MIT6 041F10 Final
MIT6 041F10 Final
MIT6 041F10 Final
Show your work and provide brief justications for your answers, except for parts where you are told that a justication is not needed. Unless instructed otherwise, for full credit answers should be algebraic ex pressions (no integrals), in simplied form. These expressions may involve constants such as or e, and need not be evaluated numerically. This quiz has 2 problems, worth a total of 100 points. You may tear apart page 3 and 4, as per your convenience, but you must turn them in together with the rest of the booklet. Write your solutions in this quiz booklet, only solutions in this quiz booklet will be graded. Be neat! You will not get credit if we cant read it. You are allowed three two-sided, handwritten, 8.5 by 11 formula sheets. Calculators are not allowed.
1. (4 points) Given that the chain starts with X0 = 1, nd the probability that X2 = 2. 2. (4 points) Find the steady-state probabilities 1 , 2 , 3 of the dierent states. In case you did not do part (b) correctly, in all subsequent parts of this problem you can just use the symbols i : you do not need to plug in actual numbers. 3. (4 points) Let Yn = Xn Xn1 . Thus, Yn = 1 indicates that the nth transition was to the right, Yn = 0 indicates it was a self-transition, and Yn = 1 indicates it was a transition to the left. Find lim P(Yn = 1).
4. (4 points) Is the sequence Yn a Markov chain? Justify your answer. 5. (4 points) Given that the nth transition was a transition to the right (Yn = 1), nd the probability that the previous state was state 1. (You can assume that n is large.) 6. (4 points) Suppose that X0 = 1. Let T be dened as the rst positive time at which the state is again equal to 1. Show how to nd E[T ]. (It is enough to write down whatever equation(s) needs to be solved; you do not have to actually solve it/them or to produce a numerical answer.) 7. (4 points) Does the sequence X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . converge in probability? If yes, to what? If not, just say no without explanation. 8. (4 points) Let Zn = max{X1 , . . . , Xn }. Does the sequence Z1 , Z2 , Z3 , . . . converge in probabil ity? If yes, to what? If not, just say no without explanation. Problem 2. (68 points) Alice shows up at an Athena* cluster at time zero and spends her time exclusively in typing emails. The times that her emails are sent are a Poisson process with rate A per hour. 1. (3 points) What is the probability that Alice sent exactly three emails during the time interval [1, 2]? 2. Let Y1 and Y2 be the times at which Alices rst and second emails were sent. (a) (3 points) Find E[Y2 | Y1 ]. (b) (3 points) Find the PDF of Y12 . (c) (3 points) Find the joint PDF of Y1 and Y2 . Page 3 of 20
*Athena is MIT's UNIX-based computing environment. OCW does not provide access to it.
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1. (4 points) Given that the chain starts with X0 = 1, nd the probability that X2 = 2.
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6. (4 points) Suppose that X0 = 1. Let T be dened as the rst positive time at which the state is again equal to 1. Show how to nd E[T ]. (It is enough to write down whatever equation(s) needs to be solved; you do not have to actually solve it/them or to produce a numerical answer.)
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8. (4 points) Let Zn = max{X1 , . . . , Xn }. Does the sequence Z1 , Z2 , Z3 , . . . converge in probabil ity? If yes, to what? If not, just say no without explanation.
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2. Let Y1 and Y2 be the times at which Alices rst and second emails were sent. (a) (3 points) Find E[Y2 | Y1 ].
*Athena is MIT's UNIX-based computing environment. OCW does not provide access to it.
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6. (5 points) You do not know A but you watch Alice for an hour and see that she sent exactly 5 emails. Derive the maximum likelihood estimate of A based on this information.
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