Spring 2008 Test 2
Spring 2008 Test 2
Spring 2008 Test 2
Write your solutions in this quiz packet, only solutions in the quiz packet will be graded. Question one, multiple choice questions, will receive no partial credit. Partial credit for question two and three will be awarded. You are allowed 2 two-sided 8.5 by 11 formula sheet plus a calculator. You have 120 minutes to complete the quiz. Be neat! You will not get credit if we cant read it. We will send out an email with more information on how to obtain your quiz before drop date. Good Luck!
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In an attempt to promote virtuous behavior, Saifs father oers to pay him $4 every day he volunteers at the local shelter. Dene X as Saifs payout if he ips the coin every morning for the next 30 days. b. (6 pts) Find var(X )
Let event B be that Saif goes to the local shelter at least once in k days. c. (6 pts) Find the conditional density of Q given B , fQ|B (q )
While shopping at the mall, Saif gets a call from his sister Mais. They agree to meet at the Coco Cabana Court yard at exactly 1:30PM. Unfortunately Mais arrives Z minutes late, where Z is a continuous uniform random variable from zero to 10 minutes. Saif is furious that Mais has kept him waiting, and demands Mais pay him R dollars where R = exp(Z + 2). d. (6 pts) Find Saifs expected payout, E[R] e. (6 pts) Find the density of Saifs payout, fR (r)
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