Pre 575 Resume Assignment
Pre 575 Resume Assignment
Pre 575 Resume Assignment
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1 uowei Place 11111 Pawnee Lane
Anywheie, 0SA 12S4S6 Anywheie, 0SA 12S4S6
Cell: (uuu) uuu-u828
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0veiall uPA: S.SS
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Successfully implementeu a new & fiesh maiketing plan foi the following yeai
Besigneu flyeis, biochuies, & othei hanuouts to fuithei piomote the company anu expanu taiget auuience
Analyzeu & summaiizeu the stuuents anu women's piogiess at the Baytiee Centie in oiuei to apply foi a
new giant fiom the goveinment
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Repoiteu on cuiient tienus among college stuuents on campuses thioughout the countiy
Reseaicheu anu analyzeu new anu upcoming aitists, apps, clothing items, music consumption, etc.
Communicateu anu spieau the woiu about Naik Cuban's vaiious companies anu piouucts to people
thiough social meuia
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6"#'4&"*!"#$%&%# D/$ IJKSP 6?,#R+* IJKS
Successfully helpeu in the cieation piocess of ueveloping new juices, tea lattes, & healthy foou iecipes
Piomoteu juice cleansing, the powei of tea, a healthy uiet & lifestyle to inteiesteu customeis thiough in-
stoie communication & social meuia
Tiaineu new employees to piouuctively leain & auapt to theii new woik enviionment
Effectively assisteu at vaiious community events wheie T.Loft appeaieu
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Effectively inteiacteu with customeis & infoimeu them of what the company has to offei
Belpfully answeieu customeis' questions & uealt with neeus in a caiing & timely mannei
Sufficiently oiganizeu inventoiy & uisplayeu ietail in a visually appealing & opeiative way
Successfully teameu up with cowoikeis & associates to plan & holu stoie events
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Kappa Kappa uamma Risk Nanagement Chaiiman
Kappa Kappa uamma Recycling Chaiiman
Beau of Event & Risk Nanagement Committee
!345Z5450A [ Y676NA
Naiketing Club Nembei
Lawience Bumane Society volunteei
Natuial Ties: Auults with Bisabilities volunteei
Rock Chalk Scholaiship
0niveisity of Kansas Bonoi Roll