This document contains a list of 15 questions related to interfacing various peripherals to an 8086 microprocessor, including questions about:
- Interfacing an 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface chip to control LEDs and read switches
- Interfacing an ADC0808 Analog to Digital Converter to the 8086 using an 8255 for control signals and data transfer
- Designing memory interfaces between 8086 CPU and EPROM and RAM chips
- Interfacing a stepper motor and writing a program to control its rotation
- Interfacing a DAC and writing a program to generate a sawtooth waveform
This document contains a list of 15 questions related to interfacing various peripherals to an 8086 microprocessor, including questions about:
- Interfacing an 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface chip to control LEDs and read switches
- Interfacing an ADC0808 Analog to Digital Converter to the 8086 using an 8255 for control signals and data transfer
- Designing memory interfaces between 8086 CPU and EPROM and RAM chips
- Interfacing a stepper motor and writing a program to control its rotation
- Interfacing a DAC and writing a program to generate a sawtooth waveform
This document contains a list of 15 questions related to interfacing various peripherals to an 8086 microprocessor, including questions about:
- Interfacing an 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface chip to control LEDs and read switches
- Interfacing an ADC0808 Analog to Digital Converter to the 8086 using an 8255 for control signals and data transfer
- Designing memory interfaces between 8086 CPU and EPROM and RAM chips
- Interfacing a stepper motor and writing a program to control its rotation
- Interfacing a DAC and writing a program to generate a sawtooth waveform
This document contains a list of 15 questions related to interfacing various peripherals to an 8086 microprocessor, including questions about:
- Interfacing an 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface chip to control LEDs and read switches
- Interfacing an ADC0808 Analog to Digital Converter to the 8086 using an 8255 for control signals and data transfer
- Designing memory interfaces between 8086 CPU and EPROM and RAM chips
- Interfacing a stepper motor and writing a program to control its rotation
- Interfacing a DAC and writing a program to generate a sawtooth waveform
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CLASS/SEMESTER: III/II ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-2020 SUBJECT:MPMC REG: R16 UNIT-1 1. What are registers? List and discuss the functions of the registers of 8086 Microprocessor. 2. What is an interrupt? List and explain different interrupts supported by 8086 Microprocessor. 3. a) Explain the physical address formation in 8086. b) Explain the purpose of ALE, BHE, DT/R and DEN pins of 8086. Show their timing in the system bus cycle of 8086. 4. With a neat architectural diagram, explain the functioning of an 8086 microprocessor 5. a) Describe in detail about the register organization of 8086 microprocessor. b) Explain the concept of Physical memory organization of 8086 Microprocessor. 6. Draw the block diagram of maximum mode operation of 8086 processor and explain with it’s timing Diagram. 7. Draw the block diagram of minimum mode operation of 8086 processor and explain with it’s timing Diagram. 8. a)Draw the flag register of 8086 microprocessor and explain the function of each flag. b) Explain the different maximum mode pins of 8086 microprocessor 9. a) List out segmentation registers of 8086. Explain how 8086 provides 1MB memory address space using the segment register. What is the purpose of extra segment? b) Explain different maskable and non maskable interrupts of 8086 microprocessor. 10. Draw the pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor and explain the function of each pin. 11. a) Explain the different minimum mode pins of 8086 microprocessor. b) Write the difference between Maximum mode and minimum mode. 12. a) Draw the interrupt vector table of 8086 microprocessor and explain its operation in detail. b) Draw the timing diagrams of minimum mode read operation and explain in detail. 13. What is memory segmentation? What is its use? Explain the memory segmentation in 8086 microprocessor. UNIT-2 1. a) Write and discuss different machine language instruction formats supported by 8086 microprocessor. b) What is the purpose of AAA, AAD and DAA instructions of 8086? Explain with examples. 2. Give the assembly language implementation for the following: i) FORLOOP ii) REPEAT iii) IF-THEN-ELSE iv)WHILE 3. a) Explain i) MOV ii) PUSH iii)POP iv)XCHG v)IN data transfer instructions of 8086 microprocessor with examples. b) Write the assembly language implementation of FOR loop with a suitable example. 4. a) Explain the programming development steps in 8086 microprocessor. b) Write an ALP in 8086 to multiply a 16-bit unsigned number by an 8-bit unsigned number. 5. a) Explain the arithmetic instruction of the 8086 microprocessor. b) Write an assemble language program to arrange the given array in ascending order, the length of array is ten 16-bit numbers. 6. a) Discuss the assembler directives of 8086 micro processor a) PROC b) DQ c)DUP d)EQU e)ENDS. b) Write an assembly language program to find the largest number of an array 8- bit array. 7. Define addressing mode and explain different addressing modes presented in 8086 microprocessor. 8. a)Write an Assemble language program to find number of even and odd numbers in an 8- Bit array. b) Explain the programming development Tools in 8086 microprocessor. 9. a) Explain the following instructions i) AAS ii) DIV iii) CALL iv) RET. b) Write an assembly language program to generate Fibonacci series up to a given number. 10. a) Explain the string instruction of the 8086 microprocessor. b) Write an Assemble language program to find the factorial of a given number. 11. a) Write the loop instruction and their functions of 8086 and explain the use of DF flag in the execution of string instructions. b) Write an assembly language program to transfer data from one memory location to another location. 12. a) Explain the shift and Rotate instruction set of 8086 Microprocessor along with examples. b) Write an assembly language program to convert binary to BCD. 13. a) Explain algorithm implementation of a)IF-THEN-ELSE b) FOR loop. b) Explain the instruction set of 8086 microprocessor a) POP b) AAA c) CMP d) CWD e) ROL 14. a) Explain while loop and repeat-until structures with an example b) What is macro? Give the difference between a macro and a subroutine. UNIT-3 1. a) Explain the BSR mode of operation of 8255 programmable peripheral interface. b) Write an assembly language program in 8086 to generate a symmetrical square wave with 1KHz frequency? Give the necessary circuit set up with a DAC. 2. a) Interface an 8255 with 8086 to work as a peripheral interface. Initialize its port A as output port, port B as input port and port C as output port. Port A address should be 0740H.Writ a program to sense switch positions SW0 –SW7 connected at port B. The sensed pattern is to be displayed in port A, to which 8 LEDs are connected, which the port C lower displays number of ‘ON’ switches out of the total eight switches. b) What is DMA? What are its advantages? 3. a) Discuss the applications of A-to-D and D-to-A converters. b) Draw the schematic diagram of stepper motor interfacing to 8086. Write an assembly language program to rotate shaft of a 4-phase, 200 teeth stepper motor i) 10 rotations in clockwise ii)5 rotations in anticlockwise iii) Exactly by an angle of 27o in clockwise. 4. a) What are the main features of 8255? Draw and explain the control word register formats of 8255. b) Interface ADC 0808 with 8086 using 8255 ports. Use port A of 8255 for transferring digital data output of ADC to the CPU and port C for control signals. Assume that an analog input is present at I/P2 of the ADC and a clock input of suitable frequency in available for ADC. Draw the schematic and write required ALP. 5. a) Write the control word formats of 8259. b) Explain the need of DMA. Discuss in detail about DMA data transfer method. 6. a) With a neat diagram explain the architecture of 8255? b) Describe the operation of a parallel comparator A/D converter. 7. a) Draw the interfacing diagram of an ADC to 8086. b) Explain the following data transfers (i) Programmed I/O (ii) Interrupted I/O. 8. a) Draw and Explain the architecture of Display controller 8279. b) Explain in detail about semiconductor memory Interfacing. 9. a) Explain memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O. b) Give the internal block diagram of 8259A and present the overview of it 10. a) Explain the interfacing of multiplexed 7-segment display with 8086. b) Draw a typical stepper motor interface with 8255 and explain? 11. a) With the help of basic cell, explain SRAM and DRAM. Discuss the advantage and dis- advantage of the memories. b) Explain ICW’s and OCW’s of 8259 Priority interrupt controller. 12. a) Interfacing of Two 8X8 RAM and Two 16X8 EPROM with 8086 CPU, the EPROM Starting address is 00000H. The RAM address follows the EPROM. Draw the memory interfacing table along with interfacing diagram. b). Draw the 8237 DMA architecture and explain its operation along with register organization of DMA. 13. a) Draw the Interfacing diagram of D/A Converter with 8086 Microprocessor along with 8255 PPI and explain its operation. b) Draw the internal architecture of 8259 PIC and explain the operation of each block in detail. 14. a) Draw the functional diagram, pin diagram of ADC0808, and explain its operation along with interfacing diagram. b) Design an interface between 8086 CPU and two chips of 16K X 8 EPROM and two chips of 32K X 8 RAM. Select the starting address of EPROM suitably. The RAM address must start at 00000H. 15. a) Design a stepper motor controller and write an ALP to rotate shaft of a 4-phase stepper motor in clock wise 4 rotations ii) in anticlockwise 4 rotations. The 8255 port A address 0740H. The stepper motor has 200 rotor teeth. The port A bit PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 drives different windings a, b, c, d respectively. The stepper motor has an inertial delay of 10 ms and assumes delay routine is available. b) Interface DAC AD7253 with an 8086 CPU running at 8 MHz and write an ALP to generate a sawtooth waveform of period 2 ms with Vmax=5V.