PHP Tutorial
PHP Tutorial
PHP Tutorial
PHP Basic
PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP HOME Intro Install Syntax Variables String Operators If...Else Switch Arrays While Loops or Loops !nctions or"s #$%E& #$POS&
PHP Advanced
PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP 'ate Incl!(e ile ile )ploa( *oo+ies Sessions E,"ail Sec!re E,"ail Error Exception ilter
PHP Database
MyS-L Intro(!ction MyS-L *onnect MyS-L *reate MyS-L Insert MyS-L Select MyS-L Where MyS-L Or(er .y MyS-L )p(ate MyS-L 'elete PHP O'.*
/ML Expat Parser /ML 'OM /ML Si"ple/ML
PHP Reference
PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP Array *alen(ar 'ate 'irectory Error ilesyste" ilter &P H&&P Libx"l Mail Math Misc MyS-L Si"ple/ML String /ML 3ip
PHP Quiz
PHP -!i4
PHP &!torial
PHP is a powerf!l tool for "a+ing (yna"ic an( interacti1e Web pages. PHP is the wi(ely,!se(5 free5 an( efficient alternati1e to co"petitors s!ch as Microsoft6s ASP. In o!r PHP t!torial yo! will learn abo!t PHP5 an( how to exec!te scripts on yo!r ser1er. Start learning PHP no !
PHP Intro(!ction
PHP is a ser1er,si(e scripting lang!age.
H&ML:/H&ML 0a1aScript
If yo! want to st!(y these s!b;ects first5 fin( the t!torials on o!r Ho"e page.
What is PHP<
PHP stan(s for PHP9 Hypertext Preprocessor PHP is a ser1er,si(e scripting lang!age5 li+e ASP PHP scripts are exec!te( on the ser1er PHP s!pports "any (atabases =MyS-L5 Infor"ix5 Oracle5 Sybase5 Soli(5 PostgreS-L5 %eneric O'.*5 etc.> PHP is an open so!rce software PHP is free to (ownloa( an( !se
What is MyS-L<
MyS-L is a (atabase ser1er MyS-L is i(eal for both s"all an( large applications MyS-L s!pports stan(ar( S-L MyS-L co"piles on a n!"ber of platfor"s MyS-L is free to (ownloa( an( !se
PHP co"bine( with MyS-L are cross,platfor" =yo! can (e1elop in Win(ows an( ser1e on a )nix platfor">
Why PHP<
PHP r!ns on (ifferent platfor"s =Win(ows5 Lin!x5 )nix5 etc.> PHP is co"patible with al"ost all ser1ers !se( to(ay =Apache5 IIS5 etc.> PHP is 2EE to (ownloa( fro" the official PHP reso!rce9 PHP is easy to learn an( r!ns efficiently on the ser1er si(e
Where to Start<
&o get access to a web ser1er with PHP s!pport5 yo! can9
Install Apache =or IIS> on yo!r own ser1er5 install PHP5 an( MyS-L Or fin( a web hosting plan with PHP an( MyS-L s!pport
PHP Installation
What (o yo! Bee(<
If yo!r ser1er s!pports PHP yo! (on6t nee( to (o anything. 0!st create so"e .php files in yo!r web (irectory5 an( the ser1er will parse the" for yo!. .eca!se it is free5 "ost web hosts offer PHP s!pport. Howe1er5 if yo!r ser1er (oes not s!pport PHP5 yo! "!st install PHP. Here is a lin+ to a goo( t!torial fro" on how to install"an!al:en:install.php
'ownloa( PHP
'ownloa( PHP for free here9
PHP Syntax
&he PHP script is exec!te( on the ser1er5 an( the plain H&ML res!lt is sent bac+ to the browser.
<?php ?>
A PHP file "!st ha1e a .php extension. A PHP file nor"ally contains H&ML tags5 an( so"e PHP scripting co(e. .elow5 we ha1e an exa"ple of a si"ple PHP script that sen(s the text ?Hello Worl(? bac+ to the browser9
*o""ents in PHP
In PHP5 we !se '' to "a+e a one,line co""ent or '( an( (' to "a+e a co""ent bloc+9
<html> <body> <?php //This is a comment /* This is a comment block */ ?> </body> </html>
PHP Variables
Variables are ?containers? for storing infor"ation.
PHP Variables
As with algebra5 PHP 1ariables are !se( to hol( 1al!es or expressions. A 1ariable can ha1e a short na"e5 li+e x5 or a "ore (escripti1e na"e5 li+e carBa"e. 2!les for PHP 1ariable na"es9
Variables in PHP starts with a # sign5 followe( by the na"e of the 1ariable &he 1ariable na"e "!st begin with a letter or the !n(erscore character A 1ariable na"e can only contain alpha,n!"eric characters an( !n(erscores =A,45 J,K5 an( $ > A 1ariable na"e sho!l( not contain spaces Variable na"es are case sensiti1e =y an( 7 are two (ifferent 1ariables>
$myCar=" ol!o";
After the exec!tion of the state"ent abo1e5 the 1ariable )*+ar will hol( the 1al!e ,olvo. Ti$- If yo! want to create a 1ariable witho!t assigning it a 1al!e5 then yo! assign it the 1al!e of null. Let6s create a 1ariable containing a string5 an( a 1ariable containing a n!"ber9
$"=$%; ?>
.ote- When yo! assign a text 1al!e to a 1ariable5 p!t D!otes aro!n( the 1al!e.
Local Scope
A 1ariable (eclare( it%in a PHP f!nction is local an( can only be accesse( within that f!nction. =the 1ariable has local scope>9
<?php $a = &; // 'lobal scope ()nction myTest*+ , echo $a; // local scope myTest*+; ?>
&he script abo1e will not pro(!ce any o!tp!t beca!se the echo state"ent refers to the local scope 1ariable #a5 which has not been assigne( a 1al!e within this scope.
7o! can ha1e local 1ariables with the sa"e na"e in (ifferent f!nctions5 beca!se local 1ariables are only recogni4e( by the f!nction in which they are (eclare(. Local 1ariables are (elete( as soon as the f!nction is co"plete(.
%lobal Scope
%lobal scope refers to any 1ariable that is (efine( o!tsi(e of any f!nction. %lobal 1ariables can be accesse( fro" any part of the script that is not insi(e a f!nction. &o access a global 1ariable fro" within a f!nction5 !se the global +eywor(9
<?php $a = &; $b = $.; ()nction myTest*+ , 'lobal $a/ $b; $b = $a 0 $b; myTest*+; echo $b; ?>
&he script abo1e will o!tp!t IC. PHP also stores all global 1ariables in an array calle( #%LO.ALSL indexM. Its in(ex is the na"e of the 1ariable. &his array is also accessible fro" within f!nctions an( can be !se( to !p(ate global 1ariables (irectly. &he exa"ple abo1e can be rewritten as this9
<?php $a = &; $b = $.; ()nction myTest*+ , $123452678b89 = $123452678a89 0 $123452678b89; myTest*+; echo $b; ?>
Static Scope
When a f!nction is co"plete(5 all of its 1ariables are nor"ally (elete(. Howe1er5 so"eti"es yo! want a local 1ariable to not be (elete(.
&o (o this5 !se the static +eywor( when yo! first (eclare the 1ariable9
static $remember:e;
&hen5 each ti"e the f!nction is calle(5 that 1ariable will still ha1e the infor"ation it containe( fro" the last ti"e the f!nction was calle(. .ote- &he 1ariable is still local to the f!nction.
A para"eter is a local 1ariable whose 1al!e is passe( to the f!nction by the calling co(e. Para"eters are (eclare( in a para"eter list as part of the f!nction (eclaration9
()nction myTest*$para$/$para;/<<<+ , // ()nction code Para"eters are also calle( arg!"ents. We will (isc!ss the" in "ore (etail when we tal+ abo!t f!nctions.
Hello World
Bow5 lets try to !se so"e (ifferent f!nctions an( operators to "anip!late the string.
<?php $t"t$="Hello World#"; $t"t;="What a nice day#"; echo $t"t$ < " " < $t"t;; ?>
&he o!tp!t of the co(e abo1e will be9
&he length of a string is often !se( in loops or other f!nctions5 when it is i"portant to +now when the string en(s. =i.e. in a loop5 we wo!l( want to stop the loop after the last character in the string>.
&he position of the string ?worl(? in the exa"ple abo1e is H. &he reason that it is H =an( not N>5 is that the first character position in the string is J5 an( not I.
PHP Operators
&he assign"ent operator G is !se( to assign 1al!es to 1ariables in PHP. &he arith"etic operator A is !se( to a(( 1al!es together.
Arith"etic Operators
&he table below lists the arith"etic operators in PHP9 /$erator .a)e Descri$tion 01a)$le Result
S!" of x an( y 'ifference of x an( y Pro(!ct of x an( y -!otient of x an( y 2e"ain(er of x (i1i(e( by y
Q @ IJ @ I P J HiHa
,x a.b
Begation *oncatenation
Assign"ent Operators
&he basic assign"ent operator in PHP is ?G?. It "eans that the left operan( gets set to the 1al!e of the expression on the right. &hat is5 the 1al!e of ?#x G C? is C. Assign)ent Sa)e as222 xGy x AG y x ,G y x RG y x :G y x SG y a .G b xGy xGxAy xGx,y xGxRy xGx:y xGxSy aGa.b Descri$tion &he left operan( gets set to the 1al!e of the expression on the right A((ition S!btraction M!ltiplication 'i1ision Mo(!l!s *oncatenate two strings
Incre"enting:'ecre"enting Operators
/$erator AA x x AA ,, x x ,, .a)e Pre,incre"ent Post,incre"ent Pre,(ecre"ent Post,(ecre"ent Descri$tion Incre"ents x by one5 then ret!rns x 2et!rns x5 then incre"ents x by one 'ecre"ents x by one5 then ret!rns x 2et!rns x5 then (ecre"ents x by one
*o"parison Operators
*o"parison operators allows yo! to co"pare two 1al!es9 /$erator x GG y x GGG y x OG y x EF y .a)e ED!al I(entical Bot eD!al Bot eD!al Descri$tion &r!e if x is eD!al to y 01a)$le CGGT ret!rns false
&r!e if x is eD!al to y5 an( they are of CGGG?C? ret!rns false sa"e type &r!e if x is not eD!al to y &r!e if x is not eD!al to y COGT ret!rns tr!e CEFT ret!rns tr!e
Bot i(entical %reater than Less than %reater than or eD!al to Less than or eD!al to
&r!e if x is not eD!al to y5 or they are COGG?C? ret!rns tr!e not of sa"e type &r!e if x is greater than y &r!e if x is less than y CFT ret!rns false CET ret!rns tr!e
&r!e if x is greater than or eD!al to y CFGT ret!rns false &r!e if x is less than or eD!al to y CEGT ret!rns tr!e
Logical Operators
/$erator x an( y .a)e An( Descri$tion &r!e if both x an( y are tr!e 01a)$le xGH yG@ =x E IJ an( y F I> ret!rns tr!e
x or y
&r!e if either or both x an( y are tr!e xGH yG@ =xGGH or yGGC> ret!rns tr!e &r!e if either x or y is tr!e5 b!t not both &r!e if both x an( y are tr!e xGH yG@ =xGGH xor yGG@> ret!rns false xGH yG@ =x E IJ UU y F I> ret!rns tr!e
x xor y
x UU y
x VV y
&r!e if either or both x an( y are tr!e xGH yG@ =xGGC VV yGGC> ret!rns false &r!e if x is not tr!e xGH yG@ O=xGGy> ret!rns tr!e
Array Operators
/$erator xAy x GG y x GGG y x OG y x EF y x OGG y .a)e )nion ED!ality I(entity IneD!ality IneD!ality Bon,i(entity Descri$tion )nion of x an( y &r!e if x an( y ha1e the sa"e +ey:1al!e pairs &r!e if x an( y ha1e the sa"e +ey:1al!e pairs in the sa"e or(er an( of the sa"e types &r!e if x is not eD!al to y &r!e if x is not eD!al to y &r!e if x is not i(entical to y
*on(itional State"ents
Very often when yo! write co(e5 yo! want to perfor" (ifferent actions for (ifferent (ecisions. 7o! can !se con(itional state"ents in yo!r co(e to (o this. In PHP we ha1e the following con(itional state"ents9
if state)ent , !se this state"ent to exec!te so"e co(e only if a specifie( con(ition is tr!e if222else state)ent , !se this state"ent to exec!te so"e co(e if a con(ition is tr!e an( another co(e if the con(ition is false if222elseif2222else state)ent , !se this state"ent to select one of se1eral bloc+s of co(e to be exec!te( s itc% state)ent , !se this state"ent to select one of "any bloc+s of co(e to be exec!te(
&he if State"ent
)se the if state"ent to exec!te so"e co(e only if a specifie( con(ition is tr!e.
<html> <body> <?php $d=date*">"+; i( *$d=="?ri"+ echo "Ha!e a nice =eekend#"; ?> </body> </html>
Botice that there is no ..else.. in this syntax. &he co(e is exec!te( onl* if t%e s$ecified condition is true.
Syntax i( *condition+ , code to be executed if condition is true; else , code to be executed if condition is false; -
&he following exa"ple will o!tp!t ?Ha1e a nice wee+en(O? if the c!rrent (ay is ri(ay5 otherwise it will o!tp!t ?Ha1e a nice (ayO?9
<html> <body> <?php $d=date*">"+; i( *$d=="?ri"+ , echo "Ha!e a nice =eekend#"; else , echo "Ha!e a nice day#"; ?> </body> </html>
Syntax i( *condition+ , code to be executed if condition is true; elsei( *condition+ , code to be executed if condition is true; else , code to be executed if condition is false; Exa"ple
&he following exa"ple will o!tp!t ?Ha1e a nice wee+en(O? if the c!rrent (ay is ri(ay5 an( ?Ha1e a nice S!n(ayO? if the c!rrent (ay is S!n(ay. Otherwise it will o!tp!t ?Ha1e a nice (ayO?9
<html> <body> <?php $d=date*">"+; i( *$d=="?ri"+ , echo "Ha!e a nice =eekend#"; elsei( *$d=="6)n"+ , echo "Ha!e a nice 6)nday#"; else , echo "Ha!e a nice day#"; ?> </body> </html>
case label1: code to be executed if n=label1; break; case label2: code to be executed if n=label2; break; de(a)lt@ code to be executed if n is different from both label1 and label2; &his is how it wor+s9 irst we ha1e a single expression n ="ost often a 1ariable>5 that is e1al!ate( once. &he 1al!e of the expression is then co"pare( with the 1al!es for each case in the str!ct!re. If there is a "atch5 the bloc+ of co(e associate( with that case is exec!te(. )se brea4 to pre1ent the co(e fro" r!nning into the next case a!to"atically. &he (efa!lt state"ent is !se( if no "atch is fo!n(.
PHP Arra*s
An array stores "!ltiple 1al!es in one single 1ariable.
What is an Array<
A 1ariable is a storage area hol(ing a n!"ber or text. &he proble" is5 a 1ariable will hol( only one 1al!e. An array is a special 1ariable5 which can store "!ltiple 1al!es in one single 1ariable. If yo! ha1e a list of ite"s =a list of car na"es5 for exa"ple>5 storing the cars in single 1ariables co!l( loo+ li+e this9
.u)eric arra* , An array with a n!"eric in(ex Associative arra* , An array where each I' +ey is associate( with a 1al!e Multidi)ensional arra* , An array containing one or "ore arrays
B!"eric Arrays
A n!"eric array stores each array ele"ent with a n!"eric in(ex. &here are two "etho(s to create a n!"eric array. I. In the following exa"ple the in(ex are a!to"atically assigne( =the in(ex starts at J>9
$cars=array*"6aab"/" ol!o"/"4:W"/"Toyota"+;
P. In the following exa"ple we assign the in(ex "an!ally9
In the following exa"ple yo! access the 1ariable 1al!es by referring to the array na"e an( in(ex9
<?php $cars7.9="6aab"; $cars7$9=" ol!o"; $cars7;9="4:W"; $cars7B9="Toyota"; echo $cars7.9 < " and " < $cars7$9 < " are 6=edish cars<"; ?>
6aab and
Associati1e Arrays
An associati1e array5 each I' +ey is associate( with a 1al!e. When storing (ata abo!t specific na"e( 1al!es5 a n!"erical array is not always the best way to (o it. With associati1e arrays we can !se the 1al!es as +eys an( assign 1al!es to the".
Exa"ple I
In this exa"ple we !se an array to assign ages to the (ifferent persons9
Exa"ple P
&his exa"ple is the sa"e as exa"ple I5 b!t shows a (ifferent way of creating the array9
<?php $a'es78Ceter89 = "B;"; $a'es78D)a'mire89 = "B."; $a'es78Eoe89 = "BF"; echo "Ceter is " < $a'es78Ceter89 < " years old<"; ?>
&he co(e abo1e will o!tp!t9
M!lti(i"ensional Arrays
In a "!lti(i"ensional array5 each ele"ent in the "ain array can also be an array. An( each ele"ent in the s!b,array can be an array5 an( so on.
In this exa"ple we create a "!lti(i"ensional array5 with a!to"atically assigne( I' +eys9
$(amilies = array * "1ri((in"=>array * "Ceter"/ "2ois"/ ":e'an" +/ "D)a'mire"=>array * "1lenn" +/ "4ro=n"=>array * "Cle!eland"/ "2oretta"/ "E)nior" + +;
&he array abo1e wo!l( loo+ li+e this if written to the o!tp!t9
5rray * 71ri((in9 => 5rray * 7.9 => Ceter 7$9 => 2ois 7;9 => :e'an + 7D)a'mire9 => 5rray * 7.9 => 1lenn + 74ro=n9 => 5rray * 7.9 => Cle!eland 7$9 => 2oretta 7;9 => E)nior + +
Exa"ple P
Lets try (isplaying a single 1al!e fro" the array abo1e9
echo "Gs " < $(amilies781ri((in897;9 < " a part o( the 1ri((in (amily?";
&he co(e abo1e will o!tp!t9
PHP Loops
Often when yo! write co(e5 yo! want the sa"e bloc+ of co(e to r!n o1er an( o1er again in a row. Instea( of a((ing se1eral al"ost eD!al lines in a script we can !se loops to perfor" a tas+ li+e this. In PHP5 we ha1e the following looping state"ents9
%ile , loops thro!gh a bloc+ of co(e while a specifie( con(ition is tr!e do222 %ile , loops thro!gh a bloc+ of co(e once5 an( then repeats the loop as long as a specifie( con(ition is tr!e for , loops thro!gh a bloc+ of co(e a specifie( n!"ber of ti"es foreac% , loops thro!gh a bloc+ of co(e for each ele"ent in an array
<html> <body> <?php $i=$; =hile*$i<=&+ , echo "The n)mber is " < $i < "<br>"; $i00; ?> </body> </html>
is is is is is
$ ; B F &
<html> <body> <?php $i=$; do , $i00; echo "The n)mber is " < $i < "<br>"; =hile *$i<=&+; ?> </body> </html>
is is is is is
; B F & %
&he for loop an( the foreach loop will be explaine( in the next chapter.
init9 Mostly !se( to set a co!nter =b!t can be any co(e to be exec!te( once at the beginning of the loop>
condition9 E1al!ate( for each loop iteration. If it e1al!ates to &2)E5 the loop contin!es. If it e1al!ates to ALSE5 the loop en(s. increment9 Mostly !se( to incre"ent a co!nter =b!t can be any co(e to be exec!te( at the en( of the iteration>
.ote- &he init an( increment para"eters abo1e can be e"pty or ha1e "!ltiple expressions =separate( by co""as>.
&he exa"ple below (efines a loop that starts with iGI. &he loop will contin!e to r!n as long as the 1ariable i is less than5 or eD!al to C. &he 1ariable i will increase by I each ti"e the loop r!ns9
<html> <body> <?php (or *$i=$; $i<=&; $i00+ , echo "The n)mber is " < $i < "<br>"; ?> </body> </html>
is is is is is
$ ; B F &
Syntax (oreach *$array as $value+ , code to be executed; or e1ery loop iteration5 the 1al!e of the c!rrent array ele"ent is assigne( to #1al!e =an( the array pointer is "o1e( by one> , so on the next loop iteration5 yo!6ll be loo+ing at the next array 1al!e.
&he following exa"ple (e"onstrates a loop that will print the 1al!es of the gi1en array9
<html> <body> <?php $"=array*"one"/"t=o"/"three"+; (oreach *$" as $!al)e+ , echo $!al)e < "<br>"; ?> </body> </html>
PHP 6unctions
&he real power of PHP co"es fro" its f!nctions. In PHP5 there are "ore than NJJ b!ilt,in f!nctions.
PHP !nctions
In this chapter we will show yo! how to create yo!r own f!nctions. &o +eep the script fro" being exec!te( when the page loa(s5 yo! can p!t it into a f!nction. A f!nction will be exec!te( by a call to the f!nction.
%i1e the f!nction a na"e that reflects what the f!nction (oes &he f!nction na"e can start with a letter or !n(erscore =not a n!"ber>
A si"ple f!nction that writes "y na"e when it is calle(9
<html> <body> <?php ()nction =riteAame*+ , echo "Hai Eim Ie(snes"; echo ":y name is "; =riteAame*+; ?> </body> </html>
Para"eters are specifie( after the f!nction na"e5 insi(e the parentheses.
Exa"ple I
&he following exa"ple will write (ifferent first na"es5 b!t eD!al last na"e9
<html> <body> <?php ()nction =riteAame*$(name+ , echo $(name < " Ie(snes<<br>"; echo ":y name is "; =riteAame*"Hai Eim"+; echo ":y sister8s name is "; =riteAame*"He'e"+; echo ":y brother8s name is "; =riteAame*"6tale"+; ?> </body> </html>
:y name is Hai Eim Ie(snes< :y sister8s name is He'e Ie(snes< :y brother8s name is 6tale Ie(snes<
Exa"ple P
&he following f!nction has two para"eters9
<html> <body> <?php ()nction =riteAame*$(name/$p)nct)ation+ , echo $(name < " Ie(snes" < $p)nct)ation < "<br>"; echo ":y name is "; =riteAame*"Hai Eim"/"<"+; echo ":y sister8s name is "; =riteAame*"He'e"/"#"+;
:y name is Hai Eim Ie(snes< :y sister8s name is He'e Ie(snes# :y brother8s name is 6tJle Ie(snes?
$ 0 $% = $K
&he exa"ple below contains an H&ML for" with two inp!t fiel(s an( a s!b"it b!tton9
<html> <body> <(orm action="=elcome<php" method="post"> Aame@ <inp)t type="te"t" name="(name"> 5'e@ <inp)t type="te"t" name="a'e"> <inp)t type="s)bmit"> </(orm> </body> </html>
When a !ser fills o!t the for" abo1e an( clic+s on the s!b"it b!tton5 the for" (ata is sent to a PHP file5 calle( ?welco"e.php?9 ?welco"e.php? loo+s li+e this9
<html> <body> Welcome <?php echo $LC36T7"(name"9; ?>#<br> Mo) are <?php echo $LC36T7"a'e"9; ?> years old< </body> </html>
O!tp!t co!l( be so"ething li+e this9
or" Vali(ation
)ser inp!t sho!l( be 1ali(ate( on the browser whene1er possible =by client scripts>. .rowser 1ali(ation is faster an( re(!ces the ser1er loa(. 7o! sho!l( consi(er ser1er 1ali(ation if the !ser inp!t will be inserte( into a (atabase. A goo( way to 1ali(ate a for" on the ser1er is to post the for" to itself5 instea( of ;!"ping to a (ifferent page. &he !ser will then get the error "essages on the sa"e page as the for". &his "a+es it easier to (isco1er the error.
Exa"ple <(orm action="=elcome<php" method="'et"> Aame@ <inp)t type="te"t" name="(name"> 5'e@ <inp)t type="te"t" name="a'e"> <inp)t type="s)bmit"> </(orm>
When the !ser clic+s the ?S!b"it? b!tton5 the )2L sent to the ser1er co!l( loo+ so"ething li+e this9
&he ?welco"e.php? file can now !se the #$%E& 1ariable to collect for" (ata =the na"es of the for" fiel(s will a!to"atically be the +eys in the #$%E& array>9
Welcome <?php echo $L1PT7"(name"9; ?><<br> Mo) are <?php echo $L1PT7"a'e"9; ?> years old#
Howe1er5 beca!se the 1ariables are (isplaye( in the )2L5 it is possible to boo+"ar+ the page. &his can be !sef!l in so"e cases. .ote- &he get "etho( is not s!itable for 1ery large 1ariable 1al!es. It sho!l( not be !se( with 1al!es excee(ing PJJJ characters.
Exa"ple <(orm action="=elcome<php" method="post"> Aame@ <inp)t type="te"t" name="(name"> 5'e@ <inp)t type="te"t" name="a'e"> <inp)t type="s)bmit"> </(orm>
When the !ser clic+s the ?S!b"it? b!tton5 the )2L will loo+ li+e this9
&he ?welco"e.php? file can now !se the #$POS& 1ariable to collect for" (ata =the na"es of the for" fiel(s will a!to"atically be the +eys in the #$POS& array>9
Welcome <?php echo $LC36T7"(name"9; ?>#<br> Mo) are <?php echo $LC36T7"a'e"9; ?> years old<
Infor"ation sent fro" a for" with the POS& "etho( is in1isible to others an( has no li"its on the a"o!nt of infor"ation to sen(. Howe1er5 beca!se the 1ariables are not (isplaye( in the )2L5 it is not possible to boo+"ar+ the page.
Exa"ple Welcome <?php echo $LIPDQP6T7"(name"9; ?>#<br> Mo) are <?php echo $LIPDQP6T7"a'e"9; ?> years old<