CSP Physioworks
CSP Physioworks
CSP Physioworks
The clinical and cost effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation programmes for people with COPD is well documented. Awareness of COPD amongst the general public needs to be raised as many people are unaware of the condition and the link to smoking. The possibility of combining treatment programmes for people with different diagnoses but similar symptoms is worth exploring in order to take advantage of existing expertise and to deliver cost effective services.
Cost of COPD
One in eight (130,000) acute medical admissions in adults is due to COPD(13) making it the second largest cause of emergency admission in the UK(14). It accounts for one million bed days in hospitals in the UK each year
NICE estimates that the direct cost of providing care in the NHS for people with COPD is almost 500 million a year. More than half this cost relates to the provision of care in hospital(14)
Case studies
found that over one year, A study in Canada pulmonary rehabilitation was associated with decreased health service utilisation, reduced direct costs and improved health status of COPD patients. The health status of patients enrolled in the programme improved significantly following pulmonary rehabilitation, irrespective of the severity of disease. The average reduction of total costs before and after the program was $34,367 per 100 person-years or approximately $344 per person per year. Glenfield hospital in Leicester, UK has been offering a pulmonary rehabilitation programme to patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) (17) as well as to those with COPD, both sets of patients showing a marked improvement.
It is estimated that in the UK COPD is responsible for 24 million lost working days per annum estimated as costing 2.7 billion(15) On average, 15 per cent of those admitted to hospital with COPD die within three months and, although estimates vary, it is thought that 25% of patients die within a year.(14)
Further information
CSP Enquiry Handling Unit
Tel: 0207 306 6666 Email: enquiries@csp.org.uk Web: www.csp.org.uk
1. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Pulmonary rehabilitation service for patients with COPD. London: National Institute for Clinical Excellence; 2006 URL: www.nice.org.uk/media/63F/4D/PulmonaryRehabCommissioningGuide.pdf 2. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adults in primary and secondary care. Update guideline. London: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 2010. URL: http://guidance.nice.org.uk/CG101/ Guidance/pdf/English 3. Griffiths TL, Burr ML, Campbell IA, Lewis-Jenkins V, Mullins J, Shiels K et al. Results at 1 year of outpatient multidisciplinary pulmonary rehabilitation: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2000; 355 (9201):362-368 4. Seymour JM, Moore L, Jolley CJ, Ward K, Creasey J, Steier JS et al. Outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation following acute exacerbations of COPD. Thorax 2010; 65(5):423-428 5. Stang P, Lydick E, Silberman C et al. The Prevalence of COPD: Using smoking rates to estimate disease frequency in the general population. Chest. 2000 May;117(5 Suppl 2):354S-9S. 6. British Lung Foundation briefing COPD October 2009 (UK) URL: www.lunguk. org/ONESTOPCMS/Core/CrawlerResourceServer.aspx?resource=AE3065C9-58D043B5-B6E9-7DEFA532E862&mode=link&guid=b373e579272b4adc96011df4 d472e3eb 7. British Lung Foundation. Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) URL: www.lunguk.org/media-and-campaigning/media-centre/lung-stats-and-facts/ chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease 8. Murray CJL, Lopez AD. Alternative projections of mortality and disability by cause 1990-2020: Global Burden of Disease Study. Lancet 1997; 349 1498-504 9. European Respiratory Society. European Lung White Book. Lausanne: European Respiratory Society; 2003 10. Murray CJL & Lopez AD. The global burden of disease: a comprehensive assessment of mortality and disability from diseases, injuries and risk factors in 1990, and projected to 2020. Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1996. p361 11. Mannino, DM. et al. The natural history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Eur Respir J, 2006. 27(3): 627-43 12. Lopez AD. et al. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: current burden and future projections. Eur Respir J, 2006. 27 (2): 188-207 13. British Lung Foundation. Lost in translation: bridging the communication gap in COPD. London; British Lung Foundation: 2006 URL: www.lunguk.org/Resources/ British%20Lung%20Foundation/Migrated%20Resources/Documents/L/lost_in_ translation2.pdf 14. Healthcare Commission. Clearing the air: a national study of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. London: Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection; 2006. URL: www.cqc.org.uk/_db/_documents/COPD_report1_200607272728.pdf
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15. Department of Health. Facts about COPD. 2010. URL: www.dh.gov.uk/ en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/ DH_113006 16. Golmohammadi K, Jacobs P, Sin DD. Economic evaluation of a community-based pulmonary rehabilitation program for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lung 2004; 182(3): 187-96. 17. Trueland J. Two become one. Frontline 2009; 15(3):24-25 URL: www.csp.org. uk/frontline/article/two-become-one