Secondary 3 Vocabulary Unit 1: Name - Date

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Name Date _________________________________________ __________________

1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. In order to know what is wrong, the doctor must __________ the patient. a) search b) steal c) examine d) think 2. Modern technologies such as the mobile phone make __________ easier. a) procedure b) opinion c) process d) communication 3. The ride at the amusement park went down so ast that m! bod! elt __________. a) weightless b) purple c) disguised d) ascinating ". #e __________ own a $iat car. a) pro essionall! b) currentl!

c) ne%er

d) once

&. M! sister can easil! do a spin, as she has been doing __________ or !ears. a) side e ects b) g!mnastics c) ootball d) gra%it! '. (ne o the __________ on m! bic!cle wheel needs to be repaired. a) handles b) pedals c) chains d) spokes ). The rain was so hea%! that the water wheel __________ or three da!s. a) launched b) leaked c) spun d) washed *. __________ is the orce that keeps ob+ects on earth. a) gra%it! b) g!mnastics c) spoke

d) gra%!

,. The doctor assured us that there would be no __________ rom the medicine. a) s!stems b) eeling c) side e ects d) ashioning 1-. The ashion house is now __________ some new winter dresses. a) launching b) lunching c) condemning d) coaching

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o the wor&s 'e#ow. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. gra%it! . intention . secret / examine

- mission . artistic . box . g!mnastics

(ur teacher decided to take us on a ield trip to a local art museum. (ur __________ was to ind a piece o art that we like, __________ it care ull! and write an essa! about it. I ound a lot o art that I liked, but one picture reall! stood out. 0ll m! riends wanted to know which one I had chosen, but I decided to keep it a __________. The picture looked like it had no __________1 clocks were in the sk! and clouds were on the ground. It reall! made no sense, but I liked it because all the

ob+ects looked like the! were doing __________.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. 2alia, wh! are !ou so _______________3 4o one reall! cares. 5secret) 2. Mom, the air conditioner _______________ again. 5leak) 3. I watch the news because I like to keep up with _______________ e%ents. 5currentl!) ". The whole situation has +ust _______________ out o control. 5spin) &. M! sister is %er! lexible and wants to be a _______________. 5g!mnastics) '. This little countr! has made great _______________ ad%ances. 5technolog!) ). The police conducted a _______________ search o the cit! block. 5s!stem) *. The _______________ course began on 1& (ctober. 5currentl!)

+. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A B 1. side e ect a.the inner part o a wheel 2. spoke b.a li6uid or gas that escapes a container 3. leak c.occurs when taking drugs7medicines ". mission d.a task &. currentl! e.occurring now .the center o discussion


1. 1.c 2.d 3.a ".b &.b '.d ).c *.a ,.c 1- . a

!. (ur teacher decided to take us on a ield trip to a local art museum. (ur mission was to ind a piece o art that we like, examine it care ull! and write an essa! about it. I ound a lot o art that I liked, but one picture reall! stood out. 0ll m! riends wanted to know which one I had chosen, but I decided to keep it a secret. The picture looked like it had no gravity1 clocks were in the sk! and clouds were on the ground. It reall! made no sense, but I liked it because all the ob+ects looked like the! were doing gymnastics. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *.

2alia, wh! are !ou so secretive3 4o one reall! cares. Mom, the air conditioner is leaking again. I watch the news because I like to keep up with current e%ents. The whole situation has +ust spun out o control. M! sister is %er! lexible and wants to be a gymnast. This little countr! has made great technological ad%ances. The police conducted a systematic search o the cit! block. The current course began on 1& (ctober.

+. 1.c






Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. The weather report sa!s it __________ cloud! all da!. a) will be b) going to be c) is

d) is being

2. 0 ter seeing some o the competition, 8eila thinks she __________ the bron9e medal. a) will win b) wins c) is winning d) will be won 3. The twins __________ se%enteen next week. a) turning b) is going to turn c) turns ". I !ou like, I __________ the salad. a) am making b) will make

d) will turn

c) makes

d) am going to make

&. :alma and :arah ha%e made plans. The! __________ tomorrow. a) are going skating b) are skate c) will skate '. #e;%e arranged e%er!thing. #e __________ <ussein up at nine. a) picks b) picking c) will pick ). :am! can;t help !ou tonight. <e __________ on a science pro+ect. a) won;t be working b) is working c) worked *. $ine. =ou set the table, and I __________ the bread. a) am cutting b) cut c) will cut

d) do skate

d) are picking

d) works

d) am cutting

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. I cannot watch the rocket launching. I will be bus! at )1--. 5since) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. I strongl! agree. Technolog! has changed our li%es or the better. 5that) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The space station orbits the earth. 0 rocket re uels it as it orbits. 5while) _________________________________________________________________________ ". I pla! soccer almost e%er! da!. 5usuall!) _________________________________________________________________________ &. I lo%e >ome. I lo%e 2amascus. 5as well as) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. ?an !ou wait until '.-- because I had lessons until then3 _________________________________________________________________________ 2. I can;t meet !ou on Tuesda! because I be tra%elling that da!.

_________________________________________________________________________ 3. 8ook@ I bu! that beauti ul kitten or =unus or his birthda!. _________________________________________________________________________ ". 0sk :awsan because I think she probabl! knew the answer. _________________________________________________________________________ &. M! light tomorrow will be at ,.&* am. _________________________________________________________________________ '. I think Mother will inishes reading her no%el tonight. _________________________________________________________________________ ). :orr!, I can;t come because I pla!ed tennis with =ehia tomorrow. _________________________________________________________________________ *. Aeorge;s amil! take him out tomorrow to celebrate his new +ob. _________________________________________________________________________ +. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. Technolog! is as old as mankind;s irst disco%er! o ire. Man! people think that technolog! will be

pro%iding solutions to our problems or allow us to do things we ha%e ne%er done. But that ma! not be so. $or example, onl! the %er!, %er! wealth! be able to go into space because o the prohibiti%e cost o +et uel. There are no substitutes or this expensi%e uel, and no one is knowing how long we is continuing to extract it rom the ground. In the uture, those o us le t on earth will be ha%ing to conser%e or de%elop new technologies.


1. 1.a 2.a 3.d ".b &.a '.d ).b *.c

!. 1. I cannot watch the rocket launching since I will be bus! at ).--. (> :ince I will be bus! at ).--, I cannot watch the rocket launching. 2. I strongl! agree that technolog! has changed our li%es or the better. 3. #hile the space station orbits the earth, a rocket re uels it. (> 0 rocket re uels the space station while it orbits the earth. (> 0 rocket re uels the space station while it is orbiting the earth. ". I usuall! pla! soccer e%er! da!. &. I lo%e >ome as well as 2amascus. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

?an !ou wait until '.-- because I ha/e lessons until then3 I can;t meet !ou on Tuesda! because I am tra%elling that da!. 8ook@ I2## '(* that beauti ul kitten or =unus or his birthda!. 0sk :awsan because I think she probabl! )nows the answer. M! light tomorrow %s at ,.&* am.

'. I think Mother will %n%sh reading her no%el tonight. ). :orr!, I can;t come because I2m "#a*%n$ tennis with =ehia tomorrow. *. Aeorge;s amil! are ta)%n$ him out tomorrow to celebrate his new +ob. +. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. Technolog! is as old as mankind;s irst disco%er! o ire. Man! people think that technolog! will

pro%ide solutions to our problems or allow us to do things we ha%e ne%er done. But that ma! not be so. $or example, onl! the %er!, %er! wealth! will be able to go into space because o the prohibiti%e cost o +et uel. There are no substitutes or this expensi%e uel, and no one knows how long we will continue to extract it rom the ground. In the uture, those o us le t on earth will ha%e to conser%e or de%elop new technologies.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________

1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. The law!er argued that his client;s _____ had been %iolated. a) wills b) nose c) side e ects

d) rights

2. :oha is so excitedC her mother was in%ited _____ the Dueen o :pain;s coronation. a) to attend b) to extend c) to intend d) to o end 3. =es, I;m going. I am so glad to ha%e another _____ to hear 2r. :haimaa speak. a) coronation b) occasion c) occasional d) speech ". 0li is en+o!ing reading the English _____. >ight now he;s reading ?harles 2ickens. a) doctors b) classics c) technologies d) modern dramas &. :all! argues her points well and backs them with e%idence. :he;d be %er! good at _____. a) signing b) con%ersation c) speaking d) debate '. (h, I;m not read! !et. ?ould !ou wait a _____ o minutes3 a) couple b) ew c) sum ). I !ou like stories, !ou;d probabl! pre er _____. a) iction b) non. iction c) act

d) plent!

d) action

*. $or me, reading is a orm o _____ in which I can orget what;s going on around me. a) con%ersation b) non. iction c) escapism d) act ,. Fimm! should run or parliament. <e gets along with e%er!one and he likes _____. a) politics b) economics c) mathematics d) classics 1-. M! uncle is %er! _____, so he ne%er has to worr! about mone!. a) alike b) wealth! c) popular

d) occasional

!. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to answer these 3(est%ons. The word classics has a countable and an uncountable meaning. 1. In which sentence o Exercise 1 does it ha%e a countable meaning3 ______ #hat is that meaning3 ______________________________________________________ 2. In which sentence o Exercise 1 does it ha%e an uncountable meaning3 ______ #hat is that meaning3 ______________________________________________________

3. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o the wor&s 'e#ow. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. words / couple . currentl! . classics . choose . excapism gra%it! . technolog! / debate . side e ects . iction I;m not a particularl! good reader. But I tr! because __________there is a lot o e%idence that reading impro%es other areas o understanding. :o !ou could sa! that I read more or the __________. I am not a an o the __________. I pre er modern literature. I especiall! lo%e science __________. $or me, a good stor! about what the world ma! be like one da! is a orm o __________. M! teacher told me that I should read what I like. :he also told me that there would be no __________ about it, and that I MG:T read. >ight now I;m reading a __________ o books, one about %ampires and the latest <arr! Hotter. I guess I like antas! too.

+. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. 4anc! wrote a _______________ account o her town;s histor!. 5 iction) 2. The gas was _______________ rom the tank. 5escapism) 3. There is another good _______________ on the bene its o reading. 5publish) ". 4isma is stud!ing _______________ science next !ear. 5politics) &. Aeorge completed the test without much _______________. 5di icult) '. 4ot o ten but _______________, Gmar meets his riends a ter work. 5occasion) ). The pious man ga%e up his _______________. 5wealth!) *. I;m sorr!. The doctor is not in. :he is _______________ to a patient. 5attend) ,. :oldiers must stand at _______________ when their commanding o icer addresses them. 5attend) 1-. =our _______________ in class is obligator! i !ou wish to graduate. 5attend)

4. .%/e s*non*ms5anton*ms or these wor&s. s*non*ms _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ anton*ms _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

1. escape 2. alike 3. castle

". debate &. ictional

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________


1. 1.d









1- . b

!. 1. :entence " books, ilms, etc that ha%e been popular or a long time and are considered to be important 2. :entence , the stud! o the language, literature, and histor! o ancient Areece and >ome 3. I;m not a particularl! good reader. But I tr! because currently there is a lot o e%idence that reading impro%es other areas o understanding. :o !ou could sa! that I read more or the side effects. I am not a an o the classics. I pre er modern literature. I especiall! lo%e science fiction. $or me, a good stor! about what the world ma! be like one da! is a orm o escapism. M! teacher told me that I should read what I like. :he also told me that there would be no debate about it, and that I MG:T read. >ight now I;m reading a couple o books, one about %ampires and the latest <arr! Hotter. I guess I like antas! too. +. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-. 4. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

4anc! wrote a fictional account o her town;s histor!. The gas was escaping rom the tank. There is another good publication on the bene its o reading. 4isma is stud!ing political science next !ear. Aeorge completed the test without much difficulty. 4ot o ten but occasionally, Gmar meets his riends a ter work. The pious man ga%e up his wealth. I;m sorr!. The doctor is not in. :he is attending to a patient. :oldiers must stand at attention when their commanding o icer addresses them. =our attendance in class is obligator! i !ou wish to graduate. s*non*ms leak, run awa!, get awa!, break out similar ortress, ort, citadel argue, dispute imaginar!, unreal anton*ms di erent ho%el, hut, etc. non. ictional, actual

escape alike castle debate ictional


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d.

1. I !ou are riding a bic!cle, i t! kilometres __________ not such a long wa!. a) are b) is c) were d) was 2. ?an !ou count how __________ grains o sand are on a beach3 a) much b) man! c) some 3. (ne o the team members __________ usuall! %er! aggressi%e. a) are b) be c) were ". __________ water has gone under this old bridge. a) Man! b) Hlent! c) 8ots &. There is plent! o meat, but there is not __________ bread. a) plent! b) man! c) much '. I;m sorr!. I ha%en;t __________ change. a) an! b) man!

d) an!

d) is

d) Much

d) a lot

c) plent!

d) a

). :ix people __________ in+ured in a bus accident !esterda!. a) are b) was c) were *. #e ha%e two litres o milk. __________ that enough or toda!3 a) 0re b) #as c) Is ,. Maths __________ m! a%ourite sub+ect when I was in school. a) was b) were c) is 1-. The police __________ arrested three suspects. a) is b) ha%e c) are

d) is

d) #ere

d) are

d) has

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. #hat is the number o students in !our class3 5how man!7much) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. It takes little petrol to ill m! car. 5ten litres) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. ?ould I ha%e a drink please3 5water) _________________________________________________________________________ ". Those two people ha%e been sitting there or three hours. 5couple) _________________________________________________________________________ &. $our books are on the table. 5there) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. Holitics were his a%ourite sub+ect in uni%ersit!. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The police is ha%ing a meeting to discuss sa et! measures. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The good news are that $atma had twin bab! girls.

_________________________________________________________________________ ". #e ha%e some cake, but we don;t ha%e man! co ee. _________________________________________________________________________ &. #ere the! an! problems with the mission3 _________________________________________________________________________ '. I ha%en;t man! patience with this sort o thing, but :awsan has. _________________________________________________________________________ ). 8ots o people wants to spend their summer at the beach. _________________________________________________________________________ *. A!mnastics re resh me more than pla!ing tennis. _________________________________________________________________________

+. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A B 1. :eham is ha%ing a lot o a.that is going to cost to ix3 2. ?an !ou tell me how much b.uni%ersit! next week. 3. Bashir is heading o to c.responsible solutions to those problems. ". In ormation d.trouble with her car. &. <ow do !ou know how man! e%er!where on the Internet. .cups to put i !ou don;t ha%e a recipe3 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

4. Rea& the "ara$ra"h. C%rc#e the correct wor& %n "arentheses. <ow 5man! / much / an!) butter should !ou use3 =ou 5seldom / o ten / not) hear o cholesterol causing heart problems 5late / later / o ten) on in li e. :o how !oung 5should / ma! / might) !ou be be ore !ou 5changes / change / changing) !our diet3 I belie%e in moderation. I tr! not to eat too 5much / man! / enough) att! oods, !et I realise we need 5man! / an! / some) at in a health! diet. :o I cook with 5a / an / the) little bit o oli%e oil and sa%e the butter or m! morning toast.


1. 1.b









1- . b

!. 1. <ow man! students are in !our class3

2. 3. ". &.

It takes ten litres 5o petrol) to ill m! car. (> Ten litres 5o petrol) ills m! car. ?ould I ha%e some water, please3 That couple ha%e been sitting there or three hours. There are our books on the table.

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. Holitics was his a%ourite sub+ect in uni%ersit!. 2. The police are ha%ing a meeting to discuss sa et! measures. 3. The good news %s that $atma had twin bab! girls. ". #e ha%e some cake, but we don;t ha%e m(ch co ee. &. #ere there an! problems with the mission3 '. I ha%en;t m(ch patience with this sort o thing, but :awsan has. ). 8ots o people want to spend their summer at the beach. *. A!mnastics re reshes me more than pla!ing tennis. +. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

d a b e

:eham is ha%ing a lot o trouble with her car. ?an !ou tell me how much that is going to cost to ix3 Bashir is heading o to uni%ersit! next week. In ormation is e%er!where on the Internet. <ow do !ou know how man! cups to put i !ou don;t ha%e a recipe3

4. <ow much butter should !ou use3 =ou often hear o cholesterol causing heart problems later on in li e. :o how !oung should !ou be be ore !ou change !our diet3 I belie%e in moderation. I tr! not to eat too many att! oods, !et I realise we need some at in a health! diet. :o I cook with a little bit o oli%e oil and sa%e the butter or m! morning toast.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________

1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. #ind is a t!pe o _____ energ!. a) non.renewable b) atomic

c) h!droelectric

d) renewable

2. Aeothermal energ! comes rom heat _____ the earth;s sur ace. a) o the sun b) below c) abo%e

d) close to

3. 8a%a is _____ rock that comes rom a %olcano like Iceland;s E!+a +alla+okull. a) hot b) cold c) molten d) melt down ". Eg!pt is hoping to build some nuclear _____ to produce electricit!. a) power stations b) power houses c) power places &. (ne o Eg!pt;s main sources o re%enue _____ rom ossil uels. a) ollows b) comes c) becomes

d) powder stations

d) deletes

'. (ne concern o nuclear power stations is how to store the dangerous _____.

a) energ!

b) water

c) h!droelectricit!

d) waste

). <uda is under a lot o _____ because she has exams coming up. a) pressure b) power c) press *. Man! people tra%el b! _____ or on oot to sa%e energ!. a) car b) lorr! c) taxi ,. 0ir conditioning _____ the en%ironment. a) in+ures b) sa%es

d) pipe

d) bic!cle

c) damages

d) resol%es

1-. ?oal, oil, and gas are _____ orms o energ!. a) renewable b) sustainable c) non.renewable

d) generated

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o the wor&s 'e#ow. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. less / ewer / energ! / ossil uels / rom sun / waste / atomic / pipes / molten There are simple steps we can take to help sa%e or conser%e energ!. =ou can use __________. sa%ing light bulbs and use __________ plastic goods. $or example, I reuse m! plastic bags or use cloth bags that I wash out. Hlastic is made rom non.renewable __________, and cloth is made rom renewable plants. #e can also turn o the tap when we brush our teeth so that we __________ less water. =ou can make sure there are no dripping taps or leak! __________. 2r!ing clothes in the __________ is another good wa! to sa%e energ!. I;m sure !ou can think o other wa!s to sa%e the planet and our natural resources.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. :ome people think _______________ energ! can be dangerous. 5atom) 2. I lo%e a bright, _______________ da!. 5sun) 3. :hut o the tap when !ou brush !our teeth@ 2on;t _______________ water. 5waste)

". I;m eeling _______________ toda!. 8et;s go to the club and pla! tennis. 5energ!) &. (il and water are two _______________ that don;t mix. 5li6uid) '. #atch out or the _______________ along the stairs. It can get %er! hot. 5pipe) ). #hen !ou do not reuse plastic containers, !ou are %er! _______________. 5waste) *. #ind turbines aid in the _______________ o renewable energ!. 5generate)

+. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A 1. wind turbines 2. geothermal energ!

B a.makes energ! rom splitting atoms b.li6uid taken rom the ground or energ!

3. h!droelectric ". sun &. ossil uel that make energ! rom bree9es d.can create solar energ! e.energ! made rom lowing water .energ! rom hot rocks in the earth


1. 1.d









1- . c

!. There are simple steps we can take to help sa%e or conser%e energ!. =ou can use light bulbs and use fewer plastic goods. $or example, I reuse m! plastic bags or use cloth bags that I wash out. Hlastic is made rom non.renewable fossil fuels, and cloth is made rom renewable plants. #e can also turn o the tap when we brush our teeth so that we waste less water. =ou can make sure there are no dripping taps or leak! pipes. 2r!ing clothes in the sun is another good wa! to sa%e energ!. I;m sure !ou can think o other wa!s to sa%e the planet and our natural resources. 3. 1. :ome people think atomic energ! can be dangerous. 2. I lo%e a bright, sunny da!. 3. :hut o the tap when !ou brush !our teeth@ 2on;t waste water. ". I;m eeling energetic toda!. 8et;s go to the club and pla! tennis. &. (il and water are two liquids that don;t mix. '. #atch out or the pipe / piping along the stairs. It can get %er! hot. ). #hen !ou do not reuse plastic containers, !ou are %er! wasteful. *. #ind turbines aid in the generation o renewable energ!. +. 1.c






Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. Energ! _____ in man! wa!s. a) are produced b) is produced c) producing 2. #ind turbines _____ to change wind energ! to electric energ!. a) used b) are used c) is using

d) produced

d) is used

3. $ossil uels _____ rom animals and plants that li%ed millions o !ears ago. a) come b) comes c) are coming d) were coming ". _____ t!pes o machines can generate energ!. a) much b) an! c) man!

d) no one

&. Electricit! _____ b! power stations. a) is generates b) is generated

c) is generating

d) is generate

'. There are power stations all o%er Eg!pt which _____ electricit!. a) generates b) generated c) generating ). <!droelectric power harnesses the power o a) a b) an

d) generate

lowing water with _____ use o dams. c) the d) some

*. $or geothermal energ!, water _____ to the sur ace. a) pumps b) is pumping c) pumped ,. The ilm _____ onl! to the newcomers. a) shows b) is showing 1-. Isn;t it lo%el!@ <annah _____ it or me. a) designed b) is designing

d) is pumped

c) was shown

d) shown

c) designs

d) designing

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. :e%en o the children took the bus. 5taken) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The che decorates the cakes. 5decorated) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The change in technolog! has created a re%olution. 5been created) _________________________________________________________________________ ". Man! people belie%e Italian ood to be the best. 5belie%ed) _________________________________________________________________________ &. Emad and 0li prepare the most delicious dishes. 5prepared) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. <ow man! diamonds is set in the necklace3 _________________________________________________________________________ 2. That costs ar too man! mone! or me. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. <an! would be liked to go to the park with us. _________________________________________________________________________ ". #e can produced electricit! b! spitting atoms. _________________________________________________________________________ &. The part! was en+o! b! all. _________________________________________________________________________ '. The blades are dri%e b! the wind. _________________________________________________________________________

). <ow much orms o energ! are renewable3 _________________________________________________________________________ *. :team rom geothermal energ! has been pipe all through Icelandic towns and %illages. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. There are man! simple technologies, which we continue to use, that sa%e energ!. The 0rchimedes screw still used on the ew Eg!ptian arms to irrigate land. The ancient Eg!ptians used pulle!s to mo%e large loads. Hulle!s can be ind on construction sites or li ting 6uantities o bricks and cement. 0 kni e is also a t!pe o simple tool. The orce o !our weight displace b! this simple wedge to cut something. :cissors and can openers uses the same principle. :ure, we can bought electric gadgets that do this work or us, but wh! waste energ!3

4. Rea& the "ara$ra"h. C%rc#e the correct wor& %n "arentheses. #e did something %er! interesting in m! ph!sics class last !ear. The entire class 5go / went . goes) to a trash.processing acilit!. 5:ome / Man! . 0n!) o the trash 5was sorted / sorted . had sorted) or rec!cling. Metal 5extracted . was extracted . is extracting) b! a magnet to be reused. Hlastic o ten 5is separating . separated . was separated) at home. I it wasn;t, someone had to do it b! hand. The paper and ood 5had burned . was burned . were burned) to generate electricit! or 5man! . much . ew) homes in the area. I 5 ind / ound . inds) this trip ascinating.


1. 1.b !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. +.









1- . a

The bus was taken b! se%en o the children. The cakes are decorated b! the che . 0 re%olution has been created b! the change in technolog!. Italian ood is belie%ed 5b! man! people) to be the best. The most delicious dishes are prepared b! Emad and 0li.

<ow man! diamonds are set in the necklace3 That costs ar too m(ch mone! or me. <an! wo(#& #%)e to go to the park with us. #e can "ro&(ce electricit! b! spitting atoms. The part! was en6o*e& b! all. The blades are &r%/en b! the wind. <ow man* orms o energ! are renewable3 :team rom geothermal energ! has been "%"e& all through Icelandic towns and %illages.

There are man! simple technologies, which we continue to use, that sa%e energ!. The 0rchimedes screw is still used on a ew Eg!ptian arms to irrigate land. The ancient Eg!ptians used pulle!s to mo%e large loads. Hulle!s can be found on construction sites or li ting 6uantities o bricks and cement. 0 kni e is also a t!pe o simple tool. The orce o !our weight is displace b! this simple wedge to cut something. :cissors and can openers use the same principle. :ure, we can buy electric gadgets that do this work or us, but wh! waste energ!3

4. #e did something %er! interesting in m! ph!sics class last !ear. The entire class went to a trash. processing acilit!. Some o the trash was sorted or rec!cling. Metal was extracted b! a magnet to be reused. Hlastic o ten was separated at home. I it wasn;t, someone had to do it b! hand. The paper and ood were burned to generate electricit! or many homes in the area. I found this trip ascinating.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. The _____ in the pipe is caused b! too much pressure. a) leak b) gra%it! c) launch

d) escape

2. #e must make some ad+ustments in the communication _____ be ore it can work properl!. a) group b) mission c) g!mnastics d) s!stem 3. 4ot man! people stud! _____ toda!, although man! English words come rom 8atin and Areek. a) politics b) classic c) classics d) classicists ". (il and gas are ossil _____. a) energies b) power &. Molten la%a comes rom under the _____. a) power stations b) earth;s sur ace '. 0tomic energ! is created b! _____ atoms. a) sitting b) spitting

c) stations

d) uels

c) stones

d) geothermal energ!

c) situating

d) splitting

). The go%ernment needs to _____ the %alue o in%esting in renewable energ!. a) interest b) examine c) obser%e d) secure *. _____ Eg!pt has programs or the de%elopment o renewable energ!. a) ?urrentl! b) :ometimes c) :ilentl! d) (nce in a while ,. The sisters are more _____ than !ou think. a) a like b) twins

c) alike

d) allot

1-. Hlease don;t put an! more _____ on me. I ha%e so much to do as it is. a) waste b) pressure c) launch d) expectation

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o the wor&s 'e#ow. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. launch / energ! / examine / de%ice / electricit! mission / generate / waste / uel Hro essor 0m! :mith is an mechanical engineer who designs solutions or de%eloping countries. :mith is on a _______________ to ight global po%ert! b! designing _______________ or poor people who do not ha%e high technolog!. :mith _______________ a problem in a communit! and tries to ind a simple solution. $or example, small hospitals in Botswana did not ha%e _______________ to do simple o%ernight lab tests. :mith de%eloped an incubator that used a simple chemical process rather than electricit!. <ere;s another example. In %illages in Heru, the people use corncobs or _______________ or cooking and heating. But the burning cobs _______________ a lot o smoke, which makes the people ill. :o :mith ound a wa! to make charcoal rom the corncobs. The charcoal burns with less dangerous _______________. :mith sa!s that e%en small changes can make a big di erence in people;s li%es.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-. To conser%e water, ix !our _______________ pipes. 5leak) =our _______________ at school is re6uired or !ou to take the inal exams. 5attend) I _______________ %isit m! neighbors without notice. 5occasion) (ne o the i%e _______________ is %er! old. 5castle) Bill Aates has donated much o his _______________ to charit!. 5wealth!) #hen I had surger! on m! mouth, I couldn;t eat. Mother put m! ood in a ______________ and I drank m! meals. 5li6uid) 4atural gas is _______________ to turn it into a li6uid. 5pressure) :oha;s doctor is gi%ing her a medical _______________ toda!. 5examine) The actor! _______________ cotton into thread. 5spin) To ind how a disease spreads, doctors must do a _______________ stud!. 5s!stem)

+. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A B a.relating to the central part o an atom a%ert disaster b! emplo!ing creati%it! c.the smallest part that a thing can be look at something care ull! e.the stud! o the language, literature, and histor! o ancient Areece or >ome .to start an attack, make a product a%ailable

1. 2. 3. ". &.

examine launch classics nuclear atom


1. 1.a









1- . b

!. Hro essor 0m! :mith is an mechanical engineer who designs solutions or de%eloping countries. :mith is on a mission to ight global po%ert! b! designing devices or poor people who do not ha%e high technolog!. :mith examines a problem in a communit! and tries to ind a simple solution. $or example, small hospitals in Botswana did not ha%e electricity to do simple o%ernight lab tests. :mith de%eloped an incubator that used a simple chemical process rather than electricit!. <ere;s another example. In %illages in Heru, the people use corncobs or fuel or cooking and heating. But the burning cobs generate a lot o smoke, which makes the people ill. :o :mith ound a wa! to make charcoal rom the corncobs. The charcoal burns with less dangerous waste. :mith sa!s that e%en small changes can make a big di erence in people;s li%es. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-.

To conser%e water, ix !our leaky pipes. =our attendance at school is re6uired or !ou to take the inal exams. I occasionally %isit m! neighbors without notice. (ne o the i%e castles is %er! old. Bill Aates has donated much o his wealth to charit!. #hen I had surger! on m! mouth, I couldn;t eat. Mother put m! ood in a liquidizer and I drank m! meals. 4atural gas is pressurized to turn it into a li6uid. :oha;s doctor is gi%ing her a medical exam / examination toda!. The actor! spins / spun cotton into thread. To ind how a disease spreads, doctors must do a systematic stud!.

+. 1.d






Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. ?hoose this one. I think that colour _____ good on !ou. a) is looking b) will look c) looked 2. 2id !ou +ust see that3 The car _____ b! a monke!@ a) was being dri%en b) was being dri%er c) will be dri%en 3. >oad sa et! can _____ i people +ust slow down. a) has been b) impro%ed c) be impro%ed ". The captain;s hat _____ o b! the helicopter. a) was been blown b) blew c) blows &. The police _____ or more mone! to bu! new e6uipment. a) are asking b) is asking c) are asked '. The team;s plane _____ next Tuesda! at '.-&. a) is going be b) was arri%ing c) arri%es

d) are looking

d) are been dri%en

d) be impro%ing

d) was blown

d) is asked

d) arri%e

). :ome da! people _____ all o the ocean bottom in submarines. a) are exploring b) will explore c) explores *. There has been _____ talk about how we can reduce our waste. a) man! b) an! c) none ,. The monuments o Hhilae _____ to preser%e our ancient heritage. a) were mo%ed b) was mo%ed c) mo%ed 1-. I _____ m! husband or lunch tomorrow at the new restaurant. a) meets b) ;m meeting c) meeting

d) going to explore

d) much

d) is mo%ed

d) will meet

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. <isham goes. <e usuall! sta!s or i%e da!s. 5when) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The teachers corrected all the exams. 5were) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The engineers are installing three water alls in the Hasha Hark. 5installed) _________________________________________________________________________ ". =ou will not be able to dri%e aster than what the de%ice tells the engine. 5impossible) _________________________________________________________________________ &. (ur apartment is so hot because the sun heats it. 5heated) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. There are a millions o grains o sand on the beach. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. <ow much ice cubes do I put into each glass3 _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The whipping cream was ruining b! the exteme heat. _________________________________________________________________________ ". I +ust had an idea. 0 ter we inish our lessons, we are gone or ice cream. _________________________________________________________________________ &. 0t a ca I, people usuall! chooses the co ee o%er the tea. _________________________________________________________________________ '. $i teen minutes seem like a long time, but an hour seems like ore%er. _________________________________________________________________________ ). 0re a kilo o iron e6ual to a kilo o eathers3 ( course, the! are both a kilo. _________________________________________________________________________ *. Their constant debating o politics bore me. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. M! mother worries about me now that I ha%e m! dri%ing licence. :he is more a raid o how much other dri%ers don;t know how to dri%e. I alwa!s dri%es care ull! because I know how dangerous dri%ing can be. $or example, !our attention distracting b! using a mobile phone. I ne%er text or talk with m! mobile when I;m dri%ing because accidents, e%en deadl! ones, causing that wa!. Hlus I ne%er speed because it increased the orce o the impact. :o dri%e sa el! / or m! sa et!@

4. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A B 1. I ha%en;t had a.directions. 2. 2o !ou know b.times must I sa! the same thing3 3. <ow man! c.reduce accidents. ". I;m lost. I need d.a bath !et. &. <ow much do !ou watch3 .the wa! to 0swan3 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.b !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. 2.a 3.c ".d &.a '.c ).b *.d ,.a 1- . b

#hen <isham goes, he usuall! sta!s or i%e da!s. 0ll the exams were corrected b! the teachers. Three water alls are being installed 5b! the engineers) in the Hasha Hark. It will be impossible to dri%e aster than what the de%ice tells the engine. (ur apartment is so hot because it is heated b! the sun.

There are m%##%ons o grains o sand on the beach. <ow man* ice cubes do I put into each glass3 The whipping cream was r(%ne& b! the exteme heat. I +ust had an idea. 0 ter we inish our lessons, we2## $o or ice cream. 0t a ca I, people usuall! choose the co ee o%er the tea. $i teen minutes seems like a long time, but an hour seems like ore%er. Is a kilo o iron e6ual to a kilo o eathers3 ( course, the! are both a kilo. Their constant debating o politics 'ores me.

+. M! mother worries about me now that I ha%e m! dri%ing licence. :he is more a raid o how many other dri%ers don;t know how to dri%e. I always drive care ull! because I know how dangerous dri%ing can be. $or example, !our attention is distracted b! using a mobile phone. I ne%er text or talk with m! mobile when I;m dri%ing because accidents, e%en deadl! ones, are caused that wa!. Hlus I ne%er speed because it increases the orce o the impact. :o dri%e sa el! / or m! sa et!@

4. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

d b a e

I ha%en;t had a bath !et. 2o !ou know the wa! to 0swan3 <ow man! times must I sa! the same thing3 I;m lost. I need directions. <ow much news do !ou watch3


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. The cit! has eight _____, each with a representati%e on the ?it! ?ouncil. a) distinctions b) disruptions c) districts d) disputes 2. <undreds o athletes rom across the nation came to _____ in the games. a) complete b) con lict c) compete d) delete 3. It is the _____ to greet someone when !ou meet them. a) routine b) custom c) pri9e ". Gsing a t!pewriter is _____. 4ow we use computers. a) poetic b) %ague c) ancient

d) customer

d) old. ashioned

&. 2r $athi has per ormed a new t!pe o surger!. <e is considered a5n) _____ in his ield. a) routine b) pioneer c) complication d) explorer '. This author uses long, complex sentences. That is her _____ o writing. a) routine b) pen c) ashion d) st!le ). #ith his book The Country of en, <isham Matar has become a5n) _____ author. a) established b) literal c) e%entual d) artistic *. The _____ o %accines to pre%ent diseases has helped to sa%e man! li%es. a) st!ling b) de%elopment c) establishment d) custom ,. #hen the _____ re6uires !ou to ollow a rule, !ou can recei%e a penalt! i !ou disregard it. a) st!le b) law c) pioneer d) custom 1-. In eastern countries, it is _____ to remo%e !our shoes be ore !ou enter a home. a) legal b) pioneering c) routine d) customar! !. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. old. ashioned / routine / pioneering / establish district / distinct / legal / competition Eg!ptians are proud o their our 4obel Hri9e winners. 4obel Hri9es are not gi%en out as a result o a _______________, but as recognition or _______________ work. $or example, in 1,,,

0hmed Jewail recei%ed the 4obel in ?hemistr! or his work on emtochemistr!, something no one had thought o be ore. 4aguib Mah ou9 recei%ed the 4obel in 8iterature in 1,**. Man! o his stories were set in the old _______________ o ?airo. 0nwar :adat 1,)* recei%ed the 4obel in Heace in 1,)* or helping to _______________ a lasting peace in the region. 0nd most recentl!, in 2--& Mohamed ElBaradei recei%ed the 4obel in Heace or his work as the 2irector Aeneral o the International 0tomic Energ! 0genc!. That is a lot o 4obel Hri9es or a small countr! like Eg!pt.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. 0mr;s earl! music is _______________ di erentl! than that o his later !ears. 5st!le) 2. :oha wears her mother;s dresses to parties because the! are still _______________.5st!le) 3. $or Muslims, it is _______________ to eat dates to break a ast. 5custom) ". =unus is a regular _______________ o that shop because he likes the ser%ice. 5custom) &. Fenna _______________ checks her work, which is wh! she does so well. 5routine) '. =ehia <a66i is credited with the _______________ o modern Eg!ptian literature. 5de%elop) ). <is _______________ st!le re lected his knowledge o the modern world. 5pioneer) *. $ahm! gets his _______________ personalit! rom his ather, who was another great athlete. 5competition) ,. The _______________ o this charit! was chie l! to assist orphans. 5establish) 1-. <er artistic st!le has _______________ considerabl! since she began stud!ing with us. 5de%elop) +. .%/e s*non*ms or these wor&s. 1. law 2. de%elop 3. district ". routine &. custom ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


1. 1.c









1- . d

!. Eg!ptians are proud o their our 4obel Hri9e winners. 4obel Hri9es are not gi%en out as a result o a competition, but as recognition or pioneering work. $or example, in 1,,, 0hmed Jewail recei%ed the 4obel in ?hemistr! or his work on emtochemistr!, something no one had thought o be ore. 4aguib Mah ou9 recei%ed the 4obel in 8iterature in 1,**. Man! o his stories were set in the old districts o ?airo. 0nwar :adat 1,)* recei%ed the 4obel in Heace in 1,)* or helping to establish a lasting peace in the region. 0nd most recentl!, in 2--& Mohamed ElBaradei recei%ed the 4obel in Heace or his work as the 2irector Aeneral o the International 0tomic Energ! 0genc!. That is a lot o 4obel Hri9es or a small countr! like Eg!pt. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-. +. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

0mr;s earl! music is styled di erentl! than that o his later !ears. :oha wears her mother;s dresses to parties because the! are still stylish. $or Muslims, it is customary to eat dates to break a ast. =unus is a regular customer o that shop because he likes the ser%ice. Fenna routinely checks her work, which is wh! she does so well. =ehia <a66i is credited with the development o modern Eg!ptian literature. <is pioneering st!le re lected his knowledge o the modern world. $ahm! gets his competitive personalit! rom his ather, who was another great athlete. The establishment o this charit! was chie l! to assist orphans. <er artistic st!le has developed considerabl! since she began stud!ing with us.

law de%elop district routine custom

rule5s) start, make, grow, change, get area ordinar!, usual 5ad+ecti%es) tradition


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. <is st!le o painting _____ o%er the !ears. a) ha%e changed b) changing c) is changed d) has changed 2. #hile he was working as clerk or a +udge, he _____ himsel as a great legal writer. a) establishes b) established c) establishing d) has established 3. Jeinab;s biographical accounts o her li e _____ b! her brother 0hmed. a) were written b) was written c) wrote d) had been written ". Those old stories are still _____ b! man! children toda!. a) lo%ed b) lo%ing c) being lo%ed

d) lo%e

&. 0s ar as <an! _____ concerned, that team hasn;t a chance o winning. a) were b) been c) is d) was '. $aw9i _____ alread! read some o =ehia <a66i;s writing be ore learning about him in class.

a) ha%e

b) had

c) is

d) was

). Man! o the students _____ 6uestions or the speaker be ore he arri%ed. a) had prepared b) ha%e prepared c) was preparing d) been preparing *. #hat _____ !ou doing when the lights went out last night3 a) was b) had been c) ha%e

d) were

,. The children _____ tails to their donke! pictures then hung them up. a) are attaching b) ha%e attached c) attached d) had attached 1-. $atma _____ her own room since the! mo%ed to the new house in :heikh Jaid. a) is ha%ing b) has c) has had d) had !. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. Ms :ahar <atem is de%eloping the new rules. 5de%eloped) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The team passed the ball. 5was) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. 0ll the rules are allowed b! law. 5legall!) _________________________________________________________________________ ". Fimm! is competing in the district races. 5competitor) _________________________________________________________________________ &. 8ongman is publishing a new dictionar!. 5publisher) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. =esterda!, m! brother gi%ing me a new soccer ball or m! birthda!. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. :oha, who is now in uni%ersit!, had written poetr! since primar! school. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. E%entuall!, !ou will had to gi%e up !our pla! ul wa!s and get to work. _________________________________________________________________________ ". This no%el was writing b! =ehia <a66i. _________________________________________________________________________ &. #hile =use was waiting or the bus, it starts to rain. _________________________________________________________________________ '. Be ore he took the medicine, he eels %er! ill. _________________________________________________________________________ ). !ne Thousand and !ne "ights has retold man! times and on man! continents. _________________________________________________________________________

*. The plumber tells us not to turn on the water until the leak has been ixed. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. There are man! great writers rom which to choose. :ome are writers o classics, and others are popular no%elists. There is also act and non. iction rom which to choose. #hat matters are that !ou read. $or example, Fonathan :wi t;s writings making un o the problems o 1*th centur! England, which encouraged people to take action. The surprise ending that brings so much +o! to stor! lo%ers was de%eloping b! Au! de Maupassant. <erman Mel%ille, in his classic

oby #ick,

examines both whales and whaling in the 1, centur!. I ha%e +ust inishing a book about the problems o inding enough oil or our uture energ! needs. #ith so much to learn rom writers, what kind o book will !ou pick up toda!3


1. 1.d !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. +. There are man! great writers rom which to choose. :ome are writers o classics, and others are popular no%elists. There is also iction and non. iction rom which to choose. #hat matters is that !ou read. $or example, Fonathan :wi t;s writings made un o the problems o 1*th centur! England, which encouraged people to take action. The surprise ending that brings so much +o! to stor! lo%ers was de%eloped b! Au! de Maupassant. <erman Mel%ille, in his classic oby #ick, examined both whales and whaling in the 1,th centur!. I ha%e +ust inished a book about the problems o inding enough oil or our uture energ! needs. #ith so much to learn rom writers, what kind o book will !ou pick up toda!3 2.b 3.a ".a &.c '.b ).a *.d ,.c 1- . c

The new rules are being de%eloped b! Ms :ahar <atem. The ball was passed b! the team. 0ll the rules are allowed legall!. 7 0ll the rules are legall! allowed. Fimm! is a competitor in the district races. 8ongman is the publisher o a new dictionar!. =esterda!, m! brother $a/e me a new soccer ball or m! birthda!. :oha, who is now in uni%ersit!, has written poetr! since primar! school. E%entuall!, !ou will ha/e to gi%e up !our pla! ul wa!s and get to work. This no%el was wr%tten b! =ehia <a66i. #hile =use was waiting or the bus, it starte& to rain. Be ore he took the medicine, he e#t %er! ill. !ne Thousand and !ne "ights has 'een reto#& man! times and on man! continents. The plumber to#& us not to turn on the water until the leak has been ixed.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________

1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. Hlease _____ which one is !ours. a) ideali9e b) identi !

c) irritate

d) illegali9e

2. =ou;ll ind the compan! _____ in the new business park down the road. a) head6uarters b) traps c) 6uarts d) suspects 3. Tomm! and Tuppence Beres ord are _____. a) suspects b) secret agents

c) soldiers

d) solutions

". <ow can I send the signal i the _____ is broken3 a) trap b) poison c) prison &. 0 simple _____ has a spring catch and can be baited with cheese. a) poison b) mousetrap c) sp! '. #hen 0li was !ounger, he was not talkati%e because he was _____. a) hot b) exca%ating c) sp!ing

d) transmitter

d) science iction

d) sh!

). 0 ter the accident I couldn;t remember an!thing because I had _____. a) in%asion b) atom c) amnesia d) side e ects *. There are man! new disco%eries rom the _____ around 8uxor. a) exca%ations b) archeolog! c) tra%el agents

d) head6uarters

,. The !oung man claimed he was _____ and had not stolen the watch. a) poisonous b) suspect c) innocent d) murdering 1-. :ameh was on trial because he was _____ o sp!ing. a) suspected b) supposed c) transmitted

d) in%aded

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. words . innocent . g!mnastics . amnesia poison . sp! . exca%ation . mousetrap . pioneer (ne da! :oha;s cat brought her a present. It was a small ield mouse that was still ali%e. :he instantl! leaped onto a chair like a _______________. Then she elt sorr! or the ______________ mouse that had done nothing to deser%e this. :he saw the cat drop the mouse,

then __________ on it rom behind a chair. The cat was about to pounce, but bra%e :oha +umped o the chair, caught the cat and put it in a closed room. 0 terwards she looked or something with which to catch, but not hurt, the mouse. :he certainl! did not want to use ____________, which would kill it. #hen she ound a small basket, she thought it would be an excellent ____________. :he caught the mouse and deli%ered it back to the ield where it belonged.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. Tiger, our dog, was _______________ in the !ard or his bone. 5exca%ation) 2. 0%oid snakes because the! ma! be _______________. 5poison) 3. The little girl _______________ took the cand! rom 0unt Mona. 5sh!) ". This _______________ schedule is killing me as there is no time or an!thing but work. 5murder) &. To o%ercome her _______________, she read man! books and now she can speak on an! sub+ect. 5sh!) '. The two were caught _______________ on a competing restaurant to steal its secret recipe. 5sp!) ). The ootball match was _______________ internationall! b! satellite. 5transmit) *. Mahmoud;s _______________ was inall! pro%en in a court o law. 5innocent) ,. Man! countries ha%e a problem with _______________ species o plants. 5in%ade) 1-. 099am 099am was _______________ o sp!ing. 5suspect) +. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A B a.entering a countr! with militar! orce to take control b.who someone is c.the crime o deliberatel! killing someone d.a substance that can kill or harm !ou i !ou eat or drink it e.the place rom which an organisation is controlled .not guilt! o a crime

1. 2. 3. ".

head6uarters in%asion innocent murder

&. identit!

4. .%/e s*non*ms5anton*ms or these wor&s. s*non*ms _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ anton*ms _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

1. 2. 3. ". &.

murder sh! secret agent innocent amnesia



1. 1.b 2.a 3.b ".d &.b '.d ).c *.a ,.c 1- . a

!. (ne da! :oha;s cat brought her a present. It was a small ield mouse that was still ali%e. :he instantl! leaped onto a chair like a gymnast. Then she elt sorr! or the innocent mouse that had done nothing to deser%e this. :he saw the cat drop the mouse, then spy on it rom behind a chair. The cat was about to pounce, but bra%e :oha +umped o the chair, caught the cat and put it in a closed room. 0 terwards she looked or something with which to catch, but not hurt, the mouse. :he certainl! did not want to use poison, which would kill it. #hen she ound a small basket, she thought it would be an excellent mousetrap. :he caught the mouse and deli%ered it back to the ield where it belonged. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-.

Tiger, our dog, was excavating in the !ard or his bone. 0%oid snakes because the! ma! be poisonous. The little girl shyly took the cand! rom 0unt Mona. This murderous schedule is killing me as there is no time or an!thing but work. To o%ercome her shyness, she read man! books and now she can speak on an! sub+ect. The two men were caught spying on a competing restaurant to steal its secret recipe. The ootball match was transmitted internationall! b! satellite. Mahmoud;s innocence was inall! pro%en in a court o law. Man! countries ha%e a problem with invading species o plants. 099am 099am was suspected o sp!ing.

+. 1.e 4. 1. murder 5%erb) murder 5noun) 2. sh! 3. secret agent ". innocent &. amnesia





s*non*ms anton*ms kill, sla!, put to death homicide bash ul, timid outgoing sp! not guilt!, guiltless, blameless guilt! orget ulness, loss o memor!


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. The $ostman, b! =ehia <a66i, _____ irst pri9e in 1,'*. a) awarded b) was awarded c) was awarding 2. =ehia <a66i is _____ as one o Eg!pt;s great literar! igures. a) remembering b) being remembered c) remembers 3. <is _____ is the result o his amnesia. a) sh!l! b) sh!ness

d) is being awarded

d) remembered

c) sh!ing

d) shies

". 2on;t touch that@ It has _____ in it. a) poisonous b) poisoning

c) poison

d) poisoner

&. #e cannot _____ here because o the looding. a) exca%ating b) be exca%ated c) to exca%ate '. In the ilm, the killer le t a _____ trail o death. a) murderer b) murdering c) murderous

d) exca%ate

d) murders

). Mrs :mith _____ o committing the murder, but I know that she is innocent. a) is suspected b) has suspected c) is suspecting d) suspected *. The ring _____ while she was washing the dishes. a) was lost b) lost c) is lost ,. Be ore the rabbit _____, it had eaten hal the carrots in the garden. a) was caught b) had caught c) was being caught

d) was losing

d) caught

1-. #hen we were small, e%er! da! :all! _____ b! Mother to ser%e the tea. a) is chosen b) was chosen c) chose d) choose

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. The stu in that bottle is illed with poison. 5poisonous) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. <is mind is illed with ideas o suspicion. 5suspicious) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. I ne%er thought that he was the sp!. 5suspect) _________________________________________________________________________ ". The spies will transmit their report tonight. 5transmitted) _________________________________________________________________________ &. $inall! he told the truth. 5was) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. Musa was wrongl! called a crime when he punched the man or hitting a dog. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. #e looked at a lot o houses, but we couldn;t identit! the one we saw be ore. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Be ore he become a writer, he had worked as a law!er. _________________________________________________________________________ ". :ome o these children knows the di erence between right and wrong. _________________________________________________________________________ &. %amlet is a classic that was wrote b! #illiam :hakespeare. _________________________________________________________________________

'. The amous glass p!ramid at the 8ou%re Museum is designed b! I.M. Hei in the 1,*-s. _________________________________________________________________________ ). <ow did the law!er manage to pro%e Aeorge;s innocent3 _________________________________________________________________________ *. <al o the pets had gone missing be ore I was assign the dut! to take care o them. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. #e all thought sp!ing was a thing o the past, but recentl! >ussian secret agents were caught collecting in ormation in the Gnited :tates. Those sp!ings claimed that the! were housewi%es and businessmen, but there is e%idence showing that the! are tr!ing to gather sensiti%e in ormation. The! claimed that the! were innocent, but the! were catching tr!ing to obtain state secreti%es. The! is transmitted in ormation through ads put in the newspaper. 4one o the spies e%er got an! con idential in ormation. The! didn;t seem to be %er! good as secret agents, but I am glad the! were arrest.


1. 1.b !. 1. 2. 3. ". 2.d 3.b ".c &.d '.c ).a *.a ,.a 1- . b

The stu in that bottle is poisonous. <is mind is illed with suspicious ideas. I ne%er suspected that he was the sp!. The report will be transmitted tonight b! the spies. 7 The report will be transmitted b! the spies tonight. &. $inall! the truth was told b! him.

3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *.

Musa was wrongl! called a cr%m%na# when he punched the man or hitting a dog. #e looked at a lot o houses, but we couldn;t %&ent% * the one we saw be ore. Be ore he 'ecame a writer, he had worked as a law!er. :ome o these children )now the di erence between right and wrong. %amlet is a classic that was wr%tten b! #illiam :hakespeare. The amous glass p!ramid at the 8ou%re Museum was designed b! I.M. Hei in the 1,*-s. <ow did the law!er manage to pro%e Aeorge;s %nnocence3 <al o the pets had gone missing be ore I was ass%$ne& the dut! to take care o them.

+. #e all thought sp!ing was a thing o the past, but recentl! >ussian secret agents were caught collecting in ormation in the Gnited :tates. Those spies claimed that the! were housewi%es and businessmen, but there is e%idence showing that the! were trying to gather sensiti%e in ormation. The! claimed that the! were innocent, but the! were caught tr!ing to obtain state secrets. The! transmitted in ormation through ads put in the newspaper. 4one o the spies e%er got an!

con idential in ormation. The! didn;t seem to be %er! good as secret agents, but I am glad the! were arrested.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. #hen I paint, I need to use _____ to thin the paint. a) rubber b) toothpaste c) sap 2. >ubber is made rom the _____ o a rubber tree. a) products b) rubber c) sap 3. Hlease put those books in the sturd! _____ boxes. a) tube b) transmitter c) instrument ". I !ou lea%e bread out too long, it will _____. a) ree9e b) harden c) so ten &. The water ormed _____ a ter the stone ell in. a) rings b) barks c) tubes

d) turpentine

d) turpentine

d) cardboard

d) asten

d) secrets

'. 4owada!s toothpaste comes in a _____ that !ou s6uee9e rom the bottom. a) ring b) transmitter c) product d) tube ). The _____ on a tree protects it. a) ring b) tube

c) bark

d) branch

*. 0 %iolin is one t!pe o _____ that is made rom wood. a) instrument b) product c) tube ,. There are man! use ul medical _____ ound in a hospital. a) head6uarters b) saps c) cardboards 1-. The nurse put the blood in _____ to send it to the laborator!. a) rings b) cardboard c) tubes

d) branch

d) instruments

d) products

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. trees . although / choose . because . instrument cardboard . sap . transmit . products / bark In $ad!;s garden, there are man! plants. _______________ he has a lot o lowers, he does not

like to cut them. <e has a rubber tree that has %er! stick! _______________. 0nd he has man! ruit _______________ rom which he gets plums, apples and cherries. <e is %er! care ul with his trees and uses a long _______________ to cut o the dead branches. $ad! also grows %egetables in his garden. 0t har%est time, he has so much that each o his riends recei%es a _______________ box illed with garden _______________. <is riends are all glad that $ad!;s

hobb! is gardening. 3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. Maher could not ha%e won the championship without =usu ;s help. =usu was _______________ in Maher;s winning. 5instrument) 2. I elt the cla! in m! hands. It had a _______________ texture. 5rubber) 3. <isham elt as i the illness was _______________ his strength. 5sap) ". B! not wasting our precious time, we can all li%e _______________ li%es. 5product) &. 0s the molten la%a cools, it becomes _______________. 5harden) '. The _______________ dog pre%ented all o us rom getting a good night;s sleep. 5bark) ). 0mber is a semi.precious stone that is actuall! _______________ sap. 5harden) *. The plastic _______________ was hard to reach, as it ran underneath the entire house. 5tube) +. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to %n& the &% erence 'etween these wor&s. 1. 2. 3. ". rubber / sap bark / branch products / produce secret agent / sp! _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

4. .%/e s*non*ms or anton*ms or these wor&s. S*non*ms _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Anton*ms _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

1. 2. 3. ". &.

turpentine products harden tube instrument


1. 1.d









1- . c

!. In $ad!;s garden, there are man! plants. &lthough he has a lot o lowers, he does not like to cut them. <e has a rubber tree that has %er! stick! sap. 0nd he has man! ruit trees rom which he gets plums, apples and cherries. <e is %er! care ul with his trees and uses a long instrument to cut o the dead branches. $ad! also grows %egetables in his garden. 0t har%est time, he has so much that each o his riends recei%es a cardboard box illed with garden products. <is riends are all glad that $ad!;s hobb! is gardening.


1. Maher could not ha%e won the championship without =usu ;s help. =usu was instrumental in Maher;s winning. 2. I elt the cla! in m! hands. It had a rubbery texture. 3. <isham elt as i the illness was sapping his strength. ". B! not wasting our precious time, we can all li%e productive li%es. &. 0s the molten la%a cools, it becomes hard. '. The barking dog pre%ented all o us rom getting a good night;s sleep. ). 0mber is a semi.precious stone that is actuall! hardened sap. *. The plastic tubing was hard to reach, as it ran underneath the entire house. +. 1. :ap comes rom plants. >ubber is made rom the sap o one kind o plant 5tree). 2. Bark is the co%ering on a tree. 0 branch is co%ered with bark and grows o the central core o a tree. 3. $roducts is a countable noun. $roduce is an uncountable noun. $roduce5with the stress on the second s!llable) is a %erb. ". 0s nouns, secret agent and spy are s!non!ms. Spy can also be a %erb. 4. 1. 2. 3. ". &. turpentine products harden tube instrument

S*non*ms paint thinner items, goods sti en pipe, container shaped like a pipe Tool


so ten


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. I we plant trees, then we _____ cleaner air. a) will be ha%ing b) ha%e c) will ha%e 2. It _____ that trees protect us rom global warming. a) is belie%ed b) was belie%ing c) had belie%ed 3. #hen I work a lot in the garden, I _____ no energ! at night. a) had b) ha%e c) has ". #hen molten glass cools, it _____. a) is hardened b) hardened &. I a tree becomes weak, it _____ its lea%es. a) lost b) is losing

d) will has

d) belie%es

d) will ha%e

c) hardens

d) will harden

c) has lost

d) loses

'. I it ree9es tonight, we _____ heaters out around the orange trees. a) places b) place c) are placing

d) will place

). #e should care about our trees _____ the! protect us rom global warming. a) e%en though b) although c) when d) because *. I ice melts, !ou _____ water. a) ha%e b) are ha%ing

c) has had

d) ha%en;t

,. I a tree has man! rings, it _____ %er! old. a) has been b) was 1-. I !ou strip the bark o a tree, it _____. a) died b) is d!ing

c) is

d) will be

c) die

d) will die

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. 8ea%e now. =ouKll catch the bus. 5i !ou) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Brush !our teeth e%er! morning. <a%e a nice smile. 5i !ou) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. #e plant trees. The! help the en%ironment. 5because) _________________________________________________________________________ ". Hut the +ell! in the re ridgerator to get hard. 5harden) _________________________________________________________________________ &. ?ome in. <ang up !our coat. 5when !ou) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. Tarek pla!s the piano and three other musical tools. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. I the climate is rain!, the rings on a tree grew aster. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. I we cut down the trees, the ox!gen le%el is decrease. _________________________________________________________________________ ". Turpentine is making rom the sap o certain trees. _________________________________________________________________________ &. >ubber coming rom the sap o rubber trees. _________________________________________________________________________ '. I !ou shower twice a da!, !ou uses a lot o water. _________________________________________________________________________ ). #hen :amia painting, she uses turpentine to thin the paint. _________________________________________________________________________ *. Because we ha%e use so much plastic, we re6uire a lot o ossil uels. _________________________________________________________________________ +. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. ?aring or our planet should be %er! important to us. (ne thing that helps our planet a lot is trees. Trees are pro%ide ruit, sap, and wood. (x!gen is producing b! trees. 0lso trees shade us rom the sun and make the landscape beauti ul. I we cut them down, the! are taking a long time

to grow. #e need to be %er! care ul not to cut the bark or break the branches o the trees in our neighbourhood. I the! d!ing, no one will replace them. Aoing to parks o ten i !ou don;t ha%e trees in !our neighbourhood. #alking under big, beauti ul trees is re reshing to our minds and bodies.

4. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A I !ou water those plants, I !ou take the bark o a tree, #hen it rains, #hen I run out o mone!, I I paint, B a.I am care ul. will die. c.I ran to the bank. d.the! will grow. e.Mai brings an umbrella. .I ask m! mother or more.

1. 2. 3. ". &.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.c 2.a 3.b ".c &.d '.d ).d *.a ,.c 1- . d !. 1. I !ou lea%e now, !ouKll catch the bus. 2. I !ou brush !our teeth e%er! morning, !ouKll ha%e a nice smile. 3. #e plant trees because the! help the en%ironment. ". Hut the +ell! in the re rigerator to hard. 7 Hut the +ell! in the re rigerator so it hardens. &. #hen !ou come in, hang up !our coat. 7 <ang up !our coat when !ou come in. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *.

Tarek pla!s the piano and three other musical %nstr(ments. I the climate is rain!, the rings on a tree $row aster. I we cut down the trees, the ox!gen le%el w%## &ecrease. Turpentine is ma&e rom the sap o certain trees. >ubber comes rom the sap o rubber trees. I !ou shower twice a da!, !ou (se a lot o water. #hen :amia "a%nts, she uses turpentine to thin the paint. Because we (se so much plastic, we re6uire a lot o ossil uels.

+. ?aring or our planet should be %er! important to us. (ne thing that helps our planet a lot is trees. Trees provide ruit, sap, and wood. (x!gen is produced b! trees. 0lso trees shade us rom the sun and make the landscape beauti ul. I we cut them down, the! take a long time to grow. #e need to be %er! care ul not to cut the bark or break the branches o the trees in our neighbourhood. I the! die, no one will replace them. 'o to parks o ten i !ou don;t ha%e trees in !our neighbourhood. #alking under big, beauti ul trees is re reshing to our minds and bodies.

4. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

d I !ou water those plants, the! will grow. b I !ou take the bark o a tree, it will die. e #hen it rains, Mai brings an umbrella. #hen I run out o mone!, I ask m! mother or more. a I I paint, I am care ul.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________

1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. Hut some _____ on a brush, and then clean !our teeth or two ull minutes. a) turpentine b) toothpaste c) rubber d) product 2. The _____ o a tree carr!7carries ood to all parts o the tree. a) roots b) bark c) branches 3. 0 _____ writes articles or newspapers. a) law!er b) doctor ". 0 politician studies _____. a) science iction b) non. iction

d) sap

c) politician

d) +ournalist

c) political science

d) medicine

&. 4obel Hri9e winner 0hmed Jewail is seen as a _____ igure in chemist!. a) pioneering b) customar! c) de%eloping d) st!lish '. 0 ter _____ !ou examination, put !our pencils on !our desks. a) exca%ating b) de%eloping c) completing ). =ehia <a66i had a uni6ue writing _____, which is respected toda!. a) bark b) district c) pioneer *. The _____ o the bark beetle destro!ed man! trees. a) de%elopment b) in%asion c) transmitter

d) publishing

d) st!le

d) identit!

,. 0 ter the accident mother had _____, so she didn;t remember who we were. a) suspect b) in%ention c) sap d) amnesia 1-. It is _____ to o er !our guests something to drink. a) customar! b) secreti%e c) poisonous !. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A B a.a central area where o icials sta! b.sur ace that surrounds and protects trees ob+ect that sends a signal pipe.shaped ob+ect e.someone who does something new .something traditional that people do

d) sh!

1. 2. 3. ". &.

bark transmitter pioneer custom tube

3. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. crime / establishment / st!le / murder / district sp! / de%elop / routinel! / old. ashioned 0gatha ?hristie is amous or her m!ster! no%els that eature detecti%e <ercule Hoirot. <e is o ten re6uired to sol%e a _______________ that in%ol%es _______________. Hoirot _______________ dresses in spotless suits and shin! shoes. 0 mo%ie o ?hristieKs no%el #eath on the "ile was made in a _______________ o 0swan. The action takes place in an _______________ hotel known as the (ld ?ataract <otel. 0gatha ?hristie;s books ha%e been translated into man! languages because her _______________ o writing is widel! en+o!ed. <a%e !ou read an 0gatha ?hristie no%el3 +. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. The archeologists are _______________ or the remains rom the Third 2!nast!. 5exca%ate) 2. :ami is with the doctor because he was bitten b! a _______________ insect. 5poison) 3. The actor! has complex _______________ to carr! the ingredients that will be mixed. 5tube) ". There are man! _______________ in the music room. 5instrument) &. :am was %er! _______________ toda!. <e cleaned the house and ixed the car. 5product) '. I told !ou that I don;t want to _______________ with !ou@ 5competition) ). The mobile phone is _______________ or me to use tomorrow. 5recharge) *. $ouad was so angr! that he had a _______________ look in his e!es. 5murder) ,. Madame, can I ask !ou to _______________ the person who stole !our bag3 5identit!) 1-. The police o icer obser%ed the group with much _______________. 5suspect)


1. 1.b !. 1.b









1- . a





3. 0gatha ?hristie is amous or her m!ster! no%els that eature detecti%e <ercule Hoirot. <e is o ten re6uired to sol%e a crime that in%ol%es murder. Hoirot routinely dresses in spotless suits and shin!

shoes. 0 mo%ie o ?hristieKs no%el #eath on the "ile was made in a district o 0swan. The action takes place in an old(fashioned hotel known as the (ld ?ataract <otel. 0gatha ?hristie;s books ha%e been translated into man! languages because her style o writing is widel! en+o!ed. <a%e !ou read an 0gatha ?hristie no%el3 +. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-.

The archeologists are excavating or the remains rom the Third 2!nast!. :ami is with the doctor because he was bitten b! a poisonous insect. The actor! has complex tubing to carr! the ingredients that will be mixed. There are man! instruments in the music room. :am was %er! productive toda!. <e cleaned the house and ixed the car. I told !ou that I don;t want to compete with !ou@ The mobile phone is recharging or me to use tomorrow. $ouad was so angr! that he had a murderous look in his e!es. Madame, can I ask !ou to identify the person who stole !our bag3 The police o icer obser%ed the group with much suspicion.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. (x!gen _____ b! trees. a) is producing b) has produced

c) was producing

d) is produced

2. I don;t wear glasses when !ou need them, !our e!es _____. a) will su er b) su ered c) are su ering 3. Hlastic goods _____ rom ossil uels. a) is produced b) are producing

d) will be su ering

c) are produced

d) produced

". I !ou heat paper to the right temperature, it _____. a) burns b) burn c) is burnt &. <annah will be a good girl i !ou _____ her something to read. a) has gi%en b) had gi%en c) gi%ing

d) will be burning

d) gi%e

'. Man! t!pes o trees _____ in large gardens like the (rman Aardens. a) is ound b) is inding c) are ound d) inds ). =ou waste !our time i !ou _____ too much tele%ision. a) watch b) watches c) watched *. Be ore the trees were cut down, there _____ a beauti ul landscape. a) has been b) is c) were ,. The team _____ uni orms while the! pla!ed the practice match. a) are wearing b) wore c) wears 1-. >ain orests _____ in areas that ha%e a lot o rain. a) grow b) are grown c) grown

d) are watching

d) had been

d) were wearing

d) grows

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. :tand on the chair. =ou will all down. 5i ) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The enem! arm! ad%anced through the cit!. 5in%ading) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. <elp@ M! dog is tearing up the homework. 5torn) _________________________________________________________________________ ". :ix o the law!ers argued the case success ull!. 5was) _________________________________________________________________________ &. The !oung man was pro%en innocent. 5innocence) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. The good thing is that i we went together, we arri%e at the same time. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. ?olds are transmitter when !ou don;t co%er !our mouth while coughing. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Be care ul what !ou sa! because there are sp! in the district. _________________________________________________________________________ ". :e%en o the suspect ha%e been con%icted. _________________________________________________________________________ &. I !ou don;t wear a hat in the sun, !ou would damage !our skin. _________________________________________________________________________ '. I !ou went to bed earl!, !ou wake up re reshed. _________________________________________________________________________ ). :elma is %isited her grandparents o%er the weekend. _________________________________________________________________________ *. The teapot is put in the cupboard, and the sugar lea%es on the counter. _________________________________________________________________________

+. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A Mahmoud was reading the paper I I plant the tree now, #hen $atma picked the poisonous plant, It is not a good idea I !ou care or !our garden, B will be two meters high in ten !ears. b.!ou get a good har%est. do !our homework while watching TL. d.her hands became red and itch!. e.when his boss entered. .it will cause a problem.

1. 2. 3. ". &.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.d !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. +. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 2.a 3.c ".a &.d '.c ).a *.d ,.b 1- . a

I !ou stand on the chair, !ou will all down. The in%ading arm! ad%anced through the cit!. 5in%ading) <elp@ The homework is being torn up b! m! dog. The case was argued success ull! b! six o the law!ers. The !oung manKs innocence was pro%en.

The good thing is that i we $o together, we arri%e at the same time. ?olds are transm%tte& when !ou don;t co%er !our mouth while coughing. Be care ul what !ou sa! because there are s"%es in the district. :e%en o the s(s"ects ha%e been con%icted. I !ou don;t wear a hat in the sun, !ou w%## damage !our skin. I !ou $o to bed earl!, !ou wake up re reshed. :elma is /%s%t%n$ her grandparents o%er the weekend. The teapot is put in the cupboard, and the sugar %s #e t on the counter.

e a d c b

Mahmoud was reading the paper when his boss entered. I I plant the tree now, it will be two meters high in ten !ears. #hen $atma picked the poisonous plant, her hands became red and itch!. It is not a good idea to do !our homework while watching TL. I !ou care or !our garden, !ou get a good har%est.


Name Date _________________________________________ __________________

1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. The _____ were stuck in the metro or three hours because o a power ailure. a) diameters b) commuters c) regions d) cli s 2. :haimaa;s _____ skills got her a +ob with a well.known international compan!. a) raising b) massi%e c) commuting d) engineering 3. (n the arm we _____ chickens.

a) raise

b) arm

c) rise

d) position

". Because =asser had worked hard, he was _____ to get the promotion. a) based b) car%ed c) positioned d) raised &. The statue rests on an engra%ed _____. a) base b) stone

c) ra!

d) cli

'. The _____ o the pipe was 13 millimetres, per ect or the passage o the thick li6uid. a) commuter b) diameter c) base d) mass ). The candlelight _____ a small part o the room, lea%ing the rest in darkness. a) illuminated b) based c) exca%ated d) entered *. 2on;t get too close to the edge o the _____ because !ou will all %er! ar. a) monument b) cli c) bark d) stone ,. The small statue in the museum was _____ with a %er! ine instrument. a) based b) positioned c) car%ed d) e6uipped 1-. The wealth! man;s _____ increased his wealth. a) exca%ations b) commute c) in%estments

d) missions

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. cli / in%estment / engineer / massi%e base / illuminate / monuments / car%e / diameter Eg!pt was wise to mo%e the priceless monuments o 0bu :imbel to a sa er place. 0n! _______________ that Eg!pt makes towards preser%ing its %aluable heritage are good ones. $or example, the old mos6ues o (ld ?airo are now undergoing restoration. These _______________ are important to preser%ing cultural histor!, and the! are beauti ul as well. Most restorations are _______________ undertakings that re6uire mone! and _______________ expertise. ?aring or our historical places _______________ our past.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. The entire hall was _______________ b! the grand cr!stal light. 5illuminate) 2. I ha%e been _______________ between ?airo and :heikh Jaid or a !ear now. 5commuter) 3. To measure the _______________ o a small ob+ect, put it on triple.beam balance. 5massi%e) ". :oha lost a lot o mone! on her _______________ when the econom! went down. 5in%est) &. Mo%ing such large monuments was an _______________ genius. 5engineer) '. _______________ when !ou are !oung will help !ou when !ou are old. 5in%est)

). $or $ad!, mo%ing awa! was a _______________ decision. 5monument) *. Failan;s wood _______________ displa!ed art and abilit!. 5car%e) ,. =ou are _______________ !our opinion on alse e%idence. 5base) 1-. In class, Bassem alwa!s _______________ the most thought ul 6uestions. 5raise) +. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A 1. 2. 3. ". &. illuminate position car%e raise commute .to B in orm to an authorit! cast light upon tra%el dail! rom one place to another place in a certain wa! orm b! cutting stone or wood grow or nourish


1. 1.b









1- . c

!. Eg!pt was wise to mo%e the priceless monuments o 0bu :imbel to a sa er place. 0n! investments that Eg!pt makes towards preser%ing its %aluable heritage are good ones. $or example, the old mos6ues o (ld ?airo are now undergoing restoration. These monuments are important to preser%ing cultural histor!, and the! are beauti ul as well. Most restorations are massive undertakings that re6uire mone! and engineering expertise. ?aring or our historical places illuminates our past. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-.

The entire hall was illuminated b! the grand cr!stal light. I ha%e been commuting between ?airo and :heikh Jaid or a !ear now. To measure the mass o a small ob+ect, put it on triple.beam balance. :oha lost a lot o mone! on her investments when the econom! went down. Mo%ing such large monuments was an engineering genius. )nvesting when !ou are !oung will help !ou when !ou are old. $or $ad!, mo%ing awa! was a monumental decision. Failan;s wood carving displa!ed art and abilit!. =ou are basing !our opinion on alse e%idence. In class, Bassem alwa!s raises the most thought ul 6uestions.

+. 1.b






Name Date _________________________________________ __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. #h! donKt !ou want an! cake3 =ou _____ eaten that much at dinner. a) must not b) cannot c) mustn;t ha%e d) can;t ha%e 2. ?limbing Mount E%erest _____ %er! di icult. The ox!gen is %er! thin at the top. a) must ha%e be b) must been c) mustn;t been d) must ha%e been 3. Taking the metro would decrease the time we ha%e to _____. a) commute b) being commuting c) commuter ". The _____ bank ga%e the compan! a large loan to build the dam. a) in%estor b) in%estment c) in%esting &. I !ou had studied more, !ou _____ passed the exam. a) must ha%e b) can;t ha%e c) might ha%e '. The temple at Marnak contains _____ stone columns. a) masses b) massing c) massi%e ). Mariam might ha%e _____ a bone when she was eating the ish. a) swallow b) swallowing c) swallowed *. =ou can;t ha%e _____ the toast because the toaster has a timer. a) burnt b) burning c) been burnt ,. Those shoes are gorgeous@ The! _____ cheap. a) can;t ha%e been b) can;t ha%e c) mustn;t ha%e

d) commuting

d) in%est

d) mightn;t ha%e

d) mass

d) swallows

d) burns

d) mustn;t been

1-. :ouad _____ remembered our phone number because she called us toda!. a) must ha%e b) can;t ha%e c) mustn;t ha%e d) might ha%e !. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. The Bur+ Mhali a is *2* metres high. 5height) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The :ixth o (ctober Bridge is approximatel! 2- kilometres long. 5length) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The monuments at 0bu :imbel ha%e a large mass. 5massi%e) _________________________________________________________________________ ". 2r <assan is in a position to take o%er the clinic. 5positioned) _________________________________________________________________________ &. The artistic lighting does not illuminate the hall well. 5illuminated) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. =ou must ha%e like the ilm because !ou can;t stop talking about it. _________________________________________________________________________

2. <ierogl!ph!ics were car%e into the monuments thousands o !ears ago. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. 0 ter <an! had been sent to prison, his parents thought the! must be raised him wrong. _________________________________________________________________________ ". 0hmed has a %er! good +ob so he canKt ha%e a lot o mone!. _________________________________________________________________________ &. :amia mightn;t ha%e gone i she knew her a%ourite singer was going to be there. _________________________________________________________________________ '. Aetting those tickets might ha%e been eas! because the! ha%e been sold out or weeks. _________________________________________________________________________ ). 4adine mightn;t ha%e le t because her coat is still here. _________________________________________________________________________ *. The monuments o 0bu :imbel must been di icult to mo%e here because the! are massi%e. _________________________________________________________________________ +. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. Man! people think that building the temples o 0bu :imbel was a great engineering eat, but so was mo%ing them to their current position. The! are now positioning a sa e distance rom the looded %alle!. ?an !ou belie%e that each piece weigh o%er 3- tonnes3 0nd the! li ted '- metres up a cli . This mightn;t been achie%ed without modern technolog!. Heople o ten think o the wonders that the ancient Eg!ptians were created in their da!, but what o our own abilities3 The! also mustn;t ha%e be underestimated. 4. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A :ami can;t ha%e done Maher mightn;t ha%e studied The bo! who raised his hand can;t <eba The stone tablets B a.ha%e known the answer. hard i he had known the test was eas!. c.%er! well because he didn;t stud!. d.was sent home sick. e.o%er '- metres up the cli . .recorded a lost and m!sterious histor!.

1. 2. 3. ". &.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.d 2.d 3.a ".b &.c '.c ).c *.a ,.a 1- . a

!. 1. The height o the Bur+ Mhali a is *2* metres. 7 The Bur+ Mhali a is *2* metres in height. 2. The length o the :ixth o (ctober Bridge is approximatel! 2- kilometres. 7 The :ixth o (ctober Bridge is approximatel! 2- kilometres in length. 3. The monuments at 0bu :imbel are massi%e. ". 2r <assan is positioned to take o%er the clinic. &. The hall is not illuminated well b! the artistic lighting. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *.

=ou must ha%e #%)e& the ilm because !ou can;t stop talking about it. <ierogl!ph!ics were car/e& into the monuments thousands o !ears ago. 0 ter <an! had been sent to prison, his parents thought the! must ha/e raised him wrong. 0hmed has a %er! good +ob so he m(st ha%e a lot o mone!. :amia m%$ht ha%e gone i she knew her a%ourite singer was going to be there. Aetting those tickets can9t ha%e been eas! because the! ha%e been sold out or weeks. 4adine can9t ha%e le t because her coat is still here. The monuments o 0bu :imbel m(st ha/e 'een di icult to mo%e here because the! are massi%e.

+. Man! people think that building the temples o 0bu :imbel was a great engineering eat, but so was mo%ing them to their current position. The! are now positioned a sa e distance rom the looded %alle!. ?an !ou belie%e that each piece weighed o%er 3- tonnes3 0nd the! were lifted 'metres up a cli . This might not have been/mightn*t have been achie%ed without modern technolog!. Heople o ten think o the wonders that the ancient Eg!ptians created in their da!, but what o our own abilities3 The! also must not be/mustn+t be underestimated. 4. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

c b a d

:ami can;t ha%e done %er! well because he didn;t stud!. Maher mightn;t ha%e studied so hard i he had known the test was eas!. The bo! who raised his hand can;t ha%e known the answer. <eba was sent home sick. The stone tablets recorded a lost and m!sterious histor!.


Name Date _________________________________________ __________________

1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. #hen >ana spilled paint on m! new dress, I thought it would stain _____. a) cowardl! b) respectabl! c) permanentl! d) 6uestionabl! 2. I ha%e to _____ that 2an!a was right. a) understand b) admit

c) steal

d) knock

3. 2alia spent three da!s in hospital to _____ a ter her accident. a) commit b) recuperate c) exca%ate ". Mr <!de _____ three times upon the door. a) regretted b) knocked

d) pro ess

c) pro essed

d) drew

&. <er _____ was changed a ter the accident. :he had scars and she was thinner. a) inishing b) appearance c) competition d) ailure '. :cientists ha%e long been disputing whether we ha%e one _____ or man!. a) engineer b) colleague c) blackmail d) human nature ). (ur _____ in the science department disagree on the sub+ect. a) in%ol%ements b) exca%ations c) personalities *. Fohn le t a _____ to sa! who would recei%e what a ter his death. a) biograph! b) orm c) will

d) colleagues

d) conscience

,. The _____ between the amilies went on long a ter the court battle was decided. a) con lict b) appearance c) disaster d) human nature 1-. Two men ha%e been accused o _____ a parliament member. a) blackmailing b) appearing c) committing

d) knocking

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. population / insects / in con lict / human nature / biograph! colleagues / personalities / recuperate / respectable E.(. #ilson and Haul Ehrlich are two 0merican scientists. #ilson belie%es that all people ha%e one _______________, while Ehrlich belie%es that humans ha%e multiple natures. Each one looks closel! at human _______________ to make their argument. The! are both biologists, so the! are considered _______________. <owe%er the! are _______________ o%er this 6uestion. Both #ilson and Erhlich teach at %er! _______________ uni%ersities. 4o one has written a _______________ about either o them, but the! ha%e both written man! books.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. <er _______________ a ter her surger! took a long time. 5recuperate) 2. =ou should act _______________ towards !our elders. 5respect) 3. Business owners should beha%e _______________ in public. 5pro ession) ". 0unt <eba _______________ her cr!stal necklace to me. 5will) &. The book about Fane Aoodall was _______________. 5biograph!) '. #hen the child hit his head, he was _______________ unconscious. 5knock) ). :ome people sa! we ha%e multiple _______________. 5human nature) *. I !ou;%e _______________ a crime, !ou;ll go to prison. 5commit) ,. 2r Fek!ll has multiple _______________. 5personalit!)

1-. #hat;s the matter3 =ou _______________ distressed. 5appearance) +. .%/e s*non*ms or anton*ms or these wor&s. S*non*ms _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Anton*ms _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

1. biograph! 2. permanent 3. admit ". respectable &. pro ession


1. 1.c









1- . a

!. E.(. #ilson and Haul Ehrlich are two 0merican scientists. #ilson belie%es that all people ha%e one human nature, while Ehrlich belie%es that humans ha%e multiple natures. Each one looks closel! at human personalities to make their argument. The! are both biologists, so the! are considered colleagues. <owe%er the! are in conflict o%er this 6uestion. Both #ilson and Erhlich teach at %er! respectable uni%ersities. 4o one has written a biography about either o them, but the! ha%e both written man! books.

3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-. +.

<er recupertion a ter her surger! took a long time. =ou should act respectfully towards !our elders. Business owners should beha%e professionally in public. 0unt <eba willed her cr!stal necklace to me. The book about Fane Aoodall was biographical. #hen the child hit his head, he was knocked unconscious. :ome people sa! we ha%e multiple human natures. I !ou;%e committed a crime, !ou;ll go to prison. 2r Fek!ll has multiple personalities. #hat;s the matter3 =ou appear distressed.

1. biograph! 2. permanent 3. admit ". respectable

S*non*ms li e stor!, li e histor!, memoirs lasting, e%erlasting, unending con ess, acknowledge, declare, state reputable, highl! regarded, well thought.o , decent, good line o work, occupation, +ob, career,


temporar! den! disreputable

&. pro ession



Name Date _________________________________________ __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. :ami asked, N#hat do !ou mean, :arah3O :ami asked :arah what she _____. a) was meaning b) means c) meant d) is meaning 2. NI;m going out,O announced Bassam. Bassam announced he _____ out. a) went b) has gone c) was going d) is going 3. NTomorrow I;ll see <an!,O Aamal said. Aamal said he would see <an! _____. a) !esterda! b) the ollowing da! c) again d) toda! ". N:awsan won;t e%en consider it,O reported :elim. :elim reported that :awsan _____ e%en consider it. a) will b) wouldn;t c) isn;t d) doesn;t &. Tasneem asked, N#hat are !ou doing3O Tasneem asked _____ doing. a) what am I b) what was I c) what I was d) what I am '. $ouad in6uired, N<as <adeer eaten dinner3O $ouad in6uired i <adeer _____ dinner. a) has eaten b) ate c) had eaten d) had ). NThis !ear we;re going to 2ubai,O said Fenna. Fenna said the! _____ to 2ubai that !ear. a) were going b) ha%e been going c) is going d) went *. :he _____ understood the 6uestion because she got it wrong. a) shouldn;t ha%e b) can;t ha%e c) wouldn;t ha%e

d) won;t ha%e

,. The biologist said, NThese ish swim upstream in the autumn.O The biologist said these ish _____ upstream in the autumn. a) swim b) swam c) swum d) are swimming 1-. Mariam told us, NMan! elephants are killed each !ear b! illegal hunters.O Mariam told us that man! elephants _____ each !ear b! illegal hunters. a) killed b) ha%e been killed c) was killed d) are killed

!. Chan$e each sentence to re"orte& s"eech. 1. :ami said, NThe children are going to the beach tomorrow.O _________________________________________________________________________

2. NIt;s raining again@O she cried. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. N2o !ou know where the amusement park is3O Mother asked. _________________________________________________________________________ ". NMr :mith has blackmailed the local politicians,O the paper reported. _________________________________________________________________________ &. NI ha%en;t an! idea who is coming,O Mona said. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Chan$e each sentence to &%rect s"eech. 1. Mhaled said that his mother was going to make chocolate cake. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. <eba complained that the weather was bad. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The shop assistant said the changing rooms were under the stairs. _________________________________________________________________________ ". The reporter asked the secretar! whether Mrs :mith was in her o ice. _________________________________________________________________________ &. 8eila asked i she could go to the part! on :aturda! night. _________________________________________________________________________

+. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. (n Tuesda! >ishad said he will not ha%e enough mone!. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Mhadi+ah said she had inished the +ob the be ore da!. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. 4ehad asked, NThe! are lea%ing at ten o;clock3O _________________________________________________________________________ ". I asked him what was he doing at nine o;clock tonight. _________________________________________________________________________ &. I asked her what was she reading. _________________________________________________________________________ '. Ten minutes ago, 4ourhan told me !ou ha%e le t. _________________________________________________________________________ ). 8eila can;t ha%e answered the phone because it has stopped ringing. _________________________________________________________________________ *. $ather asked mother when would dinner be read!. _________________________________________________________________________

4. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. >obert 8ouis :te%enson wrote man! well.lo%ed stories. Man! people said he is a master ul stor!teller. =ounger people seem to en+o! his antas! stories. M! teacher said his #r ,ekyll and %yde was a classic that people continue to en+o!. M! riend <an! asked i do I recommend the book. I told him it will be the best book he had e%er read. I !ou like this one, !ou must like #racula b! Bram :toker. r

7. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A N#hen are !ou going3O she asked. N#hen will !ou be going3O she asked NI will meet her at noon,O she said. NI am meeting her at noon,O she said. NI met her at noon,O she said B said she has met her at noon. asked when he would be going. asked when he was going. said that she would meet her at noon. said she was meeting her at noon. said she had met her at noon.

1. 2. 3. ". &.

a.:he b.:he c.:he d.:he e.:he .:he

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.c !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. +. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. 2.c 3.b ".b &.c '.c ).a *.b ,.a 1- . d

:ami said 5that) the children were going to the beach the next da!. :he cried that it was raining again. Mother asked whether7i I knew where the amusement park is7was. The paper reported that Mr :mith had blackmailed the local politicians. Mona said she hadn;t an! idea who was coming. 7 Mona said she had no an! idea who was coming. 7 Mona said she didn;t ha%e an! idea who was coming. Mhaled said, N5M!) mother is going to make chocolate cake.O <eba complained, NThe weather is bad.O The shop assistant said, NThe changing rooms are under the stairs.O The reporter asked 5the secretar!), NIs Mrs :mith in her o ice3O 8eila asked, N?an7Ma! I go to the part! on :aturda! night3O

(n Tuesda! >ishad said he wo(#& not ha%e enough mone!. Mhadi+ah said she had inished the +ob the "re/%o(s da!. 4ehad asked, NAre the* lea%ing at ten o;clock3O I asked him what he was doing at nine o;clock tonight. I asked her what she was reading. Ten minutes ago, 4ourhan told me !ou ha& le t. 8eila m(st ha%e answered the phone because it has stopped ringing. $ather asked mother when &%nner wo(#& be read!.

4. >obert 8ouis :te%enson wrote man! well.lo%ed stories. Man! people said he was a master ul stor!teller. =ounger people seem to en+o! his antas! stories. M! teacher said his #r ,ekyll and r %yde is a classic that people continue to en+o!. M! riend <an! asked i recommended the book. I told him it would be the best book he had e%er read. I !ou like this one, !ou might like #racula b! Bram :toker.

7. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

c b d e

N#hen are !ou going3O she asked. N#hen will !ou be going3O she asked. NI will meet her at noon,O she said. NI am meeting her at noon,O she said. NI met her at noon,O she said.

:he :he :he :he :he

asked when he was going. asked when he would be going. said that she would meet her at noon. said she was meeting her at noon. said she had met her at noon.


Name _________________________________________

Date __________________

1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. The soil could not _____ all the rain, so there was a lood. a) occur b) commit c) righten

d) absorb

2. =ou need to put sunscreen on !our skin because o the _____ ultra%iolet ra!s. a) blind b) sunn! c) harmless d) harm ul 3. Tonight there is going to be an _____ o the moon. a) exca%ation b) ele%ator c) eclipse ". There are two t!pes o _____ that come rom the sun. a) ultra%iolet ra!s b) head6uarters c) personalities &. _____ occurs when there is too little rain. a) 8ightning b) >ain all

d) ellipse

d) sights

c) 2rought

d) $lood

'. The _____ part o the countr! has more se%ere weather. a) !ellow b) southern c) lea .like ). The child was struck b! _____ !et sur%i%ed. a) lightning b) balls *. _____ is the opposite o southern. a) Eastern b) #estern ,. #hat do !ou think _____ the statue to all3 a) demolished b) in ected

d) innocent

c) rain all

d) thunder

c) 4orthern

d) :outh

c) caused

d) di%ided

1-. :now in ?airo would be considered an unusual _____. a) drought b) rain all c) biograph!

d) phenomenon

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. lightning / occur / phenomenon / experience / ultra%iolet ra!s / rain eclipse / southern / harm ul / co%er / sights

<a%e !ou e%er been in a tornado3 I ha%en;t either, but I understand that it is a rightening _______________ or an!one. 0 tornado is probabl! the most destructi%e natural _______________. It can destro! a house in seconds@ Tornadoes can _______________ on an! continent 5except 0ntarctica), but most tornadoes are in the _______________ and central parts o the Gnited :tates, in a region called NTornado 0lle!.O Duite o ten there is ______________,
Hhoto courtes! o 4ational :e%ere :torms 8aborator! 54::8)

thunder and _______________ with a tornado. Tornadoes are %er! dangerous. I !ou happen to be near one, don;t stand around and watch the _______________. Aet somewhere sa e, like into a basement, a bathroom, or an interior room with no windows. _______________ !our head with !our arms to protect !our ace and skull.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. The damage was _______________ b! the %iolent storm. 5cause) 2. =ou ha%e to dri%e to the _______________ part o the cit!. 5north) 3. :ami and I were watching the thunder and _______________ storm. 5light) ". The a%erage annual _______________ in Eg!pt is less than 3- mm. 5rain) &. The towel is made o an _______________ material. 5absorb) '. 8ook@ The moon is _______________ the sun. 5eclipse) ). =ou shouldn;t look directl! into the sun because o the _______________ ra!s. 5harm) *. 2on;t worr! about that little garden snake. It;s _______________. 5harm) +. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to %n& the &% erence 'etween these wor&s. 1. phenomenon . occurrence 2. drought . rain all 3. northern . southern ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

". sight . see ___________________________________________ &. cause . occur ___________________________________________ 4. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A 1. phenomenon 2. ultra%iolet ra!s 3. eclipse ". sight &. lightning B a.caused b! an electrical storm b.a strange e%ent c.when earth goes between the sun and moon 5or moon between earth and sun) d.something unusual to see e.someone !ou work with .emitted b! the sun but cannot be seen


1. 1.d









1- . d

!. <a%e !ou e%er been in a tornado3 I ha%en;t either, but I understand that it is a rightening experience or an!one. 0 tornado is probabl! the most destructi%e natural phenomenon. It can destro! a house in seconds@ Tornadoes can occur on an! continent 5except 0ntarctica), but most tornadoes are in the southern and central parts o the Gnited :tates, in a region called NTornado 0lle!.O Duite o ten there is rain, thunder and lightning with a tornado. Tornadoes are %er! dangerous. I !ou happen to be near one, don;t stand around and watch the sights. Aet somewhere sa e, like into a basement, a bathroom, or an interior room with no windows. Cover !our head with !our arms to protect !our ace and skull.

3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *.

The damage was caused b! the %iolent storm. =ou ha%e to dri%e to the northern part o the cit!. :ami and I were watching the thunder and lightning storm. The a%erage annual rainfall in Eg!pt is less than 3- mm. The towel is made o an absorbent material. 8ook@ The moon is eclipsing the sun. =ou shouldn;t look directl! into the sun because o the harmful ra!s. 2on;t worr! about that little garden snake. It;s harmless.

+. 1. 0n occ(rrence is something that happens. 0 "henomenon is something unusual that happens. 2. 0 &ro($ht is the result o too little ra%n a##. Ra%n a## is the amount o rain that alls on an

area in a particular period. 3. Northern and so(thern are the opposite, relating to direction. ". See is a %erb. S%$ht can be a %erb meaning to see something !ou ha%e been looking or, or something that is rare or di icult to see. S%$ht is also a noun1 the occasion o seeing something, the abilit! to see, or something beauti ul or unusual that !ou see. &. Ca(se is to make something happen. Occ(r is to happen. &n accident occurred on the bridge. -e don+t know what caused it.

4. 1.b






Name Date _________________________________________ __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. 0 paper towel with se%eral la!ers can _____ more li6uid than a towel with one la!er. a) absorb b) absorbing c) absorbtion d) absorbenc! 2. I 8A2 had ser%ed pi99a, I _____ there. a) will eat b) will ha%e eaten

c) would ha%e eaten

d) ate

3. I !ou are in a rain orest, !ou _____ rain almost e%er! da!. a) would see b) see c) ha%e seen ". I I had taken the time to do it correctl!, it _____ out better. a) would had come b) would come c) would ha%e came &. I !ou ride the bus to 2ahab, it _____ se%en hours to get there. a) would take b) took c) would ha%e taken '. The test _____ been %er! di icult. =ou got an 0. a) can;t ha%e b) could ha%e c) might ha%e

d) saw

d) would ha%e come

d) will take

d) must ha%e

). #hen <a9em returned rom the desert, he said it _____ a terrible night there. a) is b) will be c) had been d) is going to be *. I !ou sta! up all night tonight, !ou _____ all da!. a) will sleep b) slept c) will ha%e slept ,. #hen :ami sta!s in Tanta, he _____ in a hotel. a) will ha%e slept b) sleeps c) would sleep 1-. I I were !ou, I _____ more time stud!ing. a) would spend b) spent

d) sleep

d) will sleep

c) am spending

d) would ha%e spent

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. It;s raining. #e won;t catch a lot o ish. 5i P not) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. #hen !ou look directl! at the sun, !ou harm !our e!es. 5harm ul) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The sun rises. $armers get up with the sun to work. 5when) _________________________________________________________________________ ". =ou should take the bus. I would. 5i ) _________________________________________________________________________ &. <e would ha%e been a politician, but he;s sh!. 5i ) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. I !ou hadn;t stopped that da!, I would ne%er met !ou. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. I the moon goes between the earth and the sun, there is an eclipsed. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. #hen Jainab inished her homework, she usuall! reads a book. _________________________________________________________________________ ". I asked her how long she had be waiting. _________________________________________________________________________ &. I <isham had walked all the wa!, he would been there b! now. _________________________________________________________________________ '. I it had rained more, we not ha%e had a drought. _________________________________________________________________________ ). I I get sick, I would not go to school. _________________________________________________________________________ *. I :u9! had be a better speller, she would ha%e won irst place. _________________________________________________________________________ +. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. :cientists sa! that the earth is heating up. The hottest !ears on record ha%e occurred in this decade. I we don;t use less energ!, the earth heats up e%en more. I the earth heated up more, there will be more unusual weather. I leaders had listened to the irst scienti ic warnings, we would not ha%e ha%ing so much unusual weather toda!. :cientists tell us it;s not too late. I countries act now, we would ha%e time to a%oid climate disaster. I all o us reduce consumption, we would help to reduce the occurance o unusual weather. But it will take all o us to achie%e this.

4. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A ha%e a e%er tomorrow, had had a e%er, ha%e a e%er, had a e%er, hadn;t had a e%er, B a.I sta! home rom school. b.I wouldn;t ha%e sta!ed home rom school. c.I would ha%e sta!ed home rom school. d.I;ll sta! home rom school. e.I was sta!ing home rom school. .I would sta! home rom school.

1. 2. 3. ". &.



____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.a !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 2.c 3.b ".d &.d '.a ).c *.a ,.b 1- . a

I it weren;t raining, we would catch a lot o ish. #hen !ou look directl! at the sun, it is harm ul to !our e!es. #hen the sun rises, armers get up to work. I I were !ou, I would take the bus. I he weren;t sh!, he would ha%e been a politician. 7 I he hadn;t been sh!, he would ha%e been a politician.

3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *.

I !ou hadn;t stopped that da!, I would ne%er ha/e met !ou. I the moon goes between the earth and the sun, there is an ec#%"se. #hen Jainab %n%shes her homework, she usuall! reads a book. I asked her how long she ha& 'een waiting. I <isham had walked all the wa!, he would ha/e 'een there b! now. I it had rained more, we wo(#& not ha/e ha& a drought. I I get sick, I w%## not go to school. I :u9! ha& 'een a better speller, she would ha%e won irst place.

+. :cientists sa! that the earth is heating up. The hottest !ears on record ha%e occurred in this decade. I we don;t use less energ!, the earth will heat up e%en more. I the earth heats up more, there will be more unusual weather. I leaders had listened to the irst scienti ic warnings, we would not ha%e had so much unusual weather toda!. :cientists tell us it;s not too late. I countries act now, we will ha%e time to a%oid climate disaster. I all o us reduce consumption, we will help to reduce the occurance o unusual weather. But it will take all o us to achie%e this. 4. 1 . d I I ha%e a e%er tomorrow, I;ll sta! home rom school.

2 3 " &

. c I I had had a e%er, I would ha%e sta!ed home rom school. . a I I ha%e a e%er, I sta! home rom school. . I I had a e%er, I would sta! home rom school. . b I I hadn;t had a e%er, I wouldn;t ha%e sta!ed home rom school.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. Be care ul when !ou di%e o _____. Mnow what is in the water below. a) bases b) car%ings c) cli s d) sights 2. 0 ter the car accident, I couldn;t _____ m! arms abo%e m! head or se%eral months. a) illuminate b) exca%ate c) raise d) rise 3. :oha is stud!ing to become an _____ banker. a) illuminating b) engineering c) irresponsible

d) in%estment

". Tunneling under the English ?hannel was a _____ engineering achie%ement. a) ailing b) explanator! c) monumental d) respectable &. #e don;t know what _____ the machine to ail. a) absorbed b) caused c) occurred '. 2rought occurs when there is too little _____. a) rain all b) lightning c) diameter ). The ship will ne%er sail again. It is _____ disabled. a) hope ull! b) permanentl! c) harm ull! *. I hate to _____ it, but Mona is smarter than me. a) knock b) position c) admit ,. I know 2ina is a _____ law!er because she has man! clients. a) respected b) careless c) permanent

d) knocked

d) in%estment

d) slowl!

d) cause

d) 6uestionable

1-. I don;t ha%e a lot o time to sta!, but I will make an _____ at the part!. a) in%estment b) admission c) appearance d) in6uir!

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. respectable / ultra%iolet ra!s / eclipse / diameter lightning / massi%e / rain all / in con lict / engineering 2espite our ad%anced technological abilities, there are still man! things that we cannot do. $or example, we can stop some loods, but we ha%e no control o%er _______________. #e can make solar energ!, but we can;t stop _______________ rom causing cancer. #e can make electricit!, but we can;t control where _______________ will strike. (ur _______________ abilities ha%e

gi%en us a great deal o com ort in our li%es, but we still li%e with uncertain!. Herhaps we will alwa!s remain _______________ with some aspects o our en%ironment.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. This no%el is so _______________ that I orgot to eat m! dinner@ 5absorb) 2. Man! older homes ha%e a door _______________ in a st!le called N<and o $atima.O 5knock) 3. 4o one will be _______________ to the concert without a ticket. 5admit) ". 0 ter !ou delete it, the song will be _______________ remo%ed rom the disk. 5permanent) &. 0 ter _______________ the crime, he was arrested b! the police. 5commit) '. The children hid under the bed because o the thunder and _______________.5light) ). =ou should _______________ !our opinion on act. 5base) *. The photographer is _______________ the members o the wedding part! or the photo. 5position) ,. I wish I li%ed closer to m! work. I _______________ more than an hour each wa!. 5commuter) 1-. 0bdel.8ati 0bu.<ei had a _______________ abilit! to swim long distances. 5phenomenon) +. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A B a.someone who works in the same ield become more important than another c.beha%ior o ordinar! people d.the underl!ing reason e.someone;s character, the wa! the! beha%e .the bottom o an ob+ect

1. 2. 3. ". &.

base human nature personalit! colleague eclipse


1. 1.c 2.c 3.d ".c &.b '.a ).b *.c ,.a 1- . c

!. 2espite our ad%anced technological abilities, there are still man! things that we cannot do. $or example, we can stop some loods, but we ha%e no control o%er rainfall. #e can make solar energ!, but we can;t stop ultraviolet rays rom causing cancer. #e can make electricit!, but we can;t control where lightning will strike. (ur engineering abilities ha%e gi%en us a great deal o com ort in our li%es, but we still li%e with uncertain!. Herhaps we will alwa!s remain in conflict with some aspects o our en%ironment. 3. 1. This no%el is so absorbing that I orgot to eat m! dinner@ 2. Man! older homes ha%e a door knocker in a st!le called N<and o $atima.O 3. 4o one will be admitted to the concert without a ticket. ". 0 ter !ou delete it, the song will be permanently remo%ed rom the disk. &. 0 ter committing the crime, he was arrested b! the police.

'. ). *. ,. 1-. +. 1.

The children hid under the bed because o the thunder and lightning. =ou should base !our opinion on act. The photographer is positioning the members o the wedding part! or the photo. I wish I li%ed closer to m! work. I commute more than an hour each wa!. 0bdel.8ati 0bu.<ei had a phenomenal abilit! to swim long distances.






Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. I I _____ !ou, I would close that door to sa%e energ!. a) was b) were c) had been

d) ha%e been

2. The doctor said i I had been more care ul, I _____ surger!. a) had been re6uired b) had ne%er re6uired c) ne%er re6uired d) wouldn;t ha%e re6uired 3. =usu asked i _____ thirt! pounds that da!. a) could he borrow b) he could borrow

c) he can borrow

d) had he borrowed

". The biologist said the bod! _____ new blood each !ear. a) was produced b) produce c) produces

d) has produced

&. I;m not sure where he is. It;s possible that Tarek went to ix his car. a) Tarek must ha%e gone to ix his car. b) Tarek has gone to ix his car. c) Tarek might ha%e gone to ix his car. d) Tarek can;t ha%e gone to ix his car. '. Fehan asked, N#hat were !ou doing all da!3O a) Fehan asked me what was I doing all da!. b) Fehan asked me what I had been doing all da!. c) Fehan asked me what did I do all da!. d) Fehan asked me what had I done all da!. ). <atem _____ the dog because she doesn;t seem hungr!. a) must ha%e ed b) had ed c) can;t ha%e ed

d) mightn;t ha%e ed

*. :he _____ caught her bus because she would ha%e been here b! now. a) can;t ha%e b) might ha%e c) could ha%e d) must ha%e ,. I !ou _____ all night, !ou will be exhausted at the time o the test. a) are stud!ing b) stud! c) studied 1-. I would li%e in Marina i I _____ a million pounds. a) ha%e b) am ha%ing c) had

d) ha%e studied

d) has

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$.

1. =ou should see a doctor about that cut. I would. 5i ) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. I ha%e mone!. I bu! m! mother a small gi t. 5when) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. It ma! rain all night. The crops will ha%e plent! o water. 5i ) _________________________________________________________________________ ". The biographical account o Taha <ussein;s li e was well written. 5biograph!) _________________________________________________________________________ &. Because !ou phoned, I knew !ou were back rom 0lexandria. 5hadn;t) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. I I start now, I will inishing in one hour. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. I !ou hadn;t sent me that text sa!ing not to come, I would been there alread!. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. :he said the insect bit the child se%eral times. _________________________________________________________________________ ". <an! said he will be there the next da!. _________________________________________________________________________ &. :arah asked me i I was mailed the letter the pre%ious da!. _________________________________________________________________________ '. Mahmoud and I lo%e electrical storms when the! occurence at night. _________________________________________________________________________ ). #hen the =ellow >i%er looded in 1**), a million people were killing. _________________________________________________________________________ *. Jeinab asked :ara what was she doing with the green notebook. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. #hat is the tallest structure !ou ha%e been in3 >ecentl! I went to Bur+ Mhali a. I !ou ha%e gone to the top with me, !ou would ha%e elt di99! looking down. In act, i !ou had taken the li t to the top, !ou will be there in minutes. 0 ride that ast would ha%e make !our ears pop like !ou were in an aeroplane. 0nother tall structure is the Ei el Tower. It;s not as tall as Bur+ Mhali a, but that must make !ou eel ill climbing or a di erent reason. There are no walls, so !ou look straight down to the ground. I !ou climb to the top, there will be onl! a metal rame between !ou and the ground. :o i I am !ou, I would be sure heights don;t scare !ou be ore !ou go up a tall structure.

4. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A I I had had some water, I $ouad goes on $rida!, #hen the sun goes down, I !ou cared about it, I <an! had gone the da! be ore, B would be o better 6ualit!. becomes cooler. c.I would not ha%e elt the heat. d.I am not going to be thirst!. e.the problem would ha%e been sol%ed. .I will go with him.

1. 2. 3. ". &.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.b !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. 2 .d 3.b ".c &.c '.b ).a *.a ,.b 1- . c

I I were !ou, I would see a doctor about that cut. #hen I ha%e mone!, I bu! m! mother a small gi t. I it rains all night, the crops will ha%e plent! o water. The biograph! o Taha <ussein was well written. I !ou hadn;t phoned, I wouldn;t ha%e known !ou were back rom 0lexandria.

I I start now, I will %n%sh in one hour. I !ou hadn;t sent me that text sa!ing not to come, I wo(#& ha/e 'een there alread!. :he said the insect ha& '%tten the child se%eral times. <an! said he wo(#& be there the next da!. :arah asked me i I ha& mailed the letter the pre%ious da!. Mahmoud and I lo%e electrical storms when the! occ(r at night. #hen the =ellow >i%er looded in 1**), a million people were )%##e&. Jeinab asked :ara what she was doing with the green notebook.

+. #hat is the tallest structure !ou ha%e been in3 >ecentl! I went to Bur+ Mhali a. I !ou had gone to the top with me, !ou would ha%e elt di99! looking down. In act, i !ou had taken the li t to the top, !ou would have been there in minutes. 0 ride that ast would ha%e made !our ears pop like !ou were in an aeroplane. 0nother tall structure is the Ei el Tower. It;s not as tall as Bur+ Mhali a, but that might make !ou eel ill climbing or a di erent reason. There are no walls, so !ou look straight down to the ground. I !ou climb to the top, there is onl! a metal rame between !ou and the ground. :o i I were !ou, I would be sure heights don;t scare !ou be ore !ou go up a tall structure.

4. 1 . c I I had had some water, I would not ha%e elt the heat.

2 3 " &

. I $ouad goes on $rida!, I will go with him. . b #hen the sun goes down, it becomes cooler. . a I !ou cared about it, it would be o better 6ualit!. . e I <an! had gone the da! be ore, the problem would ha%e been sol%ed.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________

1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. 0 %irus is _____ to the e!e and can onl! be seen with a power ul microscope. a) in%isible b) obscure c) regular d) gradual 2. There is a _____ tumor on her lung that needs to be remo%ed immediatel!. a) cancer b) theoretical c) constant d) cancerous 3. The _____ is belie%able, but can it be pro%en3 a) theor! b) cancer c) specialit!

d) diabetes

". ?hemistr! is %er! di icult or me, but I am _____ understanding it better. a) regularl! b) speciall! c) graduall! d) in%isibl! &. It is a complex _____ to generate electricit! rom nuclear energ!. a) process b) cure c) amount '. 2r Eman _____ in children;s medicine. a) releases b) considers

d) theor!

c) specialises

d) results

). =ou need a certain _____ o sunshine to get enough %itamin 2. a) theor! b) process c) in%isible

d) amount

*. #atch this ilm to understand the _____ o photos!nthesis, how a plant makes ood. a) release b) achie%ement c) process d) gain ,. The ..... an is a amous no%el and ilm about a man who could not be seen b! an!one. a) Incredible b) 2iabetic c) In%isible d) In%incible 1-. I !ou ha%e _____, !ou must not eat too much sugar. a) cancer b) diabetes c) result

d) experiments

!. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. process release result regularl! graduall! gain B a.a thing that occurs because o something else b.o ten or repeatedl! achie%e something important d.a series o e%ents, changes, or things !ou do stop holding something .slowl! o%er a long time much o something there is

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. 2r Jewail;s _____ are known worldwide. 5achie%e) 2. <er carelessness _____ in a terrible ire that destro!ed the house. 5result) 3. The old man;s _____ decline saddened his amil!. 5graduall!) ". The compan! is looking or a chemical engineer with a _____ in plastics. 5specialise) &. The _____ scientist thought the process would work. 5theor!) '. =asser bought small _____ o each spice. 5amount) ). _____ is something that scientists dream o but ha%en;t achie%ed. 5in%isible) *. Biologists will raise the !oung bears until the! can _____ them in the wild. 5release) ,. The examination showed that _____ cells had grown around the li%er. 5cancer) 1-. The _____ o the oil spill was hea%! pollution in the sea. 5result)

+. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. graduall! / cure / cancer / achie%ement result / diabetes / specialise / theor! amount / in%isible / release / gain / regularl! / process (besit! is the abnormal buildup o bod! at Q 2-R or more o%er a personKs ideal weight. (besit! is a serious health problem in man! countries toda!. The medical _______________ that studies and treats obesit! is bariatrics. Heople who are obese ha%e a higher risk o heart disease and other diseases such as _______________ and some kinds o _______________. :cientists know that people _______________ weight i the! eat more calories than the! burn. But the! do not understand exactl! wh! some people become o%erweight and others do not. There are se%eral _______________. I !ou need to lose weight, !ou should check with !our doctor or a health! diet and exercise programme. The _______________ o losing weight is not eas!. =ou should aim to lose weight _______________, about 2 kilos per month. =ou should eat smaller _______________ o oods and exercise _______________. #ith e ort !ou will _______________ !our goal. att!



1.a !. 1.d









1- . b






3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-.

2r Jewail;s achievements are known worldwide. <er carelessness resulted in a terrible ire that destro!ed the house. The old man;s gradual decline saddened his amil!. The compan! is looking or a chemical engineer with a specialisation in plastics. The theoretical scientist thought the process would work. =asser bought small amounts o each spice. )nvisibility is something that scientists dream o but ha%en;t achie%ed. Biologists will raise the !oung bears until the! can release them in the wild. The examination showed that cancerous cells had grown around the li%er. The result o the oil spill was hea%! pollution in the sea.

+. (besit! is the abnormal buildup o bod! at Q 2-R or more o%er a personKs ideal weight. (besit! is a serious health problem in man! countries toda!. The medical specialisation that studies and treats obesit! is bariatrics. Heople who are obese ha%e a higher risk o heart disease and other diseases such as diabetes and some kinds o cancer. :cientists know that people gain weight i the! eat more calories than the! burn. But the! do not understand exactl! wh! some people become o%erweight and others do not. There are se%eral theories. I !ou need to lose weight, !ou should check with !our doctor or a health! diet and exercise programme. The process o losing weight is not eas!. =ou should aim to lose weight gradually, about 2 kilos per month. =ou should eat smaller amounts o att! oods and exercise regularly. #ith e ort !ou will achieve !our goal.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. #e ha%e se%eral _____ about how this desease spreads, but we need to do more studies. a) theoretician b) theori9e c) theoretical d) theories 2. <er _____ ha%e gone be!ond our expectations. a) achie%ing b) achie%e c) achie%ements

d) achie%es

3. :ami didn;t work hard in school and now he _____ he had studied more. a) wishes b) wished c) wishing d) wish ". Fenna wishes she _____ pla! the guitar like him. a) must b) could c) might

d) can

&. 0mina wishes she had _____ another course. a) choose b) chose c) chosen '. >am! wishes he _____ where he put the i t! pounds he misplaced. a) knowing b) known c) knows ). I the children _____ all da!, the! would ha%e been asleep b! now. a) were pla!ing b) had pla!ed c) pla!ed *. I Bassem _____ the o ice, it would be a disaster. a) ran b) run c) had run

d) chooses

d) knew

d) pla!

d) runs

,. :elma wants to come but she is ill and has to sta! at home. :he wishes she _____ with us. a) could ha%e b) could be c) could been d) could ha%e been 1-. :elma regrets that she was ill !esterda! and had to sta! at home. :he wishes she _____ with us. a) could ha%e b) could be c) could been d) could ha%e been

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. <esham;s achie%ements were greater than our expectations. 5achie%e) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. 2r Basma is a specialist in bone cancer. 5specialise) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. To walk to 2okki takes one hour. 5i ) _________________________________________________________________________ ". I don;t know where m! other shoe is. #here is it3 5wish) _________________________________________________________________________ &. :ami doesn;t know ad%anced mathematics. <e would like to know. 5wish) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. 4e%ine wish she could inance her daughter;s new business. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. I she called, I would ha%e picked her up. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. I it rains tonight, we would go to the mall instead o the park. _________________________________________________________________________ ". 8eila wishes she had went with us to the lecture. _________________________________________________________________________ &. #e ne%er could ha%e imagined Gmar;s ine achie%ings. _________________________________________________________________________

'. #e wish we ha%en;t missed the eight o;clock train. _________________________________________________________________________ ). I wishes was horses, then beggars would ride. _________________________________________________________________________ *. I wish I can paint better. _________________________________________________________________________ +. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. Being a scientist is a di icult +ob that re6uires dedication as well as abundant knowledge. Man! !oung people wished the! could become scientists, but the! do not realising the amount o work it re6uires. In act, some scientists wish research are easier. I !ou decided to be a scientist, then remember this old sa!ing1 nothing worth doing comes easil!.


1. 1.d !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. 2.c 3.a ".b &.c '.d ).b *.a ,.b 1- . d

<esham achie%ed more than we 5had) expected. 2r Basma specialises in bone cancer. I !ou walk to 2okki, it takes one hour. 7 I !ou walked to 2okki, it would take one hour. I wish I knew where m! other shoe was. :ami wishes he knew ad%anced mathematics.

4e%ine w%shes she could inance her daughter;s new business. I she ha& ca##e&, I would ha%e picked her up. I it rains tonight, we w%## go to the mall instead o the park. 8eila wishes she had $one with us to the lecture. #e ne%er could ha%e imagined Gmar;s ine ach%e/ements. #e wish we ha&n2t missed the eight o;clock train. I wishes were horses, then beggars would ride. I wish I co(#& paint better.

+. Being a scientist is a di icult +ob that re6uires dedication as well as abundant knowledge. Man! !oung people wish the! could become scientists, but the! do not realise the amount o work it re6uires. In act, some scientists wish research were/was easier. I !ou decide to be a scientist, then remember this old sa!ing1 nothing worth doing comes easil!.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________

1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. The students _____ to the plan to extend school hours until " pm. a) re+ect b) in+ect c) ob+ect

d) sub+ect

2. 2o we put people in prison because we want _____ or because we hope to re orm them3 a) re%enge b) en%! c) %ictim d) iancIe 3. The newspaper has a photo o a man with amnesia a ter a car accident. The police are asking i an!one _____ him. a) accuses b) ob+ects c) re%enges d) recognises ". I _____@ This plan cannot go orward as it is. a) accuse b) release

c) a%oid

d) ob+ect

&. #hen <atem was %isiting Barcelona, he became the _____ o a robber!. a) result b) %ictim c) iancIe d) treason '. Ehab was wrongl! _____ o cheating during an exam. a) accused b) released c) recognised ). #hen there is a legal s!stem, _____ has no place in societ!. a) concern b) re%iew c) re%enge *. The two people were accused o _____ and were imprisoned or li e. a) greed b) treason c) re%enge ,. $arid ga%e his new _____ a big diamond ring. a) iancIe b) colleague c) %ictim

d) changed

d) a %ictim

d) iancIe

d) genius

1-. <anan was so _____ o $arida;s new dress that she went out and bought hersel one. a) concerned b) en%ious c) %ictimi9ed d) cold

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. iancIe . recognise . historicall! . inance recognise . lecture . en%ious . %ictim <ow do !ou spend !our mone!3 0 ter the recent global economic crisis, _______________ is now discussed e%er! da!. :ome people are suggesting that !oung people be educated on how to take care o mone! b! attending _______________ in secondar! school. _______________, understanding mone! has not been a problem, but now we ha%e man! di erent t!pes o credit that we did not ha%e in the past. 0lso people can easil! become _______________ o is to li%e with ewer possessions so that !ou can with the mone! !ou ha%e. raud i the! do not _______________ when someone is tr!ing to cheat them. The most important lesson

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&.

1. I ind what !ou are sa!ing _______________. I donKt like it at all. 5ob+ect) 2. :ince the amnesia, he is ha%ing problems with his _______________ o aces. 5recognise)

3. =ou are not _______________ at all in that disguise. 4o one will know who !ou are. 5recognise) ". That was the most boring _______________ I ha%e e%er had to sit through. 5lecturer) &. 0 ter man! !ears, Edmond _______________ himsel on the men who had alsel! accussed him o treason. 5re%enge) '. (%erspending was at the root o :hadia;s _______________ problems. 5 inance) ). /obinson Crusoe is a _______________ book because it was the irst no%el in English. 5historical) *. & Tale of Two Cities is a _______________ no%el set in the time o the $rench >e%olution. 5historical) ,. 8eilaKs _______________ is going to ?anada to stud! or his doctorate. :he will marr! him and +oin him there. 5 iancIe) 1-. The! lost the case because there was not enough e%idence to support their _______________. 5accuse)

+. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. B a.punishment to someone who has harmed !ou b.someone who is hurt b! someone or something not appro%e o something d.wishing !ou had something that someone has e.a crime against !our own go%ernment .to be engaged to marr! 4. .%/e s*non*ms5anton*ms or these wor&s. 1. 2. 3. ". &. %ictim ob+ect en%ious re%enge treason S*non*ms _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Anton*ms _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ A

1. 2. 3. ".

accuse recognise lecturer histor!


1. 1.c !. 2.a 3.d ".d &.b '.a ).c *.b ,.a 1- . b

<ow do !ou spend !our mone!3 0 ter the recent global economic crisis, finance is now discussed e%er! da!. :ome people are suggesting that !oung people be educated on how to take care o mone! b! attending lectures in secondar! school. %istorically, understanding mone! has not been a problem, but now we ha%e man! di erent t!pes o credit that we did not ha%e in the past. 0lso people can easil! become victims o raud i the! do not recognise when someone is tr!ing to cheat them. The most important lesson is to li%e with ewer possessions so that !ou can li%e with the mone! !ou ha%e.

3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-.

I ind what !ou are sa!ing ob0ectionable. I donKt like it at all. :ince the amnesia, he is ha%ing problems with his recognition o aces. =ou are not recognizable at all in that disguise. 4o one will know who !ou are. That was the most boring lecture I ha%e e%er had to sit through. 0 ter man! !ears, Edmond revenged himsel on the men who had alsel! accussed him o treason. (%erspending was at the root o :hadia;s financial problems. /obinson Crusoe is a historic book because it was the irst no%el in English. & Tale of Two Cities is a historical no%el set in the time o the $rench >e%olution. 8eilaKs fianc1 is going to ?anada to stud! or his doctorate. :he will marr! him and +oin him there. The! lost the case because there was not enough e%idence to support their accusation.

+. 1.b 4. 1. accuse 2. recognise 3. lecturer ". histor!





S*non*ms blame, charge identi !, know, be amiliar with pro essor, teaching assistant, teacher the past, times past, olden timesC record, stor!


the present, the uture


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. $ouad <assan is the _____ director o our local bank. a) inances b) inance c) inancial 2. The man;s _____ sat in the third row o the courtroom. a) accusation b) accuser c) accusator!

d) inancier

d) accused

3. 0 ter :elma _____ to the market, she made a delicious meal or us all. a) has gone b) goes c) go d) had gone ". 0 group o us _____ the ilm alread!, so we didn;t want to see it again. a) sees b) had seen c) ha%e seen d) were seeing

&. <ow man! times _____ to the north coast be ore !ou bought a chalet there3 a) are !ou been b) ha%e !ou been c) had !ou been d) were !ou '. #e recentl! learned that :amia _____ as a secret agent or !ears. a) has acted b) is acting c) acted ). <an! _____ to Turke! last !ear. a) had gone b) went

d) had been acting

c) has been

d) has gone

*. Be ore the ireworks went o , we _____ sitting in the s6uare. a) had b) ha%e been c) had been ,. #hile we were waiting, 2awud _____ on the results o his exam. a) checks b) checked c) is checking

d) are

d) had checked

1-. The girls were going to a restaurant a ter the! _____ some shopping. a) had done b) were doing c) did d) ha%e done !. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. The! went to the mall. Then the! %isited :uad. 5a ter) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The phone rang. The! were ha%ing lunch. 5while) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Eman changed some mone!. Then she phoned :elma. 5be ore) _________________________________________________________________________ ". $ad! likes books that %iew histor!. 5historical) _________________________________________________________________________ &. The man who ga%e the lecture was %er! knowledgeable. 5lecturer) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. Mona admitted that she has inished the chocolate be ore Mother came home. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. I I was !ou, I;d a%oid that altogether. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Be ore ha%ing dinner with m! amil!, I picks up a gi t or m! mother. _________________________________________________________________________ ". 0 ter the meeting, we returning to our o ices to inish our work. _________________________________________________________________________ &. 0 ter we had had dinner, we ha%e eaten <an!;s chocolate cake. _________________________________________________________________________ '. :heri ne%er heard o her be ore he met her. _________________________________________________________________________ ). This is not the point to which :ei ob+ecti%e. _________________________________________________________________________

*. I ha%en;t thought o that be ore 0hmed mentioned it. _________________________________________________________________________

+. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A 0 ter we had seen our relati%es, Basma stopped b! with a cake >eem had repaired the statue I !ou had washed those shirts with clorox, $atima was %er! tired B a.the! would ha%e been whiter. ore she replaced it on its stand. c.while I was doing the dishes. d.we went into town. e.because I tra%el all the time. .because she had been tra%elling all da!.

1. 2. 3. ". &.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.c 2.b 3.d ".b &.c '.d ).b *.c ,.b 1- . a

!. 1. 0 ter the! went to the mall, the! %isited :uad. 7 The! %isited :uad a ter the! went to the mall. 7 0 ter the! had gone to the mall, the! %isited :uad. 7 The! %isited :uad a ter the! had gone to the mall. The past per ect is optional here because the word after makes it clear which action was irst and which was second, and we understand that the second action happened a short time a ter the irst. :ee here or more. 2. The phone rang while the! were ha%ing lunch. 7 #hile the! were ha%ing lunch, the phone rang. 3. Eman changed some mone! be ore she phoned :elma. 7 Be ore she phoned :elma, Eman changed some mone!. 7 Eman had changed some mone! be ore she phoned :elma. 7 Be ore she phoned :elma, Eman had changed some mone!. The past per ect is optional here because the word before makes it clear which action was irst and which was second, and we understand that the irst action happened a short time be ore the second. :ee here or more. ". $ad! likes books that ha%e a historical %iew. 7 $ad! likes books with a historical %iew. &. The lecturer was %er! knowledgeable.

3. 1. Mona admitted that she ha& inished the chocolate be ore Mother came home. 2. I I were !ou, I;d a%oid that altogether. 3. Be ore ha%ing dinner with m! amil!, I "%c)e& up a gi t or m! mother. ". 0 ter the meeting, we ret(rne& to our o ices to inish our work. &. 0 ter we had had dinner, we ate <an!;s chocolate cake. '. :heri ha& ne/er hear& o her be ore he met her. ). This is not the point to which :ei o'6ecte&. *. I ha&n2t thought o that be ore 0hmed mentioned it.

+. 1 . d 0 ter we had seen our relati%es, we went into town. 2 . c Basma stopped b! with a cake while I was doing the dishes. 3 . b >eem had repaired the statue be ore she replaced it on its stand. " . a I !ou had washed those shirts with clorox, the! would ha%e been whiter. &. $atima was %er! tired because she had been tra%elling all da!.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. 2o !ou want to _____ <an!;s birthda! on a elluca3 a) %ar! b) re%i%e c) celebrate 2. Hut the ball in the right _____ to make it eas! to hit. a) ireworks b) mark c) drum 3. There were marching bands and politicians in the _____. a) position b) procession c) landmark ". It is !our _____ to clean !our room and be home on time. a) distinction b) e%ent c) olk &. Music has _____ 6uite a bit since the 1,&-s, rom El%is to Eminem.

d) +oin

d) position

d) stop

d) responsibilit!

a) e%ol%ed

b) en+o!ed

c) eclipsed

d) sol%ed

'. The tickets to the _____ were sold out three da!s a ter going on sale. a) plan b) suggestion c) o er d) e%ent ). The 6ualit! o these crops _____ rom !ear to !ear depending on the rain. a) %aries b) e%ol%es c) pre ers d) stops *. 0mr;s %oice has a _____ sound. =ou can recognise it an!where. a) e%ent ul b) in%ol%ed c) distincti%e

d) e%ol%ing

,. The _____ were beauti ul, but the loud noise scared some o the children. a) celebrations b) landmarks c) ireworks d) drums 1-. The >oman amphitheatre in 0lexandria is a amous _____. a) landmark b) position c) mark

d) e%ent

!. .%/e s*non*ms5anton*ms or these wor&s. S*non*ms ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Anton*ms ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

1. 2. 3. ". &.

e%ol%e responsibilit! %ar! procession distincti%e

3. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. ireworks / drums / celebrate / e%ol%ing responsibilit! / procession / landmark / e%ent / mark Tamer is i%e, and he lo%es holida!s. <e especiall! likes _______________ in which people gather and eat. 0nd i there are _______________, that is e%en better. <e gets so excited waiting until dark to see them. #e were in 0merica on the $ourth o Ful!, an important holida! or 0mericans that _______________ the birthda! o their countr!. #e saw a parade in which there was a _______________ o clowns, people dressed up in costumes, and marching bands. Tamer liked the Sboom boomS sound o the big _______________. It was a un _______________ or Tamer. 4ow all he talks about is being in a parade and marching through Tahrir :6uare@

+. 1. There is o ten no _______________ di erence between identical twins 5distinct) 2. 0lthough it is di icult, !ou need to make the _______________ between the two. 5distinct) 3. The sound _______________ with how the strings o an instrument are touched. 5%ar!) ". I lo%e that song. It;s so _______________. 5 olk) &. =ou are not %er! _______________ i !ou lea%e !our clothes thrown about. 5responsibilit!)

'. 4othing happened toda!. It was completel! _______________. 5e%ent) ). #hat an _______________ da! that was@ I got a +ob and met m! uture iancIe. 5e%ent) *. The teachers spent the a ternoon _______________ the exam papers. 5mark) ,. 0 ter the _______________, the crowd went home. 5celebrate) 1-. Magd! _______________ up support or the charit! b! talking to a lot o people. 5drum)



1. 1.c !.








1- . a

1. e%ol%e 2. responsibilit! 3. %ar! sta! the same ". procession &. distincti%e common 3. Tamer is i%e, and he lo%es holida!s. <e especiall! likes celebrations in which people gather and eat. 0nd i there are fireworks, that is e%en better. <e gets so excited waiting until dark to see them. #e were in 0merica on the $ourth o Ful!, an important holida! or 0mericans that marks the birthda! o their countr!. #e saw a parade in which there was a procession o clowns, people dressed up in costumes, and marching bands. Tamer liked the Sboom boomS sound o the big drums. It was a un event or Tamer. 4ow all he talks about is being in a parade and marching through Tahrir :6uare@

S*non*ms change, de%elop, progress dut!, +ob di er, be di erent, change march, parade characteristic, distinguishing, distinct

Anton*ms stagnate

+. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-.

There is o ten no distinctive di erence between identical twins 0lthough it is di icult, !ou need to make the distinction between the two. The sound varies with how the strings o an instrument are touched. I lo%e that song. It;s so folksy. =ou are not %er! responsible i !ou lea%e !our clothes thrown about. 4othing happened toda!. It was completel! uneventful. #hat an eventful da! that was@ I got a +ob and met m! uture iancIe. The teachers spent the a ternoon marking the exam papers. 0 ter the celebration, the crowd went home. Magd! drums/drummed up support or the charit! b! talking to a lot o people.


Name _____________________________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. Tamer and I agreed _____ se%en pounds each. a) pa!ing b) pa! c) to pa! Date ______________

d) was pa!ing

2. :elim is so unn!. <e stopped _____ tele%ision because he said it was rotting his brain. a) to watch b) is watching c) watch d) watching 3. <esham likes _____ a nap in the a ternoon. a) to take b) is taking

c) took

d) taken

". The school arranged _____ a new charit! this !ear. a) supported b) supporter c) to support &. Mareem inished _____ his dinner at '.3-. a) to ha%e eaten b) to eat

d) supporting

c) eating

d) eaten

'. 0mina admitted not _____ how to open the door. a) to be known b) knowing c) to know ). 0li pre ers _____ to 2ahab. a) to ha%e lown b) to l!

d) known

c) is l!ing

d) lew

*. <an! and his sister practise _____ tennis e%er! da! a ter school. a) pla!ing b) to pla! c) pla!ed

d) pla!

,. I regret _____ !ou that 4abil will not be +oining the team. I know !ou wanted him with us. a) telling b) to tell c) ha%e told d) am telling 1-. 4ehad regrets _____ her mother on her birthda!. :he should ha%e done it. a) not phone b) not phoned c) not phoning d) not to phone

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. I didn;t orget to turn o the lights. 5remember) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. 8et;s meet at the airport. E%er!one said !es. 5agreed) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. :eham took m! pen without asking. :he said so. 5admitted) _________________________________________________________________________ ". Mohamed almost hit the motorbike. 5a%oided) _________________________________________________________________________ &. ?ooking is a hobb! o Marwa;s. 5like) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. 2oes :amia want come to the mall with us3 _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Mhadi+ah recommended to read the book Three Cups of Tea. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. >ehan en+o!s to %isit oreign countries because she gets to see so man! new things.

_________________________________________________________________________ ". I don;t need a ride because I pre er I walk home. _________________________________________________________________________ &. 8eila is planning %isiting her sister in 0swan this summer. _________________________________________________________________________ '. The compan! o ered pa!ing the tra%el expenses or each o the emplo!ees. _________________________________________________________________________ ). :am expected his sister coming home earl! rom school since there was a hal da!. _________________________________________________________________________ *. :ince her mother liked going to the opera, 8eila hoped bu!ing tickets or next week;s show. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. #ho doesn;t like olk music3 There is so much learning about when watching olk per ormances. I pre er watching the per ormers in traditional dress because much are %er! beauti ul. $olk music o ten tries reminding us o simpler times. 0nd we learn understanding the collecti%e problems and hopes o a countr! through listening to the l!rics. There are o ten per ormances o !ou did. olk music and dance at the Aomhouria Theater in the cit! centre. I !ou ha%e a chance, gone. =ou will be glad

4. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A B 1. Mona promises wash the dishes i she can pla! longer. 2. $ath! learnt b.baking her mother a cake. 3. :ami dislikes c.retaking the test to better his grade. ". :eham a%oided d.walking long distances because he is small. &. <atem suggests e.con ronting her teacher b! doing extra work. .to swim last !ear. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

7. -r%te each o these /er's %n the correct 'o= accor&%n$ to what o##ows the /er'. orget / promise / en+o! / suggest / like / inish / agree / lo%e / practise / plan / regret arrange / learn / remember / expect / a%oid / o er / pre er / hope / stop / want / decide -ing orm or to > %n %n%t%/e w%th no chan$e %n mean%n$ -ing orm or to > %n %n%t%/e w%th a chan$e %n mean%n$

-ing orm

to > %n %n%t%/e


1. 1.c !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. 2.d 3.a ".c &.c '.b ).b *.a ,.b 1- . c

I remembered to turn o the lights. E%er!one agreed to meet at the airport. :eham admitted taking m! pen without asking. Mohamed a%oided hitting the motorbike. 5a%oided) Marwa likes cooking. 7 Marwa likes to cook.

2oes :amia want to come to the mall with us3 Mhadi+ah recommended rea&%n$ the book Three Cups of Tea. >ehan en+o!s /%s%t%n$ oreign countries because she gets to see so man! new things. I don;t need a ride because I pre er to wa#) home. 7 I don;t need a ride because I pre er wa#)%n$ home. 8eila is planning to /%s%t her sister in 0swan this summer. The compan! o ered to "a* the tra%el expenses or each o the emplo!ees. :am expected his sister to come home earl! rom school since there was a hal da!. :ince her mother liked going to the opera, 8eila hoped to '(* tickets or next week;s show.

+. #ho doesn;t like olk music3 There is so much to learn about when watching olk per ormances. I pre er watching the per ormers in traditional dress because they are %er! beauti ul. $olk music o ten tries to remind us o simpler times. 0nd we learn to understand the collecti%e problems and hopes o a countr! through listening to the l!rics. There are o ten per ormances o olk music and dance at the Aomhouria Theater in the cit! centre. I !ou ha%e a chance, go. =ou will be glad !ou did.

4. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

a Mona promises to wash the dishes i she can pla! longer. $ath! learnt to swim last !ear. d :ami dislikes walking long distances because he is small. e :eham a%oided con ronting her teacher b! doing extra work. c <atem suggests retaking the test to better his grade.


-ing orm en+o! suggest inish practise a%oid

to > %n %n%t%/e promise agree plan arrange learn expect o er hope want decide

-ing orm or to > %n %n%t%/e w%th no chan$e %n mean%n$ like lo%e pre er

-ing orm or to > %n %n%t%/e w%th a chan$e %n mean%n$ orget regret remember stop


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. :cientists hope to ind a _____ or cancer some da!. a) result b) cure c) theor!

d) release

2. There are concerns about geneticall! modi ied grains being _____ into the wild. a) celebrated b) recognised c) accused d) released 3. The _____ lit up the sk! on >e%olution 2a!. a) ireworks b) landmarks ". Aerms are _____ to the naked e!e. a) released b) historical

c) olks

d) cures

c) lecturer

d) in%isible

&. The people _____ to the +udge;s ruling. The! thought it was wrong. a) released b) recognised c) ob+ected '. The _____ man looked at the loor while he was in the courtroom. a) re%enge ul b) %ictimi9ed c) in%isible ). The sp! was sentenced to death or his crime o _____. a) treason b) olk c) en%!

d) accused

d) accused

d) %ictim

*. :oha;s mood _____ with the weather. :ome da!s she;s happier than others. a) e%ol%es b) %aries c) releases d) specialises ,. This hospital _____ in care or cancer patients. a) results b) cures c) releases 1-. The _____ impro%ement in her grades shows her progress. a) theoretical b) achie%ing c) gradual !. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons.

d) specialises

d) in%isible

1. responsibilit! 2. e%ent 3. e%ol%e ". accuse &. re%enge

B de%elop graduall! in lict punishment or a wrong charge someone with ault, o ense or crime occurance o some importance e. ull o en%! .the burden o obligation

3. In each "ara$ra"h1 com"#ete the $a"s w%th wor&s rom the 'o= on the r%$ht. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. Be ore 1*'3, sla%er! 5the s!stem o ha%ing sla%es) was legal and common in the :outhern states o the Gnited :tates. $or more than '- !ears be ore that, some people _______________ to sla%er! and tried to stop it. The! were called abolitionists. :ome abolitionists belie%ed that it was e%en their _______________ to help runawa! sla%es _______________ to the 4orth or to ?anada. _______________, o%er man! !ears, an _______________ SGnderground >ailroadS _______________. It was not a real railroad but a _______________ network to help runawa! sla%es get awa!. It was not an eas! _______________ to hide and mo%e the runawa!s. There were man! _______________ who might _______________ the runawa!s and take them back to their owners. :o the Gnderground did not alwa!s use the same route but _______________ the route when it was necessar!. Messages between abolitionists were written in _______________ so others couldnKt read them. 2espite all their e orts, howe%er, the abolitionists also o ten became the _______________ o %iolence. Toda!, in man! states, the 1,th o Fune is a holida! known as Funeteenth. It _______________ the da! 51, Fune 1*'&) when sla%es in Texas learnt that the! were ree. Funeteenth _______________ 0 rican 0merican reedom and _______________. There are o ten picnics with _______________ oods, parades, contests, and speeches on that da!. achie%ement celebrate drum historical mark traditional code e%ent olk landmark process recognise sp! %ar! %ictim escape en%ious e%ol%e graduall! in%isible ob+ect responsibilit! secret specialise

+. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. #hen I eel embarrassed, I wish I had the power o _______________. 5in%isible)

2. In the spring, a lot o pollen is _______________ into the air b! lowers. 5release) 3. #e are all %er! proud o our sonKs _______________. 5achie%e) ". Arandmother has a problem with sugar. :he has +ust recentl! become a _______________. 5diabetes) &. 0lbert Einstein was a great _______________, and some o his ideas ha%e now been pro%en to be true. 5theor!) '. The newl! married couple understand nothing about _______________ responsibilit!, which is wh! the! are in debt. 5 inance) ). The European Gnion has a _______________ and color ul currenc!. 5distinct) *. =ou;re _______________ or cooking dinner tonight. #hat are !ou going to make3 5responsibilit!) ,. The sixth o (ctober _______________ the anni%ersar! o Eg!ptKs %ictor! in 1,)3. 5mark) 1-. M! brother wants to be a _______________ in a band. 5drum)


1. 1.b !. 1. 2.d 3.a ".d &.c '.d ).a *.b ,.d 1- . c





3. Be ore 1*'3, sla%er! was legal and common in the :outhern states o the Gnited :tates. $or more than '- !ears be ore that, some people ob0ected to sla%er! and tried to stop it. The! were called abolitionists. :ome abolitionists belie%ed that it was e%en their responsibility to help runawa! sla%es escape to the 4orth or to ?anada. 'radually, o%er man! !ears, an invisible SGnderground >ailroadS evolved. It was not a real railroad but a secret network to help runawa! sla%es get awa!. It was not an eas! process to hide and mo%e the runawa!s. There were man! spies who might recognise the runawa!s and take them back to their owners. :o the Gnderground did not alwa!s use the same route but varied the route when it was necessar!. Messages between abolitionists were written in code so others couldnKt read them. 2espite all their e orts, howe%er, the abolitionists also o ten became the victims o %iolence. Toda!, in man! states, the 1,th o Fune is a holida! known as Funeteenth. It marks the da! 51, Fune 1*'&) when sla%es in Texas learnt that the! were ree. Funeteenth celebrates 0 rican 0merican reedom and achievement. There are o ten picnics with traditional oods, parades, contests, and speeches on that da!.

+. 1. #hen I eel embarrassed, I wish I had the power o invisibility. 2. In the spring, a lot o pollen is released into the air b! lowers. 3. #e are all %er! proud o our sonKs achievement.

". Arandmother has a problem with sugar. :he has +ust recentl! become a diabetic. &. 0lbert Einstein was a great theorist, and some o his ideas ha%e now been pro%en to be true. '. The newl! married couple understand nothing about financial responsibilit!, which is wh! the! are in debt. ). The European Gnion has a distinctive and color ul currenc!. *. =ou;re responsible or cooking dinner tonight. #hat are !ou going to make3 ,. The sixth o (ctober marks the anni%ersar! o Eg!ptKs %ictor! in 1,)3. 1-. M! brother wants to be a drummer in a band.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. #hen I walked b! the shop again, the green dress _____ sold. a) ha%e been b) is c) being 2. ?an !ou return this book to the librar!3 I _____ reading it. a) was +ust inished b) ha%e +ust inished c) +ust ha%e inished 3. <an! wishes he could _____ the spelling contest last week. a) ha%e won b) be winning c) won

d) had been

d) had +ust inished

d) had won

". #hen we go to the ?hinese restaurant, I want _____ something di erent. a) ha%e tried b) to tr! c) tr! d) tr!ing &. I hate _____ to wash the loor. It;s so much work. a) was ha%ing b) ha%e c) ha%ing '. :hereen orgot _____ eggs at the supermrket when she was there. a) bought b) bu!ing c) ha%ing to bu!

d) had

d) to bu!

). 0 ter 2umas had become a amous pla!wright, he _____ The Count of onte Cristo. a) was writing b) had written c) wrote d) to write *. #hen the doctor arri%ed at the house, it was too late. The patient _____. a) had died b) d!ing c) is d!ing d) died ,. <an! wishes he _____ where his car ke!s were. a) is knowing b) ha%e known c) knows 1-. The new graduates hoped _____ +obs soon. a) getting b) ha%e gotten

d) knew

c) to get

d) to ha%e gotten

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. I don;t like water in m! e!es at all. 5get) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The children had un seeing the ilm at the cinema. 5en+o!ed) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. #e are meeting at the co ee shop. 5agreed)

_________________________________________________________________________ ". 0isha regrets not +oining us or dinner !esterda!. 5wish) _________________________________________________________________________ &. <ossam inished his homework. 0 terwards he went out to pla!. 5when) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. The girls wish I had bake a cake instead o biscuits. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The compan! agreed to pa!ing back the mone! to the dissatis ied customer. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. :elma wishes she were taller because she would like to been a basketball pla!er. _________________________________________________________________________ ". =esterda! I met a man who has tra%elled to >ussia !ears ago. _________________________________________________________________________ &. (h no, I orgot to stopping b! <a9em;s house to pick up those papers. _________________________________________________________________________ '. Mother o ered taking :u9! home with us, but she re used. _________________________________________________________________________ ). $ather remembers to recei%e his grand atherKs watch when he was a teenager. _________________________________________________________________________ *. $ather suggested to go to 0lexandria or the weekend. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. #ater, more than an!thing else, is essential to li e. ?onser%ing our water resources should be a top priorit!. Eg!pt is a dr! countr! that got most o its water rom the 4ile and a large underground a6ui er. #ith increased water usage, man! expect seeing a reduction o the a6ui er. Instead o planting grass around !our house, man! experts suggest put in plants that need less water. The! also ad%ise to turning o the water when it;s not in use. Man! resorts in Europe don;t want washing the guestsK towels e%er! da! to conser%e water. Ma!be Eg!ptian hotels should suggest done this as well. #ater is li e, and we must take care o it.


1. 1.d !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *.









1- . c

I don;t like getting water in m! e!es at all. 7 I donKt like to get water in m! e!es at all. The children en+o!ed seeing the ilm at the cinema. #e agreed to meet at the co ee shop. 0isha wishes she had +oined us or dinner !esterda!. #hen <ossam 5had) inished his homework, he went out to pla!.

The girls wish I had 'a)e& a cake instead o biscuits. The compan! agreed to "a* back the mone! to the dissatis ied customer. :elma wishes she were taller because she would like to 'e a basketball pla!er. =esterda! I met a man who ha& tra%elled to >ussia !ears ago. (h no, I orgot to sto" b! <a9em;s house to pick up those papers. Mother o ered to ta)e :u9! home with us, but she re used. $ather remembers rece%/%n$ his grand atherKs watch when he was a teenager. $ather suggested $o%n$ to 0lexandria or the weekend.

+. #ater, more than an!thing else, is essential to li e. ?onser%ing our water resources should be a top priorit!. Eg!pt is a dr! countr! that gets most o its water rom the 4ile and a large underground a6ui er. #ith increased water usage, man! expect to see a reduction o the a6ui er. Instead o planting grass around !our house, man! experts suggest putting in plants that need less water. The! also ad%ise turning o the water when it;s not in use. Man! resorts in Europe don;t want to wash the guestsK towels e%er! da! to conser%e water. Ma!be Eg!ptian hotels should suggest doing this as well. #ater is li e, and we must take care o it.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. $ather put Bilal in _____ o ixing the car. a) role b) licence

c) responsibilit!

d) charge

2. :alma thought this was a _____ gi t or her teacher. a) suitable b) e ecti%e c) charge

d) solo

3. <esham has +ust got his dri%ing _____, and alread! he wants to bu! a car. a) light b) role c) licence d) degree ". >ania is optimistic. :he alwa!s has a _____ attitude and thinks e%er!thing will turn out well. a) impressi%e b) personal c) encouraging d) positi%e &. Mr :elim is an _____ manager because he is a good listener. a) obser%ing b) e ecti%e c) admissions '. Mr Maged _____ all his students to do the best that the! can do. a) argues or b) e ects c) encourages

d) en+o!able

d) impresses

). $arouk is l!ing _____ or the irst time tomorrow. <e;ll ha%e no co.pilot. a) role b) suits c) licence d) solo *. $or m! own _____ satis action, I paint or read in m! spare time. a) positi%e b) personal c) degree ,. (mar has recei%ed a masterKs _____ in conser%ation management. a) e ect b) light c) degree

d) role

d) licence

1-. =usu ;s abilit! to speak $rench and Aerman is %er! _____. Man! companies will want to hire him. a) impressi%e b) personal c) suitable d) solo !. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to %n& the &% erence 'etween these wor&s. 1. 2. 3. ". &. suitable . e ecti%e degree . licence distincti%e . impressi%e solo . personal encourage . argue or ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

3. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. suitable / licences / inspector / impressed / personall! light / e ecti%e / in charge o / encouraging / nursing #hen Bassem was in school, he didnKt know what he would like to do. <e thought o stud!ing medicine, but he did not ha%e _______________ grades to become a doctor. <owe%er, people were alwa!s _______________ b! his abilit! to help them eel better. <is mother suggested that he go into _______________. :he thought he would be good at it, and there were se%eral _______________ he could get to ad%ance himsel . <is ather also belie%ed he would be _______________ in a hospital setting, and he would ind it _______________ rewarding. 4ow, a ter !ears o stud!ing and ad%ancing, Bassem is _______________ the pediatrics 5childrenKs) ward in a hospital, and he lo%es it.

+. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. I _______________ lo%e that song@ 5positi%e) 2. #omen ha%e now taken on man! _______________ that were traditionall! or men. 5role) 3. (sama was _______________ b! the soothing words o his uncle. 5encourage) ". There is a %er! strong _______________ or taking action against the build.up o greenhouse gases. 5argue) &. The police are now _______________ the crime scene. 5inspector)

'. The new medicine has been tested or _______________ and sa et!. 5e ecti%e) ). (h, I lo%e that blue tie on !ou. The color _______________ !ou and that shirt. 5suitable) *. :amir is _______________ to dri%e a car but not a lorr!. 5licence) ,. $emale _______________ nowada!s wear trousers as well as dresses. 5nursing) 1-. <a9em pla!s the piano _______________. I think he will get a scholarship to stud! music at one o the best institutes. 5impressi%e)


1. 1.d 2.a 3.c ".d &.b '.c ).d *.b ,.c 1- . a !. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to %n& the &% erence 'etween these wor&s. 1. Suitable means right appropriate or a particular use or situation. 2ffective means producing the result that was wanted. 2. 0 degree is a course at a uni%ersit!, or the 6uali ication gi%en to someone who has completed the course. 0 licence is an o icial document that gi%es !ou permission to do something. 3. #istinctive is showing a person or thing to be di erent rom others. )mpressive is making !ou admire something. ". Solo means alone, without an!one helping !ou. $ersonal means belonging to !ou, done b! !ou, or experienced b! !ou, not other people. (r it can mean in%ol%ing !our pri%ate li e, !our eelings, health, and relationships. &. 2ncourage means to tr! to persuade someone to do something, especiall! b! making them more con ident. (r it can mean to make it easier or something to happen. &rgue for means to clearl! explain wh! !ou think something is true or should be done. 3. #hen Bassem was in school, he didnKt know what he would like to do. <e thought o stud!ing medicine, but he did not ha%e suitable grades to become a doctor. <owe%er, people were alwa!s impressed b! his abilit! to help them eel better. <is mother suggested that he go into nursing. :he thought he would be good at it, and there were se%eral licences he could get to ad%ance himsel . <is ather also belie%ed he would be effective in a hospital setting, and he would ind it personally rewarding. 4ow, a ter !ears o stud!ing and ad%ancing, Bassem is in charge of the pediatrics 5childrenKs) ward in a hospital, and he lo%es it.

+. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-.

I positively lo%e that song@ #omen ha%e now taken on man! roles that were traditionall! or men. (sama was encouraged b! the soothing words o his uncle. There is a %er! strong argument or taking action against the build.up o greenhouse gases. The police are now inspecting the crime scene. The new medicine has been tested or effectiveness and sa et!. (h, I lo%e that blue tie on !ou. The color suits !ou and that shirt. :amir is licensed to dri%e a car but not a lorr!. $emale nurses nowada!s wear trousers as well as dresses. <a9em pla!s the piano impressively. I think he will get a scholarship to stud! music at one o the best institutes.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. Failan, _____ li%es on m! street, said there was a problem with the water. a) whom b) who c) which d) whose 2. :elim asked _____ m! mobile phone or the e%ening. a) to borrow b) borrowing c) or borrowing 3. These are the ields _____ we grow corn. a) in which b) or which

d) borrowed

c) that

d) at which

". <ans, _____ car I borrowed last night, is rom <olland. a) whom b) whose c) who

d) that

&. $i%e o the girls, _____ names I don;t remember, won awards in maths. a) those b) which c) whom d) whose '. The brother _____ li%es in Moscow is coming home on $rida!. a) whom b) where c) that

d) whose

). Moscow, _____ the smog rom wild ires was thick, was ha%ing air 6ualit! problems. a) where b) who c) that d) which *. The meetings _____ I attended toda! were long and boring. a) to which b) where c) in where ,. I ha%e no idea who _____ was at the door. a) who b) which

d) which

c) where

d) that

1-. The restaurant _____ $ad! is ha%ing dinner has a great salad bar. a) or which b) which c) where !. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$.

d) that

1. Those are the things. The! are to be put on the shel%es. 5which) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. :haimaa accepted a +ob at >euters. :he;s an excellent writer. 5who) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The pro essor is teaching me this term. <e got his degree in 8ondon. 5that) _________________________________________________________________________ ". These are the pesticides. #e recommend not using them. 5which) _________________________________________________________________________ &. :ami went to the :orbonne. <e studied political science there. 5where) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*.

1. =asser argues at better salaries or teachers. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Miss Mona inspires all her students to working hard. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. <er work, that was not appreciated when she was !oung, made her amous when she was older. _________________________________________________________________________ ". 2r 0isha, who work took up much o her time, was a pro essor o 0rabic. _________________________________________________________________________ &. These are the stories with whose we were brought up. _________________________________________________________________________ '. ?airo Gni%ersit! is the uni%ersit! in where Eman studies medicine. _________________________________________________________________________ ). >ehan wanted us coming to her birthda! part! on :aturda!. _________________________________________________________________________ *. $lorence 4ightingale, which changed the wa! hospital care was gi%en, opened a school o nursing. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. #hat makes a woman great3 There ha%e been man! women which ha%e not onl! made great personal achie%ements but ha%e also made pro ound contributions to societ!. $or example, the work o Marie ?urie, that was the onl! person to win 4obel Hri9es in both ?hemistr! and Hh!sics, laid the oundation or the treatment o man! diseases. :he was the irst woman to hold the position o Hro essor o Aeneral Hh!sics in the $acult! o :ciences at the :orbonne, or which opened the door or women to enter the sciences. Fane Aoodall, who research o chimpan9ees also opened doors or women in the sciences, ga%e us greater insight into the world around us. Through her great e orts, we now know ar more about oursel%es and our en%ironment.


1. 1.b !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2.a 3.a ".b &.d '.c ).a *.d ,.d 1- . c

Those are the things which are to be put on the shel%es. :haimaa, who is an excellent writer, accepted a +ob at >euters. The pro essor that got his degree in 8ondon is teaching me this term. These are the pesticides which we recommend not using. :ami went to the :orbonne, where he studied political science. =asser argues or better salaries or teachers.

2. Miss Mona inspires all her students to wor) hard. 3. <er work, wh%ch was not appreciated when she was !oung, made her amous when she was older. ". 2r 0isha, whose work took up much o her time, was a pro essor o 0rabic. &. These are the stories with wh%ch we were brought up. '. ?airo Gni%ersit! is the uni%ersit! in wh%ch Eman studies medicine. ). >ehan wanted us to come to her birthda! part! on :aturda!. *. $lorence 4ightingale, who changed the wa! hospital care was gi%en, opened a school o nursing. +. #hat makes a woman great3 There ha%e been man! women who ha%e not onl! made great personal achie%ements but ha%e also made pro ound contributions to societ!. $or example, the work o Marie ?urie, who was the onl! person to win 4obel Hri9es in both ?hemistr! and Hh!sics, laid the oundation or the treatment o man! diseases. :he was the irst woman to hold the position o Hro essor o Aeneral Hh!sics in the $acult! o :ciences at the :orbonne, which opened the door or women to enter the sciences. Fane Aoodall, whose research o chimpan9ees also opened doors or women in the sciences, ga%e us greater insight into the world around us. Through her great e orts, we now know ar more about oursel%es and our en%ironment.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. Because the! are _____, :elim and 0hmed went to Tan9ania to climb Mount Miliman+aro. a) solo b) e ecti%e c) ad%enturous d) spontaneous 2. Mhadi+ah wanted to know what was in the box, but Mother told her she would ha%e to wait until her birthda! to _____. a) bull! b) lead c) ind out d) look out 3. #alid likes to do his _____ at the 0TM or online. a) books b) banking c) research

d) inance

". :aleh tried to _____ his wa! into the house, but the police were called. a) asten b) mix c) stop d) bull! &. Be ore there was TL, traditional _____ entertained people. a) unerals b) stor!tellers c) bankers '. This writer is so _____ that her words are 6uoted e%er!where. a) missed b) in luential c) stuck

d) bullies

d) personal

). #hen little children get too much _____, the! canKt sleep or e%en sit 6uietl!. a) excitement b) in luence c) li est!le d) regard *. The wedding was %er! _____. The bride wore a long white dress, and the groom wore a suit. a) spontaneous b) in luential c) ad%enturous d) con%entional ,. 8eila has a 6uiet _____. :he almost ne%er goes out a ter work. a) uneral b) li est!le c) ad%enture

d) light

1-. E%er!one at Gncle :amiKs _____ wore black, and most o them were cr!ing. a) uneral b) con%ention c) part! d) banking

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some chan$es. ad%enturous / con%entional / in luence / spontaneous li est!le / uneral / lead / excitement / ind out (ur riend #alid certainl! has his own wa! o thinking. <eKs not _______________ at all. #hile we;re relaxing and watching tele%ision, he wants to go running or c!cling, or e%en take a bus to another cit!@ I admit that he has some _______________ o%er us. #hen he asks us to ollow him on one o his _______________, we do it immediatel! and without thinking. #e actuall! en+o! such _______________ acti%it!, but we alwa!s come back exhausted. Gnlike #alid, we;re not in %er! it condition. #alid, on the other hand, leads a %er! health! _______________, with lots o good ood and exercise. I !ou want to _______________ how he does it, !ou;ll ha%e to ask him. But be 6uick because he alwa!s has something to do.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. #alid signed the letter, Nwith best _______________.O 5regard) 2. Mona is impolite and e%en cruel to old people. :he has no _______________ or them. 5regard) 3. ?harles 2ickens is _______________ b! some as the greatest writer o his time. 5regard) ". In some countries, the internet has become more _______________ than newspapers in shaping politics. 5in luential) &. I highl! recommend this book. It has reall! _______________ m! thinking about social problems. 5in luential) '. <an! is %er! good at _______________. <a%e him tell !ou a +oke some time. 5stor!teller) ). _______________ is dangerous and should ne%er be tolerated. 5bull!) *. #ow@ That was an _______________ ending. 5excitement) ,. =ou should ha%e told me@ I shouldn;t ha%e _______________ this wa!. 5 ind out) 1-. :elim is so depressed. <e had to attend two _______________ this week. 5 uneral)

11. :moking can _______________ to lung cancer and other diseases. 5lead) 12. Magd! dressed _______________ in a dark blue suit. 5con%entional)

+. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A 1. spontaneous 2. ad%enturous 3. con%entional ". bull! &. regard B a. ollowing the beha%iour and attitudes that most people think are normal, right, and sociall! acceptable b.doing things without planning c.changing the wa! people think and beha%e d.someone who uses strength or power to righten or hurt a weaker person e.not a raid o taking risks or tr!ing new things .to ha%e or show respect or concern or someone


1. 1.c 2.c 3.b ".d &.b '.b ).a *.d ,.b 1- . a

!. (ur riend #alid certainl! has his own wa! o thinking. <eKs not conventional at all. #hile we;re relaxing and watching tele%ision, he wants to go running or c!cling, or e%en take a bus to another cit!@ I admit that he has some influence o%er us. #hen he asks us to ollow him on one o his adventures, we do it immediatel! and without thinking. #e actuall! en+o! such spontaneous acti%it!, but we alwa!s come back exhausted. Gnlike #alid, we;re not in %er! it condition. #alid, on the other hand, leads a %er! health! lifestyle, with lots o good ood and exercise. I !ou want to find out how he does it, !ou;ll ha%e to ask him. But be 6uick because he alwa!s has something to do.

3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-. 11. 12.

#alid signed the letter, Nwith best regards.O Mona is impolite and e%en cruel to old people. :he has no regard or them. ?harles 2ickens is regarded b! some as the greatest writer o his time. In some countries, the internet has become more influential than newspapers in shaping politics. I highl! recommend this book. It has reall! influenced m! thinking about social problems. <an! is %er! good at story(telling / telling stories. <a%e him tell !ou a +oke some time. 3ullying is dangerous and should ne%er be tolerated. #ow@ That was an exciting ending. =ou should ha%e told me@ I shouldn;t ha%e found out this wa!. :elim is so depressed. <e had to attend two funerals this week. :moking can lead to lung cancer and other diseases. Magd! dressed conventionally in a dark blue suit.

+. 1.b






Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. _____ his poor beha%iour, Bassem is a reall! sweet bo!. a) #hile b) 2espite c) 0lthough 2. _____ %isiting >ome, 0isha broke her camera. a) Because b) 2espite c) #hile

d) But

d) 0lthough

3. _____ Mona had man! challenges to o%ercome, she worked %er! hard to achie%e her goals. a) 0lthough b) 2espite c) :o d) Be ore ". I alwa!s brush m! teeth _____ going to bed. a) be ore b) a ter

c) while

d) when

&. >olex watches are costl! _____ the! are made with expensi%e materials. a) but b) when c) because d) although '. =ara is short, _____ her per ect posture makes her appear tall. a) be ore b) while c) despite

d) but

). Enas couldn;t ind her cr!stal earrings, _____ she asked her sister to look in the car. a) because b) but c) so d) a ter *. _____ lea%ing his home town, he ounded a compan! and became well known. a) 0lthough b) Because c) #hile d) 0 ter ,. _____ losing her arm in a car accident, <eba was alwa!s positi%e. a) 2espite b) Because c) 0lthough 1-. _____ on %acation, I met m! uture iancIe. a) 0 ter b) #hile

d) #hile

c) 0lthough

d) 2espite

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. Mareem had problems. <e helped a lot o people. 5despite) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. :elma likes ice cream. :he likes cheesecake more. 5although) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. $ad! owns a 8ada. <is brother $athi has a BM#. 5but) _________________________________________________________________________ ". #e le t the house. The washing machine wasn;t on. 5when) _________________________________________________________________________

&. 0hmed graduated. Then he decided to take some time o to tra%el. 5a ter) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. 0lthough her low grades, Ahada did well on her pro+ect and passed. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The tra ic +am was ten kilometres long, while we decided to take another road. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. 2r. Ahali, who clinic is down the street, is a cancer specialist. _________________________________________________________________________ ". ?an !ou tell me which the bookshop is3 _________________________________________________________________________ &. <an!;s shop has a good meat selection, although $arid;s has abulous baked goods. _________________________________________________________________________ '. Tarek was ha%ing a great time despite we were waiting or him. _________________________________________________________________________ ). <e was o ten punished although he bullied the other children. _________________________________________________________________________ *. 0lthough he was a student at (x ord, he +oined the debating club. _________________________________________________________________________

+. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A Tamer and I had some mone! 0 ter winning the race, #hile mother was preparing dinner, 2espite ha%ing diabetes, #hen he le t the house, B a.she made dessert too. b.Bashir took his car ke!s and sunglasses. c.:ara celebrated. d.a ter she had co ee. we went to the cinema. .0li continued to eat a lot o sugar.

1. 2. 3. ". &.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.b 2.c 3.a ".a &.c '.d ).c *.d ,.a 1- . b

!. 1. 2espite his problems, Mareem helped a lot o people. 7 2espite ha%ing problems, Mareem helped a lot o people. 2. 0lthough :elma likes ice cream, she likes cheesecake more. 3. $ad! owns a 8ada, but <is brother $athi has a BM#. ". #hen we le t the house, the washing machine wasn;t on. &. 0 ter 0hmed 5had) graduated, he decided to take some time o to tra%el.

3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *.

Des"%te her low grades, Ahada did well on her pro+ect and passed. The tra ic +am was ten kilometres long, so we decided to take another road. 2r. Ahali, whose clinic is down the street, is a cancer specialist. ?an !ou tell me where the bookshop is3 <an!;s shop has a good meat selection, '(t $arid;s has abulous baked goods. Tarek was ha%ing a great time wh%#e we were waiting or him. <e was o ten punished 'eca(se he bullied the other children. -h%#e he was a student at (x ord, he +oined the debating club.

+. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

e Tamer and I had some mone!, so we went to the cinema. c 0 ter winning the race, :ara celebrated. a #hile mother was preparing dinner, she made dessert too. 2espite ha%ing diabetes, 0li continued to eat a lot o sugar. b #hen he le t the house, Bashir took his car ke!s and sunglasses.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. #ith Mariam;s new reader, she can now _____ books. a) download b) write c) promise

d) admit

2. I !ou like to shop online, this website has man! new and used books _____. a) ound b) authored c) a%ailable d) written 3. _____ contain a lot o in ormation about man! things. a) newspapers b) enc!clopedias c) dictionaries

d) thesauruses

". #e tr! to _____ paper, plastic and batteries to help our en%ironment. a) include b) mix c) reser%e d) rec!cle &. To paint a large area o the wall 6uickl!, tr! using a paint _____. a) brush b) roller c) instrument '. =asmine was so luent that the words +ust _____ o her tongue. a) missed b) mixed c) stuck ). Gse _____ on !our white clothes to get tough stains out. a) soap b) bleach c) a scraper *. #e usuall! _____ beans o%ernight to so ten be ore we cook them.

d) utensil

d) rolled

d) a roller

a) mix

b) soak

c) rec!cle

d) roll

,. Mareem is an _____ reader. <e reads all the time. a) enthusiastic b) soaking c) ault!

d) criminal

1-. >ehan has a lot o _____ as well as hardbacks in her librar! at home. a) rec!clables b) mixtures c) paperbacks d) screens

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th these wor&s. screen / download / mixture / gadgets / enthusiasm a%ailable / enc!clopedias / rec!cle / paperbacks (ur li%es ha%e been taken o%er b! electronic de%ices. Electronic _______________ are e%er!where, and we are completel! dependent on them. I it has a _______________, we automaticall! ind oursel%es glued to it. Aone are the da!s in which we had %olumes o _______________ and _______________ on our shel%es. 4ow i we want a book, we can simpl! _______________ it. I ha%e to admit that m! _______________ or electronics has decreased, especiall! a ter reading about what the! do to our attention span.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. Hlease don;t touch the computer. I am _______________ some music or m! mp3 pla!er. 5download) 2. $ad! is _______________ the paint onto the wall so he can inish more 6uickl!. 5roll) 3. Tari6 _______________ his white shirts so the collars don;t look gre!. 5bleach) ". $or m! potter!, I ha%e a _______________ o water, cla!, and a little dried grass. 5mix) &. =ou;ll ha%e to ask about the _______________ o the con erence room. 5a%ailable) '. 0re !ou planning on _______________ these plastic bottles3 5rec!cle) ). I don;t know what to do with these old batteries. 0re the! _______________3 5rec!cle) *. Mother is lea%ing the pan _______________ be ore she washes it. 5soak) ,. #e got _______________ wet in the rainstorm. 5soak) 1-. Mona _______________ all her blouses be ore she wears them. 5press) +. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A B show excitement or someone or something b.terminal or monitor on which in ormation is shown trans er data rom one computer to another or set o books with in ormation on %arious sub+ects e.a blend or combination o things

1. 2. 3. ".

enc!clopedia paperback download screen

&. mixture

.a book with a lexible paper co%er


1. 1.a 2.c 3.b ".d &.b '.d ).b *.b ,.a 1- . c

!. (ur li%es ha%e been taken o%er b! electronic de%ices. Electronic gadgets are e%er!where, and we are completel! dependent on them. I it has a screen, we automaticall! ind oursel%es glued to it. Aone are the da!s in which we had %olumes o encyclopedias and paperbacks on our shel%es. 4ow i we want a book, we can simpl! download it. I ha%e to admit that m! enthusiasm or electronics has decreased, especiall! a ter reading about what the! do to our attention span. 3. 1. Hlease don;t touch the computer. I am downloading some music or m! mp3 pla!er. 2. $ad! is rolling the paint onto the wall so he can inish more 6uickl!. 3. Tari6 bleaches his white shirts so the collars don;t look gre!. ". $or m! potter!, I ha%e a mixture o water, cla!, and a little dried grass. &. =ou;ll ha%e to ask about the availability o the con erence room. '. 0re !ou planning on recycling these plastic bottles3 ). I don;t know what to do with these old batteries. 0re the! recyclable3 *. Mother is lea%ing the pan to soak be ore she washes it. ,. #e got soaking wet in the rainstorm. 1-. Mona presses all her blouses be ore she wears them. +. 1.d 2. 3.c ".b &.e


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. :cientists sa! that b! 2-2-, the glaciers in Montana _____. a) are b) will c) melt d) ha%e melting ha%e melted. melted 2. En%ironmentalists hope that in the next ten !ears more electricit! _____ b! alternati%e energies. a) will be produced b) has been produced c) produced d) is being produced 3. B! the time !our children are in uni%ersit!, will ph!sical books _____ b! e.books3 a) ha%e replacing b) ha%e replaced c) replaced d) ha%e been replaced ". B! 21--, man! o our +obs _____ o%er b! robots. a) will be taken b) will ha%e taken c) will ha%e been d) ha%e been taken

taken &. #hat changes _____ b! 2-'-3 a) will be making b) will ha%e been made c) will make d) will ha%e been making '. #hat changes _____ o%er the next &- !ears3 a) will be b) made c) ha%e d) will make made been made ). Marwa entered uni%ersit! in 2-1-. B! 2-1", she _____ her studies. a) has b) will c) did d) completed completed ha%e complete completed *. Marwa entered uni%ersit! in 2-1-. B! 2-1", her studies _____. a) will ha%e b) will complete completed c) will be completing d) will ha%e been completed ,. Man! people hope that petrol _____ so much in the uture. a) will not ha%e been b) has not been used used c) will not be used d) is not used 1- It;s nine o;clock now. B! two o;clock three meetings _____ in our compan!. . a) will be holding b) will ha%e held c) will ha%e been d) held held 11 B! 2-2- the International :pace :tation _____ in orbit or 22 !ears. . a) will keep b) will be kept c) will ha%e been d) will ha%e been keeping kept 12 :cientists are concerned whether enough ood _____ in the uture or so man! people. . a) will be produced b) is produced c) will ha%e d) was produced produced

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. In the uture, wind power will produce some o our energ!. 5produced) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. B! 2-1", the builders will ha%e inished the pro+ect. 5been) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. 2espite m! broken arm, I attend m! classes. 5although) _________________________________________________________________________ ". There are predictions about the uture all the time. 5made) _________________________________________________________________________

&. Be ore I inish work toda!, I will drink tens cups o co ee. 5b! the time) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. B! the time 2ad gets home, the children will ha%e being ed. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. 0ll the police cars will ha%e been wash b! noon toda!. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. B! 2-1', the bridge will has been completed. _________________________________________________________________________ ". B! tomorrow morning, the book will has been bought b! 3-,--- people. _________________________________________________________________________ &. The game will dela!ed i it rains this e%ening. _________________________________________________________________________ '. (%er the next twent! !ears, " million Ao.Ao Hops will ha%e been sold. _________________________________________________________________________ ). $or hundreds o !ears, an enormous 6uantit! o paper ha%e been used to produce books. _________________________________________________________________________ *. B! next !ear, the old museum will has been replaced b! a new one. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. Man! people like to make predictions. But predictions must be making on what we alread! know toda!. $or example, toda! we ha%e electronic books. :o we ma! be able to predict that b! 2-2man! people will switch rom paper books to electronic books. <owe%er, we cannot predict the death o the paper book.

#e can predict that electronic books, who cost about 8E 1'-- toda!, will ha%e been used in the uture because the! are con%enient. But o%er the next ten !ears, paper books will still be reading because man! people will not been able to a ord the luxur! o an expensi%e electronic book.

0nother actor is that man! o us like the eel o a book and the old wa! o reading. M! prediction is that we will ha%e had both paper and the electronic books or a long time to come.


1. 1.b ).b 2.a *.d 3.d ,.c ".c 1- . c &.b 11 . c '.a 12 . a

!. 1. In the uture, some o our energ! will be produced b! wind power. 2. B! 2-1", the pro+ect will ha%e been inished b! the builders. 3. 0lthough I ha%e a broken arm, I attend m! classes. 7 0lthough m! arm is broken, I attend m! classes. ". Hredictions are made about the uture all the time. &. B! the time I inish work toda!, I will ha%e drunk tens cups o co ee. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *.

B! the time 2ad gets home, the children will ha%e 'een ed. 0ll the police cars will ha%e been washe& b! noon toda!. B! 2-1', the bridge will ha/e been completed. B! tomorrow morning, the book will ha/e been bought b! 3-,--- people. The game will 'e dela!ed i it rains this e%ening. (%er the next twent! !ears, " million Ao.Ao Hops will 'e sold. $or hundreds o !ears, an enormous 6uantit! o paper has been used to produce books. B! next !ear, the old museum will ha/e been replaced b! a new one.

+. Man! people like to make predictions. But predictions must be made on what we alread! know toda!. $or example, toda! we ha%e electronic books. :o we ma! be able to predict that b! 2-2man! people will have switched rom paper books to electronic books. <owe%er, we cannot predict the death o the paper book. #e can predict that electronic books, which cost about 8E 1'-- toda!, will be used in the uture because the! are con%enient. But o%er the next ten !ears, paper books will still be read because man! people will not be able to a ord the luxur! o an expensi%e electronic book. 0nother actor is that man! o us like the eel o a book and the old wa! o reading. M! prediction is that we will have both paper and the electronic books or a long time to come.


Name _________________________________________ Date _________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. #hat;s the temperature toda!3 I think it;s supposed to be 3* _____ ?elsius. a) banks b) licences c) roles d) degrees 2. The customs o icer _____ the bags at the border. a) inspected b) in%ol%ed c) encouraged 3. The law!er _____ or a reduction in the sentence o his client. a) bullied b) argued c) encouraged

d) argued or

d) charged

". There are se%eral _____ or children at the public librar!. a) bankers b) stor!tellers c) bullies &. Aood deeds can _____ others to do good deeds. a) argue or b) stop c) encourage '. :mile. 4othing can beat the power o _____ thinking. a) bullied b) positi%e c) personal ). #ith six accident %ictims, the eeling at the hospital was _____. a) spontaneous b) like a li est!le c) con%entional

d) degrees

d) regard

d) inspecting

d) like a uneral

*. /obinson Crusoe is _____ b! man! people as the irst no%el in English. a) con%entional b) regarded c) spontaneous d) excited ,. In the G:, a ter !ou complete !our nursing degree, !ou still ha%e to take an exam rom the state to get !our _____. a) licence b) press c) light d) role 1-. Mariam seems to know e%er!thing. <er knowledge is _____. a) personal b) solo c) in luential

d) enc!clopedic

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. ind out . role . in luencing . li est!le . con%entional . impressi%e encourage . positi%e . ad%enturous . personal . spontaneous <a%e !ou e%er thought o how !ou would like to li%e !our li e3 This is, o course, a %er! _______________ 6uestion. #ould !ou like things in !our li e to be _______________ or planned3 2o !ou like to be _______________ or di erent rom others3 2o !ou like to pla! it sa e or to be _______________3 I we are thought ul people, we start to ask oursel%es these 6uestions in our earl! adult !ears. Man! o the responses can be ound in who we ha%e chosen as _______________ models. Those who _______________ us the most ma! end up _______________ us the most. 0sk !oursel who are important to !ou, and !ou ma! ind that the! are exactl! the t!pe o people !ou want to be.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to %n& the &% erence 'etween these wor&s. 1. 2. 3. ". &. impressi%e . in luential encourage . positi%e ad%enturous . con%entional ind out . lead to spontaneous . enthusiastic _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

+. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons.

1. 2. 3. ". &.

gadget roller regard e ecti%e suitable

B a.right or acceptable or a particular purpose or situation think about someone or something in a particular wa! c.producing the result that was wanted d.a small tool or machine that helps !ou do something e.alone or indi%iduall! .a tube.shaped piece o wood, metal, etc. that can be rolled o%er and o%er


1. 1.d 2.a 3.b ".b &.c '.b ).d *.b ,.a 1- . d

!. <a%e !ou e%er thought o how !ou would like to li%e !our li e3 This is, o course, a %er! personal 6uestion. #ould !ou like things in !our li e to be spontaneous or planned3 2o !ou like to be conventional or di erent rom others3 2o !ou like to pla! it sa e or to be adventurous3 I we are thought ul people, we start to ask oursel%es these 6uestions in our earl! adult !ears. Man! o the responses can be ound in who we ha%e chosen as role models. Those who encourage us the most ma! end up influencing us the most. 0sk !oursel who are important to !ou, and !ou ma! ind that the! are exactl! the t!pe o people !ou want to be.

3. 1. impressi%e in luential

5ad+ecti%e) . making !ou admire somethingC something that is impressi%e makes !ou admire it because it is %er! good, large, important, etc. 5ad+ecti%e) . ha%ing a lot o e ect on the wa! someone or something de%elops, beha%es, or thinks 5%erb) . to tr! to persuade someone to do something, especiall! b! making them eel more con identC to make it easier or something to happen 5ad+ecti%e) . hope ul and con identC encouraing someone or supporting an idea 5ad+ecti%e) wanting to do new, exciting, dangerous thingsC exciting and in%ol%ing danger 5ad+ecti%e) thinking and beha%ing in the normal and traditional wa!C o the usual t!pe that has been used or a long time 5%erb) to get in ormation about someone or something, either a ter looking or it or b! chance 5%erb) to cause something to happen 5ad+ecti%e) something that is spontaneous is done because !ou suddenl! want to do it, not because !ou planned to do it 5ad+ecti%e) showing a lot o interest and excitement about something

2. encourage positi%e

3. ad%enturous con%entional

". ind out lead to &. spontaneous enthusiastic +. 1.d






Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. This is the place _____ <an! broke his leg last !ear. a) whom b) who c) which

d) where

2. B! 2-2-, the I?28 certi icate _____ b! hundreds o millions. a) earned b) will ha%e been earned c) ha%e earned d) will ha%e earned 3. _____ !ou go to the supermarket, bu! some tea, please. ThereKs no hurr!. a) #hoe%er b) #here%er c) #hate%er d) #hene%er ". _____ we were eating our break ast, the phone rang. a) 0lthough b) But c) #hile

d) :o

&. 2espite _____ too much work, (thman still made time or his daughter. a) had had b) he had c) to ha%e d) ha%ing '. This is the letter _____ was returned unopened. a) who b) that c) where

d) how

). B! the end o this month, &--,--- meals _____ in this restaurant since its opening. a) will ha%e been ser%ed b) will ser%e c) had ser%ed d) will be ser%ed *. Maher is a good basketball pla!er _____ he is short. a) because b) despite c) so ,. The town _____ I grew up in had onl! 2,"-- residents. a) where b) who c) which

d) although

d) when

1-. _____ Basma had ne%er met 2oaa be ore, she elt as i she had known her all her li e. a) 2espite b) 0lthough c) #hile d) #hen

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. In the uture, we will rec!cle most o our plastics. 5rec!cled) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. (%er the coming !ears, most o our corn will be replaced b! geneticall! modi ied corn. 5B! 2-12) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. 2espite his promises to the %oters, the ma!or didnKt bring an! new +obs to the cit!. 5although) _________________________________________________________________________

". Ibrahim broke his leg. <e spent a month in hospital. 5a ter) _________________________________________________________________________

&. 2alia likes cheesecake, but she eats +ell! because it is lighter. 5although) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. 0 ter tr!ing on shoes, !ou should alwa!s wear socks. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. 0lthough he worked hard, he became a leader in his ield. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. :ousan highl! recommends the book iddlesex, who won the Hulit9er Hri9e in 2--3. _________________________________________________________________________ ". B! this time tomorrow, the suspectKs photo will ha%e being distributed to all the newspapers. _________________________________________________________________________ &. :o it was unusual or women to stud! at uni%ersit!, Marie ?urie did so. _________________________________________________________________________ '. $arida, who ather was recentl! imprisoned, has been %er! unhapp!. _________________________________________________________________________ ). Be ore 2awud took the stomach medicine, he elt better. _________________________________________________________________________ *. Mareem was in a car accident who nearl! cost him his li e. _________________________________________________________________________

+. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A B 1. B! 2-1&, the machines at the actor! a.who will pla! the piano or !our part!. 2. :ome time tomorrow, the sil%er b.will be cleaned or the part!. 3. 0lthough we ha%en;t got a lot, c.that will help him because he is blind. ". =asmine has a sister d.we ha%e our health and happiness. &. :ei bought a new pupp! e.that riendship I admire. .will ha%e been itted with new gears. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.d 2.b 3.d ".c &.d '.b ).a *.d ,.c 1- . b

!. 1. In the uture, most o our plastics will be rec!cled. 2. B! 2-12, most o our corn will ha%e been replaced b! geneticall! modi ied corn.

3. 0lthough he promised the %oters, the ma!or didnKt bring an! new +obs to the cit!. 7 0lthough he made promises to the %oters, the ma!or didnKt bring an! new +obs to the cit!. ". 0 ter Ibrahim broke his leg, he spent a month in hospital. &. 0lthough 2alia likes cheesecake, she eats +ell! because it is lighter. 3. 1. -hen tr!ing on shoes, !ou should alwa!s wear socks. (> -h%#e tr!ing on shoes, !ou should alwa!s wear socks. 2. Beca(se he worked hard, he became a leader in his ield. 3. :ousan highl! recommends the book iddlesex, wh%ch won the Hulit9er Hri9e in 2--3. ". B! this time tomorrow, the suspectKs photo will ha%e 'een distributed to all the newspapers. &. A#tho($h it was unusual or women to stud! at uni%ersit!, Marie ?urie did so. '. $arida, whose ather was recentl! imprisoned, has been %er! unhapp!. ). A ter 2awud took the stomach medicine, he elt better. *. Mareem was in a car accident wh%ch nearl! cost him his li e. (> Mareem was in a car accident that nearl! cost him his li e.

+. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

b d a c

B! 2-1&, the machines at the actor! will ha%e been itted with new gears. :ome time tomorrow, the sil%er will be cleaned or the part!. 0lthough we ha%en;t got a lot, we ha%e our health and happiness. =asmine has a sister who will pla! the piano or !our part!. :ei bought a new pupp! that will help him because he is blind.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. Mareem;s room is alwa!s so neat with a place or e%er!thing, because he;s _____. a) luent b) concientious c) sociable d) well organised 2. It;s an emplo!ment crisis when !ou ha%e ',--- _____ or onl! 3-- +obs. a) establishments b) applicants c) concerns d) skills 3. The 21st centur! challenge or an! countr! is to ha%e a _____ labour orce. a) happ! b) skilled c) trainee d) luent ". The general manager asked me to o%ersee the compan!;s new _____. a) skills b) luenc! c) trainees d) achie%ements &. E%er! _____ has a stand or a shop that sells beans and ala el. a) ?L b) trainer c) module

d) neighbourhood

'. Each applicant must pro%ide an _____, showing their work histor! and education. a) ?L b) module c) pharmac! d) ambition ). The compan! hired Basma because she was knowledgable, organised and _____. a) conscientious b) soaking c) anc! d) applied *. 4owada!s teamwork is important to a compan!, so it helps to be _____. a) skill ul b) luent c) ambitious d) sociable ,. (ur local _____ sells sweets and makeup as well as medicines.

a) pharmac!

b) ?L

c) applicant

d) establishment

1-. $ath! couldn;t ind work so he became an _____ repairman in our neighbourhood. There;s nothing he can;t ix. a) e%ol%ed b) established c) en%ironmental d) applied !. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. ambitous / applicants / conscientious / ?L / established luent / pharmac! / sociable / skills / well organi9ed It is not eas! to get a +ob in the current market. =ou must ha%e man! _______________, both hard and personal. Fust being knowledgeable in !our ield is no longer enough. =ou must now be _______________ in another language and be %er! _______________ so that !ou can keep iles and records and meet all !our deadlines. The competition among _______________ is ierce, so !ou must ha%e additional skills. =ou must be able to show that !ou are _______________ , that is, that !ou are care ul to ul il all !our duties. It is also an ad%antage i !ou are _______________ and can get along with !our colleagues because a lot o modern.da! work depends on teamwork. 0bo%e all, pro essionalism is most important. =ou need to respect those around !ou and appreciate the contribution that the! can make.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. Hlease submit !our _______________ on time. 5applicant) 2. The Maadi branch o the pharmac! has more _______________ working in it than the >oda branch. 5pharmac!) 3. Aroppi is a %er! old and well.known _______________. 5established) ". <esham likes to organise _______________ e%ents or the compan!;s emplo!ees. 5sociable) &. <an!;s _______________ should bother him or cheating on the exam. 5conscientious) '. I belie%e that :alma will _______________ great things. 5achie%ement) ). The sculpture re%ealed the artist;s _______________ hand. 5skill) *. Mother is grate ul to all our _______________ who helped us when 2ad had his accident. 5neighbourhood) +. Use the wor&s 'e#ow to com"#ete the sentences. Yo( can (se a wor& more than once. ad%enturous / ambitious / conscientious / con%entional / e ecti%e / enthusiastic / luent impressi%e / in luential / sociable / spontaneous / well organised 1. (prah #in re! is one o the most _______________ people in 0merica. Heople listen to her and change the wa! the! think or beha%e. 2. I !ou are in business, !ou should make care ul, well thought.out decisions. It;s not a good idea to be _______________ and suddenl! decide to do things +ust because !ou want to.

3. Maher has papers and iles e%er!where Q on his desk, the loor. <e has trouble inding things because he doesn;t put them in order. <e is not _______________. ". Banks and law irms want their emplo!ees to dress well in suits and to beha%e in a _______________ wa!. This makes the customers and clients more con ident about the companies. &. :all! o ten comes to work late. :he talks on the phone with her riends during work hours and she doesn;t work hard. :he is not _______________. '. Most companies think that it is more _______________ to reward emplo!ees who do well than to punish emplo!ees who don;t do well. This gets them the results the! want. ). I !ou want to start a compan! in a new ield, !ou ha%e to be _______________. I !ou don;t like to take risks, sta! with an established product or ser%ice. *. :uhair is stud!ing business management. :he is determined to become the head o a large corporation one da!. :he is %er! _______________. ,. (ur compan! wants people who are reall! excited and interested in research. #e need people who are _______________ about their work. 1-. 0lthough that countr! is %er! poor, it has _______________ plans to bring electricit! to all the rural areas in onl! three !ears. It will take a lot o mone! and e ort to achie%e that. 11. 0mal attended a $rench school and speaks the language %er! well. :he is ______________ in $rench. 12. Tarek makes riends easil! and likes to spend his ree time with people. <e is _______________. 13. The ootball coach ga%e a reall! _______________ speech be ore the big match. It made all the pla!ers eel e%en more _______________ to win.


1. 1.d 2.b 3.b ".c &.d '.a ).a *.d ,.a 1- . b !. It is not eas! to get a +ob in the current market. =ou must ha%e man! skills, both hard and personal. Fust being knowledgeable in !our ield is no longer enough. =ou must now be fluent in another language and be %er! well organized so that !ou can keep iles and records and meet all !our deadlines. The competition among applicants is ierce, so !ou must ha%e additional skills. =ou must be able to show that !ou are conscientious, that is, that !ou are care ul to ul il all !our duties. It is also an ad%antage i !ou are sociable and can get along with !our colleagues because a lot o modern.da! work depends on teamwork. 0bo%e all, pro essionalism is most important. =ou need to respect those around !ou and appreciate the contribution that the! can make. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *.

Hlease submit !our application on time. The Maadi branch o the pharmac! has more pharmacists working in it than the >oda branch. Aroppi is a %er! old and well.known establishment. <esham likes to organise social e%ents or the compan!;s emplo!ees. <an!;s conscience should bother him or cheating on the exam. I belie%e that :alma will achieve great things. The sculpture re%ealed the artist;s skilful hand. Mother is grate ul to all our neighbours who helped us when 2ad had his accident.

+. 1. (prah #in re! is one o the most influential people in 0merica. Heople listen to her and change the wa! the! think or beha%e. 2. I !ou are in business, !ou should make care ul, well thought.out decisions. It;s not a good idea to be spontaneous and suddenl! decide to do things +ust because !ou want to. 3. Maher has papers and iles e%er!where on his desk and the loor. <e has trouble inding things because he doesn;t put them in order. <e is not well organised. ". Banks and law irms want their emplo!ees to dress well in suits and to beha%e in a conventional wa!. This makes the customers and clients more con ident about the companies. &. :all! o ten comes to work late. :he talks on the phone with her riends during work hours and she doesn;t work hard. :he is not conscientious. '. Most companies think that it is more effective to reward emplo!ees who do well than to punish emplo!ees who don;t do well. This gets them the results the! want. ). I !ou want to start a compan! in a new ield, !ou ha%e to be adventurous. I !ou don;t like to take risks, sta! with an established product or ser%ice. *. :uhair is stud!ing business management. :he is determined to become the head o a large corporation one da!. :he is %er! ambitious. ,. (ur compan! wants people who are reall! excited and interested in research. #e need people who are enthusiastic about their work. 1-. 0lthough that countr! is %er! poor, it has ambitious plans to bring electricit! to all the rural areas in onl! three !ears. It will take a lot o mone! and e ort to achie%e that. 11. 0mal attended a $rench school and speaks the language %er! well. :he is fluent in $rench. 12. Tarek makes riends easil! and likes to spend his ree time with people. <e is sociable. 13. The ootball coach ga%e a reall! impressive speech be ore the big match. It made all the pla!ers eel e%en more enthusiastic to win.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. <an! was in Mansour or one week. :iham asked him what he _____ there. a) does b) doing c) has been doing d) had been doing 2. Mrs (sama asked me i m! parents _____ where I was. a) knows b) knew c) had known 3. B! tomorrow a ternoon, I _____ all m! exams. a) will ha%e inished b) ha%e inished c) will be inishing ". <assan wondered where the ke!s _____. a) put b) are putting

d) know

d) inishes

c) were put

d) are put

&. I didn;t complete m! homework !esterda!. Toda!, Miss Eman asked wh! I _____ it. a) ha%e completed b) completed c) wasn;t completing d) hadn;t completed '. N0re !ou planning to see %amlet at the :hakespeare $esti%al next week3O >ana asked i we _____ to see %amlet at the :hakespeare $esti%al next week. a) ha%e been planning b) ha%e planned c) were planning d) plans ). N#h! do !ou want to stud! abroad3O =asser asked me wh! I _____ to stud! abroad. a) wants b) ha%e wanted c) wanting *. B! tomorrow a ternoon, I _____ 1&-- kilometers. a) will ha%e tra%elled b) tra%el

d) wanted

c) am tra%elling

d) tra%elled

,. N<an!, do !ou pre er ice cream or cake3O Arandpa asked <an! i he _____ ice cream or cake. a) is pre erring b) had pre erred c) pre erred 1-. N#ho did !ou see o%er the summer holida!3O Mai asked me who I _____ o%er the summer holida!. a) sees b) had seen c) seen

d) has pre erred

d) ha%e seen

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. N2oes Ismail know the wa! to the market3O $atima asked. 5i ) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. N#h! do !ou want to %isit 2amascus3O <eba asked. 5wanted) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. N2o 8eila and Mar!am en+o! going to the librar!3O mother asked. 5whether) _________________________________________________________________________ ". B! next week the workers will ha%e completed the pro+ect. 5completed) _________________________________________________________________________ &. N#hat is the time3O Boutros asked. _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. <an! and his brother wanted to know i we pla! s6uash !esterda!. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. 4ourhan and :alma asked their mothers i the! ha%e had mobile phones when the! were !oung. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. B! 21--, cars will be dri%e onl! b! the %er! wealth!. _________________________________________________________________________ ". B! 21--, cars ha%e become old. ashioned. _________________________________________________________________________ &. Aamal asked i we was going to the cinema toda!. _________________________________________________________________________ '. (thman asked i his brother has gone to work toda!. _________________________________________________________________________ ). $arid asked me which countries I %isited. _________________________________________________________________________ *. The cakes will had been deli%ered to all the customers b! the end o the da!. _________________________________________________________________________ ,. >eda asked i I tra%elled all o%er Europe on m! bic!cle. _________________________________________________________________________ +. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es.

#hen !ou are looking or a +ob, !ou must not onl! ha%e good answers, but !ou must also ask good 6uestions. $or example, when !our inter%iewer asks what are !our shortcomings, !ou must ind something that can be impro%ed. =ou can;t +ust sa! that !ou ha%e no shortcomings and are per ect. That is an unbelie%ed statement. =ou ma! also ind that !ou asked what !our good 6ualities are. :tick to one or two points so !ou sound conscience rather than o%erl! proud. 0 ter the inter%iewer stops asking 6uestions, it was !our turn.

0lwa!s sound positi%e. =our 6uestions should show that !ou ha%e done some research on the compan!. NI see the compan! is ad%ancing into other markets. #hat additional time I will ha%e to work on market research3O would be a positi%e 6uestion. 0sk 6uestions that show !ou care about the compan!;s uture and illustrate that !ou would be an asset.


1. 1.d !. 1. 2. 3. ". &.









1- . b

$atima asked i Ismail knew the wa! to the market. <eba wanted to know wh! I wanted to %isit 2amascus. Mother asked whether 8eila and Mar!am en+o! going to the librar!. B! next week the pro+ect will ha%e been completed. Boutros asked what time it was. 7 Boutros asked what the time was.

3. 1. <an! and his brother wanted to know i we ha& "#a*e& s6uash !esterda!. 2. 4ourhan and :alma asked their mothers i the! ha& ha& mobile phones when the! were !oung. 3. B! 21--, cars will be &r%/en onl! b! the %er! wealth!. 4ote1 This is an ongoing action in the uture, not something that will be completed in the uture. #e cannot use the uture per ect passi%e will have been driven. ". B! 21--, cars w%## ha/e 'ecome old. ashioned. 4ote1 This is an action that will be completed b! a date in the uture. ?ompare this to the item abo%e. &. Aamal asked i we were going to the cinema toda!. '. (thman asked i his brother ha& gone to work toda!. ). $arid asked me which countries I ha& /%s%te&. *. The cakes will ha/e been deli%ered to all the customers b! the end o the da!. ,. >eda asked i I ha& tra/e##e& all o%er Europe on m! bic!cle. +. #hen !ou are looking or a +ob, !ou must not onl! ha%e good answers, but !ou must also ask good 6uestions. $or example, when !our inter%iewer asks what your shortcomings are, !ou must ind something that can be impro%ed. =ou can;t +ust sa! that !ou ha%e no shortcomings and are per ect. That is an unbelievable statement. =ou ma! also ind that !ou are asked what !our good 6ualities are. :tick to one or two points so !ou sound conscientious rather than o%erl! proud. 0 ter the inter%iewer stops asking 6uestions, it is !our turn.

0lwa!s sound positi%e. =our 6uestions should show that !ou ha%e done some research on the compan!. NI see the compan! is ad%ancing into other markets. #hat additional time will ) have to work on market research3O would be a positi%e 6uestion. 0sk 6uestions that show !ou care about the compan!;s uture and illustrate that !ou would be an asset.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. There are man! singers who aren;t well known but who ha%e more talent than _____ do. a) orce b) publicit! c) celebrities d) drums 2. There has been a lot o _____ about the new ilm1 newspaper and maga9ine stories, TL and radio ad%ertisements, and e%en to!s at ast ood restaurants. a) depression b) greed c) celebrit! d) publicit! 3. #hen :alwa turned 1', her grandmother ga%e her a string o _____. a) pearls b) correspondent c) concerns d) publicit! ". <an! doesn;t like loud noises since he became a war _____ or the news. a) correspondent b) publicit! c) celebrit! d) orce &. Fealous! and _____ make us want more mone! or power than we need. a) pearls b) greed c) publicit! d) ca%es '. Arandma sa%es e%er!thing because she li%ed through the Areat _____. :he knows what it is like to be poor. a) ?ause b) ?elebrit! c) ?i%il :er%ant d) 2epression ). Heople who work in go%ernment o ices are _____ because the! work or us. a) di%ers b) ci%il ser%ants c) scorpions d) celebrities *. Mino, a character in :teinbeck;s The $earl, worked as a _____. a) surgeon b) di%er c) pharmacist ,. 2on;t _____ things when the! can be rec!cled. a) orce b) achie%e c) organise 1-. 0 _____ poison ma! not kill !ou, but it could make !ou sick. a) correspondent;s b) scorpion;s c) di%er;s 11. 0 strong storm _____ the ishermen to sail home. a) threw awa! b) stung c) treated

d) ci%il ser%ant

d) throw awa!

d) ca%e;s

d) orced

12. The thie%es ound a small _____ in the orest where the! could hide their stolen goods. a) pearl b) correspondent c) ca%e d) merchant

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. Yo( m%$ht nee& to ma)e some

chan$es. ci%il ser%ant . pearls . correspondent . orce scorpion . depression . publicit! . celebrit! . greed I !ou listen to most !oung people toda!, the! onl! talk about being a doctor or engineer. But there are man! pro essions that !ou can go into. $or example, i !ou like to talk with people and to write, !ou could be a _______________ or a newspaper or maga9ine. These people gain a lot o knowledge on the +ob because the! are in%ol%ed in e%er!da! e%ents. I !ou like to help people, !ou could choose to become a _______________, such as a police o icer, ireman, or ma!or. I !ou go into politics, remember that there ma! be a lot o _______________ i !ou become a parlimentarian or a minister. I !ou ha%e a ine e!e, !ou might think o becoming a +eweller and open a shop that sells gold, diamonds and _______________. I !ou can can sing or act, or i !ou are good at a sport, !ou could become a _______________. 2on;t limit !oursel and ne%er let an!one de ine !ou. 2o what !ou lo%e and lo%e what !ou do. 3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. That was the most _______________ ilm I ha%e e%er seen. 5depression) 2. The police had to _______________ the crowd out o the stadium a ter the home team lost the match. 5 orce) 3. M! pen riend _______________ has built up. 4ow I write to six di erent people. 5correspondent) ". I !ou want people to bu! !our book, make sure it is _______________ in all the ma+or newspapers. 5publicit!) &. The 8ou%re is one o the most _______________ art museums in the world. 5celebrit!) '. 0 scorpion;s _______________ can be extremel! pain ul. 5stung) ). Aamal is so _______________. <e ne%er wants to share his sweets with his riends. 5greed) *. The speaker ga%e such a _______________ argument that man! people changed their minds. 5 orce) ,. Mar!am has been _______________ all da! because she ailed a test. 5depression) 1-. =asser and his wi e ha%e taken up _______________, and the! lo%e it. 5di%e) +. ,atch the wor&s w%th the%r &e %n%t%ons. A 1. 2. 3. ". &. throw awa! depression ca%e publicit! greed B a.get rid o b.hollow in the earth, opening in a hill c.excessi%e desire or wealth or possessions d.extensi%e mention in news or media e.long period o little economic acti%it! .a poisonous animal with a stinger in its tail


1. 1.c ).b 2.d *.b 3.a ,.d ".a 1- . b &.b 11 . d '.d 12 . c

!. I !ou listen to most !oung people toda!, the! onl! talk about being a doctor or engineer. But there are man! pro essions that !ou can go into. $or example, i !ou like to talk with people and to write, !ou could be a correspondent or a newspaper or maga9ine. These people gain a lot o knowledge on the +ob because the! are in%ol%ed in e%er!da! e%ents. I !ou like to help people, !ou could choose to become a civil servant such as a police o icer, ireman, or ma!or. I !ou go into politics, remember that there ma! be a lot o publicity i !ou become a parlimentarian or a minister. I !ou ha%e a ine e!e, !ou might think o becoming a +eweller and open a shop that sells gold, diamonds and pearls. I !ou can can sing or act, or i !ou are good at a sport, !ou could become a celebrity. 2on;t limit !oursel and ne%er let an!one de ine !ou. 2o what !ou lo%e and lo%e what !ou do. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. ,. 1-.

That was the most depressing ilm I ha%e e%er seen. The police had to force the crowd out o the stadium a ter the home team lost the match. M! pen riend correspondence has built up. 4ow I write to six di erent people. I !ou want people to bu! !our book, make sure it is publicized in all the ma+or newspapers. The 8ou%re is one o the most celebrated art museums in the world. 0 scorpion;s sting can be extremel! pain ul. Aamal is so greedy. <e ne%er wants to share his sweets with his riends. The speaker ga%e such a forceful argument that man! people changed their minds. Mar!am has been depressed all da! because she ailed a test. =asser and his wi e ha%e taken up diving, and the! lo%e it.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. I expect _____ to come to dinner. a) she b) the! c) him

d) we

2. Be ore the! tra%elled, the headmaster _____ the students to watch their bags in the airport. a) telling b) ha%e told c) told d) tells 3. Mother _____ the children to brush their teeth be ore bed. a) telling b) said to c) said ". >ehan asked _____ to ha%e dessert at her house. a) me b) m!sel c) I &. #hen does Tarek _____ us to do this3 a) is wanting b) wanted

d) told

d) mine

c) wants

d) want

'. <ow much are we _____ to dig out o the garden or the new trees3 a) expects b) expected c) expect ). :oha admitted _____ a lie when she was irst asked. a) telling b) to tell c) had told

d) ha%e expected

d) was telling

*. (ur parents encouraged us _____ hard at e%er!thing we do. a) worked b) works c) working ,. The li eguard instructed people not _____ near the rocks. a) ha%ing swum b) to swim c) swam 1-. <e suggested _____ closer to the beach. a) to swim b) swimming

d) to work

d) swimming

c) had swum

d) swam

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. <ani ad%ised his son, N#ork hard, son.O 5to) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. N0re !ou going to Marina or the summer3O Miss Mar!am asked us. 5i ) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. N#hen did !ou return3O :ami asked me. 5I) _________________________________________________________________________ ". I learned man! things rom m! mother. 5taught) _________________________________________________________________________ &. <is mother said, N?ome home.O 5told) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. The looding orced us remain inside the house. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. #hile chasing the thie%es, the policeman managed to a%oid to hit the bic!clist. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. E%er! !ear m! husband and I in%ite m! students ha%ing dinner with us. _________________________________________________________________________ ". The neighbour sternl! warned the children not to waking up her bab!. _________________________________________________________________________ &. The woman asked us gi%e her dog a bone. _________________________________________________________________________ '. :he asked us to not climb o%er her ence. _________________________________________________________________________ ). The bab! en+o!ed to pla! in the water. _________________________________________________________________________ *. Mr. <a9em asked m! wh! I wants to work or his compan!. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Rea& the "ara$ra"h. C%rc#e the correct wor& %n "arentheses. Fohn :teinbeck wrote about e%er!da! people. ( ten his stories instruct us 5to ha%e / ha%ing / had) compassion towards others. The! achie%e this b! showing people who ha%e 5been / be / are being) cruel or greed!. :teinbeck orces us 5looks / looking / to look) at people who su er because o their circumstances. ( ten there is traged! in his no%els, but in this traged! he asks his reader 5understanding / to understand / understood) the e%ents that caused the mis ortune. Man! people dislike 5being / to be / been) saddened b! his stories, but the! realise that problems that are hidden are ne%er 5resol%ing / resol%ed . resol%es.) :teinbeck does us a great ser%ice b! making us look at what we o ten do not want 5seeing / to see / sees.)


1. 1.c !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. 2.c 3.d ".a &.d '.b ).a *.d ,.b 1- . b

<ani ad%ised his son to work hard. Miss Mar!am asked us i we were going to Marina or the summer. :ami asked me when I had returned. M! mother taught me man! things. <is mother told him to ?ome home.

The looding orced us to remain inside the house. #hile chasing the thie%es, the policeman managed to a%oid h%tt%n$ the bic!clist. E%er! !ear m! husband and I in%ite m! students to ha/e dinner with us. The neighbour sternl! warned the children not to wa)e up her bab!. The woman asked us to $%/e her dog a bone. :he asked us not to climb o%er her ence. The bab! en+o!ed "#a*%n$ in the water. Mr. <a9em asked m! wh! I wante& to work or his compan!.

+. Fohn :teinbeck wrote about e%er!da! people. ( ten his stories instruct us to have compassion towards others. The! achie%e this b! showing people who ha%e been cruel or greed!. :teinbeck orces us to look at people who su er because o their circumstances. ( ten there is traged! in his no%els, but in this traged! he asks his reader to understand the e%ents that caused the mis ortune. Man! people dislike being saddened b! his stories, but the! realise that problems that are hidden are ne%er resolved. :teinbeck does us a great ser%ice b! making us look at what we o ten do not want to see.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. 8amia is onl! 1', but she is _____. :he beha%es like an adult.

a) ambitious

b) mature

c) retrained

d) similar

2. 2alia said that this book is di icult to read but it is _____. I;ll learn a lot about li e rom it. a) 6uali ied b) similar c) unkind d) worthwhile 3. =ou can tell the! are identical twins. E%en their likes and dislikes are _____. a) ambitious b) similar c) worthwhile d) mature ". The newl! unemplo!ed will need some _____ to go back into the +ob market. a) retraining b) maturing c) thinking d) rewarding &. <an!;s amil! is celebrating his mom;s _____ to director. a) department b) 6ualit! c) emplo!ee

d) promotion

'. The shop assistant said we;d ind the bic!cle parts in the athletics _____. a) reward b) department c) promotion d) pro%ision ). >ehan;s ather has _____ her or oud classes. a) enrolled b) 6uali ied c) promoted *. B! winning the race, <annah _____ or the (l!mpics. a) rewarded b) retrained c) 6uali ied

d) retrained

d) matured

,. #e all want to ind _____ careers that pa! well and pro%ide satis action. a) emplo!able b) rewarding c) 6ualit! d) mature 1-. $ad! is the _____ person. <e understands the ield, has experience, and would be an inspiring team leader. a) retrained b) similar c) ideal d) belie%able !. .%/e s*non*ms or anton*ms or these wor&s. s*non*ms ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ anton*ms ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

1. 2. 3. ".

worthwhile similar mature promote

3. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. 6uali ied / retraining / mature / promotion / enrol similar / pro%iding / department / ideall! / rewarding I irml! belie%e in li elong learning. Becoming a li elong learner is %er! _______________. The li elong learner de%elops habits o mind that encourage him or her to look or in ormation. =ou don;t ha%e to be looking or a _______________ in work to be a li elong learner. =ou can _______________ on courses or +ust read a lot o books. <owe%er, or some people learning ma! be a re6uirement, such as _______________ to change +obs. 0ll the while !ou are learning, !ou are opening !our mind to new ideas that ma! ha%e greater meaning as !ou _______________. There is a sa!ing that Nparachutes, like minds, onl! work when opened.O 8i elong learning opens the mind.

+. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. =esterda!, =usra _______________ to third !ear. 5promotion) 2. The personnel manager is checking #alid;s _______________. 56uali ied) 3. #hen the _______________ is inished, the workers will know how to operate new computeri9ed machiner!. 5retrain) ". _______________, we should all be li elong learners. 5ideal) &. :el .control is a sign o _______________. 5mature) '. There are man! _______________ between the two s!stems. 5similar) ). The police o ered a _______________ or in ormation that would lead to the arrest o the thie%es. 5rewarding) *. Tamer asked i his pet snake would _______________ or the ?ute Het ?ontest.56uali ied)

4. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to %n& the &% erence 'etween these wor&s. 1. pro%ide promote 2. rewarding worthwhile 3. retrain enrol ". 6uali ied ideal &. department region _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


1. 1.b !. 1. worthwhile 2. similar 3. mature 2.d 3.b ".a &.d '.b ).a *.c ,.b 1- . c

s*non*ms %aluable, use ul, meaning ul alike grown.up, adult, middle.aged, olderC ripe

anton*ms worthless dissimilar, unlike immatureC unripe

". promote ad%ance, raise demote 3. I irml! belie%e in li elong learning. Becoming a li elong learner is %er! rewarding. The li elong learner de%elops habits o mind that encourage him or her to look or in ormation. =ou don;t ha%e to be looking or a promotion in work to be a li elong learner. =ou can enrol on courses or +ust read a lot o books. <owe%er, or some people learning ma! be a re6uirement, such as retraining to change +obs. 0ll the while !ou are learning, !ou are opening !our mind to new ideas that ma! ha%e greater meaning as !ou mature. There is a sa!ing that Nparachutes, like minds, onl! work when opened.O 8i elong learning opens the mind.

+. 1. =esterda!, =usra was promoted to third !ear. 2. The personnel manager is checking #alid;s qualifications. 3. #hen the retraining is inished, the workers will know how to operate new computeri9ed machiner!. ". )deally, we should all be li elong learners. &. :el .control is a sign o maturity. '. There are man! similarities between the two s!stems. ). The police o ered a reward or in ormation that would lead to the arrest o the thie%es. *. Tamer asked i his pet snake would qualify or the ?ute Het ?ontest. 4. 1. pro%ide promote 2. rewarding worthwhile 3. retrain enrol ". 6uali ied ideal &. department region

gi%e or suppl! something to someone gi%e someone a better, more responsible position at work making !ou eel happ! and satis ied use ul or en+o!able, e%en though !ou ha%e to spend a lot o time, e ort, or mone! doing it to teach or learn new skills or a di erent +ob to arrange to +oin a school, uni%ersit! or course ha%ing suitable knowledge, experience, or skills, especiall! or a particular +obC ha%ing passed a pro essional examination the best or most suitable that something could be one o the groups o people who work together in a particular part o a large organisation such as a hospital, uni%ersit!, compan!, or go%ernmentC an area in a large shop where a particular t!pe o product is sold a large area o a countr! or o the world, usuall! without exact limits


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. #e _____ go to 0l.09har Hark tomorrow. #e ha%en;t decided !et. a) might b) ha%e to c) should 2. _____ we ha%e eggs or beans or break ast tomorrow3 =ou choose. a) :hould b) Might c) 4eed 3. #e _____ be sensiti%e to and respect ul o people;s di erences. a) might b) need c) could ". _____ !ou make that noise3 It reall! is anno!ing.

d) must

d) ?ould

d) should

a) ?an

b) ?ould

c) Must

d) Might

&. Mum said we _____ go out or ice cream a ter dinner. a) ha%e b) need c) could '. Henguins and emus are birds that _____ l!. a) could not b) cannot

d) must

c) ma! not

d) should not

). Mareema and <an! _____ go shopping !esterda! because the shops were all closed. a) shouldn;t b) can;t c) couldn;t d) mightn;t *. 2o !ou _____ wear those shoes to work3 0re the! part o the dress code3 a) ha%e to b) must c) should d) could ,. =asmin _____ be care ul with what she eats because she has diabetes. a) would b) needs to c) should d) could 1-. =usu and <ani _____ be home b! eight. That;s a amil! rule. a) has to b) could c) can

d) ha%e to

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. I it stops raining, we;ll go shopping. 5can) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. It would be better i !ou ound a new +ob. 5should) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. N:ee a doctor, $ath!,O mother encouraged. 5to) _________________________________________________________________________ ". 8isten to !our mother. 5ha%e) _________________________________________________________________________ &. $or good dental h!giene, brush !our teeth at least twice a da!. 5need) _________________________________________________________________________

3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. I !ou need help with !our mathematics, !ou should to ask !our uncle <an! or help. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. 0isha, must !ou watch Tamer or a ew hours while I go shopping3 _________________________________________________________________________ 3. I;m !our ather and I;m telling !ou. =ou mightn;t stud! with the tele%ision and the radio on. _________________________________________________________________________ ". $arid might to work harder to per orm better on his exams. _________________________________________________________________________ &. 0t the weekend, (mar ound a great shop where he might bu! inexpensi%e shoes. _________________________________________________________________________

'. <eba is going to Mai;s house although she has to help Mai with her homework. _________________________________________________________________________ ). Musa was warned not entering the old building because it is dangerous. _________________________________________________________________________ *. #e sta!ed later than we planned because 2alia said we might tr! her cake. _________________________________________________________________________

+. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A To broaden !our mind, !ou should To be a person o 6ualit!, !ou must 2on;t miss the date. =ou ha%e to $or some exercise, !ou might That;s sill!. =ou cannot B! to do well in e%er!thing !ou do. b.enrolled in a class last !ear. c.appl! be ore the end o 2ecember. a li elong learner. e.take up walking or dancing. .learn without making an e ort.

1. 2. 3. ". &.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.a !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 2.a 3.d ".c &.c '.b ).c *.a ,.b 1- . d

I it stops raining, we can go shopping. =ou should ind a new +ob. Mother encouraged $ath! to see a doctor. =ou ha%e to listen to !our mother. $or good dental h!giene, !ou need to brush !our teeth at least twice a da!.

3. 1. I !ou need help with !our mathematics, !ou sho(#& as) !our uncle <an! or help. 7 I !ou need help with !our mathematics, !ou co(#& as) !our uncle <an! or help. 2. 0isha, can !ou watch Tamer or a ew hours while I go shopping3 7 0isha, co(#& !ou watch Tamer or a ew hours while I go shopping3 3. I;m !our ather and I;m telling !ou. =ou can2t stud! with the tele%ision and the radio on. 7 =ou m(stn2t stud! with the tele%ision and the radio on. ". $arid has to work harder to per orm better on his exams. 7 $arid nee&s to work harder to per orm better on his exams. &. 0t the weekend, (mar ound a great shop where he co(#& bu! inexpensi%e shoes. '. <eba is going to Mai;s house 'eca(se she has to help Mai with her homework. ). Musa was warned not to enter the old building because it is dangerous. *. #e sta!ed later than we planned because 2alia said we ha& to tr! her cake.

+. 1 . d To broaden !our mind, !ou should be a li elong learner. 2 . a To be a person o 6ualit!, !ou must tr! to do well in e%er!thing !ou do. 3 . c 2on;t miss the date. =ou ha%e to appl! be ore the end o 2ecember.

" . e $or some exercise, !ou might take up walking or dancing. & . That;s sill!. =ou cannot learn without making an e ort.


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. <er o%erl! _____ plan is going to cost us time and mone!. a) achie%ed b) conscientious c) established

d) ambitious

2. This +ob re6uires someone with good communication _____ who can speak and write luentl! in 0rabic and English. a) skills b) ideals c) publicit! d) achie%ement 3. The local _____ has ewer medicines a%ailable than the central one in the cit! centre. a) department b) region c) ?L d) pharmac! ". _____ students do better than man! o their classmates. a) :imilar b) 4eighbouring c) #ell.organised

d) :ociable

&. The Areat _____ was a period o economic crisis that lasted or 12 !ears. a) 2epression b) Hublicit! c) ?orrespondent d) $orce '. Man! Europeans take their holida! in :inai because it has some o the greatest _____ in the world. a) retraining b) di%ing c) corresponding d) greed ). <ani has plent! o mone!, but he is _____ and is alwa!s tr!ing to make more, e%en i it hurts other people. a) conscientious b) greed! c) 6uali ied d) mature *. 2on;t _____ those papers. The!Kre %er! important documents. a) disco%er b) retrain c) throw awa! ,. (n our irst da!, we were _____ with a list o books to bu!. a) depressed b) pro%ided c) promoted

d) enrol

d) enrolled

1-. =ou should ask 2r Aalal about that. I am not _____ to answer that 6uestion. a) 6uali ied b) retrained c) greed! d) publicl!

!. Com"#ete the $a"s w%th some o these wor&s. skilled . mature . depression . similar retrain . promotion . 6uali ied 0n economic downturn is a %er! serious challenge to the people o an! countr!. 0 _______________ is de ined b! alling prices, low economic acti%it!, and high unemplo!ment. E%en i !ou are highl! _______________, it is di icult to get a +ob i there are no +obs around. Man! people think that the! should _______________ or other +obs that ma! be a%ailable now

or later when the econom! impro%es. It is especiall! di icult or _______________ adults to learn new +ob skills.

3. Use *o(r Active Study Dictionary to com"#ete these sentences w%th the correct orm o the wor&. 1. The _______________ lessons start on :aturda!. 5retrain) 2. JainabKs _______________ shows in her responsibilit! towards her studies. 5mature) 3. 0 ter we inter%iewed $ath!, it was eas! to see that he was _______________ suited. 5ideal) ". Because o his excellent _______________, Ehad got the +ob as an instructor. 5di%er) &. M! brother +ust got _______________ to manager o a small department. 5promotion) '. #e ha%e _______________ urniture in our home, so we can rearrange it easil!. 5module) ). (thman 6uickl! achie%ed _______________ in Aerman. 5 luent) *. These buildings, though di erent on the outside, are _______________ constructed. 5similar) ,. The class has a surprisingl! high _______________ this !ear. 5enrol) 1-. :hireen has a lot o _______________. :he hopes to start her own compan! in a ew !ears. 5ambitious)


1. 1-d 2-a 3-d 4-c 5-a 6-b 7-b 8-c 9-b 10 - a

2. An economic downturn is a very serious challen e to the !eo!le o" any country# A depression is de"ined by "allin !rices$ low economic activity$ and hi h unem!loyment# %ven i" you are hi hly qualified$ it is di""icult to et a &ob i" there are no &obs around# 'any !eo!le thin( that they should retrain "or other &obs that may be available now or later when the economy im!roves# )t is es!ecially di""icult "or mature adults to learn new &ob s(ills#

3. 1# 2# 3# 4# 5# 6# 7# 8# 9# 10# *he retraining lessons start on +aturday# ,ainab-s maturity shows in her res!onsibility towards her studies# A"ter we interviewed .athy$ it was easy to see that he was ideally suited# /ecause o" his e0cellent diving$ %had ot the &ob as an instructor# 'y brother &ust ot promoted to mana er o" a small de!artment# 1e have modular "urniture in our home$ so we can rearran e it easily# 2thman 3uic(ly achieved fluency in 4erman# *hese buildin s$ thou h di""erent on the outside$ are similarly constructed# *he class has a sur!risin ly hi h enrollment this year# +hireen has a lot o" ambition# +he ho!es to start her own com!any in a "ew years#


Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ 1. Choose the correct answer rom a, b, c or d. 1. 4ihal asked Tasneem what she _____ since her return rom $e9. a) had been doing b) does c) did d) will be doing 2. Malek wanted to know where the workers _____ the electronic e6uipment a) were stored b) stores c) ha%e stored d) had stored 3. <esham asked i I _____ thirt!. i%e pounds he could borrow. a) had had b) ha%e c) had

d) am ha%ing

". Mother in%ited all the neighbours in the building _____ m! 21st birthda!. a) ha%e celebrated b) to celebrate c) celebrating d) celebrate &. 8eila;s mother called and _____ her to return home. a) said b) told c) sa!ing to '. $ath! suggested we all _____ him at his arm in :har6ia. a) to %isit b) %isiting c) %isit

d) told to

d) %isited

). Tamer asked _____ three pi99as or the part!. a) his brother to bu! b) to his brother to bu! c) his brother bought d) to his brother bought *. :it down, !oung man. #e _____ to ha%e a talk about !our low scores@ a) could b) should c) might d) ha%e ,. 2on;t orget that 4e%ine _____ to take her medicine at se%en pm. It;s important that she take it on time. a) must b) needs c) should d) can 1-. #e _____ ind the address, so we went to a ca e or some re reshment. a) shouldn;t b) mustn;t c) couldn;t d) hadn;t

!. Rewr%te (s%n$ the wor&s %n 'rac)ets to $%/e the same mean%n$. 1. I recommend that !ou think about that again. 5should) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. :am ad%ised his son, NTake the position temporaril!.O 5to) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. N2o !ou know the answer3O Mrs <anam asked. 5whether) _________________________________________________________________________ ". Be there on time. 5need) _________________________________________________________________________

&. It;s important that !ou gi%e more attention to !our studies. 5must)

_________________________________________________________________________ 3. 0%n& the m%sta)e %n each sentence1 an& then wr%te %t correct#*. 1. The captain ordered the soldiers dig some holes. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. $ishing orces !ou relaxing. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. S<amburgers is a waste o mone! and not %er! health!,S said mom. _________________________________________________________________________ ". I ad%ise to !ou take the train because it;s cheaper. _________________________________________________________________________ &. <eba asked i =usu dri%en a car or a motorc!cle. _________________________________________________________________________ '. The coast guard warned the swimmers getting out o the water a ter a shark was seen. _________________________________________________________________________ ). >eem should ha%e gone home because I canKt ind her an!where. _________________________________________________________________________ *. >ehan might not pla! tennis because no one has shown her how. _________________________________________________________________________

+. Correct the (n&er#%ne& m%sta)es. There are man! ad%antages to online learning, but ha%e !ou considered the disad%antages3 (ne disad%antage ma! be cost. =ou would must to bu! a computer and ha%e a good internet connection. 0nother is not ha%ing the communit! o learners that inds in a classroom. =ou cannot expect the pro essor answering a 6uestion immediatel!. =ou also do not ha%e classmates to interact with. Man! people think that !ou might ha%e this t!pe o interaction to learn best. This interaction allows !ou ac6uire knowledge more completel!. =ou ha%e man! more ideas when !ou open up discussion. 0nother important disad%antage is lonliness because !ou donKt get out and see others. 2o !ou had to ha%e a class ull o people to help !ou learn3 4o. But the low o ideas and the +o! o human interaction make the experience ar more rewarding.

4. ,atch the "hrases an& rewr%te each sentence 'e#ow. A B 1. =ou should be a.her sister to stud! hard. 2. =ou cannot expect b.kind to others. 3. :elma a%oids c.must ollow directions. ". Mai encourages get good grades without stud!ing. &. There are rules that e.must be ollowed. .taking that route home because o tra ic.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


1. 1.a !. 1. 2. 3. ". &. 3. 1. 2. 3. ". &. '. ). *. 2.d 3.c ".b &.b '.c ).a *.d ,.b 1- . c

=ou should think about that again. :am ad%ised his son to take the position temporaril!. Mrs <anam asked whether I knew the answer. =ou need to be there on time. =ou must gi%e more attention to !our studies. The captain ordered the soldiers to &%$ some holes. $ishing orces !ou to re#a=. S<amburgers are a waste o mone! and not %er! health!,S said Mum. I ad%ise *o( to take the train because it;s cheaper. 7 I ad%ise that *o( take the train because it;s cheaper. <eba asked i =usu &ro/e a car or a motorc!cle. The coast guard warned the swimmers to $et out o the water a ter a shark was seen. >eem m(st ha%e gone home because I canKt ind her an!where. >ehan cannot pla! tennis because no one has shown her how.

+. There are man! ad%antages to online learning, but ha%e !ou considered the disad%antages3 (ne disad%antage ma! be cost. =ou would need to bu! a computer and ha%e a good internet connection. 0nother is not ha%ing the communit! o learners that are found in a classroom. =ou cannot expect the pro essor to answer a 6uestion immediatel!. =ou also do not ha%e classmates to interact with. Man! people think that !ou need ha%e this t!pe o interaction to learn best. This interaction allows !ou to acquire knowledge more completel!. =ou ha%e man! more ideas when !ou open up discussion. 0nother important disad%antage is lonliness because !ou donKt get out and see others. 2o !ou have to ha%e a class ull o people to help !ou learn3 4o. But the low o ideas and the +o! o human interaction make the experience ar more rewarding.

4. 1. 2. 3. ". &.

b =ou should be kind to others. d =ou cannot expect to get good grades without stud!ing. :elma a%oids taking that route home because o tra ic. a Mai encourages her sister to stud! hard. e There are rules that must be ollowed.

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