Lagatic Vs NLRC
Lagatic Vs NLRC
Lagatic Vs NLRC
2) Whether or not he was entitled to separation pay, premium pay, and overtime
Due process given: notice (2 written notices, (1) particular acts (2) decision to
dismiss) & hearing
Hearing: complied w/ as long as there was an opportunity to be heard as he
submitted reply
No law that employees need to be paid commission, so no specific formula,
only through Collective Bargaining negotiations or what employer practices.
Not non-diminution of benefits when he is not always affected by wage
increase since commissions are larger, non-diminution would be if company
removes commission. As for OT, rest day, holiday pays, his minutes of the
meeting does not prove that he worked those days, when they were not
actually required to go to work on weekends.