Sayyid Ad Dua
Sayyid Ad Dua
Sayyid Ad Dua
Allhuma jal wwal majlisin hadh alan wa awaahu falan wa khirahu najan.
Allhuma jal wwalahu ramatan wa awaahu nimatan wa khirahu takrmatan wa
maghfirah. Alamdullilhi Lladh tawaa kulli shayin aamatihi wa dalla kulli shayin liizzatihi wa khaa kulli shayin li-mulkihi wastaslama kulli shayin li-qudratih. Alamdullilhi
Lladh sakana kulli shayin li-haybatihi wa ahara kulli shayin bi-ikmatihi wa taghara kulli
shayin li-kibryihi. Allhuma ayqan f aabbi sat ilayk y Wadd, y dhal-arshil-majd
falun lim yurd. Hal atka adthu jund, firawn wa thamd bali Lladhn kafar f takdhd
w Allhu min warihim muun bal huwa qurnun majdun f lawin maf.
O our Lord! Make the beginning of this gathering goodness, its middle happiness, and its end
success. O our Lord! Make its beginning mercy, its middle bounty and its ending generosity and
forgiveness. All praise be to Allah who humbled everything before His Greatness, made all things
subservient before His Honor, brought low all things before His Kingship and made all things
submit to His Power. And all praise to Allah who made all things tranquil before His Majesty, and
made everything appear through His wisdom, and humbled all things before His Pride. O our Lord!
Wake us in the time most beloved to Yourself, O Loving One, O { Lord of the Throne of Glory, Doer
(without let) of all that He intends. as the story reached thee, of the forces Of Pharaoh and the Thamud? And yet the
Unbelievers (persist) in rejecting (the Truth)! But Allah doth encompass them from behind! Nay, this is a Glorious
Qur'an, (Inscribed) in a Tablet Preserved! } (al-Burj, 85:15-22)
one who has not been cured and no need of this life or the Hereafter except that You have
judged it and made it easy. O Allah make our affairs easy, and pay off our debts and relieve our
distress and allay our concerns and make steadfast our feet and give victory over ourselves and
on the unbelieving enemies within.
Allhuma shfin w ashfi marn wa mara l-muslimna wa fin wa fi marn wa
mara l-muslimna wa taqabbal minn y rabban y Allh wa amidan bi-umurin li-idrk
ib az-zamn sayydin muammad al-mahd alayhi s-salm wa sayydinn s alayhi ssalm warzuqn shafaatan-nab al-muaf alayhi afal a-alti was-salm w ajaln an
narhu fl-khirati wasqin min awihi sharbatan hanyattan maryattan l nam badah
Allhuma inn nasaluka min khayri m saalaka minhu sayydin muammadin (s) wa
nastdhuka min sharri mstadhaka minhu sayydin muammad (s) walamdulillhi
rabbil-lamn. Rabban taqabbal minn bi-urmati man anzalta alayhi sirr sratul-ftiah.