Cement & Concrete Composites: Emma Boghossian, Leon D. Wegner

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Cement & Concrete Composites 30 (2008) 929937

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Cement & Concrete Composites

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Use of ax bres to reduce plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete

Emma Boghossian a, Leon D. Wegner b,*
a b

AMEC Americas Limited, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Department of Civil and Geological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 5A9

a r t i c l e

i n f o

a b s t r a c t
An experimental investigation was performed to measure the restrained and unrestrained plastic shrinkage properties of small mortar specimens containing short ax bres (1038 mm in length) in amounts ranging from 0.05% to 0.3% by volume. Based on the number of cracks, total crack area, and maximum crack widths produced within the rst 24 h after casting and exposure to hot, dry, and windy conditions, ax bres were found to be slightly more effective in controlling restrained plastic shrinkage cracking than commercially available polypropylene and glass bres for the mortar mixture studied. At a ax bre volume fraction of 0.3%, total crack areas were reduced by at least 99.5% relative to plain mortar specimens and maximum crack widths were reduced by at least 98.5% to less than 0.022 mm. Fibre length did not signicantly inuence cracking behaviour, nor did the presence of ax bres signicantly inuence the free plastic shrinkage strains observed. 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Article history: Received 12 July 2007 Received in revised form 2 September 2008 Accepted 4 September 2008 Available online 12 September 2008 Keywords: Concrete Fibre reinforcement Shrinkage Cracking

1. Introduction It is well-established that during the rst few hours after casting, while still in a plastic state, concrete is prone to shrink if the rate at which water evaporates from the surface exceeds the rate at which it is replaced by bleed water from below. When such shrinkage is restrained, for example by an underlying rough granular base in the case of a slab on grade, the concrete will generally crack to relieve the tensile stresses that develop. Such plastic shrinkage cracking may lead to a reduction in the durability of the concrete element. Ideally, proper curing and nishing practices can eliminate plastic shrinkage cracking. However, such practices are often not reliably followed. Alternatively, the addition of relatively small amounts (i.e. typically less than 0.5% by volume) of short bres to concrete has been found to signicantly reduce, if not completely eliminate, restrained plastic shrinkage cracking [14]. The mechanisms by which the bres achieve a reduction in cracking reportedly include their ability to reduce free plastic shrinkage strains and to increase the early age tensile strength of the concrete [1]. Polymeric bres such as brillated polypropylene or nylon are the most common types of bres used for this application due to their cost-effectiveness [2]. However, a small number of published studies have shown that bres derived from natural sources can provide similar benets. For example, Toledo Filho and Sanjuan [5] found that the addition of 25 mm long sisal bres at 0.2% by
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 306 966 5349; fax: +1 306 966 5427. E-mail address: leon.wegner@usask.ca (L.D. Wegner). 0958-9465/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2008.09.003

volume reduced free plastic shrinkage strains, and also reduced crack widths in restrained ring-type specimens of cement mortars. Soroushian and Ravanbakhsh [6] have also reported that cellulose bres at 0.06% volume fraction reduced plastic shrinkage crack area by 78% relative to plain conventional concrete using a slab specimen incorporating stress risers. The use of other natural bres in concrete, such as those derived from banana and coconut plants [7,8] or from palm leaves [9] has also been reported, but often at relatively high contents (i.e. greater than 1% by volume) and not specically to control plastic shrinkage cracking. Natural bres are an abundant, low-cost, and generally underutilized resource. Often, they are produced as waste by-products of industrial or agricultural processes. In many countries, for example, ax is grown primarily for its oilseed, and the straw is discarded or burned as a waste material. However, the bre within the straw is one of the most durable and strong natural bres, making it an ideal candidate for an effective bre reinforcement in concrete. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [10] (2005 statistics), oilseed ax (as opposed to bre ax, which is grown specically for its bre and used primarily in the textile industry) is produced in 46 countries on 2.5 million hectares. While 85% of the production occurs in North America and Asia, signicant amounts are also grown in both Europe and Africa, making oilseed ax a readily-available source of bres almost worldwide. Very little has been reported in the literature on the use of ax bres in concrete. In one study, high proportions (212% by mass) of 2.7 mm long ax bres were considered as a replacement for asbestos bres in brecement composites and were found to signicantly increase the exural strength and fracture toughness of


E. Boghossian, L.D. Wegner / Cement & Concrete Composites 30 (2008) 929937

cement mortars at the higher bre amounts [11]. In another study, the addition of ax bres at a relatively high volume fraction of 5% was reported to improve the compressive strength and exural toughness of mortar specimens [12]. The consideration of ax bres at low volume fractions for controlling plastic shrinkage cracking has apparently not been reported in the literature. The primary objective of the study described in this paper was to measure the restrained plastic shrinkage properties of mortars reinforced with short ax bres at low volume fractions in order to evaluate their effectiveness in reducing plastic shrinkage cracking. The performance of ax bres was compared to that of other commercially available synthetic bres at equal lengths and volume fractions. Unrestrained plastic shrinkage was also measured to determine the degree to which a reduction in free shrinkage associated with bre addition contributed to a reduction in restrained plastic shrinkage cracking. 2. Experimental program 2.1. Overview The experimental program was designed to measure both the restrained and unrestrained plastic shrinkage behaviour of bre reinforced and plain mortar specimens. Mortar was used rather than concrete in order to increase the cracking experienced during restrained tests so as to enhance the ability to compare the performance of ax bres with that of other bre types. Restrained plastic shrinkage tests consisted of casting overlays of bre reinforced mortars over roughened concrete substrate bases, and subjecting the fresh specimens to hot, dry, and windy conditions in an environmental chamber. The test methods employed were based on procedures developed at the University of British Columbia [13,14]. The number, width, and length of surface cracks were measured at regular intervals until crack growth had stabilized. The effects of different bre types, lengths, and dosages were evaluated. Unrestrained plastic shrinkage tests consisted of casting specimens of similar plan dimensions to those used for the restrained plastic shrinkage tests, but without the roughened substrate bases. This allowed specimens to contract freely rather than crack, and provided a measure of the inuence of bre addition on the propensity of the mortars to shrink. Specimens were subjected to identical hot, dry, and windy conditions, and free shrinkage strains were measured until they had stabilized. 2.2. Materials and specimen preparation Fibres derived from ax straw were obtained from SANELINK Corporation (Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Canada) in discrete lengths of 10, 19, and 38 mm. For comparison, 18 and 40 mm long alkali resistant (AR) glass bres (Cem-FIL HC 62/2, Saint-Gobain Vetrotex, Spain), 19 and 38 mm brillated polypropylene bres (FORTA ECONONETTM, FORTA Corporation, Grove City, PA) and 19 mm monolament polypropylene bres (FORTA MIGHTY-MONOTM) were also investigated. Fibre volume fractions ranged from 0% to 0.3% for each type of bre, as detailed below. A photograph of the four types of bres at the 18 or 19 mm lengths is shown in Fig. 1. Some of the physical and mechanical properties of the bres, as derived from manufacturers literature, materials handbooks, and other literature, are listed in Table 1. One important difference between the ax and synthetic bres is the propensity of ax bres to absorb water. In addition, ax bres may be susceptible to certain degradation mechanisms when exposed to a highly alkaline environment [8,15]. However, the presence, extent, and inuence of
Fig. 1. Photograph of the four types of bres used at the 18 or 19 mm lengths.

this potential degradation in a cement paste environment have not yet been determined. It should be noted, though, that since the target application is for the control of plastic shrinkage cracking, the bres will have performed their function long before they begin to degrade. It is also important to note that the structure of a ax bre is complex, consisting of bres and bre bundles at several different scales [16,17]. The range of ax bre diameters listed in the table encompasses the most prevalent bre sizes observed by microscopic examination, and corresponds to the normal size range for elementary bres, which are single plant cells. However, a nontrivial percentage of bre bundles with diameters of 200 lm or more were present. These correspond to so-called technical bres, which comprise bundles of 1040 elementary bres bound together by a pectin interface. Some smaller bres were also observed. No attempt was made to sort the as-received ax bres or to perform a detailed analysis of bre sizes. Both the mix design and the geometrical conguration of the substrate bases were based on work conducted at the University of British Columbia [13]. The bases were prepared 28 days prior to casting the overlays so that sufcient strength would be achieved prior to conducting the restrained plastic shrinkage tests. Mix proportions for the substrate bases, which included Type I Portland cement with 8% interground silica fume, are shown in Table 2. The ne aggregate was clean river sand, and the coarse aggregate had a maximum size of 10 mm. Dimensions of the substrates were 95 325 mm in plan and 40 mm thick. In order to maintain a well controlled and consistent surface roughness (i.e. uniform restraint conditions for the overlays), bases were cast in PVC moulds with a regular pattern of hemispherical depressions, 20 mm in diameter, machined into the bottom surface. The resulting bases thus had a regular pattern of hemispherical bumps protruding 10 mm above the surface, as shown in Fig. 2. Two 16 mm diameter steel reinforcing bars were cast longitudinally into each base in order to enhance its stiffness. Bases were demoulded 24 h after casting and immersed in lime-saturated water at 25 C for at least 28 days. One day before placing the overlays, bases were removed from the water and dried overnight in air at approximately 22 C. Overlay mortar specimens with a total of 24 different combinations of bre type, length, and volume fraction were prepared and tested. The mix proportions for the overlays are also shown in Table 2 and, except for bre types, are similar to those reported by

E. Boghossian, L.D. Wegner / Cement & Concrete Composites 30 (2008) 929937 Table 1 Properties of bres Fibre type Flax Length (mm) 10 19 38 19 19 38 18 40 Diameter (lm) 1060 Relative density 1.52 [18] Tensile strength (MPa) 840 [18]1500 [16] Elastic modulus (GPa) 50 [16]100 [18] Strain at failure (%) 1.8 [18]


Water absorption (%) 95

Monolament polypropylene Fibrillated polypropylene Glass

a b

52 N/A 200b

0.91a 0.91a 2.68a

620758a 620758a 1700a

45 [19] 45 [19] 72a

N/A 810 [19] 4.5a

0 0 0

As reported by manufacturer. Glass bres had a attened cross section. Number given is diameter for equivalent surface area.

Banthia and Yan [14]. A relatively rich mix incorporating Type I Portland cement with 8% interground silica fume was used to increase the propensity for cracking. The inuence of the binder system was not investigated as part of this work, as the primary focus was on the performance of the ax bres relative to other bre types, and so a single mortar mix was used for all specimens. Coarse aggregates were omitted to eliminate their reinforcing inuence on the mortar and promote the development of cracks so as to facilitate the comparison of cracking between specimens. The inuence of ax bres at three lengths (10, 19 and 38 mm) and three volume fractions (0.05%, 0.10%, and 0.30%) was evaluated and compared to the other three bre types at similar dosages. A minimum of four and a maximum of six specimens of each combination of variables were tested, resulting in a total of 140 specimens, including plain control specimens. These were tested in 20

Table 2 Mix proportions (by mass) for mortar overlays and substrate bases Ingredient Cement (8% silica fume) Water Sand Coarse aggregate Superplasticizer Fibres Overlay mortars 1.00 0.46 0.95 Varied Substrate bases 1.00 0.28 1.36 1.36 3 mL/kg

batches of seven specimens, each batch consisting of overlays incorporating one bre type and length with two specimens at each volume fraction, plus one plain control specimen. Batches were prepared by rst dry mixing the interground cement and sand for 23 min and then adding the water and mixing for another 2 min. Plain specimens were then cast. Enough bres to produce a volume fraction of 0.05% by volume were added and these specimens were cast. This was followed by two subsequent bre addition and casting steps to produce specimens with bre volume fractions of 0.1% and 0.3%. This procedure allowed specimens with the full range of bre volume fractions to be cast with the same batch of mortar, minimizing differences in mortar properties. Overlay mortars 60 mm thick were cast over the substrate bases, which had been centered in the bottom of PVC moulds 100 mm 375 mm in plan and 100 mm deep. Specimens were vibrated on a vibrating table for approximately 1 min and surfaces were lightly troweled to produce a relatively smooth surface on which crack sizes could be accurately measured. Specimens were then immediately transferred into the environmental chamber (described below) for testing. Approximately 10 min later, moulds were removed using quick release levers, taking care not to disturb the fresh mortar.

2.3. Environmental chamber and test procedures A schematic drawing of the environmental chamber used for the study is shown in Fig. 3. The 3 3 m chamber was constructed of wood framing and OSB sheathing and was insulated and sealed from the surrounding laboratory environment. It housed two specially constructed wind tunnels, each of which could accommodate four specimens. A removable Plexiglas lid in each wind tunnel permitted easy positioning of the specimens and allowed access to them during testing. Air from the surrounding laboratory was drawn into the chamber through an opening in the wall, and was forced to pass through three 4800 W heaters before entering the wind tunnels. The outlets of the wind tunnels passed through the chamber wall and were connected directly to the exhaust ventilation system for the building in which the laboratory was housed. The exhaust fan, mounted on the roof of the building, was capable of drawing approximately 42 m3/min and provided the primary source of air draw for the system. A box fan was provided at the inlet to the chamber to assist in the movement of air. Temperature and relative humidity were continuously monitored using a relative humidity sensor connected to a PC based data acquisition system. Temperature was measured with an accuracy of 0.6 C and relative humidity with an accuracy of 2%. Steady state conditions of 45 2 C and less than 3% relative humidity were achieved using this system. The wind speed in both wind tunnels across the surfaces of specimens was measured to be

Fig. 2. Photograph of a substrate base, showing the regular pattern of hemispherical protrusions.


E. Boghossian, L.D. Wegner / Cement & Concrete Composites 30 (2008) 929937

stead, mortar specimens were cast in the 100 375 100 mm deep moulds, which were lined with oiled polyethylene sheets to minimize restraint. Fresh specimens were placed in the wind tunnels under conditions identical to those described above, and moulds were removed 10 min later. After demoulding, small indented brass plates were positioned on the top surface of specimens, spaced approximately 200 mm apart longitudinally. The distance between plate indentations was measured to the nearest 0.01 mm using a digital caliper at regular intervals for 46 h. A nal measurement was made 24 h after casting. Four specimens of each combination of bre type, length, and volume fraction were tested, in addition to 16 plain control specimens, for a total of 112 specimens. Batching procedures were identical to those used for the restrained shrinkage tests. 3. Experimental results and discussion 3.1. Unrestrained plastic shrinkage Fig. 4 shows the development of free shrinkage strains over a 24 h time period for representative specimens containing a 0.1% volume fraction of ax bres. As shown, shrinkage strains typically stabilized within the rst 4 h after casting. A similar stabilization time was observed for all specimens regardless of bre type, length, or volume fraction. All results presented hereafter correspond to measurements made 24 h after casting, long after the condition of specimens had stabilized. Unrestrained (free) plastic shrinkage strains for each of the 24 combinations of bre type, length, and volume fraction are plotted in Fig. 5. The error bars shown in Fig. 5 correspond to one standard deviation on either side of the mean. Specimens which exhibited shrinkage strains that differed signicantly from those of the plain control specimens at the 95% level of condence are indicated by an asterisk in Fig. 5. Plain mortar specimens contracted an average of 1.61% in the rst 24 h, and exhibited a relatively high variability with a coefcient of variation (COV) of 21%. The addition of ax bres at all lengths and volume fractions did not have a signicant effect on free plastic shrinkage. Other bre types appear to show a slight reduction in free shrinkage with bre addition, particularly at higher volume fractions. However, the only bre type that consistently reduced the plastic shrinkage strains was the glass bres; in this case, reductions of 2030% were observed. Based on these re-

Fig. 3. Schematic plan view of the environmental chamber test setup.

approximately 3.7 km/h using a hand-held anemometer. These conditions produced an evaporation rate of approximately 1.0 kg/ m2/h from the free surface of a tray of water. Specimens remained in the chamber for approximately 24 h, after which the length and width of cracks were measured. Crack lengths were measured to the nearest 1 mm with the aid of string, which was capable of following crack paths. Crack widths were measured to the nearest 0.01 mm at three different points along the length of each crack with the aid of a hand-held 50 microscope. The smallest crack that was capable of being detected was 0.005 mm in width. Crack widths smaller than 0.01 mm were assumed to be 0.005 mm for calculation of crack areas. Maximum crack width, total crack area (calculated as the sum of the products of length and average width of all cracks), and number of cracks were recorded for each specimen. 2.4. Unrestrained plastic shrinkage tests Unrestrained plastic shrinkage tests differed from the restrained shrinkage tests in that substrate bases were not used. In-

Fig. 4. Development of free shrinkage over time for specimens containing 0.1% volume fraction of ax bres.

E. Boghossian, L.D. Wegner / Cement & Concrete Composites 30 (2008) 929937


Fig. 5. Measured unrestrained plastic shrinkage strains. Asterisks indicate data points that differed signicantly from plain control specimens at the 95% level of condence.

sults, for bre types other than glass, any reduction in restrained plastic shrinkage cracking that might be observed with bre addition, as presented below, cannot be the result of a reduction in the propensity for bre reinforced specimens to shrink, but must rather be attributed to other mechanisms, namely the increased early age tensile capacity of mortars containing bres and the ability of the bres to restrict the growth of cracks that do form.

3.2. Restrained plastic shrinkage cracking Measured crack properties for restrained plastic shrinkage tests for each of the 24 combinations of bre type, length, and volume fraction are given in Table 3. A relatively high variability in the number and size of cracks was experienced for these tests, as manifested by the high values for coefcient of variation in many cases.

Table 3 Summary of restrained plastic shrinkage test results Fibre type Plain Flax Fibre length (mm) 10 Volume fraction (%) 0.05 0.10 0.30 0.05 0.10 0.30 0.05 0.10 0.30 0.05 0.10 0.30 0.05 0.10 0.30 0.05 0.10 0.30 0.05 0.10 0.30 0.05 0.10 0.30 No.a 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 No. of cracks 10.4 [35.2] 14.0 [5.8] 11.5 [8.7] 7.5 [25.5] 12.5 [19.0] 9.3 [31.1] 6.0 [13.6] 11.0 [12.9] 9.2 [12.8] 7.3 [33.0] 10.8 [15.9] 10.3 [26.9] 10.0 [14.1] 18.0 [22.7] 16.3 [18.4] 11.5 [11.2] 19.3 [23.7] 15.7 [10.4] 14.5 [16.2] 16.7 [6.2] 13.5 [16.1] 13.7 [34.5] 22.5 [10.8] 11.8 [19.6] 12.0 [29.3]

Maximum crack width (mm) 1.823 [33.9] 0.608 [90.0] 0.160 [101] 0.010c [0.0] 0.380 [22.7] 0.173 [25.2] 0.015 [38.5] 0.847 [56.3] 0.098 [39.3] 0.022 [49.8]d 1.193 [12.4] 0.313 [25.0] 0.025 [69.3] 0.988 [47.8] 0.185 [80.1] 0.015 [38.5] 0.802 [35.1] 0.170 [44.0] 0.014 [35.0] 0.733 [11.7] 0.011 [9.8]d 0.011 [10.1]d 0.525 [49.7] 0.027 [23.1]d 0.020 [31.4]

Total crack area (mm2) 212 [24.8] 56.0 [113] 9.27 [113] 0.14 [22.1] 30.9 [24.0] 6.44 [49.2] 0.79 [146] 62.1 [44.8] 3.81 [68.6] 0.38 [82.5]d 105 [9.9] 11.1 [33.8] 0.28 [20.1] 76.3 [64.6] 9.51 [108] 0.29 [26.0] 49.9 [44.3] 8.40 [64.5] 0.43 [37.2] 56.2 [27.2] 0.32 [24.6]d 0.27 [20.2]d 59.7 [54.0] 0.81 [46.6]d 0.48 [36.9]



Monol. polyprop.


Fibrillated polyprop.



AR glass



a b c d

Refers to the number of specimens. The value in brackets is the coefcient of variation in %. Values listed in bold correspond to the minimum values achieved at a given volume fraction among bres of different length. Indicates that an outlier was omitted.


E. Boghossian, L.D. Wegner / Cement & Concrete Composites 30 (2008) 929937

This variability is not unexpected, as cracking is a highly random and variable process. Occasionally, a single specimen exhibited a signicantly higher maximum crack width and total crack area than other similar specimens. Because results were highly sensitive to experimental procedures (e.g. mould removal), values that differed signicantly from the mean at a level of signicance of 1% were considered outliers and were discarded. Data affected by this procedure are indicated by a footnote in the table. It is instructive to rst consider the behaviour of the plain mortar specimens. These specimens developed an average of just over 10 cracks, most of which were oriented roughly perpendicular to the long dimension of the specimen. The total projected area of the cracks (212 mm2) represented approximately 0.6% of the top surface area of a specimen. Normally, one of the cracks extended the full 100 mm specimen width and grew to a relatively wide size (1.82 mm on average). This single crack typically accounted for al-

most 80% of the total crack area on the surface and its width represented approximately one-third of the free shrinkage that would have occurred if the specimens had been unrestrained, as measured by the unrestrained shrinkage tests. Total crack area, expressed as a percentage of that observed on plain control specimens, and maximum observed crack widths for all groups of specimens are plotted in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. In these gures, error bars represent one standard deviation on either side of the mean. Figs. 6 and 7 clearly indicate that the addition of bres of all types, lengths and volume fractions resulted in significant reductions in both total crack area and maximum crack width relative to plain control specimens. Despite the large variability, the observed reductions and many of the differences between different groups of specimens are statistically signicant. The inuence of bre volume fraction on cracking behaviour is unmistakable. In all cases, total crack area and maximum crack

Fig. 6. Total crack area relative to plain control specimens for all restrained plastic shrinkage specimens.

Fig. 7. Maximum crack widths for all restrained plastic shrinkage specimens.

E. Boghossian, L.D. Wegner / Cement & Concrete Composites 30 (2008) 929937


width consistently decreased with increasing volume fraction. This trend was most striking as the volume fraction increased from 0.05% to 0.1%, over which interval all bre types and lengths produced very signicant reductions. While the reduction in total crack area relative to plain mortar specimens varied from 51% to 87% (being typically in the 7080% range) for specimens with 0.05% volume fractions, all specimens with 0.1% volume fractions exhibited reductions in total crack area of 95% or more. Glass bres performed particularly well at the 0.1% volume fraction, reducing total crack areas by at least 99.5%, which is comparable to the performance of other bre types at a volume fraction of 0.3%. At the 0.3% volume fraction, bres of all types and lengths were extremely effective, reducing total crack areas by more than 99.5% in all cases. Similar relationships were observed for maximum crack widths. Addition of bres at a volume fraction of 0.05% produced reductions in maximum crack widths relative to plain mortar specimens in the range of 3580% in all cases. At a 0.1% volume fraction, reductions ranged from 83% to 99%, and at 0.3% maximum crack widths decreased by at least 98.5% to less than 0.025 mm in all cases. Again, the performance of glass bres at a volume fraction of 0.1% is particularly noteworthy when compared to other bre types at a similar volume fraction. In addition to the ability of bres to increase the tensile strain capacity in the plastic state, the effectiveness of glass bres may also be partly due to their ability to reduce the propensity for free plastic shrinkage, which was not observed for other bre types. No consistent trend in cracking behaviour with change in bre length can be observed in the data. Although improved behaviour with increasing bre length at a given volume fraction was observed in a large number of cases, a signicant number of cases demonstrating the reverse trend were also observed. Most notably, both total crack area and maximum crack width increased signicantly when the length of glass bres at both 0.1% and 0.3% volume fractions increased from 18 to 40 mm. This may be indicative of an optimum bre length closer to 18 mm for glass bres, but this cannot be conrmed based on the data presented here. It suggests that a larger number of closely spaced 18 mm long glass bres are more effective than half the number of 40 mm long bres less densely packed. For most bre types, an increase in bre volume fraction had a much more signicant inuence than did an increase in bre length. The performance of ax bres in particular was comparable to that of most other bre types investigated. At a volume fraction of 0.1%, ax bres at all lengths reduced the total crack area relative to plain specimens by more than 95%, and reduced maximum crack widths by at least 90% to less than 0.18 mm. This is very similar to the performance of brillated polypropylene bres at this volume fraction. Glass bres performed signicantly better, while monolament polypropylene bres did not perform as well. At a volume fraction of 0.3%, ax bres produced reductions of greater than 99.5% for total crack area and 98.5% for maximum crack width, with maximum crack widths limited to less than 0.022 mm for all bre lengths. At this volume fraction, all bre types performed very similarly. The performance of ax bres relative to other bre types may be better understood by considering Figs. 8 and 9, in which total crack areas and maximum crack widths, respectively, are plotted for the bre length that produced the best results for a given bre type and volume fraction. For example, at a volume fraction of 0.05%, the 19 mm long ax bres produced the smallest total crack area as compared with other lengths of ax bres, while at a volume fraction of 0.1%, the 38 mm long ax bres resulted in the smallest total crack area. These plots allow a comparison of the performance of different bre types assuming that a near optimal bre length has been used at each volume fraction for a particular

Fig. 8. Comparison of total crack areas for specimens with the best bre lengths.

Fig. 9. Comparison of maximum crack widths for specimens with the best bre lengths.

type. It should be noted that the best length typically varied with volume fraction. A logarithmic scale is used to facilitate plotting values spanning several orders of magnitude, and error bars are only plotted for ax bre specimens to preserve clarity. Both gures show that ax bres generally performed the best among the bre types investigated in terms of their ability to reduce the total crack area and restrict the size of the largest cracks that formed. The only exception to this pattern occurred at a volume fraction of 0.1%, at which glass bres produced reductions in these parameters that were an order of magnitude better than ax bres, which were the next best. Some additional insight into the behaviour of the bres may be gained by examining the number of cracks appearing on specimen surfaces, as listed in Table 3 and plotted in Fig. 10. In this gure, data points marked with an asterisk indicate that the average number of cracks observed for a given set of specimens differed significantly from those of the plain control specimens at the 95% level of condence. The introduction of ax bres at the lowest volume fraction produced a slight increase in the number of cracks relative to the plain mortar specimens, although this increase was only statistically signicant for the 10 mm long bres. As the volume fraction of ax bres increased to 0.30%, the number of cracks decreased to fewer than in the plain specimens. In contrast, the monolament polypropylene bres had virtually no inuence on the number of cracks observed. On the other hand, addition of


E. Boghossian, L.D. Wegner / Cement & Concrete Composites 30 (2008) 929937

Fig. 10. Average number of cracks observed for all restrained plastic shrinkage specimens. Asterisks indicate data points that differed signicantly from plain control specimens at the 95% level of condence.

either brillated polypropylene or glass bres produced a signicant increase in the number of cracks, particularly at the lower two volume fractions. As with ax bres, the number decreased with an increase in volume fraction, but typically remained greater than in the plain specimens. These results suggest that the different types of bres control cracking by different mechanisms. In plain restrained specimens, shrinkage of the mortar was accommodated by the widening of one or two dominant full-width cracks. On the other hand, bres of all types provided a degree of tensile capacity across cracks and did not permit them to grow as wide (see Fig. 7). In the case of brillated polypropylene and glass bres, tensile stresses produced by restraint of shrinkage were relieved in part by the formation of a larger number of cracks rather than by excessive widening of a few, suggesting that the tensile capacity across cracks as provided by bres exceeded that of the uncracked mortar. For glass bres, a smaller amount of shrinkage tendency had to be accommodated. In the case of ax bres, while the formation of a larger number of cracks relative to plain mortar occurred to some extent at lower volume fractions, at higher volume fractions the ax reinforced mortar appears to exhibit a higher strain capacity than mortars containing other bre types, such that fewer cracks form while the cracks that do occur are prevented from widening signicantly. This interpretation is supported by the fact that, despite forming fewer cracks, both total crack areas and maximum crack widths for ax reinforced specimens were typically smaller than those with other bre types (see Figs. 8 and 9). In order for this to occur, it is also necessary that the tensile capacity across cracks be greater for mortars containing ax bres than those containing other bre types. The superior ability of ax bres to improve the tensile capacity of fresh mortar, in both intact and cracked regions, may reect the hydrophilic nature of the ax bres, which is likely to improve the bond between bre and fresh mortar. While these hypotheses are reasonable, they have yet to be conrmed by additional tests to directly measure bre pullout properties from fresh mortars and the tensile capacity of fresh bre reinforced mortars. 4. Summary and conclusions The addition of low volume fractions of short ax bres to Portland cement mortar specimens was found to be effective in reduc-

ing the cracking that results from restrained plastic shrinkage under conditions that produce high evaporation rates. Tests showed that when ax bres were added at a volume fraction of 0.1%, the total projected area of cracks forming on the surface of specimens within the rst 24 h was reduced by more than 95% relative to plain mortar specimens, and maximum crack widths were reduced by more than 90% to less than 0.18 mm. At a volume fraction of 0.3%, these reductions were 99.5% and 98.5%, respectively, with crack widths limited to less than 0.022 mm. The improvement with increasing volume fraction was obvious, but variation in bre length between 10 and 38 mm did not signicantly inuence cracking behaviour. In terms of their ability to reduce total crack area and limit crack widths in fresh mortar specimens, ax bres were found to perform generally slightly better than other synthetic bres, notably monolament polypropylene, brillated polypropylene, and alkali resistant glass bres, when near optimal lengths were compared. The improvement in performance with volume fraction and absence of variation with bre length were similar for all bre types. The addition of ax bres at all volume fractions and lengths tested was not found to signicantly inuence the free plastic shrinkage experienced within the rst 24 h after casting. Among the bre types investigated, only glass bres were found to consistently inuence free plastic shrinkage, typically decreasing it by 2030% relative to plain mortar specimens, depending upon the bre length and volume fraction. Thus, the ability of most bre types to reduce cracking must be attributed primarily to their ability to improve the tensile capacity of the fresh mortars and restrict the growth of cracks that form. In this respect, ax bres appear to perform these functions somewhat better than other bre types, probably due to their hydrophilic nature. Acknowledgements The nancial support of the Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada are gratefully acknowledged. The authors thank SANELINK Canada, Lafarge Canada, FORTA Corporation, and SaintGobain Vetrotex for providing materials to conduct the experimental program.

E. Boghossian, L.D. Wegner / Cement & Concrete Composites 30 (2008) 929937


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