Alyana Alfaro has over 10 years of experience in journalism, public relations, and digital content creation. She has worked as a reporter, editor, and social media coordinator for major news organizations like NBC and The Daily Record. Alfaro holds a Master's degree in Journalism from New York University and a Bachelor's degree from Seton Hall University, graduating magna cum laude. She is fluent in Spanish and skilled in various design, video, and social media tools.
Alyana Alfaro has over 10 years of experience in journalism, public relations, and digital content creation. She has worked as a reporter, editor, and social media coordinator for major news organizations like NBC and The Daily Record. Alfaro holds a Master's degree in Journalism from New York University and a Bachelor's degree from Seton Hall University, graduating magna cum laude. She is fluent in Spanish and skilled in various design, video, and social media tools.
Alyana Alfaro has over 10 years of experience in journalism, public relations, and digital content creation. She has worked as a reporter, editor, and social media coordinator for major news organizations like NBC and The Daily Record. Alfaro holds a Master's degree in Journalism from New York University and a Bachelor's degree from Seton Hall University, graduating magna cum laude. She is fluent in Spanish and skilled in various design, video, and social media tools.
Alyana Alfaro has over 10 years of experience in journalism, public relations, and digital content creation. She has worked as a reporter, editor, and social media coordinator for major news organizations like NBC and The Daily Record. Alfaro holds a Master's degree in Journalism from New York University and a Bachelor's degree from Seton Hall University, graduating magna cum laude. She is fluent in Spanish and skilled in various design, video, and social media tools.
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Alyana Alfaro
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