comb.a 2,5 NORSOK comb.b 2,0 NORSOK resulting 1,5
API Operation 1,0 ISO, operation - DAF=1 0,5 ISO, operation - DAF=1,3 0,0
-1,0 -0,5
-1,0 E/(P+V)
Figure 5-2 Comparison of safety levels for axial pile capacity design operating condition
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5.4 Summary
The following summarizes the results from the comparison made in this section: Code requirements and recommendations are very comparable between the three standards, and the choice of standard will not be decisive for the safety related to pile design No calibration of safety factors towards probability of failure is performed (documented) as background for the chosen safety factors of the standards. A small structure with few legs/piles has less redundancy than a structure with many legs and piles and correspondingly a higher probability of failure The designers choice of relevant pile capacity calculation method and of related soil shear strength parameters are more important for the overall safety related to pile foundation Effects not normally accounted for in pile design may have large influence on the real safety, such as ageing effects and effects of cyclic loading.
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API RP-2T 3rd Edition gives detailed in-service inspection requirements in Section 15 that covers annual, intermediate and special periodical surveys with 1, 2-3, and 5 year intervals. The API RP 2T allows also a continuous survey as an alternative to the special periodical survey. The requirements cover internal and external examinations, joints and connections, tendons, flex joints and foundations and include underwater inspections. The requirements do not however distinguish between the type of TLP and the built in redundancies and robustness.
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The API RP 2FPS provides only a high-level guidance regarding survey requirements (see Section 7.6 of the RP). Alternatively, 2FPS allows the preparation of the in-situ inspection and maintenance program following the guidelines of Recognized Classification Societies (RCS). This approach is preferred by a large percentage of owners (operators) since it is mandatory for all units certified by RCS. It should however be stated that significant risk management requirements are present in the 2FPS document (Sec. 14) in comparison to 2A (Sec. 18.5) which may account for some reduction in the survey requirements if one applies the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) principles.
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The ISO 19902 also provides detailed description of each these four activities within the SIM programme. The standard states that the inspection strategy should contain scheduled and unscheduled inspections. The scheduled inspections are divided into the following sub-categories: Baseline inspection inspection conducted as soon as practical after installation and commissioning (if possible, within first year of operation) to establish the as-installed condition Periodic inspection regular in-service inspection, with timing and scope of work determined based on the inspection strategy and inspection programme Special inspection- to monitor known defects, damage, scour, etc. and to assess the performance of repairs undertaken to assure fitness-for-purpose of the structure (conducted approximately 1 year after completion of the repair)
Similar to API RP 2A, the unscheduled inspections are required to evaluate a structures condition following an environmental event (i.e. hurricane) or incident (i.e. boat collision). As an alternative to the SIM, the ISO 19902 presents the requirements for the default periodical inspection requirements. As shown in Table 6-2, the ISO standard follows the API RP-2A philosophy (API requirements were directly adopted, with some minor changes for inspection intervals where ISO requires the lower bounds of the API allowable timeframe for corresponding inspection levels). The philosophy of the in-service inspections and maintenance of the floating installations presented in the ISO 19904-1 (Clause 18 of the standard), follows the above discussed philosophy of the ISO 19902. The default inspection intervals and scope are also presented. However, similar to ISO 19902, the ISO 19904 focuses on the requirements for the SIM program. It is also stated that the requirements of the RCS which classified the unit should be implemented in the inspection program. A separate issue of the inspection planning related to confined spaces and usually closed areas is also addressed.
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6.4 Summary
All standards emphasize the importance of keeping records of performed in-service inspections, maintenance and structural modifications of the platform. The synergy between different phases of the structural integrity management is highlighted as one of the most important factors extending the lifetime of the structure and increasing the safety of operations. The standards also define Owners responsibility for preparation and proper execution of the inspection program, which may result in decreased (or increased, depending on an outcome of the evaluation and findings of the historical surveys) pre-defined frequencies for different levels of inservice inspections. It is also highlighted that analyzing the inspection findings and implementing a SIM program can reduce costs related to maintenance. In the ISO and NORSOK standards more significant attention is given to the risk assessment and probability based inspection methods. This approach often requires using of advanced analysis methods and is aligned with current trends and developments in the field of structure integrity management. The API current standard, representing more traditional approach, allows for the adjustment of the inspection scope and frequency. However, it does not provide requirements for
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SIM. Detailed guidance for SIM and the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) planning will be implemented into the API system in the planned API RP-2SIM for publication in 2011 or 2012. All standards also include list of preselected areas and minimum inspection requirements for periodical inspections. These minimum requirements for floating installations should also be reviewed and updated based on the requirements of the RCS classifying the vessel, if they are found to be more conservative.
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Assessment Criteria
As criteria for new platform, with inclusion of recent data collection and use of : - current state of art review - experience from adjacent fields - additional data from actual field sea-states Conservative evaluation from as-built records and use of recent survey info on: - marine growth - appurtenances - removals/additions/modifications - topsides weight control - wind areas As criteria for new platform with inclusion of: - subsidence information - current state-of-the-art review - experience form adjacent fields - post-drive foundation analyses - scour survey and maintenance The structure dimensions are fixed and known. In-service inspection may be applied. Actual characteristic strength of steel based on actual material certificates may be used. Structural performance may have been measured and used to update structural analysis. The quality of the analysis is critical. Sufficient time for model tests, removing of conservatism where possible, redundancy studies to determine ultimate strength of structure and foundation, sensitivity studies on various parameters to improve confidence levels Structure has some stresses up to yield stress, but some assessment standards allow for some yielding if the structure has proven strength and redundancy.
Topology and dimensions may be changed. No service inspection available. Conservative modeling using global percentages to cover notfinalized details and simple geometric assumptions
Stress Analysis
The time for analysis is critical. Strict compliance with code of practice and regulatory documents.
Results Evaluation
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Table 7-2 Comparison of Wave Criteria for New L-1 and Assessment Criteria
The requirement to deck elevations versus water depth is provided for GoM in API Figures 17.6.2-2b 17.6.2-3b. The following guidelines are recommended in the code: 1. The ultimate strength of undamaged members, joints, and piles can be established using the formulas of Sections 3, 4, 6 and 7 (API) with all safety factors removed. The ultimate strength of joints may also be determined using a mean formula or equation versus the lower bound formulas for joints in Section4 (API). 2. The ultimate strength of damaged or repaired elements of the structure may be evaluated using a rational, defensible engineering approach, including special procedures developed for the purpose. 3. Actual (coupon test) or expected mean yield stresses may be used instead of nominal yield stresses. Increased strength due to strain hardening may also be acknowledged if the section is sufficiently compact, but not rate effects beyond the normal (fast) mill tension tests. 4. Studies and tests have indicated that effective length (K) factors are substantially lower for elements of a frame subjected to overload than those specified in 3.3.1d (API). Lower values may be used if it can be demonstrated that they are both applicable and substantiated. In addition, three alternative assessment procedures subject to specified limitations are considered as acceptable: assessment of similar platforms by comparison assessment through the use of explicit probabilities of failure assessment based on prior exposure, surviving actual exposure to an event that is known with confidence to have been either as severe or more severe than the applicable ultimate strength criteria based on the exposure category The assessment process described in Section 17 of API RP 2A WSD and API Bulletin 2INT-EX include significant detail covering initiators, categories A-1 to A-3, surveys, environmental loading, structural analysis, and mitigation alternatives. The assessment also includes fatigue, and strength evaluations. The ultimate strength analysis is only required to determine the RSR as stated above.
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More detailed comparison of the assessment requirements is given in Table 7-3 for the three codes and methods for assessing damaged/corroded members and damaged joints are presented in Table 7-4 for the ISO and NORSOK. No such guidance is given in API. It should be noted that unlike API and ISO, NORSOK does not allow lower assessment criteria than the highest L-1 or A-1 for manned platforms. However, in N-001 relaxed requirements are formulated to for platforms that are normally unmanned.
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Assessment Process
Platform selection (Section 17.2) Categorization (Section 17.3) Condition assessment (Section 17.4) Design basis check (Sections 17.5 and 17.6) Analysis check (Sections 17.6 and 17.7) Consideration of mitigations (Section 17.8)
24.2 a) assemble data on the structure, its history and exposure level, see 24.3 b) determine if any assessment initiators are triggered, see 24.4 c) determine acceptance criteria, see 24.5 d) assess the condition of the structure, see 24.6 e) assess the actions, see 24.7 f) screen the structure in comparison with similiar structures, see 24.8 g) perform a resistance assessment, see 24.9 using 1) design level analysis 2) ultimate strength level analysis 3) prevention and mitigation, see 24.10
4.1 - design, fabrication and installation resume and as-built drawings - doucmentation of as-is condition - planned changes and modifications of the facility - updated design basis and specifications - calibration of analysis models to measurements of behavior if such measurements exist - the history of degradations and incidents - prediction of future degradations and incidents - the effect of degradation on future performance of the structure - a documentation of technical and operational integrity - planned mitigations - a plan or strategy for the maintenance and inspection 4.2 a) changes from the original design or previous assessment basis, including - modification to the facilities, - more onerous environmental conditions and/or criteria, - more onerous component or foundation resistance data - physical changes to the structure's design basis - inadequate deck height b) damage or deterioration of a primary structural component or a mechanical component c) exceedance of design service life, if either - the remaining fatigue life (including design fatigue factors) is less than the required extended service life - degradation of the structure beyond design allowances, or is likely to occur within the required extended service life
Section 17.2 24.4 Definition of Significant: The total of the cumulative changes in greater than 10% a) Changes from the original design or previous assessment basis, including - Additional of personnel : life safety level changed to a more restrictive level 1) addtion of personnel or facilities - Addition of facilities: addition of facilities or the consequence of failure level changed significantly 2) modification to the facilities - Increased loading on structure : the new combined environmental/operational loading significantly increased 3) more onerous enviromental conditions and/or criteria - Inadequate deck height: platforms with inadequate deck height for its exposure category and not designed for the impact of 4) more onerous component or foundation resistance data and/or criteria wave loading on the deck 5) physical changes to the structure's design basis, e.g. excessive scour or subsidence - Damage found during inspections: significant damage to primary structural components found during any inspection 6) inadequate deck height, such that waves associated with previous or new criteria will impact the deck, and provided such action was not previously considered. b) Damage or deterioration of a primary structural component c) Exceedance of design service life - the fatigue life (including safety factors) is less than the required extended service life - degradation of the structure due to corrosion is present, or is likely to occur, within the required extended service life An extension of the design service life can be accepted without a full assessment if inspection of the structure shows that timeb-dependent degradation (i.e. fatigue and corrosion) has not become significant and that there have been no changes to the design criteria Section 17.3 24.3.2 Assessment categories based on: Life safety, Consequence of failure Acceptance criteria for assessment depend on the exposure level of the platform. Life Safety - Manned-Non-Evacuated - Manned-Evacuated - Unmanned Consequence of failure - A-1 - High Assessment Category: existing major platforms and/or those platforms that have potential for well flow of either oil or sour gas in the event of failure; All platofrms in water depths greater than 400 ft are considered A-1 - A-2 - Medium Assessment Category: exisiting platforms where production would be shut-in during the design event; exisitng platforms that do not meet the A-1 or A-3 definitions - A-3 - Low Assessment Category: exisiting platforms where production would be shut-in during the design event; Section 17.4 - Topsides - only require the annual Level I survey: topside arrangement and configuration, platform exposure category, structural framing details etc. - Underwater - Level II survey - Soil Data - Available on- or near-site soil borings and geophysical data should be reviewed. 24.6 - Topsides surveys - Underwater and splash zone surveys: Level II inspection as a minimum - Foundation data : available on-site or near-site soil borings shall be reviewed.
See 4.1
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Notes: 1. RSR - defined as the ratio of a platform's ultimate lateral load carrying capacity to its 100-yr L-1 environmental condition lateral loading,
computed using present API RP 2A criteria for new design as contained in Section 2. 2. The assessment process described herein is applicable for areas outside of the U.S., w ith the exception of the use of the reduced criteria w hich are applicable for indicated U.S. areas only.
Notes: 1. Both hurricanes and w inter storms are important to the assessment process. In calculating w ave forces based on Section 2.3, a w ave
kinematics factor of 0.88 should be used for hurricanes, and 1.0 for w inter storms.
A platform ow ner should take into account the higher risk of platform failure in extreme hurricanes, in comparison to new design, w hen using the reduced Section 17 criteria.
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It is emphasized that the results in Table A.9.9-2 relate to new, unmanned (evacuated) structures. For exisitng structures, the criteria may be relaxed, provided the risk is kept as low as reasonably practicable. Fatigue Limit State - the results of a fatigue assessment in accordance with Clause 16 shows that the fatigue lives of all members and joints are at least equal to the total design service life, and the inspection history shows no fatigue cracks or unexplained damage - a fatigue assessment in accordance with Clause 16 has identified the joints with the lowest fatigue lives and periodic inspection of these joints finds no fatigue cracks or unexplained damage - where fatigue lives of any members and joints are calculated to be less than the total design service life of the structure and fatigue damage has been identified, the structure may be assumed to be fit-for-purpose, provided conservative fracture mechanics predictions of fatigue crack growth demonstrate adequate future life and periodic - Seismic design consideration (24.7.4) The considerations are as given in Clause 11. A two-level seismic design procedure shall be followed: - Ultimate limit state (ULS) for strength and stiffness when subjected to an extreme level earthquake (ELE), from which it should sustain little or no damage. - Abnormal level earthquake (ALE) to ensure that it meets reserve strength and energy dissipation requirements. The strutcure may sustain considerable damage from ALE, but structural failures causing loss of life and /or major enviromental damage shall not be expected to occure.
2) The time interval for inspection shall be planned such that potential fatigue cracks can be detected with a large certainty before they grow so large that the integrity of the structure is endangered. 3) Components where a failure can lead to sustantial consequences and have passed their fatigue design life shall be inspected by an appropriate NDT method. These components shall have a maximum inspection interval of 5 years if calculated interval gives a longer period. 4) If there is less than 5 years of corrosion allowance for the components that have experienced significant corrosion, corrosion inspections are required at intervals not exceeding 2 years. 5) Risk based inspection may be recommended for planning of in-service inspection for fatigue cracks. 6) The acceptance criterion when planning in-service inspection for fatigue cracks based on RBI is depending on consequence of failure. The risk of a structural failure due to fatigue cracks should not be larger than risk of other failure modes. - Methodology for low cycle fatigue of joints is given in 8.4.
- Assessment for Seismic Loading 1. Assessment for seismic loading is not a requirement for seismic zones 0, 1 and 2 2. Assessment for metocean loading should be performed for all seismic zones 3. Perform assessment for ice loading, if applicable. 4. Design basis check - the platforms are acceptable to seismic loading if no significant new faults in the local area have been discovered, or any other information regarding site seismic hazard characterization has been developed that significantly increases the level of seismic loading used in the platform's original design 5. Design level analysis - to be an operator's economic risk desicion and not applicable for seismic assessment purposes. 6. Ultimate strength analysis - is requiremed if the platform does not pass the design level check or screening; Level A-1 platforms withstand loads associated with a median 1000-yr return period earthquake without system collapse; Level A-3 platforms withstand loads associated with a median 500-yr return period earthquake without system collapse - Assessment for Ice Loading follow API RP 2N for guidance on the selection of appropriate ice criteria and loading
- Ice Conditions and Actions due to Ice (24.7.5) Guidance on ice conditions and actions due to ice is given in ISO 19901-1 for certain areas.
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exposure categories L-1, L-2, and L-3 on one axis and the high, medium, and low probability of occurrence on the other axis.
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8.2.2 ISO 19902 In general, ISO Clause 10 defines a hazard as the potential for human injury, damage to the environment, damage to property or a combination of these. In this standard, the hazards are grouped into three main groups according to a probability of occurring or return period of being exceeded: Group 1 hazards with return periods of the order of 100 years Group 2 - hazards with return periods of the order of 1000 to 10000 years Group 3 - hazards with return periods well in excess of 10000 years
Designing for hazards of group 1 is normally treated by the regular design process. Other hazards belonging to group 1 and not treated by the regular design process along with hazards belonging to group 2 are specially addressed by ALS requirements. Hazards falling into group 3 are considered as residual accidentals and may normally be ignored for design. As indicated in ISO 19900, the accidental situations are related to two types of hazards: Hazards associated with specially identified accidental events, such as vessel collisions, dropped objects and fires and explosions. Hazards associated with abnormal environmental actions including abnormal earthquake. Abnormal design situation may be based on a return period of 10000 years for an exposure level L1 platform.
When checking accidental limit states (ALS) for accidental or abnormal events, all partially action and resistance factors are to be taken as 1.0. 8.2.3 NORSOK NORSOK N001, N-004 and N-006 state that the structure shall be checked for all ALSs for the design accidental actions defined in the risk analysis recommended in the standards. The material factor is taken as 1.0 in the ALS check. According to NORSOK N-001, the structure is to be checked in two steps: Step 1: Resistance of the structure against design accidental actions the structure is to maintain the prescribed load carrying capacity for the defined accidental loads Step 2: Post-accident resistance of the structure against environmental actions If local damage occurred from step 1, the facility shall continue to resist defined environmental conditions without suffering extensive failure, free drifting, capsizing and sinking etc.
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Typical accidental actions include ship collisions, dropped objects and fire and explosion. NORSOK N-004, Annex A gives the design recommendations for these actions.
The impact velocity is given for two energy levels in ISO: a) Low energy impact: 0.5 m/s; representing a minor accidental bump during normal maneuvering of the vessel b) High energy impact: 2 m/s; representing a vessel drifting out-of-control in a sea state with significant wave height of 4 m. In API and ISO, the added mass is introduced as an added mass factor (1.4 for broadside collision, 1.1 for bow/stern collision). ISO indicates that these added mass coefficients are typical for large (5000 t displacement) supply vessels and a slightly higher value, e.g. 1.6 should be applied for a typical 2500 t supply vessel. Accordingly, it seems that the added mass factor in API for a 1000 metric ton vessel should probably be increased. For small supply vessels, the impact energy calculated using ISO added mass factor is larger compared to that predicted using API added mass coefficients. NORSOK N-003 states that for collision energy the mass of the supply ship should normally not be less than 5000 tons and the speed not less than 0.5 m/s and 2 m/s for ULS and ALS design checks, respectively. This recommendation is consistent with ISO requirements.
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All three codes require that the platform survives the initial collision and that the residual strength requirements are complied with. API requires that the platform survives the initial impact and retain sufficient residual strength after impact to withstand the one-year environmental storm loads in addition to normal operating conditions. ISO states that impact energy level a) (defined above) represents a serviceability limit state and that the owner can set his own requirements based on practical and economic considerations; and level b) represents an ultimate limit state in which the structure is damaged but progressive collapse shall not occur. NORSOK requires two steps of ALS check: remain intact with the damage imposed by the ship collisions and meet residual strength requirements under undamaged condition. In NORSOK, force-deformation relationships for a large column impact, tubular and beam type, are provided for supply vessels with displacement of 5000 tons which is commonly used in the North Sea. The detailed resistance for different types of members is also given. Compared to API and ISO, the designer may find more guidance in NORSOK to determine appropriate boat impact forces.
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A blast can cause two types of loading: overpressure and drag loading; Overpressure is likely to govern the design of structures such as blast walls and floor/roof systems. API states that the blast overpressures in a platform can vary from zero on a small, open platform to more than 2 bars (1 bar = 14.7 psi) in an enclosed or congested installation. Drag loading is caused by blast-generated wind. Critical piping, equipment, and other items exposed to the blast wind should be designed to resist the drag loading. Static or dynamic analysis can be performed based on the duration of the blast loading relative to the natural period of the structure.
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The following acceptable criteria are given in API: 1. Strength limit: API RP 2A is a working stress design. The allowable stresses can be increased so that the safety factor is 1.0. 2. Deformation limit: the API recommendations are given in Table 8-1.
The determination of the yield point is essential to blast analysis. API states that actual yield stress should be used in the analysis and strain rates and strain hardening effects should be included in determining the yield stress and general material behavior. API 2A suggests that fire and blast assessments should be performed together and the effects of one on the other are carefully analyzed. The API RP 2FB 1st Ed. /8/ published in 2006 contains significantly more comprehensive treatment of the fire and blast design than previous included in API RP 2A. The document covers the required risk analyses and design methodologies against fire and blast on GOM offshore structures. As an example, the recommended structural fire and blast assessment procedures are depicted in Figure 8-2.
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ISO 13702 contains requirements and recommendations for control and mitigation of fires and explosions. New ISO 19901-3 (2010) contains more specific requirements for topsides structures. NORSOK N-004 refers to Norwegian Standard NS-ENV 1993-1 for fire load effect assessment. NORSOK states that the response to explosion loads may either be determined by non-linear dynamic finite element analysis or by simple calculation models based on SDOF analogies and elastic-plastic methods of analysis. Details for both methods are given in Annex A.6 of N-004 issued in 2004 prior to publication of the API RP 2FB.
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9.2 Lifting
9.2.1 Dynamic Effects API gives the dynamic load effects for the following conditions: 1. At open, exposed sea: padeyes and other internal members including both connections framing into the joint where the padeye is attached and transmitting lifting forces within the structure should be designed for a minimum load factor of 2.0 applied to calculated static loads. All other structural members transmitting lifting forces should be designed using a minimum load factor of 1.35. 2. For other marine situations, the selection of load factors should meet the expected local conditions but should not be less than a minimum 1.5 and 1.15 for the two conditions as listed above. 3. For land-based lifting, dynamic load factors are not required. Dynamic amplification factors are given in ISO 19902 Clause 8 and more details are included in ISO 19901-6 Clause 18, see Table 9-1. The maximum DAF in ISO is 1.3 compared to APIs 1.35. Also ISO DAF is >1.0 on land when moving elements are involved whereas API allows no DAF (i.e., DAF=1.0). Also the ISO reduces the DAF with the increase in the weight lifted which is a logical process not yet adopted by API RP 2A.
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For onshore lifts, where the crane can move horizontally, the moving column in Table 9-1 shall apply. ISO 19901-6 also states that the DAF values in Table 9-1 shall be multiplied by a further factor of 1.1 for offshore lifts by cranes on two or more similar vessels. Compared to API, ISO recommends DAF that includes the crane number effects (rigging factors) and local factor except lifting conditions. 9.2.2 Effect of Fabrication Tolerance The dynamic load factors are affected by fabrication tolerance and sling length tolerance which are addressed in both API and ISO. API requires that the fabrication tolerances do not exceed the requirements of Section 11.5.1 of API RP 2A and the variation in length of slings does not exceed 0.25% of nominal sling length, or 1.5 inches. The total variation from the longest to the shortest sling should not be greater than 0.5% of the sling length or 3 inches. If the tolerances exceed these limits, a detailed analysis including these tolerances should be performed. ISOs requirements are intended to apply to the situations where fabrication misalignments are consistent with Annex G of ISO 19902 and where the variance on the length of slings does not exceed the greater of 0.25% of the nominal sling length or 40 mm, which is close to API requirements. 9.2.3 Allowable Stresses and Action Factors API does not allow the increase of allowable stresses in lifting design due to short-term loads. It requires that all critical structural connections and primary members should be designed to have adequate reserve strength to ensure structural integrity during lifting. In API, the lifting eyes and the connections to the supporting structural members should be designed for a horizontal force of 5% of the static sling load, applied simultaneously
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with the static sling load. This horizontal force should be applied perpendicular to the padeye at the center of the pinhole. This is not required by ISO. In ISO, member and joint strengths should be checked using one of the following formulae (Equation 9.1 and 9.2): (9.1) (9.2) Fd = design action S = internal force kDAF = dynamic amplification factor; 1.10 for heavy lift by semi-submersible crane vessel for in air offshore lifts or in air onshore or in sheltered waters ; 1.30 in other cases for offshore in air. f,dl = the rigging factor, 1.10 for a dual lift; 1.00 for single crane f,lf = local factor, for lifting attachments, spreader beams, and internal members attached to lifting point: 1.25 (for a lift in open waters), 1.15 (for a lift on shore or in shelter waters); 1.00 for other structures; f,sun = partial factor, 1.30 GT = the action imposed either by the weight of the structure in air, or by the submerged weight of the structure in water QT = the action imposed by the weight of the temporary equipment or other objects, including any rigging installed or carried by the structure T = the lifting actions and hydrostatic pressure on the structure 9.2.4 Slings, Shackles and Fittings Both API and ISO require that slings should have a total resistance factor of 4.0 on the manufacturers rated minimum breaking strength of the cable compared to the calculated sling force. The total resistance factor may be reduced to a minimum of 3.0 for carefully controlled conditions. ISO and API also have the same requirements for shackles and fittings. Shackles and fittings should be selected so that the manufacturers rated working load is greater than or equal to the calculated sling force, provided the manufacturers specifications include a minimum resistance factor of 3.0 on minimum breaking strength.
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In addition, ISO recommends that the slings should be assumed to carry the lift point force in a 45:55% split of the lift point force between the two slings, where two slings are connected to one padeye, or where a split of the lift point force between the two slings. API doesnt require it.
9.3 Loadout
API gives short descriptions of two scenarios of loadout: direct lift and horizontal movement onto barge. If the lifting arrangement by a direct lift is different with that to be used in the offshore installation, the lifting forces should be evaluated. Since the lifting in open sea will impose more severe conditions, it is sufficient to check the latter case. During the horizontal movement onto barge, impact need not be considered since the movement is normally slow. ISO gives the same recommendations to direct lift and horizontal movement onto barge. In addition, it also gives guidelines to self-floating structures. Actions should be evaluated for the full travel of the structure down the ways. ISO clearly states that the guideline for self-floating structures does not apply to self-floating structures built in dry dock and floated by flooding the dock.
9.4 Transportation
The basic guidelines in API and ISO are the same, including environmental criteria, determination of forces and special considerations (slamming, VIV, fatigue etc.). These guidelines are summarized in Table 9-2. Compared to API, ISO suggest that the environmental conditions used to determine the tow motions should be established by the owner. It also gives the following guidelines: For long ocean tows where the structure and barge are unmanned, the extreme environmental conditions are typically selected to have a probability of exceedance during the tow duration in the range of 1% to 10%. The specific value will depend on an evaluation of acceptable risks and consequences. For short duration tows, the environmental conditions should generally have a return period of not less than 1 year for the season in which the tow takes place.
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Sa, map (1.0) is the 1.0s horizontal accelerations Based on it, the site seismic zones can be determined from worldwide seismic maps. Six seismic zones are defined in API as shown in Table 10-2 below. The table is based on 200 year return period earthquake. Table 10-2 Seismic Zone In API Z G 0 0.00 1 0.05 2 0.10 3 0.20 4 0.25 5 0.40
Where Z = Zone or relative seismicity factor given in Figure C2.3.6-1. G = Ratio of effective horizontal ground acceleration to gravitational acceleration 10.2.4 Foundation Soil Types In ISO, the site soil classifications have been expanded to include A/B, C, D, E and F in contrast to the soil types of A, B and C used in API. The details are included in Table 10-3. Table 10-3 Site Class
Average properties in top 30m of effective seabed Site class (ISO) A/B C D E F Soil profile name Hard rock/Rock, thickness of sediment < 5m Very dense hard soil and soft rock Stiff to very stiff soil Soft to firm soil Soil shear wave velocity, s, m/s s > 750 (API Soil A) 350 < s 750 180 < s 350 (API Soil B) 120 < s 180 (API Soil C) Any profile, including those otherwise classified as A to E.
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10.2.5 Earthquake Response Spectrum The API RP 2A response spectrum is defined as follows: T<0.05 s Sa/G = 1.0 0.05 sec < T < 0.125 s Sa/G = 20T API soil type A : 0.125 sec < T < 0.32 s Sa/G = 2.5 T > 0.32 s Sa/G = 0.8/T API soil type B : 0.125 sec < T < 0.48 s Sa/G = 2.5 T > 0.48 s Sa/G = 1.2/T API soil type C : 0.125 sec < T < 0.72 s Sa/G = 2.5 T > 0.72 s Sa/G = 1.8/T where G = effective horizontal ground acceleration The response spectrum defined in ISO 19901-2 is: Sa,site (T) = (3T+0.4)(Ca)Sa,map(0.2) for T 0.2s Sa,site (T) = CvSa,map(1.0)/T for T> 0.2s except that Sa,site (T) CaSa,map(0.2) Sa,site (T) = 4CvSa,map(1.0)/T2 for T> 4 s Where T = natural period of a simple, single degree of freedom oscillator Ca, Cv = site coefficients Sa,site (T) = site spectral acceleration corresponding to a return period of 1000 years and a single degree of freedom oscillator period T Sa,map(0.2) = 1000 year rock outcrop spectral acceleration obtained from maps in Annex 2 of ISO 19901-2 associated with a single degree of freedom oscillator period 0.2 s Sa,map(1.0) = 1000 year rock outcrop spectral acceleration obtained from maps in Annex 2 of ISO 19901-2 associated with a single degree of freedom oscillator period 1.0 s 10.2.6 Earthquake Directional Loads Both API and ISO suggest that design spectrum should be applied equally (1:1) in both horizontal directions and one-half of that applied in the vertical direction simultaneously, when the response spectrum method is used. NORSOK also suggest the two horizontal directions and one vertical direction combination. One of the horizontal excitations should be parallel to a main structural axis, with the major
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component directed to obtain the maximum value for the response quantity considered. The orthogonal horizontal component may be set equal to 2/3 of the major component and the vertical equal to 2/3 of the major component. 10.2.7 Earthquake Directional Combination The square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) is recommended to be used for combining the directional responses in both API and ISO. ISO also states that the three directional responses may be combined linearly assuming that one component is at its maximum while the other two components are at 40% of their respective maximum values. 10.2.8 Time History Analysis When a non-linear time history analysis is used, ISO requires that global structural survival shall be demonstrated in half or more of the time history analyses if seven or more time-history records are used. If fewer than seven time-history analyses are used, global survival shall be demonstrated in at least four time-history analyses. API requires that at least three sets of representative earthquake ground motion time histories should be analyzed. NORSOK suggests that the load effect should be calculated for at least three sets of time histories. 10.2.9 Structural Components - Tubular D/t Ratio API suggests that the slenderness ratio (kl/r) of the primary diagonal bracing in vertical frames is limited to 80 and their ratio of diameter to thickness (D/t) is limited to1900/Fy (Fy is the yield strength in ksi) or 13100/Fy (Fy in MPa). In ISO, the slenderness ratio (kl/r) of primary bracing in vertical frames shall be limited to no more than 80 and FyD/E.t 0.069 or 13800/Fy (Fy in MPa). 10.2.10 Pile Axial Capacity Requirements API RP 2A requires a safety factor of pile penetration of 1.50 under the extreme condition and 2.0 under the operating condition. ISO requires a partial resistance factor for pile axial capacity of 1.25 for extreme condition and a partial resistance factor for the p-y curves of 1.0 is used to determine the lateral pile performance. The partial resistance factors for axial capacity and lateral pile performance under ALE conditions shall be 1.0.
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10.3.1 Two Level check The structure is designed for two levels of earthquakes in API and ISO requirements: Strength Level Earthquake (Extreme Level Earthquake): 100 200 year return period; Structural stress should not exceed yield. Under SLE (ELE), structure should sustain little or no damage. Ductility Level Earthquake (Abnormal Level Earthquake): 1000-5000 year return. Structural stress may exceed yield but should not collapse. In NORSOK, earthquake design includes ULS (Ultimate Limit State) check of components based on earthquakes with an annual probability of occurrence of 10-2 and appropriate action and material factors; as well as an ALS (Abnormal Limit State) check of the overall structure to prevent its collapse during earthquakes with an annual probability of exceedance of 10-4 with appropriate action and material factors. 10.3.2 Action Combinations ELE Requirements API states that earthquake loading should be combined with other simultaneous loadings such as gravity, buoyancy and hydrostatic pressure. Gravity loading should include the platform dead weight, actual live loads and 75% of the maximum supply and storage loads. In computing the dynamic characteristics of braced, pile supported steel structures, uniform modal damping ratio of 5% critical should be used. API also states that the basic AISC allowable stresses and those presented in Section 3.2 (Allowable Stresses for Cylindrical Members) may be increased by 70% for strength requirement. ISO requires that the all members, joints and pile components shall be checked for strength for using internal force resulting from the design action calculated by the following equations: Fd = 1.1G1 + 1.1 G2 + 1.1Q1 + 0.9 E Or Fd = 0.9G1 + 0.9 G2 + 0.8Q1 + 0.9 E Where E = the inertia action induced by ELE ground motion, which depends on the exposure level and the expected intensity of seismic events G1 = self-weight of the structure with associated equipment and other objects G2 = self-weight of equipment and other objects that remain constant for long periods of time, but can change during a mode of operation Q1 = the weight of consumable supplies and fluids in pipe, tanks and storage, etc. A modal damping ratio of up to 5% of critical is the same as the requirement in API. The inertia action (E) induced by ELE (SLE) ground motion can be determined by dynamic analysis procedures such as response spectrum analysis or time history analysis.
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(10.1a) (10.1b)
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NORSOK N-001 states that earthquake shall be handled as environmental action within the limit state design for ULS and ALS. It can be interpreted into the following equations for ELE: ULS (a): 1.3G + 1.3Q + 0.7E ULS (b): 1.0G + 1.0Q + 1.3 E ALS (Abnormal effect): 1.0G + 1.0Q + 1.0 E Where: G = permanent actions Q = Variable actions E = Earthquake action A modal damping ratio of up to 5% of critical is the same as the requirement in API and ISO. ALE Requirements NORSOK also gives the guideline for action combination for ALS: ALS (Abnormal effect): 1.0G + 1.0Q + 1.0 E 10.3.3 Seismic Design Procedures API gives the basic guidelines for seismic analysis, but there is not straightforward procedure can be followed. Compared to API, ISO gives the detailed procedures which are easy for the designers to follow. The summary of the procedures in ISO is included below. Two alternative procedures for seismic design are provided in ISO, one is simplified method and another is detailed method. A simplified method may be used where seismic considerations are unlikely to govern the design of a structure, while the detailed method shall be used where seismic considerations have a significant impact on the design. The selection of the appropriate procedure depends on the exposure level of the structure and the expected intensity and characteristics of seismic events. Simple method allows using the generic seismic maps provided in ISO, while the detailed procedure requires a site-specific seismic study. Figure 10-1 presents a flowchart of the selection procedures and the steps associated with both procedures, which are given in ISO 19901-2. ISO also summarizes the seismic design requirements in Table 10-4.
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Figure 10-1 Seismic design procedures in ISO 19901-2 (Figure 1of ISO 19901-2)
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The design requirements in Table 10-4 is based on the SRC determination given below. SRC Determination The complexity of a seismic action evaluation and the associated design procedure depends on the structures seismic risk category (SRC). ISO recommends that the following steps shall be followed to determine the SRC. 1. Determine the site seismic zone from the worldwide seismic maps in ISO, see Table 10-1. 2. Determine the structures exposure level. The simplified seismic action procedure has been given in Table 10-5. Table 10-5 Target annual probability of failure, pf Exposure Level L1 L2 L3 pf 4 x 10 = 1/2500 1 x 10-3 = 1/1000 2.5 x 10-3 = 1/400
3. Determine the structures seismic risk category, SRC, based on the exposure level and the site seismic zone the SCR is determined from Table 10-6.
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Table 10-6 Seismic risk category, SRC Site seismic zone 0 1 2 3 4 Exposure level L3 SRC1 SRC2 SRC2 SRC2 SRC3 L2 SRC1 SRC2 SRC2 SRC3 SRC4 L1 SRC1 SRC3 SRC4 SRC4 SRC4
For platforms classified as SRC1, no seismic design or analysis is required. For platforms classified as SRC2, the simplified method can be used for seismic design and analysis. ISO maps or regional maps can be used for evaluation of seismic activity. For platforms classified as SRC3, either simplified or detailed method can be used for seismic design and analysis. Site specific, ISO maps or regional maps can be used for the evaluation of seismic activity. For platforms classified as SRC4, the detailed method shall be used for seismic design and analysis. A site-specific study shall be performed for evaluation of seismic activity. Only platforms classified as SRC4, non-linear ALE analysis is required. Simplified Method The simplified method includes the following steps: 1) Soil classification and spectral shape a) Determine site soil classification (Table 10-3) b) Determine site coefficients (Ca, Cv) Ca, and Cv depend on the site class and either the mapped 0.2 sec. or 0.1 sec spectral accelerations for shallow foundations, see Table 10-7 and Table 10-8. Table 10-7 Ca for shallow foundations and 0.2 s period spectral acceleration (ISO 19901-2 Table 6)
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Table 10-8 Cv for shallow foundations and 0.2 s period spectral acceleration (ISO 19901-2 Table 7)
For deep foundations, the coefficients Ca and Cv depend on site class only, see Table 10-9 below. Table 10-9 Values of Ca and Cv for deep pile foundation
c) Determine site 1000-year horizontal acceleration spectrum Sa,site (T) for different oscillator periods (T), see /2/. d) The site vertical spectral acceleration at a period T shall be taken as half the corresponding horizontal spectral acceleration. The vertical spectrum shall not be reduced further due to water depth effects. e) A modal damping corresponding to 5% of critical can be used to obtain the acceleration spectra. For other damping value, the ordinates may be scaled by applying a correction factor D:
2) Seismic action procedure The ALE horizontal and vertical spectral accelerations are obtained from the site 1000-year spectral acceleration multiplied by a scale factor of NALE (Table 10-10), which depends on the structure exposure level. Sa,ALE(T) = NALE * Sa,site (T) (10.2)
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Table 10-10 Scale factors for ALE spectra Exposure Level L3 L2 L1 ALE scale factor 0.85 1.15 1.60
The ELE horizontal and vertical spectral acceleration at oscillator period T: Sa,ELE (T) = Sa, ALE (T)/Cr (10.3) Cr is platform reserve capacity factor, which is dependent on the platform ductility. To avoid return periods for the ELE that are too short, Cr values shall not exceed 2.8 for L1 structures; 2.4 for L2 structures; and 2.0 for L3 structures. Detailed Method Detailed method is required for the platforms categorized as SRC 3 and 4. 1) Site-specific Study This study in normally performed by specialists using probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and/or with deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) as a complement to PHSA. As a result of PSHA, a set of hazard curves will be generated in terms of probability of exceedance versus ground motion or response of single degree of freedom oscillator. Each curve represents a spectral response to a specific natural period of the oscillator. 2) Seismic action procedure This procedure is based on PSHA results. The following steps shall be followed to define the ALE and ELE spectral accelerations: a) Plot the site-specific hazard curve for T = Tdom on a log10-log10 basis b) Choose the target annual probability of failure, Pf (Table 10-5 Target annual probability of failure, pf ), and determine the site-specific spectral acceleration at Pf, Sa,pf(Tdom). c) Determine the slope of the seismic hazard curve (R) in the region close to Pf by drawing a tangent line to the seismic hazard curve at Pf. The slope R is defined as ratio of the spectral accelerations corresponding to two probability values, at the neighbourhood of Pf. One is larger than Pf and another is less than Pf. d) The correction factor Cc is used to capture the uncertainties not reflected in the seismic hazard curve.
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Table 10-11 Correction factor Cc R Cc 1.75 1.20 2.0 1.15 2.5 1.12 3.0 1.10 3.5 1.10
e) Determine the ALE spectral acceleration by applying the correction factor Cc to Sa,pf(Tdom) Sa,ALE (Tdom) = Cc Sa,pf (Tdom) (10.4) The annual probability of exceedance (PALE) for ALE event can be directly read from the seismic hazard curve. Treturn = 1/PALE (in years) f) Once the ALE spectral acceleration Sa,pf(Tdom) is determined, the ELE spectral acceleration can be obtained. (10.5) Sa,ELE (Tdom) = Sa,ALE (Tdom)/Cr The annual probability of exceedance (PELE) for ELE event can be directly read from the seismic hazard curve. Treturn = 1/PELE (in years) (10.6) 10.3.4 Seismic Analysis Methods Several analysis methods are discussed in these design codes and summarized as follows: Linear methods i) Response spectrum analysis ii) Time history method (modal analysis method, or direct time integration numerical analysis method) Non-linear methods i) Static pushover or extreme displacement method This method is mentioned in both API and ISO. Only ISO gives the procedure to be followed. In ISO, the objective of the static pushover analysis is to verify that the seismic reserve capacity factor, Cr, of the structure is greater than that initially estimated for design. Cr is defined as: Cr = Csr Cdr (10.7) Where Csr = u/ELE, is a factor corresponding to the strengthening region of the actiondeformation. Cdr is a factor corresponding to the degrading region of the action-deformation curve. It is measure of energy dissipation capacity of the structure beyond the ultimate seismic action and the corresponding deformation.
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Where Ad is the area under the action-deformation curve starting from u and ending with CAP, the deformation capacity of the structure. CAP corresponds to 60% of Fu. ii) Non-linear time history analysis method Its objective is to demonstrate that the structure can expected to sustain the ALE seismic event without collapse and without major topsides failure. The linear methods can be used for ELE (or SLE) design and analysis, while the non-linear methods can be used for ALE (or DLE) design and analysis. Response spectrum analysis method is a relatively simple and cost effective method.
= 1 + F
u u
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This section describes the two case studies performed within the framework of the comparison study, to demonstrate how the differences in the design codes would affect utilization of the structure. Two studies were performed, analyzing a fixed platform and a floating structure separately in order to assess the different methods and applicable standards for types of structures. It should be stated that even though the selected structures are representative, they have only been analyzed with the objective of comparing the standards and not actual design optimization or practical construction considerations.
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The concept model developed in GeniE allows the user to define complex model of the structure, apply the permanent, functional and environmental loads, and define model properties used by other programs in the package. The hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces due to waves and currents, together with wind loads are computed by WAJAC (according to Morisons equation), and are automatically transferred for subsequent structural analyses. The non-linear soil-pile analysis is performed in SPLICE, in combination with SESTRA. SPLICE solves the displacements at the pilestructure interface points for a linear-elastic superstructure modeled with non-linear pile foundations. Finally, the FE analysis is performed in SESTRA, the DNV solver for linear structural FE analysis, and the results are imported into GeniE for further post-processing. The element forces calculated by SESTRA are mapped to the capacity model created within GeniE. The final step of the analysis was performing the unity checks, using the code check formulations which are already implemented in the software. A two parts comparison was performed within the scope of this case study. The first part focused on the global loads comparison, while the second part compared actual utilization formulae specified in the three codes. Comparison of the Global Loads The global loads comparison was performed using the output files from the wave analysis in WAJAC. This exercise was performed for the extreme condition, 100-yr hurricane for Central GoM. The purpose of this study was to compare the global loads on the structure generated according to the environmental load recipes and combinations, formulated based on the three standards: API RP 2A with API Bulletin 2INT-MET, ISO 19902 and NORSOK N-003. The wave loads were computed using each standard for 8 wave headings and 36 wave steps and reported in the listing files; see Appendix B. WAJAC creates two separate load cases based on the calculated maximum base shear force and maximum overturning moment which occur at two different phase angles (see Table 11-3). Comparison of Member and Joint Utilizations The main focus of this part of the comparison study was the member utilization formulas. To assure that the results obtained from the analyses are comparable, the permanent, variable and environmental loads were kept identical. This assumption was made to isolate from the results an impact of differences in the requirements regarding the environmental loads on final member utilizations. For the LRFD method (ISO and NORSOK), action factors were applied. After the FE Analysis was completed, computed element forces were mapped to the capacity model, and member and joint utilizations were calculated for the jacket structure. All parameters utilized in the code check (e.g. member buckling lengths, moment reduction factors) were applied according to the Design Standards requirements. Only one case for each of the code checks was analyzed peak wave case for the 100-yr hurricane for Central GoM. Figure 11-1 shows the capacity model defined in GeniE. The code check was performed on the main structural members of the jacket structure. Utilization of the deck structure was not evaluated since it is not as significantly influenced by the environmental loads. The GeniE software
DNV Reg. No.: EP034373-2011-01 Revision No.: 1 Date :2012-01-12
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recognizes the joint type (Y, X, or K) based on the geometry of joints and the load path and categorizes the members (chord or brace) intersecting at the considered joint.
Figure 11-1 Capacity Model in GeniE 11.1.3 Boundary conditions In order to define identical boundary conditions, the same pile-soil model properties were defined for all cases analyzed within the case study. The composition and properties of the soil simulated in the analyses represent soil, which can be found in the GoM. Four (4) groups of three (3) piles, with approximate penetration of 110 m provide the foundation for the jacket structure. The pile-soil model consists of 8 (eight) soil layers, with properties as presented in Table 11-1. API methods
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were used to generate the soil property curves: the lateral soil resistance P-Y (API-87), the axial pile load transfer-displacement T-Z (API-93), and the pile tip load-displacement Q-Z (API-93). Table 11-1 Properties of Soil Layers
Layer Soil type clay clay sand clay sand sand clay sand From [m] 0 5.0 22.0 27.5 36.0 54.0 100.9 110.5 To [m] 5.0 22.0 27.5 36.0 54.0 100.9 110.5 140.0 Submerged Unit Weight [kN/m3] 8 10 9.5 10 9.5 10 11 10.5 Undrained Shear Strength [kPa] 5 to 20 80 100 35 37 290 35 0.25 Angle of Internal Friction [deg] API-J Factor 0.25 0.25 0.25
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The pile capacity evaluation was excluded from the scope Scope of work Work of this study, therefore the pile-soil model was utilized to only formulate realistic boundary conditions for the structural model. 11.1.4 Loads and Load Combinations Only the extreme 100-year hurricane environmental scenario was analyzed corresponding to the peak wave case (ULS-b in LRFD). A total of 16 load combinations were analyzed in each analysis. For simplicity, the number of load combinations was reduced from that of the original model, analyzing only one position of the drilling module. All permanent and variable loads, as per original design report, were applied to the model. Wave loads were calculated by WAJAC and applied to the structure, eight (8) wave headings with 45 deg increments were analyzed (see Figure 11-2). Single design wave approach was employed. Only the peak wave case for extreme condition was analyzed. The conductor shielding factor defined in the program was calculated based on transverse and longitudinal distance between the conductors. The wave kinematics factor of 0.88 was used. Uniform marine growth with 38.1 mm thickness was modeled for 60 m below waterline. Current blockage factor, varying between analyzed wave headings, was used in the analysis (0.70 for end-on, 0.85 for diagonal, and 0.80 for broadside heading). The Wheeler current stretching was used in the analyses.
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Figure 11-2 Analyzed Wave Headings The environmental loads analyzed in the global loads comparison study, are presented in Table 11-2. It should be highlighted, that the NORSOK standard does not include any direct guidance regarding the environmental loads for hurricane condition in the GoM, therefore the wave, current and wind loads model has been specified based on API 2INT-MET requirements, and load combinations were created based on the NORSOK N-003 standard (ref. Section 2.4.1 for details). In all runs analyzed in the member utilization comparison study, the environmental loads were computed according to requirements of API 2INT-MET. This decision was based on the fact, that all considered design codes allow using site-specific Metocean data in the design. It is also believed that the Metocean data for the GoM included in the API standard has most recently been updated (in 2007) and is therefore adopted herein.
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ISO 110 24.3 13.2 0 46.1 0 2.1 1.76 (35) 0.09 (70) 0.09
NORSOK 110 26.0 13.9 0 48 0 1.32 1.11 (35) 0.00 (70) 0.00
110 26.0 13.9 -15 45.6 15 1.68 1.46 (32) 0.00 (64) 0.00
The environmental loads presented above illustrate different philosophies behind creating the load combinations for FE analyses. Input to the wave analysis for API and NORSOK runs was assumed to be identical; however the guidance for creating the load combinations (only peak wave case was considered) differs between standards. Table 5-1 in API 2INT-MET /11/ provides factors for combining independent extremes into load cases (i.e. for 100-yr hurricane wind speed is reduced by 0.95, and current speed by 0.75), whereas NORSOK N-003 recommends combining the 10-yr current with 100-yr wind and 100-yr wave actions. ISO follows similar philosophy to API factoring the loads with the same return period, however the adjustment is limited to the current speed only (factor of 0.90 is recommended in the ISO 19901-1, Table C.21). 11.1.5 Results This section presents the results summary only. The detail results can be found in Appendix B. Comparison of the Global Loads Table 11-3 presents summary of the results from the comparison of the global loads, induced on the structure by the environment. It can be seen; that the loads and load combinations formulated as per API Standards requirements resulted in largest magnitude of the calculated Base Shear, while the maximum calculated Overturning Moment was observed in the ISO run. The loads computed by software show only minor differences between the runs with smallest and largest loads (~1% difference for both Base Shear and Overturning Moment).
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The results shown above represent the global loads induced on the structure, calculated by WAJAC. These results however do not include applicable load/action factors for LRFD methods (ISO and NORSOK), which normally would be considered during the structural analyses (not performed at this stage of the study). It is believed that for the analyzed ULS-b limit state, considering applicable factors (1.35 for the ISO, and 1.3 for NORSOK), the largest factored global loads would be calculated for the ISO run.
Page 134 Comparison of the Members and Joints Utilization This section presents the result summary for the comparison of the structure utilization. These results were divided into two separate sub-sections, where results for members and joints are summarized separately. a) Member Results Member utilization results are presented in Tables 11-4 through 11-6. Table 11-4 presents the results for the base case (API), with corresponding utilization for the remaining Code Check runs (ISO and NORSOK). Utilization Factors (UF) of fifteen (15) highest utilized members from the API Code Check were presented side-by-side with UFs calculated for the corresponding members, for the same Load Cases, from the ISO and NORSOK runs. The maximum UF reported for each member is compared, without considering the position along the member, where it was calculated. Table 11-4 Maximum Member Utilization Results Base Case (API)
Member UF 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 513 505 1651 1622 96 342 2707 350 348 343 2708 351 3083 448 346
API Formula 3.3.4-3 3.3.4-3 3.3.4-3 3.3.4-3 3.3.3-1 3.3.3-1 3.3.3-1 3.3.3-1 3.3.3-1 3.3.3-1 3.3.3-1 3.3.3-1 3.3.3-1 3.3.3-1 3.3.3-1 LC 8 1 15 13 2 15 7 3 11 5 11 7 15 8 13 UF 0.93 0.93 0.90 0.90 0.81 0.72 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.72 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.51 0.54
Corresponding Utilization ISO NORSOK Formula 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-31 13.2-12 13.2-31 UF 0.80 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.62 0.52 0.50 0.48 0.47 0.51 0.47 0.48 0.47 0.51 0.44 Formula 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.15 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42
Ratio of Total Utilization UFAPI/UFISO 1.08 1.06 1.09 1.08 1.10 1.07 1.39 1.35 1.33 1.00 1.33 1.31 1.26 1.33 1.24 UFAPI/UFNorsok 1.25 1.25 1.23 1.21 1.44 1.48 1.50 1.52 1.53 1.41 1.53 1.48 1.45 1.33 1.52
1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.89 0.77 0.75 0.73 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.68 0.68 0.67
) 33% increase of the allowable stresses included (only extreme load case was analyzed)
Results presented in Table 11-4 for the base case show that the UF calculated according to the API code check formulae are consistently higher than results for remaining codes by up to 39% for ISO and 53% for NORSOK for those 15 members. The lowest utilization was calculated for members according to the NORSOK code check. For the base case, no member was found to fail the code checks (i.e.; there was no overstressed elements).
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The results for the highest utilized members for the ISO and NORSOK Code Check runs are presented in Table 11-5. The results show good correlation in the order in which members are listed, showing only two member differences (last two in the table). Table 11-5 Maximum Member Utilization Results ISO and NORSOK
ISO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2
LC Formula 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-21 13.6-31 13.6-31 13 13 5 5 5 13 7 15 5 3 3 8 13 1 / 12 2 1 / 13 2 Member 740 462 1690 461 41 36 31 749 10 21 647 646 2 748 1647
NORSOK UF 1.36 1.31 1.26 1.21 1.16 1.06 1.04 0.96 0.93 0.93 0.89 0.88 0.86 0.85 0.83 Formula 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71
Corresponding Utilization (API) UF 1 0.62 0.60 0.58 0.56 0.61 0.56 0.46 0.61 0.47 0.38 0.56 0.57 0.43 0.99 / 0.59 2 0.98 / 0.44 2 Formula API Cone API Cone API Cone API Cone API Cone API Cone API Cone API Cone API Cone API Cone API Cone API Cone API Cone 3.3.4-3 / Cone 2 3.3.4-3 / Cone 2
Member 740 462 1690 461 41 36 31 749 10 21 647 646 2 505 513
UF 1.46 1.41 1.36 1.30 1.28 1.18 1.14 1.04 1.02 1.01 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.93
It should be highlighted that the formulae giving the maximum utilization factors for the members presented in Table 11-5 describes the utilization of the conical transitions (except Members 505 and 513 in ISO run). There is 10 (ten) members failing the ISO- , and 7 (seven) failing the NORSOK code check. It can also be seen that the difference between the results for the ISO and NORSOK code checks is rather consistent and the ISO calculated utilization is about 10% higher. Corresponding utilization for the API Code Check for these members were found to be significantly lower (about 50%) with no member has failing the unity check. In order to complete the case study summary, results for the 6 (six) chosen members for all Code Check runs are presented and compared in Table 11-6 and Table 11-7. The member selection was based on the type and location (one brace and one leg member from the top, middle and bottom sections of the jacket), to capture an impact of the ratio of the dynamic to total load on the utilization. The total and partial utilizations (due to axial force and bending moment) are reported.
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Results presented in Table 11-6 and Table 11-7 show that member results for the API code check are less conservative than for remaining codes. However, it is an expected difference for the analyzed case (extreme condition for the API run and ULS-b for the ISO and NORSOK), due to a significant increase of the environmental loads for the LRFD method. The difference between the API code check and remaining results is less significant in the middle section of the jacket, where the effect of the environmental load is expected to be lower than at the top and the bottom of the structure. It can also be seen, that the utilization calculated for the ISO code check is roughly 5% higher than for the NORSOK. The code check formulae are very similar or identical for most of the failure modes in these two codes (ref. Section 3 for details). The difference in calculated utilizations can be caused by different load/action factors applied to the load cases with permanent and variable loads in ISO and NORSOK runs (1.1 vs. 1.0, respectively).
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b) Joint Results The original structure of the platform was designed without overlapping joints. However, due to resizing of the jacket members (described in Section 11.1.1), several members originally designed as non-overlapping were overlapping, causing the joints to fail. The results for these joints were not reported. This was not deemed significant for this study which is not concerned with design optimization but rather only code comparison. Tables 11-8 through 11-10 present the results summary for the joint utilization. Similar to the member results, the results are presented in three separate tables. Table 11-8 presents the maximum calculated utilization for the base case the API Code Check run. Only maximum utilizations calculated for the 15 (fifteen) highest utilized joints are reported. Unlike for the member check comparison, the results for the maximum utilized joints for the ISO and NORSOK runs are not presented separately, due to good correlation and similar order of results for all of the runs. More detailed results can be found in Appendix B. Table 11-8 Maximum Joints Utilization Results Base Case (API)
Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
API UFAPI 1 2.48 1.88 1.37 1.00 0.91 0.88 0.83 0.68 0.68 0.63 0.61 0.58 0.56 0.56 0.56 LC 13 10 2 15 13 10 11 5 2 13 15 2 3 1 15
Corresponding Utilization UFISO 2.76 2.06 1.52 1.03 0.98 0.96 0.84 0.78 0.75 0.79 0.81 0.69 0.75 0.68 0.65 UFNORSOK 3.02 2.25 1.58 1.07 1.02 0.97 0.87 0.8 0.78 0.82 0.84 0.72 0.78 0.72 0.67
Ratio of Total Utilization UFAPI/UFISO UFAPI/UFNorsok 0.90 0.91 0.90 0.97 0.93 0.92 0.98 0.88 0.90 0.80 0.75 0.84 0.74 0.82 0.86 0.82 0.84 0.87 0.93 0.89 0.91 0.95 0.86 0.87 0.77 0.73 0.80 0.71 0.77 0.83
33 321 373 335 341 324 339 35 320 16 298 319 366 188 117
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These results indicate that for this particular platform, the API calculated joint utilizations are lower than those predicted by the ISO and NORSOK codes by about 10% for the highest loaded joints (UF greater than approximately 0.7). Also the joint utilizations for near top section of platform appear to be better than that for middle and bottom section joints.
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The main difference between the API and the other two standards is the design format. API is employing the WSD methodology, whereas ISO and NORSOK adopt the limit state design format. Due to this basic difference, the analysis setup (load combination) and the post-processing needed to be performed separately. The NORSOK N-004 (Design of steel structures) does not include special design provisions for SPARs, as it does for other types of floaters. However, the generic action and material factors recommended for steel structures in the N-001 are identical with those given in the ISO requirements. Therefore the results for these two codes will be identical for the ULS assessment. Furthermore, the ISO 19904-1 provides guidance for a WSD based analyses as an alternative to the LRFD design format. In such a case ISO 19904-1 recommends the use of RCS (Recognized Classification Society) allowable utilization factors. Considering the basic usage factor for the extreme loading conditions recommended in the DNV OS C-201, the allowable stress limit is identical to API WSD requirements.
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11.2.2 Analysis Methodology The global performance and strength analysis of a SPAR platform is a complex task, with requirements to analyze several loading conditions representing the most unfavorable realistic load combinations. In the current analysis several simplifications were made in order to limit the Scope of Work to a manageable level within available resources. Therefore, only one extreme loading condition was analyzed. The global response of the SPAR composed of two evenly important parts. These are caused by the wave frequency and the low frequency loading conditions. In the original design analysis the Designer computed the response of the platform in two separate steps: a frequency domain analysis in WADAM for the wave frequency part, and a time domain analysis in MULTISIM for the low frequency forces In the current study, DNV had undertaken a simplified approach where the results for the low frequency part reported by the Designer (i.e. pitch angle due to combined current and wind action) were combined with the results of the independent wave frequency analysis performed by DNV. To verify this approach the results of DNV analysis were compared with the results reported by the Designer. The comparison yielded a very close correlation between the results of these two analyses. Figure 11-3 presents side-by-side graphic comparison of the calculated global von Mises stress for one combined (static + dynamic) result case.
Figure 11-3 Comparison of the Designers (left) and DNVs (right) Global Stress Results, (ksi, Nodal Von Mises Stress, 100 year Hurricane)
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a) Hydrodynamic Analysis The hydrodynamic wave load analysis was carried out using the 3D potential theory program SESAM WADAM, which calculates RAOs for motions and loads in long crested regular waves. WADAM is a general purpose hydrodynamic analysis program for calculation of wave loading and wave induced responses of fixed and floating marine structures with zero or low forward speed. WADAM computations take place in the frequency domain. Two types of calculations were carried out using WADAM: Hydrostatic calculations, in which the hydrostatic and inertia properties of the structure are calculated, together with the loading from weight and buoyancy. This loading is important for equilibrium checking, and the static load must also be included in the subsequent structural analysis. Load calculations, in which the detailed pressure distribution on an element level is calculated. These pressures are transferred to the structural FEM model for subsequent quasi-static structural analysis. Mapping of the hydrostatic and dynamic pressure on the structural model is shown in Figure 11-4. In this study only one environmental scenario, the extreme 100-yr hurricane condition (ULS-b for the LRFD), and one mass distribution were analyzed. The draft for this condition (provided by the Designer) was 153.9 m. The panel and mass models provided by the Designer were re-used in the analysis. In the WADAM analysis the SPAR was analyzed as a free floating body, without considering the coupling effect of the mooring lines and risers on the spar motion response. It is assumed that this simplification leads to more conservative results; however this effect is not expected to be significant. It should be noted that DNV did not perform a global performance analysis as a part of this study. Instead, the design wave selection and headings from the original Designers analysis were used. Table 11-11 presents the design wave selection for analyzed cases. The analyzed wave headings with reference to the platform coordinate system are shown in Figure 11-1.
Table 11-11 Design Waves for 100-year hurricane Design Wave Case Max Shear Max Moment Max Axial Wave Amplitude [m] 10.2 11.1 4.3 Wave Period [s] 12 14 20
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b) Structural Analysis Structural analysis limited in this comparison study to the hard tank structure was performed to verify the global strength of the SPAR. In the analyzed configuration the SPAR model consists of the hard and soft tanks and the truss section with two (2) heave plates. The 3-level topside structure is supported on the hard tank by four (4) jacket legs. Structural integrity was checked with respect to yield and buckling. Yield checks are performed based on membrane von Mises stress (element average), checked against allowable stress limits specified in the compared standards. The standards allow using the rules of RCS for the buckling calculations; therefore for simplicity the buckling checks were performed in accordance with DNV RP-C201. In the current study no consideration was given to the code checking of the beam members in the truss section since beam utilization formulae were compared in the fixed structure case study. The global structural model was generated using the pre-processor Patran PRE. The super-element technique was utilized; five super-elements were assembled using PRESEL (see Figure 11-6). Decks, bulkheads and web frames were modelled using 4-node shell elements. Flanges of web frames were modelled using 2-node beam elements. Stiffeners were also modelled with 2-node beam elements with eccentricity. Mesh size was based on the stiffener spacing (one element between stiffeners). A steel density of 7.85 t/m3 with a Poisons ratio of 0.3 and a Youngs modulus of 2.1x105 MPa was applied to the structural model. The yield strength of the structural steel is 345 MPa. The rigid body motions of the model were restrained by means of fixing translations in the x, y and z directions (pinned) for the nodes at the fairlead locations (9 nodes around perimeter of the hard tank, at elevation 110m ABL). The sum of the reaction forces was checked and confirmed to be similar to the mooring line forces reported by the Designer. Following loads were applied to the structural model: 12 Gravity acceleration 13 Static pressure (on the outer shell and the moon pool bulkheads) 14 Riser loads (SCR and TTR) 15 Tilted gravitational acceleration (corresponding to 6.6 low frequency pitch angle) 16 Dynamic wave loads (pressures and inertia loads from WADAM analysis) The local effect of the wind and current loads on the hard tank structure is considered negligible compared to extreme wave loading, therefore these loads were not applied to the model directly. The global effect of the current and wind loads on the behaviour of the platform (i.e. inclination) was implemented in the analysis by applying tilted gravitational acceleration. The action factors presented in Table 2-1 were applied to the ISO/Norsok (LRFD) runs. The utilization of the structure was calculated based on the recommended for the ULS limit state resistance (material) factor M=1.15.
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Table 11-12 Action Factors Applied to the ULS-b Limit State Action Category Permanent (G) 1.0 Variable (Q) 1.0 Environmental (E) 1.3
Table 11-13 below presents API and ISO recommended usage factors applicable to the extreme loading condition. Table 11-13 Usage Factors Applied to Extreme 100 yr Hurricane Loading Condition API Usage Factor *) Based on DNV OS-C201
1 1.33 1.67
ISO 0.8*
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11.2.3 Results a) Yield Check A yield check was performed based on membrane von Mises stresses (element average). Stresses induced by each complex wave load case were combined with the static load cases. These combined cases were scanned in order to find the maximum von Mises stress for each element along all wave cases. The results are presented for three (3) panels for each of the four (4) regions of the hard tank (defined by the distance between watertight decks): outer shell, radial bulkhead and center well (moonpool) bulkhead. Two sets of the results are reported for the elements with maximum von Mises stress and for the elements in the centre of each of the panels. The maximum stresses indicate the local stress concentrations (caused by the modelling simplifications or lack of the local reinforcements added to the structure in the detail engineering phase of the project) and may not represent the stress level in the actual structure. Simultaneously, the stress level for the elements closer to the geometric centre of the panel are governed by the global and local loads on the structure, and are not significantly impacted by the local modelling approximations. Table 11-14 and Table 11-15 present result of the comparison of the von Mises stresses. It can be seen, that the utilization calculated based on the maximum observed stress is slightly higher for the LRFD runs (about 10%). Comparison of the utilizations calculated based on the stresses in the middle of the panel yielded close correlation between the results for WSD and LRFD utilizations. It is worth mentioning, that the comparison is based on one loading condition only extreme 100-yr hurricane for the GOM (ULS-b for the LRFD method) and is only reflective of the magnitudes of the static and dynamic loadings on this structure.
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Table 11-14 Maximum Von Mises Stresses Reported for Analyzed Panels
Region WSD (API & ISO) Panel Stress [Mpa] Deck 3-4 Radial Bhd Moonpool Bhd OS Radial Bhd Moonpool Bhd OS Radial Bhd Moonpool Bhd OS Radial Bhd Moonpool Bhd OS 251 205 577 380 127 409 161 88 170 411 105 408 UFWSD [-] 0.91 0.74 2.09 1.38 0.46 1.48 0.58 0.32 0.62 1.49 0.38 1.48 LRFD ULS-b (ISO & Norsok) Stress [Mpa] 260 212 683 442 147 486 201 101 209 485 118 477 UFLRFD [-] 0.87 0.71 2.28 1.47 0.49 1.62 0.67 0.34 0.70 1.62 0.39 1.59 1.05 1.04 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.91 0.87 0.94 0.89 0.92 0.97 0.93 Ratio of Utilization UFWSD / UFLRFD Elev. (ABL) [m] 93.7 88.7 108.0 108.7 110.9 108.9 128.5 138.4 128.5 154.7 168.7 154.7 Intersection with OS Moonpool CL Radial bulkhead @ Deck 4 Intersection with OS Moonpool corner Radial bulkhead @ Deck 4 Intersection with OS Moonpool corner Radial bulkhead @ Deck 5 Intersection with OS Moonpool CL Radial bulkhead Stress Location Description
Deck 6-7
Deck 5-6
Deck 4-5
Table 11-15 Von Mises Stress for the Centre of Analyzed Panels
Region Panel WSD (API & ISO) Stress [Mpa] 155.1 114.4 126.2 107.1 77.3 140.1 101.1 74.5 103.4 102.7 71.4 53.6 UFWSD [-] 0.56 0.41 0.46 0.39 0.28 0.51 0.37 0.27 0.37 0.37 0.26 0.19 LRFD ULS-b (ISO & Norsok) Stress [Mpa] 164 119 133.9 126.9 82.7 155.7 120.6 85 119 110.8 90.1 69 UFLRFD [-] 0.55 0.40 0.45 0.42 0.28 0.52 0.40 0.28 0.40 0.37 0.30 0.23 Ratio of Utilization UFWSD / UFLRFD 1.02 1.03 1.02 0.93 1.00 0.98 0.93 0.96 0.93 1.00 0.87 0.83 Elev. (ABL)
Radial Bhd Moonpool Bhd OS Radial Bhd Moonpool Bhd OS Radial Bhd Moonpool Bhd OS Radial Bhd Moonpool Bhd OS
Deck 3-4
Deck 4-5
Deck 5-6
Deck 6-7
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1.33 1.67
b) Buckling Check A buckling check was performed based on the membrane component stresses (element average). The DNV RP C-201 /-/ was used to calculate the buckling utilization of the panels. The flat panel formulations were used for all panels, including outer shell plate, which is acceptable considering large D/t ratio for the curved panels (D/t > 1400). The comparison focuses on the stiffened panel buckling, exclusive of the girder checks. The results are presented in Table 11-16 and Table 11-17. It can be seen, that the buckling checks for the plate for the WSD runs indicate higher utilization of the panels. The results for the stiffeners are very similar for both runs.
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S Panel
Deck 3-4
8.05 14.02 28.21 8.05 14.02 28.21 8.05 14.02 28.21 8.05 14.02 28.2
1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 2.13 2.13 2.13
21 24 23 20 21 21 15 16 20 15 15 20
Deck 4-5
Deck 5-6
Deck 6-7
HP370x 13 HP340x 12 HP400x 14 HP370x 13 HP340x 12 HP340x 12 HP280x 12 HP260x 10 HP300x 12 HP280x 12 HP260x 10 HP280x 12
0.75 0.79 0.76 0.75 0.79 0.76 0.75 0.79 0.76 0.75 0.79 0.76
-55 -40 -55 -48 -37 -60 -39 -30 -48 -14 -15 -15
-122 -115 -98 -115 -92 -142 -99 -79 -99 -75 -26 -75
65 30 70 51 22 28 39 19 16 55 23 67
0.000 0.504 0.543 0.000 0.321 0.379 0.000 0.119 0.185 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.56 0.45 0.54 0.48 0.37 0.48 0.40 0.28 0.33 0.43 0.17 0.49
0.63 0.60 0.64 0.56 0.48 0.71 0.55 0.48 0.50 0.46 0.16 0.48
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S Panel
Deck 3-4
8.05 14.02 28.21 8.05 14.02 28.21 8.05 14.02 28.21 8.05 14.02 28.2
1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 2.13 2.13 2.13
21 24 23 20 21 21 15 16 20 15 15 20
Deck 4-5
Deck 5-6
Deck 6-7
HP370x 13 HP340x 12 HP400x 14 HP370x 13 HP340x 12 HP340x 12 HP280x 12 HP260x 10 HP300x 12 HP280x 12 HP260x 10 HP280x 12
0.75 0.79 0.76 0.75 0.79 0.76 0.75 0.79 0.76 0.75 0.79 0.76
-62 -48 -59 -54 -44 -62 -45 -35 -63 -16 -15 -8
-141 -123 -129 -128 -96 -157 -106 -86 -24 -59 -24 -74
73 31 68 45 24 30 50 26 17 64 40 50
0.000 0.504 0.557 0.000 0.321 0.398 0.000 0.119 0.205 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.51 0.42 0.51 0.39 0.34 0.43 0.37 0.25 0.32 0.36 0.21 0.32
0.71 0.61 0.71 0.56 0.47 0.72 0.58 0.49 0.57 0.41 0.23 0.37
11.3 Summary
API joint check utilizations for the fixed platform case study are about 10% lower than ISO results and 18% lower than NORSOK values. Therefore the NORSOK joints would be significantly more conservative in comparison with ISO and API. This is a conclusion relevant to the case study that may not be generalized without further evaluations. The Spar case study indicates that the yield check utilization calculated based on the maximum observed hull stress is slightly higher for the ISO/NORSOK LRFD (about 10%) compared to the API WSD results. The buckling checks for the plate for the WSD runs indicate higher utilizations (about 10%) of the panels while the results for the stiffeners show that the LRFD gives higher utilizations (also about 10%) than the WSD.
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This study covers an extensive scope of work comparing API, ISO, and NORSOK structural standards currently in use for design, construction, installation, and in-service inspection of fixed and floating offshore structures with emphasis on application to the US Gulf of Mexico and West Coast. The following salient conclusions are made from the work: 1. The design environmental loads such as wind, wave, and current depend on geographical locations. In absence of site-specific data, regional information is defined in all three codes that give minimum requirements of the extreme environmental conditions. ISO 19902 adopts environmental criteria proposed by API for the Gulf of Mexico and by NORSOK for the North Sea. 2. For snow and ice loading, NORSOK N-003 and ISO 19901-1 provide more specific information compared to API RP 2A. For earthquake; ISO 19902 and ISO 19901-2 give more comprehensive design guidelines when compared with API or NORSOK standards. 3. API RP 2T is more comprehensive than RP 2A in defining the loads and load combinations due to the sensitivity of the Tendon Leg Platform with regards to its payload. 4. Both API RP 2A and 2T utilize WSD approach for the design of the structure. Notably, the RP 2T 3rd Edition (latest) specifies the limit states design approach for the tendon design which was not the case in the previous editions of the document. 5. The API RP 2FPS 1st Edition issued in 2001 for GOM floating production systems refers to API RPs 2A and 2T for the definition of the environmental criteria and guidance on load conditions. 6. Wave kinematics factor is similar in the three standards varying, e.g.; from 0.85 to 0.95 for tropical storms. Marine growth is dependent on the regional conditions with about double the marine growth required in the North Sea compared to the GOM. The same drag and inertia coefficients are specified across the three codes. The wind spatial coherence is the same in API and ISO but is more severe in NORSOK. 7. With regards to deck clearance requirements, it is noted that all three codes require 1.5m (5 ft) air gap above the 100-year wave crest elevation. The ISO 19902 gives more details on how to calculate the deck elevation and has an additional criterion of 30% of wave crest elevation as governing clearance if greater than the 1.5m. The NORSOK N-003 and N-004 require a positive air gap for the 10,000 year wave crest in addition to the 1.5m above the 100 year wave crest requirement. 8. The load/action factors are similar in 2A LRFD and ISO 19902. The API RP 2A WSD, API RP 2A LRFD, ISO 19902 and NORSOK N-004 provisions for checking the adequacy of tubular members are similar in that all four codes give formulations for each load effect type acting alone and for load effects acting in combination. 9. API allows simplified fatigue calculations only for Category L-3 template type platforms that are constructed of notch-tough ductile steels, have redundant inspectable structure, and have natural period of less than 3s or for preliminary design of all structure categories in water depth up to 400 ft (122m). NORSOK refers to DNV-RP-C203, Section 5 for details of the methodology and the allowable stress range as function of the Weibull shape parameter and
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applicable fatigue curve (depending on the joint detail and stress field configuration) for 20 years service life (108 cycles). 10. Detail fatigue assumptions, loading definitions, hot spot stress range calculation, stress concentration factor formulas, S-N curves for tubular joints, and required DFF values are specified in all three codes. In addition, details of the spectral analysis, utilization of fracture mechanics, and fatigue life improvement techniques are also compared. The requirements are quite similar. 11. With regards to the safety related to pile design, code requirements and recommendations are similar in the three standards, and the choice of standard will not therefore be decisive. No calibration of safety factors towards probability of failure is documented as background for the safety factors given in the standards. A small structure with few legs/piles has less redundancy than a structure with many legs and piles and correspondingly a higher probability of failure. The designers choice of relevant pile capacity calculation method and of related soil shear strength parameters is more important for the overall safety related to pile foundation. Effects not normally accounted for in pile design may have large influence on safety, such as ageing effects and effects of cyclic loading. 12. The API RP 2A (WSD) is the main document where specific guidance with regards to the inservice inspection scope and frequency for fixed platforms is available. In-service inspection requirements for floating production units (2FPS) and tension leg platforms (2T) are also given but at a higher level than 2A. The ISO approach to in-service inspection requirements adopts the Structural Integrity Management (SIM) methodology and also applies RBI procedures. NORSOK presents only high level requirements regarding in-service inspection program. 13. The assessment criteria in API RP 2A Section 17 allows the use of reduced environmental criteria. ISO 19902 does not have reduced criteria but allows local damage provided reserve strength is verified. NORSOK does not allow any degradation and requires existing structures to be able to resist ULS and ALS conditions at same safety levels as for new structures. 14. For design against fire and blast, API RP 2A charts the assessment process in the form of six main tasks and three risk levels utilizing the ALARP principle and assessing the consequences in a structured manner. In ISO 19902 hazards are grouped into three main groups according to a probability of occurrence or return period of being exceeded. NORSOK N-001, N-004 and N-006 state that the structure shall be ALS checked for the design accidental actions defined in the risk analysis recommended in the standards. With regards to ship collision ALS design, NORSOK gives the most comprehensive guidance of the three codes. 15. The details of the requirements for temporary conditions in API RP 2A are given in Sections 2.4 and 12. Clauses 8 and 22 of ISO 19902 provide the LSD methods for temporary condition design. NORSOK N-004 Clause K.4.4.6 states that transportation and installation design and operation shall comply with the requirements given in NORSOK J-003. It is noted that NORSOK J-003 (1997) requirements have been completely incorporated in the more recent ISO 19901-6 Marine Operations issued in 2009. Therefore, the comparison made here is actually also a comparison between API and ISO, and demonstrates that the three codes are similar with different level of guidance and some minor quantitative differences.
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16. Seismicity is not normally a design issue in the North Sea. Therefore, Seismic analysis comparisons are herein focused mainly on ISO and API requirements. The structure is designed for two levels of earthquakes in API and ISO: a) strength Level Earthquake (SLE) or Extreme Level Earthquake (ELE) corresponding to 100 200 year return period with stress not exceeding yield, and b) Ductility Level Earthquake (DLE) or Abnormal Level Earthquake (ALE) with 1000-5000 year return with stress allowed to exceed yield leading to damage but without collapse. 17. The fixed offshore platform design case study showed that design environmental criteria in the three codes are based on similar reliability analyses and definition of probability of failure. However no details are given in the standards regarding the underlying assumptions employed in these analyses. Some differences exist in defining the load combinations. Applying the load recipes in the three standards to a case study structure in the GOM indicated that similar base shear and over turning moment values are predicted for the same 100-yr extreme environmental condition. 18. Member utilization comparison indicates that both ISO and NORSOK give very conservative formulation for members with cone transitions compared to API. Notwithstanding cone checks, member results for the API code check were more conservative with up to 39% higher utilization than the ISO and 53% higher than NORSOK results. One reason may be that API recommends the use of a 0.8 buckling factor brace members compared to 0.7 recommended in ISO and NORSOK. The ISO and NORSOK member utilizations are significantly higher than API values (more than double) due to cone transition formulations adopted by these two codes. 19. API joint check utilizations for the fixed platform case study are about 10% lower than ISO results and 18% lower than NORSOK values. Therefore the NORSOK joints would be significantly more conservative in comparison with ISO and API. 20. The Spar case study indicates that the yield check utilization calculated based on the maximum observed hull stress is slightly higher for the ISO/NORSOK LRFD (about 10%) compared to the API WSD results. The buckling checks for the plate for the WSD runs indicate higher utilizations (about 10%) of the panels while the results for the stiffeners show that the LRFD gives higher utilizations (also about 10%) than the WSD. The following recommendations are also made: 1. A more comprehensive comparison of the principles and methodology employed in arriving at the action/load factors or safety factors in LRFD and WSD methodologies are recommended. 2. More case studies with more in depth specific calculations would add considerable value to the comparisons. Further analysis of the results from the case studies performed herein could yield better understanding of specific code differences. 3. Case studies for a TLP and an FPSO are commended.
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4. A venue where the results from this work are presented and experts are invited to participate would be most valuable. API and ISO committees could be viable options for such a discussion. Discussion of results with operators, designers, regulators and other stakeholders is encouraged. 5. Each section of this report could be expanded into an own study. It is recommended to have similar studies carried out on each specialized topic involving industry experts. 6. More case studies for fixed and floating structures should be carried out. Also the case studies performed herein could benefit from additional parametric and sensitivity analyses. 7. Both ISO 19902 and NORSOK N-003 require very strict air gap compared to existing API requirements. This may be because the platforms in the North Sea are not evacuated during storms. However the question of the air gap still deserves further assessment for GOM structures even with the increased criteria given in the upcoming API RP 2MET 1st Edition and API RP 2A 22nd Edition. 8. The degree of conservatism or lack of same between API and ISO/NORSOK member cone unity check formulations (with API predicting much lower member utilizations by a factor of more than 2.0) deserves further evaluation. 9. The question of reduced assessment criteria for existing platforms compared to criteria for new designs should be further examined considering risk and reliability principles. New API RP 2SIM and ongoing RBI JIP work are efforts in this direction. 10. The comparison performed herein considered only the current (at time of contract award in late 2010) editions of the standards. It is recommended to update the study by incorporating the contemplated significant updates in API, ISO and NORSOK standards.
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/1/ /2/ /3/
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/5/ /6/
/13/ /14/
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/15/ /16/ /17/ /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/ /24/ /25/ /26/ /27/ /28/ /29/ /30/ /31/ /32/ /33/
ISO 19901-2 - Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures Part 2: Seismic Design Procedures and Criteria, 1st edition, November 2004 ISO 19901-6 - Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures Part 6: Marine Operations, 1st edition, December 2009 ISO 19902 - Petroleum and natural gas industries - Fixed Steel Offshore Structures, 1st edition, December 2007 ISO 19904-1- Petroleum and natural gas industries - Floating offshore structures Part 1: Monohulls, Semi-submersibles and Spars, 1st edition, November 2006 NORSOK Standard N-001 - Integrity of Offshore Structures, 7th edition, June 2010 NORSOK Standard N-003 - Action and Action Effects, 2nd edition, September 2007 NORSOK Standard N-004 - Design of Steel Structures, 2nd edition, October 2004 NORSOK Standard N-006 - Assessment of Structure Integrity for Existing Offshore Loadbearing Structures, 1st edition, March 2009 http://www.texaspelagics.com/GOMocean.html DNV-RP-C203, Fatigue Design of Offshore Steel Structures, April 2010. DNV-RP-C206, Fatigue Methodology of Offshore Ships, October 2010. DNV CN 30.7, Fatigue Assessment Of Ship Structures, June 2010. NORSOK Standard N-005 Condition Monitoring of Loadbearing Structures, Rev. 1, December, 1997. DNV-RP-C201, Buckling Strength of Plated Structures, October 2010 DNV-OS-C101, Design of Offshore Structures, General (LRFD Method), April 2011 Ghoneim, G.A., Recent Developments in Offshore Codes, Rules and Regulations for E&P Systems, ISOPE-CCC-01, Vancouver, 2008. Ghoneim, G.A., The Balance between Risk and Reliability for Gulf of Mexico Production Systems, Deep Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 2006. API Bulletin 2INT-DG - Interim Guidance for Design of Offshore Structures for Hurricane Conditions, May 2007 API Bulletin 2INT-EX - Interim Guidance for Assessment of Existing Offshore Structures for Hurricane Conditions, May 2007
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