Plantilla de Unidad Domy
Plantilla de Unidad Domy
Plantilla de Unidad Domy
Unit Plan
Unit Author: Name and last name: School: Schhols location: "urther details o# the school: description of the unit Unit Title: Holidays and Celebration in the world than!sgi"ing holidays# Unit summary: The holidays are those activities carried out to celebrate or remember that special date. During the year we celebrate different holidays such as Thanksgiving Chrismas, New Year and so on. Thanksgiving days, it is a celebration who began at many time ago, Thanksgiving has its origins in 1 !1, in a celebration at "lymouth, #t also a time of #t also a time of prayer, thanking $od for a good crop. "rayer, thanking $od for all the blessing or a good crop During the year. The principal activities are research about the topic, share in group and make a summary. %fter that the &tudents gonna prepare a role play, round table and a pawer point this activities be in group of five &tudents. 'ow the activities help students answer the (ssential )uestions, unit and content* firstly, they going to receive information about the topic provided by the teacher,after that, they going to research individual or in group, that help to answer the )uestions. space$s curricular$%ub&ect $s The unit is focused specifically on English matters, but it is correlated with; fine arts, Spanish, history. 'egree or le"el: +# , &cience
Appro(imate Time )eeded
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this unit is for %tudents get to de"elop a series of contents+ related to the topic of Than!sgi"ing+ therefore the contents to dealt in this unit gonna be:
1. C2NC("T3%4 7now about the holidays and celebrations around the world 8thanksgiving9 specific at "anama. "52C(D#6(NT%4 1. $rammar: students prepare or write a role play, and formulate ;uestion to round table besides prepare a pawer point with their own ideas about the topic with correct $rammar structure. !. <ocabulary: make a =ord bank with new and &pecific words according the topic >. ?ood: prepare and know different kind of dish meal for this special day @. 'istory: know when began, in =hat year, the meanig of this party, and why is important for us nowasdays %CT#T3D#%4 value the importance of different activities carried during the year, specific in panama or around the world
,earning -b&ecti"es:
.eneral ob&ecti"e:
%pecific ob&ecti"e:
1A Develop writing and /0 #ntegrate and develop listening, communication skills of the speaking, 5eading and writing (nglish language as a foreign skills, to eBpress ideas, opinions language, so that students can and perform related to interact and improve the thanksgiving holidays issues. language in a warm !A 7now and manages maCor environment. technology information.
Achievement indicators
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I want students get to know about this important holidays, besides they can change ideas or some experience about thanksgiving, in other hand they can. erform and make some activity, where put in practice or improve the English as second language. The most essential is that students can familiari!e and sensiti!e of the important to give thanking "od for all the blessings that we receive every day. Therefore, they develop individual or group activities according to sub#ect. .uiding 1uestions Unit: a# b# c# Essential 2uestions: Unit 1uestion Content 1uestion: Why the humility leads us to success? 3hy you should share with+ who needs your help4 What is the meaning of the holidays? Why is important to share the November 26th, with family or friends?
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'uring the pro&ect de"elopment (valuate according the 5ubric &elfA and co evaluation and other rubric according the activity done
-nce the pro&ect finished The (valuation is a post test, with five )uestions and the 5ubric too.
create a role play according the theme, thanksgiving holidays$they should to create restaurants that will bring in Thanksgiving %ay . after that create a creative name for the restaurant, as well as the menus and advertisements, including fliers and a slogan. the children will working on the pro#ect in groups of two or three, having ample time to brainstorm and conduct research. they consider popular Thanksgiving %ay foods, such as cranberries, stuffing and turkey, when creating the menu.This role play will be perform in class.
$eneral discussing 5ealiDe a preA test with five )uestion 6ake brainstorming or a tree with handprint leaves to show what you are thankful in the live. &tudents generate ideas according to the following words Eholidays and thankfulE, then ask to 2ther classmates what are the most important words for his or her and why*
1. ,isten to teacher e(planation according the topic 7holidays specific than!sgi"ingF !. 8ead an interesting reading or article. G$roups of two students will read or analyDe a article on Thanksgiving, and then to summariDe the main ideas, or what he understood, also write !. words related to the topic, after write senteces and finally go in front and share ideas or write on the board. >. As a way to gi"e than!s and let others !now how than!ful the students feel+ ha"e them create handwritten letters, use their imagination when writing and decorating the letters. Hefore to star they need to know or consider carefully who they would like to thank. Can be a family member to a church, friends, and
Students make a video relate with all the materels, and then prepare it&s at movie maker; this video will be reali!ed in class with the
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teacherI when the students complete the letters, mail the cards to their chosen recipients. 4. Prepare a power point with the outstanding information about than!sgi"ing holiday 7choose a %pecific sub0 title such as: thanksgiving history, foods tradition, customs and why is important celebrate it. =hen the groups are ready, select a coordinator for each team. Then togethers ganna debate and eBtract the most relevant or important. . %nd after that all the groups make a power point with the informatins, and finally one student or coordinator prepare a power point or newspaper with all information of each group and support it.
different activities that re'uires the pro#ect. (nd then, send to you tube and me too.
E"aluation summary
)irst I will apply a pre*test , so I know the level of knowledge and appreciation that students have towards of the topic.$ at holiday + will read a summary of the history of thanksgiving in the world , and after to extract the most relevant for then according the unit. ,reate letters from thankful when will be applying knowledge previously also conduct a power point, and finally they gonna develop a drama written and perform by themselves, and the end (pply a pre*test, to determine the degree of knowledge before and after.
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Unid details Prere2uisite s!ills Students& demonstrate -nowledge of the different thanksgiving holidays in her or his town or village and why is important for us today. /esides they apply the knowledge or the english skills ac'uired in class. /eside they research more about the topic about the topic taught. Procedures: "irst with the help of technology and other useful tools students undertake different activities! )irst a pretest to know that they know and do not know about the topic. In con#unction with the teacher0s guidance build a general idea of what I throw the discussion group based on the theme of the pro#ect and later take note on notebook. #ean product! get familiari!ed with the new topic Taking into account the comments and ideas made in the previous section, we started talking about holidays or thanksgiving, then will read the history of thanksgiving in group and after analy!e what they understood about history. ,ontrasting what they got understand. and later with peers will write sentences and a vocabulary of the most important analysis techni'ue. #ean product! get understand the importance of thanksgiving history prepares a letter of thanks to a very special person, this activity will be conducted in the classroom, as they have to follow the directions that the teacher will give them, and when the letters are decorated are decorated, paste on bulletin board, and then to send a special person. #ean product! write a special letter in english, and used new english work bank. This activity, should promote the importance of working in groups, since all the different ideas that provide help to achieve a good #ob, during the pro#ect. (fter they prepare a power point in each group, and finally present orally in front of their classmates. this activity will be evaluate with rubric, according theirs speech. #ean product! repare a ower oint and talk about their ideas for meaning reading This is the last activity in this pro#ect, they gonna write a drama and then practice in class, because they performing this role play at the last of this pro#ect, this final product will be record and then send to you tube, and also prepare a moviemaker. #ean product! perform a role play in class
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)o hispano0 parlantes
$eali%e a bulletin board or pamphlet with the most important information of thanksgiving $the student collect the most important information, which was taught during the unit period, then she going to fix or prepare a bulletin in the classroom. 1ther hand their classmates support to explaining the bulletin+ $ather the five students who are indigenous and work together, as they can also communicate in their mother tongue. The student will be coordinating all activities during the proCect, and will be researching more in depth on the subCect being treated, and each day will bring an analysis according the topic and will share in class with their partner. =ill put the technological skills, doing the activities work. at the end of the proCect will bring together all the information and with the teacher help get rise the evidence brought at the team work
9aterials and resources needed for the unit Technology : Hardware 8e)uipo necesario9 ( Camara Computer8s9 digital camara D<D player #nternet Connection ; ; ; 4aser Disc "rinter "roCection system &canner T< ; <C5 <ideo Camera ; <ideo Conferencing ()uipment 2ther
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; Database J &preadsheet ; "osting Diagramador (mail "rogram (ncyclopedia on CDA 526 Printed materials %upplies 8ecursos de Internet -ther 8esources
English*plus and ilustrative 1verhead pro#ect www. Thanksgiving Turkey The <ideo , http:JJaCmacdonaldCr.files.wordpress.comJ!.1!J11J1!/.pBA the,first,thanksgiving,cphA>g.@K 1.Cpg*wL @.MhL@./ Students father and professor
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