Dua Kumail
Dua Kumail
Dua Kumail
ORIGIN OF THE DU'A Kumayl Ibn Ziyad Nakha'i was a confidant amongst the companions of
Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (asws.) and this sublime Du'a was first heard from the beautiful, though
anguished, voice of Imam Ali.
According to Allama Majlisi Kumayl had attended an assembly in the Mosque at Basra which
was addressed by Moula Ali (asws) in the course of which the night of the 15th of Shaban was
mentioned. Moula Ali (asws) said-"Whosoever keeps awake in devoutness on this night and
recites the Du'a of Prophet Khizr, undoubtedly that person's supplication will be responded to
and granted. When the assembly at the Mosque had dispersed, Kumayl called at the house
where Moula Ali (asws) was staying, and requested him to acquaint him with Prophet Khizr's
"Du'a". Moula Ali (asws) asked Kumayl to sit down, record and memorise the "Du'a" which
Moula Ali (asws) dictated to Kumayl.
Moula Ali (asws) then advised Kumayl to recite this "Du'a" on the eve of every Friday, or once
a month or at least once in every year so that, added Moula Ali (asws), "Allah may protect thee
from the evils of the enemies and the plots contrived by impostors. O' Kumayl! in
consideration of thy companionship and understanding, I grant thee this honour of entrusting
this "Du'a" to thee."
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
In the Name of Allah, the All-
merciful, the All-compassionate
bis-millahir-rahmanir-rahem ٌِِٞثِغٌِْ اىئَِ اىشَدََِِْ اىشَد
O Allah, I ask You by Your mercy, allahumma in- ne as-aluka bi-rah- ِٜ أَعْأىُلَ ثِشَدََْزِلَ اىَزِِّٜاىيٌََُٖ ئ
which embraces all things; matikal- late wasi`at kul- la shay ٍْءََٜٗعِؼَذْ مُوَ ش
And by Your strength, through wa bi-qu-watikal- late qahar-ta biha َ قََٖشْدَ ثَِٖب مُوَِٜٗثِقَُ٘رِلَ اىَز
which You dominatest all things, kul- la shay ٍْءَٜش
And toward which all things are
wa khaza`a laha kul- lu shay ٍْءََٜٗخَعَغَ ىََٖب مُوُ ش
And before which all things are
wa dhal- la laha kul- lu shay ٍْءََٜٗرَهَ ىََٖب مُوُ ش
And by Your invincibility through
which You overwhelmest all
wa bi-jabarutikal- late ghalab-ta َ غَيَجْذَ ثَِٖب مُوَِٜٗثِجَجشُٗرِلَ اىَز
biha kul- la shay ٍْءَٜش
And by Your might, which nothing wa bi`izzatikal- late la yaqumu laha
can resist; shay ٌْءََٜقًُُ٘ ىََٖب شٝ الَِٜٗثِؼِضَرِلَ اىَز
And by Your tremendousness, wa bi`a¨amatikal- late mala-at kul- la
which has filled all things; shay ٍْءَٜ ٍَألَدْ مُوَ شَِٜٗثِؼَظَََزِلَ اىَز
by Your force, which towers over wa bisul- tanikal- ladhe `ala kul- la
all things; shay ٍْءَٜ ػَالَ مُوَ شَِٛٗثِغُيْؽَبِّلَ اىَز
And by Your face, which subsists wa bi-waj-hikal-baqe ba`da fana-i ِ ثَؼْذَ فََْبءِ مُوَِٜٗثَِ٘جِْٖلَ اىْجَبق
after the annihilation of all things, kul- li shay ٍْءَٜش
And by Your Names, which have wa bi-as- ma-ikal- late malat ar-kana َُ ٍَألَدْ أَسْمَبَِٜٗثِأَعََْبئِلَ اىَز
filled the foundations of all things; kul- li shay ٍْءَٜمُوِ ش
And by Your knowledge, which wa bi`il- mikal- ladhe ahata bikul- li
encompasses all things; shay ٍْءَٜ أَدَبغَ ثِنُوِ شَِٛٗثِؼِيَِْلَ اىَز
And by the light of Your face,
wa bi-nuri waj- hikal- ladhe aza-a َُٔ أَظَبءَ ىَِٛٗثُِْ٘سِ َٗجِْٖلَ اىَز
through which all things are
lahu kul- lu shay ٍْءَٜمُوُ ش
O Light! O All- holy! ya nuru ya qud-dus َُب قُذُٗطٝ َُب ُّ٘سٝ
O First of those who are first ya aw-walal-aw-walen ََِِٞب أََٗهَ األََٗىٝ
And O Last of those who are last! wa ya a-khiral-a-khiren َِِٝخِشَٟب آخِشَ اَٝٗ
O Allah, forgive me those sins allahumma- igh- fir liyadh- ِٜ اىزُُّ٘ةَ اىَزِٜاىيٌََُٖ اغْفِشْ ى
which tear apart safeguards! dhunubal- late tah-tikul`isam ٌََرَٖزِلُ اىْؼِص
O Allah, forgive me those sins allahumma- igh- fir liyadh- ِٜ اىزُُّ٘ةَ اىَزِٜاىيٌََُٖ اغْفِشْ ى
which draw down adversities! dhunubal- late tunzilun- niqam ٌََرُْْضِهُ اىِْق
O Allah, forgive me those sins allahumma- igh- fir liyadh- ِٜ اىزُُّ٘ةَ اىَزِٜاىيٌََُٖ اغْفِشْ ى
which alter blessings! dhunubal- late tughy- yirun-ni`am ٌََِشُ اىِْؼٞرُغ
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
O Allah forgive me those sins allahumma- igh- fir liyadh- ِٜ اىزُُّ٘ةَ اىَزِٜاىيٌََُٖ اغْفِشْ ى
which hold back supplication! dhunubal- late tah-bisud-du’a َرَذْجِظُ اىذُػَبء
O Allah forgive me those sins allahumma- igh- fir liyadh- ِٜ اىزُُّ٘ةَ اىَزِٜاىيٌََُٖ اغْفِشْ ى
which cut down the hopes! dhunubal- late taq-tau'r-raja َرَقْؽَغُ اىشَجَبء
O Allah, forgive me those sins allahumma- igh- fir liyadh- ِٜ اىزُُّ٘ةَ اىَزِٜاىيٌََُٖ اغْفِشْ ى
which draw down tribulation! dhunubal- late tunzilul-bala َرُْْضِهُ اىجَالء
O Allah, forgive me every sin I
have committed and every mistake
allahumma- igh- fir liya kul- la
dham-bin adhnabtuhu wa kul- la
ُُٔ مُوَ رَّْتٍ أَرَّْجْزِٜاىيٌََُٖ اغْفِشْ ى
I have made! khate-atin akh-tatuha ئَخٍ أَخْؽَأْرَُٖبَِٞٗمُوَ خَؽ
O Allah, verily I seek nearness to allahumma inne ataqarrabu ilayka
You through remembrance of You, bi-dhik-rik َْلَ ثِزِمْشِكَٞ أَرَقَشَةُ ئِىِِّٜاىيٌََُٖ ئ
And I seek intercession from You
with Yourself,
wa as-tash- fiu' bika ila naf-sik َ َّفْغِلََٜٗأَعْزَشْفِغُ ثِلَ ئِى
And I ask You through Your
wa as-aluka bi-judika an tud- ni- ٍِِ ََِِّْْٜٞٗأَعْأىُلَ ثِجُ٘دِكَ أَُ رُذ
munificence to bring me near to
Your proximity,
yane min qur-bik َقُشْثِل
Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)