QP Univ
QP Univ
QP Univ
MCA DEGREE EXAMINATION, May / June 2009 Third Semester MC1702 Microprocessors and its Applications (Regulation 2005) Maximam Marks:100 PART A (10 x 2 = 20 MARKS ) 1. What are the flags available in 8085 flag register? 2. How many address lines are required if the microprocessor has to access 1 kb of memory 3. Explain the usage of XLAT instruction 4. Give any four logical instructions of 8086 5. Mention the function of the pins (a) ALE (b) READY 6. How do you classify programmed data transfer? 7. What are the processing modes of 80386 8. Define Superscalar architecture 9. What are the display modes supported by 8279? 10. Mention any two co-processors and their purpose
PART B (5 x 16 = 80 MARKS ) 11. (a) (i) Draw the 8085 pin diagram and explain all the pin functions in detail.(16) OR (b) (i) Discuss all addressing modes of 8085 with an example (ii) Classify the interrupts of 8085 and how does the processor coin the IBA 12. (a) (i) What are the different kinds of data the 8086 instructions can work upon and what are the basic arithmetic operations it can perform on these data? (ii) How do these arithmetic operations work on packed and unpacked data? Explain the adjustment instructions OR (b) Draw the 8086 architectural diagram. Explain the function of each unit, bringing out its improved features over the 8085 13. (a) With a schematic diagram, explain the minimum mode configuration of 8086. Explain the need for every support component. OR (b) (i) What are the four basic bus cycles of 8086? (ii) Draw the maximum mode write bus cycle and explain the various events that take place in the write cycle 14. (a) Draw the 80386 architectural diagram and explain the function of each unit in details. OR (b) (i) Intel Pentium processor has Superscalar architecture, justify this statement with a neat diagram and explanation (ii) Discuss how the branch prediction mechanism works in the Pentium Processor 15. (a) (i) Explain the various steps involved in interfacing and servicing a key press in a CPU (ii) How does an 8279 help in relieving the processor of handling a keyboard and display interface? Give the block diagram
OR (b) Write short notes on: (i) 8295 Printer controller.(ii) 8275 CRT controller.