-DE-"3-50- 89F G'#?; 1@&+9$#H /<<&+ >#+'I6+6H >. Nay 2u1S- August 2u1S !"#$% '()*"+,() -%.(+% Taught sections of Biscoveiy 0iientation classes foi new hiies. Planneu anu executeu events foi team membeis thioughout the season incluuing one week of 1u events foi team membeis. Conuucteu office woik incluuing: answeiing phone calls about employment oppoitunities; collecting anu completing employment papeiwoik; using Niciosoft Excel to scheuule inteiviews Piescieeneu inteivieweu applicants foi iiues, foou anu beveiage, maintenance, lifeguaius, ietail, anu games uepaitments. Awaiueu Employee of the Nonth foi the Buman Resouices uepaitment anu Suppoit uivision foi Nonth of }uly 2u1S anu Awaiueu Team Spiiit Awaiu foi the Suppoit uivision foi the Season.
J9:?K; .6@9:96:H .6;L&''H M1 Nay 2u12- August 2u12 '/0( 12(+$.*+ 0peiateu thiee attiactions: Biop Towei, Bouge 'Em, anu Wave Swingei.
"9$%@6:B *#=='&79&'B E#+NH "9$%@6:BH M1 }une 2u1u- August 2u11 3$./*%$4 5$+6 7(+8/,( -%.(+2+(.(+ 7($)*%$4 '$%9(+ Assisteu in iunning euucational piogiams foi chiluien at Tieuegai Iion Woiks. Conuucteu touis anu woik fiont uesk at Naggie Walkei National Bistoiic Site.
1023M323-8 0'AI >#:#?&+; 1;;6$9#=96: 67 1@&+9$#H O#@&; >#B9;6: /:9C&+;9=, Fall 2u1u- Piesent :/,( 5+()/0(%. ;<=> 7(,+(.$+? ;<=; Stuuent Chaii foi 2u1S National Euucation Stuuent Confeience in Washington B.C, Social Neuia Piogiammei foi confeience. Piogiameu chaptei's website, iecoiueu monthly meeting minutes, anu auveitiseu foi chaptei events. Attenueu the 2u1u, 2u12, 2u1S National Stuuent Euucation Confeience anu the 2u11 CNAA Woilu Confeience.
3:=&+M#+;9=,H O#@&; >#B9;6: /:9C&+;9=, }anuaiy 2u1S- Piesent !*)2/.$4/.? @($# A($0(+ Supeiviseu eight stuuents who seiveu on Bospitality Team. Conuucteu weekly meetings to oiganize events foi a chaptei of six hunuieu people.